use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class IncrementalIndexStorageAdapterTest method testCursoringAndIndexUpdationInterleaving.
public void testCursoringAndIndexUpdationInterleaving() throws Exception {
final IncrementalIndex index = indexCreator.createIndex();
final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v1" + i)));
final StorageAdapter sa = new IncrementalIndexStorageAdapter(index);
Sequence<Cursor> cursors = sa.makeCursors(null, Intervals.utc(timestamp - 60_000, timestamp + 60_000), VirtualColumns.EMPTY, Granularities.ALL, false, null);
final AtomicInteger assertCursorsNotEmpty = new AtomicInteger(0); -> {
DimensionSelector dimSelector = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy", "billy"));
int cardinality = dimSelector.getValueCardinality();
// index gets more rows at this point, while other thread is iterating over the cursor
try {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v2" + i)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
int rowNumInCursor = 0;
// and then, cursoring continues in the other thread
while (!cursor.isDone()) {
IndexedInts row = dimSelector.getRow();
row.forEach(i -> Assert.assertTrue(i < cardinality));
Assert.assertEquals(2, rowNumInCursor);
return null;
Assert.assertEquals(1, assertCursorsNotEmpty.get());
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class IncrementalIndexStorageAdapterTest method testCursoringAndSnapshot.
public void testCursoringAndSnapshot() throws Exception {
final IncrementalIndex index = indexCreator.createIndex();
final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v0" + i)));
final StorageAdapter sa = new IncrementalIndexStorageAdapter(index);
Sequence<Cursor> cursors = sa.makeCursors(null, Intervals.utc(timestamp - 60_000, timestamp + 60_000), VirtualColumns.EMPTY, Granularities.ALL, false, null);
final AtomicInteger assertCursorsNotEmpty = new AtomicInteger(0); -> {
DimensionSelector dimSelector1A = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy", "billy"));
int cardinalityA = dimSelector1A.getValueCardinality();
// index gets more rows at this point, while other thread is iterating over the cursor
try {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v1")));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
DimensionSelector dimSelector1B = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy", "billy"));
// index gets more rows at this point, while other thread is iterating over the cursor
try {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v2")));
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy2"), ImmutableMap.of("billy2", "v3")));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
DimensionSelector dimSelector1C = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy", "billy"));
DimensionSelector dimSelector2D = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy2", "billy2"));
// index gets more rows at this point, while other thread is iterating over the cursor
try {
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy"), ImmutableMap.of("billy", "v3")));
index.add(new MapBasedInputRow(timestamp, Collections.singletonList("billy3"), ImmutableMap.of("billy3", "")));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
DimensionSelector dimSelector3E = cursor.getColumnSelectorFactory().makeDimensionSelector(new DefaultDimensionSpec("billy3", "billy3"));
int rowNumInCursor = 0;
// and then, cursoring continues in the other thread
while (!cursor.isDone()) {
IndexedInts rowA = dimSelector1A.getRow();
rowA.forEach(i -> Assert.assertTrue(i < cardinalityA));
IndexedInts rowB = dimSelector1B.getRow();
rowB.forEach(i -> Assert.assertTrue(i < cardinalityA));
IndexedInts rowC = dimSelector1C.getRow();
rowC.forEach(i -> Assert.assertTrue(i < cardinalityA));
IndexedInts rowD = dimSelector2D.getRow();
// no null id, so should get empty dims array
Assert.assertEquals(0, rowD.size());
IndexedInts rowE = dimSelector3E.getRow();
if (NullHandling.replaceWithDefault()) {
Assert.assertEquals(1, rowE.size());
// the null id
Assert.assertEquals(0, rowE.get(0));
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(0, rowE.size());
Assert.assertEquals(2, rowNumInCursor);
return null;
Assert.assertEquals(1, assertCursorsNotEmpty.get());
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class ChainedExecutionQueryRunner method run.
public Sequence<T> run(final QueryPlus<T> queryPlus, final ResponseContext responseContext) {
Query<T> query = queryPlus.getQuery();
final int priority = QueryContexts.getPriority(query);
final Ordering ordering = query.getResultOrdering();
final QueryPlus<T> threadSafeQueryPlus = queryPlus.withoutThreadUnsafeState();
return new BaseSequence<T, Iterator<T>>(new BaseSequence.IteratorMaker<T, Iterator<T>>() {
public Iterator<T> make() {
// Make it a List<> to materialize all of the values (so that it will submit everything to the executor)
List<ListenableFuture<Iterable<T>>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(queryables, input -> {
if (input == null) {
throw new ISE("Null queryRunner! Looks to be some segment unmapping action happening");
return queryProcessingPool.submitRunnerTask(new AbstractPrioritizedQueryRunnerCallable<Iterable<T>, T>(priority, input) {
public Iterable<T> call() {
try {
Sequence<T> result =, responseContext);
if (result == null) {
throw new ISE("Got a null result! Segments are missing!");
List<T> retVal = result.toList();
if (retVal == null) {
throw new ISE("Got a null list of results");
return retVal;
} catch (QueryInterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (QueryTimeoutException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.noStackTrace().error(e, "Exception with one of the sequences!");
throw new RuntimeException(e);
ListenableFuture<List<Iterable<T>>> future = Futures.allAsList(futures);
queryWatcher.registerQueryFuture(query, future);
try {
return new MergeIterable<>(ordering.nullsFirst(), QueryContexts.hasTimeout(query) ? future.get(QueryContexts.getTimeout(query), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) : future.get()).iterator();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.noStackTrace().warn(e, "Query interrupted, cancelling pending results, query id [%s]", query.getId());
// Note: canceling combinedFuture first so that it can complete with INTERRUPTED as its final state. See ChainedExecutionQueryRunnerTest.testQueryTimeout()
GuavaUtils.cancelAll(true, future, futures);
throw new QueryInterruptedException(e);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
throw new QueryInterruptedException(e);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
log.warn("Query timeout, cancelling pending results for query id [%s]", query.getId());
GuavaUtils.cancelAll(true, future, futures);
throw new QueryTimeoutException(StringUtils.nonStrictFormat("Query [%s] timed out", query.getId()));
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
GuavaUtils.cancelAll(true, future, futures);
throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause());
public void cleanup(Iterator<T> tIterator) {
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class FinalizeResultsQueryRunner method run.
public Sequence<T> run(final QueryPlus<T> queryPlus, ResponseContext responseContext) {
final Query<T> query = queryPlus.getQuery();
final boolean isBySegment = QueryContexts.isBySegment(query);
final boolean shouldFinalize = QueryContexts.isFinalize(query, true);
final Query<T> queryToRun;
final Function<T, ?> finalizerFn;
final MetricManipulationFn metricManipulationFn;
if (shouldFinalize) {
queryToRun = query.withOverriddenContext(ImmutableMap.of("finalize", false));
metricManipulationFn = MetricManipulatorFns.finalizing();
} else {
queryToRun = query;
metricManipulationFn = MetricManipulatorFns.identity();
if (isBySegment) {
finalizerFn = new Function<T, Result<BySegmentResultValue<T>>>() {
final Function<T, T> baseFinalizer = toolChest.makePostComputeManipulatorFn(query, metricManipulationFn);
public Result<BySegmentResultValue<T>> apply(T input) {
// noinspection unchecked (input is not actually a T; see class-level javadoc)
Result<BySegmentResultValueClass<T>> result = (Result<BySegmentResultValueClass<T>>) input;
if (input == null) {
throw new ISE("Cannot have a null result!");
BySegmentResultValue<T> resultsClass = result.getValue();
return new Result<>(result.getTimestamp(), new BySegmentResultValueClass<>(Lists.transform(resultsClass.getResults(), baseFinalizer), resultsClass.getSegmentId(), resultsClass.getInterval()));
} else {
finalizerFn = toolChest.makePostComputeManipulatorFn(query, metricManipulationFn);
// noinspection unchecked (Technically unsound, but see class-level javadoc for rationale)
return (Sequence<T>), responseContext), finalizerFn);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class UnionQueryRunner method run.
public Sequence<T> run(final QueryPlus<T> queryPlus, final ResponseContext responseContext) {
Query<T> query = queryPlus.getQuery();
final DataSourceAnalysis analysis = DataSourceAnalysis.forDataSource(query.getDataSource());
if (analysis.isConcreteTableBased() && analysis.getBaseUnionDataSource().isPresent()) {
// Union of tables.
final UnionDataSource unionDataSource = analysis.getBaseUnionDataSource().get();
if (unionDataSource.getDataSources().isEmpty()) {
// Shouldn't happen, because UnionDataSource doesn't allow empty unions.
throw new ISE("Unexpectedly received empty union");
} else if (unionDataSource.getDataSources().size() == 1) {
// Single table. Run as a normal query.
return, Iterables.getOnlyElement(unionDataSource.getDataSources()))), responseContext);
} else {
// Split up the tables and merge their results.
return new MergeSequence<>(query.getResultOrdering(), Sequences.simple(Lists.transform(IntStream.range(0, unionDataSource.getDataSources().size()).mapToObj(i -> new Pair<>(unionDataSource.getDataSources().get(i), i + 1)).collect(Collectors.toList()), (Function<Pair<TableDataSource, Integer>, Sequence<T>>) singleSourceWithIndex ->, singleSourceWithIndex.lhs).withSubQueryId(generateSubqueryId(query.getSubQueryId(), singleSourceWithIndex.lhs.getName(), singleSourceWithIndex.rhs))), responseContext))));
} else {
// Not a union of tables. Do nothing special.
return, responseContext);