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the class PojoSerializerTest method testTuplePojoTestEquality.
* This tests if the hashes returned by the pojo and tuple comparators are the same
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void testTuplePojoTestEquality() {
// test with a simple, string-key first.
PojoTypeInfo<TestUserClass> pType = (PojoTypeInfo<TestUserClass>) type;
List<FlatFieldDescriptor> result = new ArrayList<FlatFieldDescriptor>();
pType.getFlatFields("nestedClass.dumm2", 0, result);
// see below
int[] fields = new int[1];
fields[0] = result.get(0).getPosition();
TypeComparator<TestUserClass> pojoComp = pType.createComparator(fields, new boolean[] { true }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
TestUserClass pojoTestRecord = new TestUserClass(0, "abc", 3d, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new Date(), new NestedTestUserClass(1, "haha", 4d, new int[] { 5, 4, 3 }));
int pHash = pojoComp.hash(pojoTestRecord);
Tuple1<String> tupleTest = new Tuple1<String>("haha");
TupleTypeInfo<Tuple1<String>> tType = (TupleTypeInfo<Tuple1<String>>) TypeExtractor.getForObject(tupleTest);
TypeComparator<Tuple1<String>> tupleComp = tType.createComparator(new int[] { 0 }, new boolean[] { true }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
int tHash = tupleComp.hash(tupleTest);
Assert.assertTrue("The hashing for tuples and pojos must be the same, so that they are mixable", pHash == tHash);
// its important here to use the same values.
Tuple3<Integer, String, Double> multiTupleTest = new Tuple3<Integer, String, Double>(1, "haha", 4d);
TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Integer, String, Double>> multiTupleType = (TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Integer, String, Double>>) TypeExtractor.getForObject(multiTupleTest);
ExpressionKeys fieldKey = new ExpressionKeys(new int[] { 1, 0, 2 }, multiTupleType);
ExpressionKeys expressKey = new ExpressionKeys(new String[] { "nestedClass.dumm2", "nestedClass.dumm1", "nestedClass.dumm3" }, pType);
try {
Assert.assertTrue("Expecting the keys to be compatible", fieldKey.areCompatible(expressKey));
} catch (IncompatibleKeysException e) {
e.printStackTrace();"Keys must be compatible: " + e.getMessage());
TypeComparator<TestUserClass> multiPojoComp = pType.createComparator(expressKey.computeLogicalKeyPositions(), new boolean[] { true, true, true }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
int multiPojoHash = multiPojoComp.hash(pojoTestRecord);
// pojo order is: dumm2 (str), dumm1 (int), dumm3 (double).
TypeComparator<Tuple3<Integer, String, Double>> multiTupleComp = multiTupleType.createComparator(fieldKey.computeLogicalKeyPositions(), new boolean[] { true, true, true }, 0, new ExecutionConfig());
int multiTupleHash = multiTupleComp.hash(multiTupleTest);
Assert.assertTrue("The hashing for tuples and pojos must be the same, so that they are mixable. Also for those with multiple key fields", multiPojoHash == multiTupleHash);
use of in project flink by apache.
the class TupleSerializerTest method runTests.
private <T extends Tuple> void runTests(int length, T... instances) {
try {
TupleTypeInfo<T> tupleTypeInfo = (TupleTypeInfo<T>) TypeExtractor.getForObject(instances[0]);
TypeSerializer<T> serializer = tupleTypeInfo.createSerializer(new ExecutionConfig());
Class<T> tupleClass = tupleTypeInfo.getTypeClass();
if (tupleClass == Tuple0.class) {
length = 1;
TupleSerializerTestInstance<T> test = new TupleSerializerTestInstance<T>(serializer, tupleClass, length, instances);
} catch (Exception e) {
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the class DistinctTranslationTest method translateDistinctKeySelector.
public void translateDistinctKeySelector() {
try {
final int parallelism = 8;
ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment(parallelism);
DataSet<Tuple3<Double, StringValue, LongValue>> initialData = getSourceDataSet(env);
initialData.distinct(new KeySelector<Tuple3<Double, StringValue, LongValue>, StringValue>() {
public StringValue getKey(Tuple3<Double, StringValue, LongValue> value) {
return value.f1;
}).setParallelism(4).output(new DiscardingOutputFormat<Tuple3<Double, StringValue, LongValue>>());
Plan p = env.createProgramPlan();
GenericDataSinkBase<?> sink = p.getDataSinks().iterator().next();
MapOperatorBase<?, ?, ?> keyRemover = (MapOperatorBase<?, ?, ?>) sink.getInput();
PlanUnwrappingReduceOperator<?, ?> reducer = (PlanUnwrappingReduceOperator<?, ?>) keyRemover.getInput();
MapOperatorBase<?, ?, ?> keyExtractor = (MapOperatorBase<?, ?, ?>) reducer.getInput();
// check the parallelisms
assertEquals(1, keyExtractor.getParallelism());
assertEquals(4, reducer.getParallelism());
// check types
TypeInformation<?> keyValueInfo = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<StringValue, Tuple3<Double, StringValue, LongValue>>>(new ValueTypeInfo<StringValue>(StringValue.class), initialData.getType());
assertEquals(initialData.getType(), keyExtractor.getOperatorInfo().getInputType());
assertEquals(keyValueInfo, keyExtractor.getOperatorInfo().getOutputType());
assertEquals(keyValueInfo, reducer.getOperatorInfo().getInputType());
assertEquals(keyValueInfo, reducer.getOperatorInfo().getOutputType());
assertEquals(keyValueInfo, keyRemover.getOperatorInfo().getInputType());
assertEquals(initialData.getType(), keyRemover.getOperatorInfo().getOutputType());
// check keys
assertEquals(KeyExtractingMapper.class, keyExtractor.getUserCodeWrapper().getUserCodeClass());
assertTrue(keyExtractor.getInput() instanceof GenericDataSourceBase<?, ?>);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Test caused an error: " + e.getMessage());
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the class FieldAccessorFactory method getAccessor.
* Creates a {@link FieldAccessor} for the field that is given by a field expression,
* which can be used to get and set the specified field on instances of this type.
* @param field The field expression
* @param config Configuration object
* @param <F> The type of the field to access
* @return The created FieldAccessor
public static <T, F> FieldAccessor<T, F> getAccessor(TypeInformation<T> typeInfo, String field, ExecutionConfig config) {
// In case of arrays
if (typeInfo instanceof BasicArrayTypeInfo || typeInfo instanceof PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo) {
try {
return new FieldAccessor.ArrayFieldAccessor<>(Integer.parseInt(field), typeInfo);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("A field expression on an array must be an integer index (that might be given as a string).");
// In case of basic types
} else if (typeInfo instanceof BasicTypeInfo) {
try {
int pos = field.equals(Keys.ExpressionKeys.SELECT_ALL_CHAR) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(field);
return FieldAccessorFactory.getAccessor(typeInfo, pos, config);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("You tried to select the field \"" + field + "\" on a " + typeInfo.toString() + ". A field expression on a basic type can only be \"*\" or \"0\"" + " (both of which mean selecting the entire basic type).");
// In case of Pojos
} else if (typeInfo instanceof PojoTypeInfo) {
FieldExpression decomp = decomposeFieldExpression(field);
PojoTypeInfo<?> pojoTypeInfo = (PojoTypeInfo) typeInfo;
int fieldIndex = pojoTypeInfo.getFieldIndex(decomp.head);
if (fieldIndex == -1) {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("Unable to find field \"" + decomp.head + "\" in type " + typeInfo + ".");
} else {
PojoField pojoField = pojoTypeInfo.getPojoFieldAt(fieldIndex);
TypeInformation<?> fieldType = pojoTypeInfo.getTypeAt(fieldIndex);
if (decomp.tail == null) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<F, F> innerAccessor = new FieldAccessor.SimpleFieldAccessor<>((TypeInformation<F>) fieldType);
return new FieldAccessor.PojoFieldAccessor<>(pojoField.getField(), innerAccessor);
} else {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<Object, F> innerAccessor = FieldAccessorFactory.getAccessor((TypeInformation<Object>) fieldType, decomp.tail, config);
return new FieldAccessor.PojoFieldAccessor<>(pojoField.getField(), innerAccessor);
// In case of case classes
} else if (typeInfo.isTupleType() && ((TupleTypeInfoBase) typeInfo).isCaseClass()) {
TupleTypeInfoBase tupleTypeInfo = (TupleTypeInfoBase) typeInfo;
FieldExpression decomp = decomposeFieldExpression(field);
int fieldPos = tupleTypeInfo.getFieldIndex(decomp.head);
if (fieldPos < 0) {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("Invalid field selected: " + field);
if (decomp.tail == null) {
return new FieldAccessor.SimpleProductFieldAccessor<>(fieldPos, typeInfo, config);
} else {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<Object, F> innerAccessor = getAccessor(tupleTypeInfo.getTypeAt(fieldPos), decomp.tail, config);
return new FieldAccessor.RecursiveProductFieldAccessor<>(fieldPos, typeInfo, innerAccessor, config);
// In case of tuples
} else if (typeInfo.isTupleType()) {
TupleTypeInfo tupleTypeInfo = (TupleTypeInfo) typeInfo;
FieldExpression decomp = decomposeFieldExpression(field);
int fieldPos = tupleTypeInfo.getFieldIndex(decomp.head);
if (fieldPos == -1) {
try {
fieldPos = Integer.parseInt(decomp.head);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("Tried to select field \"" + decomp.head + "\" on " + typeInfo.toString() + " . Only integer values are allowed here.");
if (decomp.tail == null) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<T, F> result = new FieldAccessor.SimpleTupleFieldAccessor(fieldPos, tupleTypeInfo);
return result;
} else {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<?, F> innerAccessor = getAccessor(tupleTypeInfo.getTypeAt(fieldPos), decomp.tail, config);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FieldAccessor<T, F> result = new FieldAccessor.RecursiveTupleFieldAccessor(fieldPos, innerAccessor, tupleTypeInfo);
return result;
// Default statement
} else {
throw new CompositeType.InvalidFieldReferenceException("Cannot reference field by field expression on " + typeInfo.toString() + "Field expressions are only supported on POJO types, tuples, and case classes. " + "(See the Flink documentation on what is considered a POJO.)");
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the class DataStreamTest method testTupleNestedArrayKeyRejection.
//////////////// Composite Key Tests : Tuples ////////////////
public void testTupleNestedArrayKeyRejection() {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DataStream<Tuple2<Integer[], String>> input = env.fromElements(new Tuple2<>(new Integer[] { 1, 2 }, "test-test"));
TypeInformation<?> expectedTypeInfo = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Integer[], String>>(BasicArrayTypeInfo.INT_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO);
// adjust the rule
expectedException.expectMessage(new StringStartsWith("Type " + expectedTypeInfo + " cannot be used as key."));
input.keyBy(new KeySelector<Tuple2<Integer[], String>, Tuple2<Integer[], String>>() {
public Tuple2<Integer[], String> getKey(Tuple2<Integer[], String> value) throws Exception {
return value;