use of in project felix by apache.
the class DMCommand method showTopComponents.
* Displays components callbacks (init/start/stop/destroy) elapsed time.
* The components are sorted (the most time consuming components are displayed first).
* @param max the max number of components to display (0 means all components)
private void showTopComponents(int max) {
List<Component> components = new ArrayList<>();
for (DependencyManager manager : DependencyManager.getDependencyManagers()) {
Collections.sort(components, new Comparator<Component>() {
public int compare(Component c1, Component c2) {
Map<String, Long> c1Times = c1.getComponentDeclaration().getCallbacksTime();
Map<String, Long> c2Times = c2.getComponentDeclaration().getCallbacksTime();
Long c1Start = c1Times.get("start");
Long c2Start = c2Times.get("start");
if (c1Start != null) {
if (c2Start != null) {
return c1Start > c2Start ? 1 : -1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
if (c2Start != null) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
System.out.printf("%-100s %10s %10s%n%n", "Top components (sorted by start duration time)", "[init time]", "[start time]");
if (components.size() > 0) {
max = max == 0 ? components.size() : Math.min(components.size(), max);
for (int i = 0; i < components.size() && i < max; i++) {
ComponentDeclaration decl = components.get(i).getComponentDeclaration();
System.out.printf("%-100s %10d %10d%n", decl.getClassName(), decl.getCallbacksTime().get("init"), decl.getCallbacksTime().get("start"));
use of in project felix by apache.
the class DMCommand method dm.
* Dependency Manager "dm" command. We use gogo annotations, in order to automate documentation,
* and also to automatically manage optional flags/options and parameters ordering.
* @param session the gogo command session, used to get some variables declared in the shell
* This parameter is automatically passed by the gogo runtime.
* @param nodeps false means that dependencies are not displayed
* @param compact true means informations are displayed in a compact format. This parameter can also be
* set using the "dependencymanager.compact" gogo shell variable.
* @param notavail only unregistered components / unavailable dependencies are displayed
* @param stats true means some statistics are displayed
* @param services an osgi filter used to filter on some given osgi service properties. This parameter can also be
* set using the "" gogo shell variable.
* @param components a regular expression to match either component implementation class names. This parameter can also be
* set using the "dependencymanager.components" gogo shell variable.
* @param componentIds only components matching one of the specified components ids are displayed
* @param bundleIds a list of bundle ids or symbolic names, used to filter on some given bundles
@Descriptor("List dependency manager components")
public void dm(CommandSession session, @Descriptor("Hides component dependencies") @Parameter(names = { "nodeps", "nd" }, presentValue = "true", absentValue = "false") boolean nodeps, @Descriptor("Displays components using a compact form") @Parameter(names = { "compact", "cp" }, presentValue = "true", absentValue = "") String compact, @Descriptor("Only displays unavailable components") @Parameter(names = { "notavail", "na" }, presentValue = "true", absentValue = "false") boolean notavail, @Descriptor("Detects where are the root failures") @Parameter(names = { "wtf" }, presentValue = "true", absentValue = "false") boolean wtf, @Descriptor("Displays components statistics") @Parameter(names = { "stats", "stat", "st" }, presentValue = "true", absentValue = "false") boolean stats, @Descriptor("<OSGi filter used to filter some service properties>") @Parameter(names = { "services", "s" }, absentValue = "") String services, @Descriptor("<Regex(s) used to filter on component implementation class names (comma separated), can be negated using \"!\" prefix>") @Parameter(names = { "components", "c" }, absentValue = "") String components, @Descriptor("<List of component identifiers to display (comma separated)>") @Parameter(names = { "componentIds", "cid", "ci" }, absentValue = "") String componentIds, @Descriptor("<List of bundle ids or bundle symbolic names to display (comma separated)>") @Parameter(names = { "bundleIds", "bid", "bi", "b" }, absentValue = "") String bundleIds, @Descriptor("<Max number of top components to display (0=all)> This command displays components callbacks (init/start) times>") @Parameter(names = { "top" }, absentValue = "-1") int top) throws Throwable {
boolean comp = Boolean.parseBoolean(getParam(session, ENV_COMPACT, compact));
services = getParam(session, ENV_SERVICES, services);
String[] componentsRegex = getParams(session, ENV_COMPONENTS, components);
// list of bundle ids or bundle symbolic names
ArrayList<String> bids = new ArrayList<String>();
// list of component ids
ArrayList<Long> cids = new ArrayList<Long>();
// Parse and check componentIds option
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(componentIds, ", ");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid value for componentIds option");
// Parse services filter
Filter servicesFilter = null;
try {
if (services != null) {
servicesFilter = m_context.createFilter(services);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
System.out.println("Invalid services OSGi filter: " + services);
// Parse and check bundleIds option
tok = new StringTokenizer(bundleIds, ", ");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (top != -1) {
if (wtf) {
DependencyGraph graph = null;
if (notavail) {
graph = DependencyGraph.getGraph(ComponentState.UNREGISTERED, DependencyState.ALL_UNAVAILABLE);
} else {
graph = DependencyGraph.getGraph(ComponentState.ALL, DependencyState.ALL);
List<ComponentDeclaration> allComponents = graph.getAllComponents();
Collections.sort(allComponents, COMPONENT_DECLARATION_COMPARATOR);
long numberOfComponents = 0;
long numberOfDependencies = 0;
long lastBundleId = -1;
for (ComponentDeclaration cd : allComponents) {
Bundle bundle = cd.getBundleContext().getBundle();
if (!matchBundle(bundle, bids)) {
Component component = (Component) cd;
String name = cd.getName();
if (!mayDisplay(component, servicesFilter, componentsRegex, cids)) {
long bundleId = bundle.getBundleId();
if (lastBundleId != bundleId) {
lastBundleId = bundleId;
if (comp) {
System.out.println("[" + bundleId + "] " + compactName(bundle.getSymbolicName()));
} else {
System.out.println("[" + bundleId + "] " + bundle.getSymbolicName());
if (comp) {
System.out.print(" [" + cd.getId() + "] " + compactName(name) + " " + compactState(ComponentDeclaration.STATE_NAMES[cd.getState()]));
} else {
System.out.println(" [" + cd.getId() + "] " + name + " " + ComponentDeclaration.STATE_NAMES[cd.getState()]);
if (!nodeps) {
List<ComponentDependencyDeclaration> dependencies = graph.getDependecies(cd);
if (!dependencies.isEmpty()) {
numberOfDependencies += dependencies.size();
if (comp) {
for (int j = 0; j < dependencies.size(); j++) {
ComponentDependencyDeclaration dep = dependencies.get(j);
String depName = dep.getName();
String depType = dep.getType();
int depState = dep.getState();
if (comp) {
if (j > 0) {
System.out.print(' ');
System.out.print(compactName(depName) + " " + compactState(depType) + " " + compactState(ComponentDependencyDeclaration.STATE_NAMES[depState]));
} else {
System.out.println(" " + depName + " " + depType + " " + ComponentDependencyDeclaration.STATE_NAMES[depState]);
if (comp) {
if (comp) {
if (stats) {
System.out.println(" - Dependency managers: " + DependencyManager.getDependencyManagers().size());
System.out.println(" - Components: " + numberOfComponents);
if (!nodeps) {
System.out.println(" - Dependencies: " + numberOfDependencies);
use of in project felix by apache.
the class DMCommandTest method testComponentThatHaveCycliclyDependencyOnAOtheComponentShouldRegisterAsFailure.
public void testComponentThatHaveCycliclyDependencyOnAOtheComponentShouldRegisterAsFailure() {
DependencyManager dm = new DependencyManager(m_bundleContext);
Component component1 = dm.createComponent().setImplementation(Cipher.class).setInterface(Cipher.class.getName(), null).add(dm.createServiceDependency().setService(Math.class).setRequired(true));
Component component2 = dm.createComponent().setImplementation(Math.class).setInterface(Math.class.getName(), null).add(dm.createServiceDependency().setService(Cipher.class).setRequired(true));
String output = outContent.toString();
assertTrue(output.contains("-> java.lang.Math -> javax.crypto.Cipher -> java.lang.Math") || output.contains("-> javax.crypto.Cipher -> java.lang.Math -> javax.crypto.Cipher"));
// remove the mess
use of in project felix by apache.
the class AbstractDecorator method addDependency.
* Add a Dependency to all already instantiated services.
public void addDependency(Dependency... dependencies) {
for (Component component : m_services.values()) {
Dependency[] copy = Stream.of(dependencies).map(d -> (DependencyContext) d).map(dc -> dc.createCopy()).toArray(Dependency[]::new);
for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
m_depclones.put(dependencies[i], copy[i]);
use of in project felix by apache.
the class AbstractDecorator method removed.
public void removed(Bundle bundle) {
Component newService;
newService = (Component) m_services.remove(bundle);
if (newService == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Service should not be null here.");