use of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation in project flink by apache.
the class ExternalSortLargeRecordsITCase method testSortWithLongRecordsOnly.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void testSortWithLongRecordsOnly() {
try {
final int NUM_RECORDS = 10;
final TypeInformation<?>[] types = new TypeInformation<?>[] { BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO, new ValueTypeInfo<SomeMaybeLongValue>(SomeMaybeLongValue.class) };
final TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> typeInfo = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>>(types);
final TypeSerializer<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(new ExecutionConfig());
final TypeComparator<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> comparator = typeInfo.createComparator(new int[] { 0 }, new boolean[] { false }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
MutableObjectIterator<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> source = new MutableObjectIterator<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>>() {
private final Random rnd = new Random(457821643089756298L);
private int num = 0;
public Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue> next(Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue> reuse) {
return next();
public Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue> next() {
if (num++ < NUM_RECORDS) {
long val = rnd.nextLong();
return new Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>(val, new SomeMaybeLongValue((int) val));
} else {
return null;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Sorter<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> sorter = new UnilateralSortMerger<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>>(this.memoryManager, this.ioManager, source, this.parentTask, new RuntimeSerializerFactory<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>>(serializer, (Class<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>>) (Class<?>) Tuple2.class), comparator, 1.0, 1, 128, 0.7f, true, /* use large record handler */
// check order
MutableObjectIterator<Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue>> iterator = sorter.getIterator();
Tuple2<Long, SomeMaybeLongValue> val = serializer.createInstance();
long prevKey = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++) {
val =;
assertTrue(val.f0 <= prevKey);
assertTrue(val.f0.intValue() == val.f1.val());
testSuccess = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation in project flink by apache.
the class LargeRecordHandlerITCase method fileTest.
public void fileTest() {
final IOManager ioMan = new IOManagerAsync();
final int PAGE_SIZE = 4 * 1024;
final int NUM_PAGES = 4;
final int NUM_RECORDS = 10;
FileIOChannel.ID channel = null;
try {
final MemoryManager memMan = new MemoryManager(NUM_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE, 1, PAGE_SIZE, MemoryType.HEAP, true);
final AbstractInvokable owner = new DummyInvokable();
final List<MemorySegment> memory = memMan.allocatePages(owner, NUM_PAGES);
final TypeInformation<?>[] types = new TypeInformation<?>[] { BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO, new ValueTypeInfo<SomeVeryLongValue>(SomeVeryLongValue.class), BasicTypeInfo.BYTE_TYPE_INFO };
final TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> typeInfo = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>>(types);
final TypeSerializer<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(new ExecutionConfig());
channel = ioMan.createChannel();
FileChannelOutputView out = new FileChannelOutputView(ioMan.createBlockChannelWriter(channel), memMan, memory, PAGE_SIZE);
// add the test data
Random rnd = new Random();
List<Long> offsets = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++) {
long val = rnd.nextLong();
Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte> next = new Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>(val, new SomeVeryLongValue((int) val), (byte) val);
serializer.serialize(next, out);
for (int i = 1; i < offsets.size(); i++) {
assertTrue(offsets.get(i) > offsets.get(i - 1));
memMan.allocatePages(owner, memory, NUM_PAGES);
SeekableFileChannelInputView in = new SeekableFileChannelInputView(ioMan, channel, memMan, memory, out.getBytesInLatestSegment());
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++) {;
Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte> next = serializer.deserialize(in);
// key and value must be equal
assertTrue(next.f0.intValue() == next.f1.val());
assertTrue(next.f0.byteValue() == next.f2);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (channel != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
use of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation in project flink by apache.
the class LargeRecordHandlerITCase method testRecordHandlerCompositeKey.
public void testRecordHandlerCompositeKey() {
final IOManager ioMan = new IOManagerAsync();
final int PAGE_SIZE = 4 * 1024;
final int NUM_PAGES = 1000;
final int NUM_RECORDS = 10;
try {
final MemoryManager memMan = new MemoryManager(NUM_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE, 1, PAGE_SIZE, MemoryType.HEAP, true);
final AbstractInvokable owner = new DummyInvokable();
final List<MemorySegment> initialMemory = memMan.allocatePages(owner, 6);
final List<MemorySegment> sortMemory = memMan.allocatePages(owner, NUM_PAGES - 6);
final TypeInformation<?>[] types = new TypeInformation<?>[] { BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO, new ValueTypeInfo<SomeVeryLongValue>(SomeVeryLongValue.class), BasicTypeInfo.BYTE_TYPE_INFO };
final TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> typeInfo = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>>(types);
final TypeSerializer<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> serializer = typeInfo.createSerializer(new ExecutionConfig());
final TypeComparator<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> comparator = typeInfo.createComparator(new int[] { 2, 0 }, new boolean[] { true, true }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
LargeRecordHandler<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> handler = new LargeRecordHandler<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>>(serializer, comparator, ioMan, memMan, initialMemory, owner, 128);
// add the test data
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RECORDS; i++) {
long val = rnd.nextLong();
handler.addRecord(new Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>(val, new SomeVeryLongValue((int) val), (byte) val));
MutableObjectIterator<Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>> sorted = handler.finishWriteAndSortKeys(sortMemory);
try {
handler.addRecord(new Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>(92L, null, (byte) 1));
fail("should throw an exception");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// expected
Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte> previous = null;
Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte> next;
while ((next = != null) {
// key and value must be equal
assertTrue(next.f0.intValue() == next.f1.val());
assertTrue(next.f0.byteValue() == next.f2);
// order must be correct
if (previous != null) {
assertTrue(previous.f2 <= next.f2);
assertTrue(previous.f2.byteValue() != next.f2.byteValue() || previous.f0 <= next.f0);
previous = next;
try {
handler.addRecord(new Tuple3<Long, SomeVeryLongValue, Byte>(92L, null, (byte) 1));
fail("should throw an exception");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// expected
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation in project flink by apache.
the class HBaseRowInputFormat method getProducedType.
public TypeInformation<Row> getProducedType() {
// split the fieldNames
String[] famNames = schema.getFamilyNames();
TypeInformation<?>[] typeInfos = new TypeInformation[famNames.length];
int i = 0;
for (String family : famNames) {
typeInfos[i] = new RowTypeInfo(schema.getQualifierTypes(family), schema.getQualifierNames(family));
return new RowTypeInfo(typeInfos, famNames);
use of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation in project flink by apache.
the class HCatInputFormatBase method asFlinkTuples.
* Specifies that the InputFormat returns Flink tuples instead of
* {@link}.
* Note: Flink tuples might only support a limited number of fields (depending on the API).
* @return This InputFormat.
* @throws org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException
public HCatInputFormatBase<T> asFlinkTuples() throws HCatException {
// build type information
int numFields = outputSchema.getFields().size();
if (numFields > this.getMaxFlinkTupleSize()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only up to " + this.getMaxFlinkTupleSize() + " fields can be returned as Flink tuples.");
TypeInformation[] fieldTypes = new TypeInformation[numFields];
fieldNames = new String[numFields];
for (String fieldName : outputSchema.getFieldNames()) {
HCatFieldSchema field = outputSchema.get(fieldName);
int fieldPos = outputSchema.getPosition(fieldName);
TypeInformation fieldType = getFieldType(field);
fieldTypes[fieldPos] = fieldType;
fieldNames[fieldPos] = fieldName;
this.resultType = new TupleTypeInfo(fieldTypes);
return this;