use of org.apache.druid.indexing.common.task.TaskResource in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidJsonValidatorTest method testTaskValidator.
public void testTaskValidator() throws Exception {
final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new DefaultObjectMapper();
for (final Module jacksonModule : new FirehoseModule().getJacksonModules()) {
final RealtimeIndexTask task = new RealtimeIndexTask(null, new TaskResource("rofl", 2), new FireDepartment(new DataSchema("foo", null, new AggregatorFactory[0], new UniformGranularitySpec(Granularities.HOUR, Granularities.NONE, null), null, jsonMapper), new RealtimeIOConfig(new LocalFirehoseFactory(new File("lol"), "rofl", null), (schema, config, metrics) -> null), new RealtimeTuningConfig(null, 1, null, null, new Period("PT10M"), null, null, null, null, 1, NoneShardSpec.instance(), new IndexSpec(), new IndexSpec(), 0, 0, true, null, null, null, null)), null);
File tmp = temporaryFolder.newFile("test_task.json");
jsonMapper.writeValue(tmp, task);
parseCommand("validator", "-f", tmp.getAbsolutePath(), "-t", "task").run();