use of org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TestFirehose in project druid by druid-io.
the class RealtimeIndexTaskTest method testNoReportParseExceptions.
@Test(timeout = 60_000L)
public void testNoReportParseExceptions() throws Exception {
final TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator mdc = new TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator();
final RealtimeIndexTask task = makeRealtimeTask(null, false);
final TaskToolbox taskToolbox = makeToolbox(task, mdc, tempFolder.newFolder());
final ListenableFuture<TaskStatus> statusFuture = runTask(task, taskToolbox);
final DataSegment publishedSegment;
// Wait for firehose to show up, it starts off null.
while (task.getFirehose() == null) {
final TestFirehose firehose = (TestFirehose) task.getFirehose();
firehose.addRows(Arrays.asList(// Good row- will be processed.
ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", "1"), // Null row- will be thrown away.
null, // Bad metric- will count as processed, but that particular metric won't update.
ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", "foo"), // Bad row- will be unparseable.
ImmutableMap.of("dim1", "foo", "met1", 2.0, TestFirehose.FAIL_DIM, "x"), // Old row- will be thrownAway.
ImmutableMap.of("t", now.minus(Period.days(1)).getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", 2.0), // Good row- will be processed.
ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim2", "bar", "met1", 2.0)));
// Stop the firehose, this will drain out existing events.
// Wait for publish.
while (mdc.getPublished().isEmpty()) {
publishedSegment = Iterables.getOnlyElement(mdc.getPublished());
// Check metrics.
Assert.assertEquals(3, task.getMetrics().processed());
Assert.assertEquals(1, task.getMetrics().thrownAway());
Assert.assertEquals(2, task.getMetrics().unparseable());
// Do some queries.
Assert.assertEquals(3, sumMetric(task, null, "rows").longValue());
Assert.assertEquals(3, sumMetric(task, null, "met1").longValue());
// Simulate handoff.
for (Map.Entry<SegmentDescriptor, Pair<Executor, Runnable>> entry : handOffCallbacks.entrySet()) {
final Pair<Executor, Runnable> executorRunnablePair = entry.getValue();
Assert.assertEquals(new SegmentDescriptor(publishedSegment.getInterval(), publishedSegment.getVersion(), publishedSegment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()), entry.getKey());
// Wait for the task to finish.
final TaskStatus taskStatus = statusFuture.get();
Assert.assertEquals(TaskState.SUCCESS, taskStatus.getStatusCode());
use of org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TestFirehose in project druid by druid-io.
the class RealtimeIndexTaskTest method testRestore.
@Test(timeout = 60_000L)
public void testRestore() throws Exception {
final File directory = tempFolder.newFolder();
final RealtimeIndexTask task1 = makeRealtimeTask(null);
final DataSegment publishedSegment;
// First run:
final TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator mdc = new TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator();
final TaskToolbox taskToolbox = makeToolbox(task1, mdc, directory);
final ListenableFuture<TaskStatus> statusFuture = runTask(task1, taskToolbox);
// Wait for firehose to show up, it starts off null.
while (task1.getFirehose() == null) {
final TestFirehose firehose = (TestFirehose) task1.getFirehose();
firehose.addRows(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim1", "foo")));
// Trigger graceful shutdown.
// Wait for the task to finish. The status doesn't really matter, but we'll check it anyway.
final TaskStatus taskStatus = statusFuture.get();
Assert.assertEquals(TaskState.SUCCESS, taskStatus.getStatusCode());
// Nothing should be published.
Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<>(), mdc.getPublished());
// Second run:
final TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator mdc = new TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator();
final RealtimeIndexTask task2 = makeRealtimeTask(task1.getId());
final TaskToolbox taskToolbox = makeToolbox(task2, mdc, directory);
final ListenableFuture<TaskStatus> statusFuture = runTask(task2, taskToolbox);
// Wait for firehose to show up, it starts off null.
while (task2.getFirehose() == null) {
// Do a query, at this point the previous data should be loaded.
Assert.assertEquals(1, sumMetric(task2, null, "rows").longValue());
final TestFirehose firehose = (TestFirehose) task2.getFirehose();
firehose.addRows(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim2", "bar")));
// Stop the firehose, this will drain out existing events.
// Wait for publish.
while (mdc.getPublished().isEmpty()) {
publishedSegment = Iterables.getOnlyElement(mdc.getPublished());
// Do a query.
Assert.assertEquals(2, sumMetric(task2, null, "rows").longValue());
// Simulate handoff.
for (Map.Entry<SegmentDescriptor, Pair<Executor, Runnable>> entry : handOffCallbacks.entrySet()) {
final Pair<Executor, Runnable> executorRunnablePair = entry.getValue();
Assert.assertEquals(new SegmentDescriptor(publishedSegment.getInterval(), publishedSegment.getVersion(), publishedSegment.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum()), entry.getKey());
// Wait for the task to finish.
final TaskStatus taskStatus = statusFuture.get();
Assert.assertEquals(TaskState.SUCCESS, taskStatus.getStatusCode());
use of org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TestFirehose in project druid by druid-io.
the class RealtimeIndexTaskTest method testReportParseExceptionsOnBadMetric.
@Test(timeout = 60_000L)
public void testReportParseExceptionsOnBadMetric() throws Exception {
final TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator mdc = new TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator();
final RealtimeIndexTask task = makeRealtimeTask(null, true);
final TaskToolbox taskToolbox = makeToolbox(task, mdc, tempFolder.newFolder());
final ListenableFuture<TaskStatus> statusFuture = runTask(task, taskToolbox);
// Wait for firehose to show up, it starts off null.
while (task.getFirehose() == null) {
final TestFirehose firehose = (TestFirehose) task.getFirehose();
firehose.addRows(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", "1"), ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", "foo"), ImmutableMap.of("t", now.minus(new Period("P1D")).getMillis(), "dim1", "foo", "met1", "foo"), ImmutableMap.of("t", now.getMillis(), "dim2", "bar", "met1", 2.0)));
// Stop the firehose, this will drain out existing events.
// Wait for the task to finish.
expectedException.expectCause(ThrowableMessageMatcher.hasMessage(CoreMatchers.containsString("[Unable to parse value[foo] for field[met1]")));