use of in project flink by apache.
the class DataSourceTask method invoke.
public void invoke() throws Exception {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LOG.debug(getLogString("Start registering input and output"));
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("The initialization of the DataSource's outputs caused an error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished registering input and output"));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invoke
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting data source operator"));
RuntimeContext ctx = createRuntimeContext();
Counter completedSplitsCounter = ctx.getMetricGroup().counter("numSplitsProcessed");
((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().reuseInputMetricsForTask();
Counter numRecordsOut = ((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
if (this.config.getNumberOfChainedStubs() == 0) {
((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().reuseOutputMetricsForTask();
if (RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
((RichInputFormat) this.format).setRuntimeContext(ctx);
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Initializing runtime context."));
((RichInputFormat) this.format).openInputFormat();
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Opening the InputFormat."));
ExecutionConfig executionConfig = getExecutionConfig();
boolean objectReuseEnabled = executionConfig.isObjectReuseEnabled();
LOG.debug("DataSourceTask object reuse: " + (objectReuseEnabled ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED") + ".");
final TypeSerializer<OT> serializer = this.serializerFactory.getSerializer();
try {
// start all chained tasks
BatchTask.openChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);
// get input splits to read
final Iterator<InputSplit> splitIterator = getInputSplits();
// for each assigned input split
while (!this.taskCanceled && splitIterator.hasNext()) {
// get start and end
final InputSplit split =;
LOG.debug(getLogString("Opening input split " + split.toString()));
final InputFormat<OT, InputSplit> format = this.format;
// open input format;
LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting to read input from split " + split.toString()));
try {
final Collector<OT> output = new CountingCollector<>(this.output, numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
OT reuse = serializer.createInstance();
// as long as there is data to read
while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {
OT returned;
if ((returned = format.nextRecord(reuse)) != null) {
} else {
// as long as there is data to read
while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {
OT returned;
if ((returned = format.nextRecord(serializer.createInstance())) != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !this.taskCanceled) {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Closing input split " + split.toString()));
} finally {
// close. We close here such that a regular close throwing an exception marks a task as failed.
// end for all input splits
// close the collector. if it is a chaining task collector, it will close its chained tasks
// close all chained tasks letting them report failure
BatchTask.closeChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// close the input, but do not report any exceptions, since we already have another root cause
try {
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
ex = ExceptionInChainedStubException.exceptionUnwrap(ex);
if (ex instanceof CancelTaskException) {
// forward canceling exception
throw ex;
} else if (!this.taskCanceled) {
// drop exception, if the task was canceled
BatchTask.logAndThrowException(ex, this);
} finally {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (this.format != null && RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
((RichInputFormat) this.format).closeInputFormat();
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Closing the InputFormat."));
if (!this.taskCanceled) {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished data source operator"));
} else {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Data source operator cancelled"));