use of in project felix by apache.
the class TestUpdatedNoArgMethodAndConfigAdmin method testStatic.
public void testStatic() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ServiceReference fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance.getInstanceName());
assertNotNull("Check FS availability", fooRef);
String fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
Integer barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
String bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality -1", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality -1", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality -1", bazP, "baz");
ConfigurationAdmin admin = osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ConfigurationAdmin.class);
assertNotNull("Check Configuration Admin availability", admin);
Configuration configuration = admin.getConfiguration(instance.getInstanceName(), getTestBundle().getLocation());
// Configuration of baz
Dictionary<String, Object> conf = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
conf.put("baz", "zab");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(2));
conf.put("foo", "foo");
// Asynchronous dispatching of the configuration
// Recheck props
fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance.getInstanceName());
fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality -2", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality -2", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality -2", bazP, "zab");
// Get Service
FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(fooRef);
Integer updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated", 1, updated.intValue());
use of in project felix by apache.
the class TestUpdatedNoArgMethodAndManagedService method testStaticInstance2.
public void testStaticInstance2() {
ServiceReference fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());
assertNotNull("Check FS availability", fooRef);
String fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
Integer barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
String bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality -1", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality -1", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality -1", bazP, "baz");
ServiceReference msRef = osgiHelper.getServiceReferenceByPID(ManagedService.class.getName(), "instanceMSP");
assertNotNull("Check ManagedService availability", msRef);
// Configuration of baz
Dictionary<String, Object> conf = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
conf.put("baz", "zab");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(2));
conf.put("foo", "foo");
ManagedService ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
// Recheck props
fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());
fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality -2", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality -2", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality -2", bazP, "zab");
// Get Service
FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(fooRef);
Integer updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated", 1, updated.intValue());
conf.put("baz", "zab2");
conf.put("foo", "oof2");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(0));
ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated -2", 2, updated.intValue());
use of in project felix by apache.
the class TestUpdatedNoArgMethodAndManagedService method testDynamicInstance1.
public void testDynamicInstance1() {
ServiceReference fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
assertNotNull("Check FS availability", fooRef);
String fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
Integer barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
String bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality", bazP, "baz");
ServiceReference msRef = osgiHelper.getServiceReferenceByPID(ManagedService.class.getName(), "FooProvider-3");
assertNotNull("Check ManagedServiceFactory availability", msRef);
// Configuration of baz
Dictionary<String, Object> conf = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
conf.put("baz", "zab");
conf.put("foo", "oof");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(0));
ManagedService ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
// Re-check props
fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality", fooP, "oof");
assertEquals("Check bar equality", barP, new Integer(0));
assertEquals("Check baz equality", bazP, "zab");
// Check field value
FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(fooRef);
Properties p = fs.fooProps();
fooP = (String) p.get("foo");
barP = (Integer) p.get("bar");
assertEquals("Check foo field equality", fooP, "oof");
assertEquals("Check bar field equality", barP, new Integer(0));
Integer updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated -1", 1, updated.intValue());
conf.put("baz", "zab2");
conf.put("foo", "oof2");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(0));
ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated -2", 2, updated.intValue());
use of in project felix by apache.
the class TestUpdatedNoArgMethodAndManagedService method testDynamicInstance2.
public void testDynamicInstance2() {
ServiceReference fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());
assertNotNull("Check FS availability", fooRef);
String fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
Integer barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
String bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality", fooP, "foo");
assertEquals("Check bar equality", barP, new Integer(2));
assertEquals("Check baz equality", bazP, "baz");
ServiceReference msRef = osgiHelper.getServiceReferenceByPID(ManagedService.class.getName(), "instanceMSP");
assertNotNull("Check ManagedServiceFactory availability", msRef);
// Configuration of baz
Dictionary<String, Object> conf = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
conf.put("baz", "zab");
conf.put("foo", "oof");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(0));
ManagedService ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
// Recheck props
fooRef = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());
fooP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("foo");
barP = (Integer) fooRef.getProperty("bar");
bazP = (String) fooRef.getProperty("baz");
assertEquals("Check foo equality", fooP, "oof");
assertEquals("Check bar equality", barP, new Integer(0));
assertEquals("Check baz equality", bazP, "zab");
// Check field value
FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(fooRef);
Properties p = fs.fooProps();
fooP = (String) p.get("foo");
barP = (Integer) p.get("bar");
assertEquals("Check foo field equality", fooP, "oof");
assertEquals("Check bar field equality", barP, new Integer(0));
Integer updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated", 1, updated.intValue());
conf.put("baz", "zab2");
conf.put("foo", "oof2");
conf.put("bar", new Integer(0));
ms = (ManagedService) osgiHelper.getRawServiceObject(msRef);
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
fail("Configuration Exception : " + e);
updated = (Integer) fs.fooProps().get("updated");
assertEquals("Check updated -2", 2, updated.intValue());
use of in project felix by apache.
the class TestManagedServiceFactoryTestForImmediate method testDelayedCreationAndReconfiguration.
public void testDelayedCreationAndReconfiguration() {
Configuration configuration = null;
try {
configuration = admin.createFactoryConfiguration("CA-ImmConfigurableProvider", "?");
} catch (IOException e) {
Dictionary props = configuration.getProperties();
if (props == null) {
props = new Properties();
props.put("message", "message");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
String pid = configuration.getPid();
// Wait for the processing of the first configuration.
assertNull("check no instance", osgiHelper.getServiceObject(Architecture.class.getName(), "(architecture.instance=" + pid + ")"));
// Wait for the processing of the first configuration.
// The instance should be created, wait for the architecture service
osgiHelper.waitForService(Architecture.class.getName(), "(architecture.instance=" + pid + ")", 1000);
Architecture architecture = (Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(Architecture.class.getName(), "(architecture.instance=" + pid + ")");
assertEquals("Check object", 1, ((PrimitiveInstanceDescription) architecture.getInstanceDescription()).getCreatedObjects().length);
FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(FooService.class.getName(), "(" + pid + ")");
Properties p = fs.fooProps();
String mes = p.getProperty("message");
int count = (Integer) p.get("count");
// architecture = (Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject( Architecture.class.getName(), "(architecture.instance="+pid+")");
assertEquals("Assert Message", "message", mes);
assertEquals("Assert count", 1, count);
assertEquals("Check 1 object", 1, ((PrimitiveInstanceDescription) architecture.getInstanceDescription()).getCreatedObjects().length);
props.put("message", "message2");
try {
// Update the configuration ...
} catch (Exception e) {
fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(FooService.class.getName(), "(" + pid + ")");
p = fs.fooProps();
mes = p.getProperty("message");
count = (Integer) p.get("count");
// architecture = (Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject( Architecture.class.getName(), "(architecture.instance="+pid+")");
assertEquals("Assert Message", "message2", mes);
// assertEquals("Assert count", 2, count);
// This test was removed as the result can be 3.
assertEquals("Check 1 object", 1, ((PrimitiveInstanceDescription) architecture.getInstanceDescription()).getCreatedObjects().length);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
ServiceReference ref = osgiHelper.getServiceReference(FooService.class.getName(), "(" + pid + ")");
assertNull("Check unavailability", ref);