use of org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistry.UsageCount in project felix by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryTest method testObtainUsageCountRetry1.
public void testObtainUsageCountRetry1() throws Exception {
ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry(null, null);
final Bundle b = Mockito.mock(Bundle.class);
final ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]> orgInUseMap = (ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]>) getPrivateField(sr, "m_inUseMap");
ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]> inUseMap = Mockito.mock(ConcurrentMap.class, AdditionalAnswers.delegatesTo(orgInUseMap));
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<UsageCount[]>() {
public UsageCount[] answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
// This mimicks another thread putting another UsageCount in concurrently
// The putIfAbsent() will fail and it has to retry
UsageCount uc = new UsageCount(Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class), false);
UsageCount[] uca = new UsageCount[] { uc };
orgInUseMap.put(b, uca);
return uca;
}).when(inUseMap).putIfAbsent(Mockito.any(Bundle.class), Mockito.any(UsageCount[].class));
setPrivateField(sr, "m_inUseMap", inUseMap);
ServiceReference<?> ref = Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class);
assertEquals(0, orgInUseMap.size());
UsageCount uc = sr.obtainUsageCount(b, ref, null, false);
assertEquals(1, orgInUseMap.size());
assertEquals(2, orgInUseMap.get(b).length);
assertSame(ref, uc.m_ref);
List<UsageCount> l = new ArrayList<UsageCount>(Arrays.asList(orgInUseMap.get(b)));
assertEquals("There should be one UsageCount left", 1, l.size());
assertNotSame(ref, l.get(0).m_ref);
use of org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistry.UsageCount in project felix by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryTest method testUngetService.
public void testUngetService() throws Exception {
ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry(null, null);
Bundle b = Mockito.mock(Bundle.class);
ServiceRegistrationImpl reg = Mockito.mock(ServiceRegistrationImpl.class);
ServiceReferenceImpl ref = Mockito.mock(ServiceReferenceImpl.class);
final ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]> inUseMap = (ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]>) getPrivateField(sr, "m_inUseMap");
UsageCount uc = new UsageCount(ref, false);
uc.m_svcHolderRef.set(new ServiceHolder());
inUseMap.put(b, new UsageCount[] { uc });
assertFalse(sr.ungetService(b, ref, null));
use of org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistry.UsageCount in project felix by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryTest method testGetServiceHolderAwait.
public void testGetServiceHolderAwait() throws Exception {
ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry(null, null);
final String svc = "test";
Bundle b = Mockito.mock(Bundle.class);
ServiceRegistrationImpl reg = Mockito.mock(ServiceRegistrationImpl.class);
ServiceReferenceImpl ref = Mockito.mock(ServiceReferenceImpl.class);
UsageCount uc = sr.obtainUsageCount(b, ref, null, false);
// Set an empty Service Holder so we can test that it waits.
final ServiceHolder sh = new ServiceHolder();
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
final AtomicBoolean threadException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
sh.m_service = svc;
if (sb.length() > 0) {
// Should not have put anything in SB until countDown() was called...
Object actualSvc = sr.getService(b, ref, false);
assertFalse("This thread did not wait until the latch was count down", threadException.get());
assertSame(svc, actualSvc);
use of org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistry.UsageCount in project felix by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryTest method testObtainUsageCountPrototypeUnknownLookup2.
public void testObtainUsageCountPrototypeUnknownLookup2() throws Exception {
ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry(null, null);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]> inUseMap = (ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]>) getPrivateField(sr, "m_inUseMap");
Bundle b = Mockito.mock(Bundle.class);
ServiceReference<?> ref = Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class);
UsageCount uc = new UsageCount(ref, false);
inUseMap.put(b, new UsageCount[] { uc });
assertNull(sr.obtainUsageCount(b, Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class), null, null));
UsageCount uc2 = sr.obtainUsageCount(b, ref, null, null);
assertSame(uc, uc2);
use of org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistry.UsageCount in project felix by apache.
the class ServiceRegistryTest method testFlushUsageCount.
public void testFlushUsageCount() throws Exception {
ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry(null, null);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]> inUseMap = (ConcurrentMap<Bundle, UsageCount[]>) getPrivateField(sr, "m_inUseMap");
Bundle b = Mockito.mock(Bundle.class);
ServiceReference<?> ref = Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class);
UsageCount uc = new UsageCount(ref, false);
ServiceReference<?> ref2 = Mockito.mock(ServiceReference.class);
UsageCount uc2 = new UsageCount(ref2, true);
inUseMap.put(b, new UsageCount[] { uc, uc2 });
assertEquals("Precondition", 1, inUseMap.size());
assertEquals("Precondition", 2, inUseMap.values().iterator().next().length);
sr.flushUsageCount(b, ref, uc);
assertEquals(1, inUseMap.size());
assertEquals(1, inUseMap.values().iterator().next().length);
assertSame(uc2, inUseMap.values().iterator().next()[0]);
sr.flushUsageCount(b, ref2, uc2);
assertEquals(0, inUseMap.size());