use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView in project flink by apache.
the class FromElementsFunction method run.
public void run(SourceContext<T> ctx) throws Exception {
Preconditions.checkState(serializer != null, "serializer not configured");
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(elementsSerialized);
final DataInputView input = new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(bais);
// if we are restored from a checkpoint and need to skip elements, skip them now.
int toSkip = numElementsToSkip;
if (toSkip > 0) {
try {
while (toSkip > 0) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to deserialize an element from the source. " + "If you are using user-defined serialization (Value and Writable types), check the " + "serialization functions.\nSerializer is " + serializer, e);
this.numElementsEmitted = this.numElementsToSkip;
final Object lock = ctx.getCheckpointLock();
while (isRunning && numElementsEmitted < numElements) {
T next;
try {
next = serializer.deserialize(input);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to deserialize an element from the source. " + "If you are using user-defined serialization (Value and Writable types), check the " + "serialization functions.\nSerializer is " + serializer, e);
synchronized (lock) {
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView in project flink by apache.
the class DefaultOperatorStateBackend method deserializeStateValues.
private static <S> void deserializeStateValues(PartitionableListState<S> stateListForName, FSDataInputStream in, OperatorStateHandle.StateMetaInfo metaInfo) throws IOException {
if (null != metaInfo) {
long[] offsets = metaInfo.getOffsets();
if (null != offsets) {
DataInputView div = new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(in);
TypeSerializer<S> serializer = stateListForName.getPartitionStateSerializer();
for (long offset : offsets) {;
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView in project flink by apache.
the class SpanningRecordSerializerTest method testEmptyRecords.
public void testEmptyRecords() {
final int SEGMENT_SIZE = 11;
final SpanningRecordSerializer<SerializationTestType> serializer = new SpanningRecordSerializer<SerializationTestType>();
final Buffer buffer = new Buffer(MemorySegmentFactory.allocateUnpooledSegment(SEGMENT_SIZE), mock(BufferRecycler.class));
try {
Assert.assertEquals(RecordSerializer.SerializationResult.FULL_RECORD, serializer.setNextBuffer(buffer));
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
SerializationTestType emptyRecord = new SerializationTestType() {
public SerializationTestType getRandom(Random rnd) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int length() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void write(DataOutputView out) {
public void read(DataInputView in) {
public int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
RecordSerializer.SerializationResult result = serializer.addRecord(emptyRecord);
Assert.assertEquals(RecordSerializer.SerializationResult.FULL_RECORD, result);
result = serializer.addRecord(emptyRecord);
Assert.assertEquals(RecordSerializer.SerializationResult.FULL_RECORD, result);
result = serializer.addRecord(emptyRecord);
Assert.assertEquals(RecordSerializer.SerializationResult.PARTIAL_RECORD_MEMORY_SEGMENT_FULL, result);
result = serializer.setNextBuffer(buffer);
Assert.assertEquals(RecordSerializer.SerializationResult.FULL_RECORD, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView in project flink by apache.
the class PostVersionedIOReadableWritable method read.
* This read attempts to first identify if the input view contains the special {@link
* #VERSIONED_IDENTIFIER} by reading and buffering the first few bytes. If identified to be
* versioned, the usual version resolution read path in {@link
* VersionedIOReadableWritable#read(DataInputView)} is invoked. Otherwise, we "reset" the input
* stream by pushing back the read buffered bytes into the stream.
public final void read(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
byte[] tmp = new byte[VERSIONED_IDENTIFIER.length];
int totalRead = IOUtils.tryReadFully(inputStream, tmp);
if (Arrays.equals(tmp, VERSIONED_IDENTIFIER)) {
DataInputView inputView = new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(inputStream);;
read(inputView, true);
} else {
InputStream streamToRead = inputStream;
if (totalRead > 0) {
PushbackInputStream resetStream = new PushbackInputStream(inputStream, totalRead);
resetStream.unread(tmp, 0, totalRead);
streamToRead = resetStream;
read(new DataInputViewStreamWrapper(streamToRead), false);
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataInputView in project flink by apache.
the class TypeSerializerUpgradeTestBase method assertSerializerIsValid.
* Asserts that a given {@link TypeSerializer} is valid, given a {@link DataInputView} of
* serialized data.
* <p>A serializer is valid, iff:
* <ul>
* <li>1. The serializer can read and then write again the given serialized data.
* <li>2. The serializer can produce a serializer snapshot which can be written and then read
* back again.
* <li>3. The serializer's produced snapshot is capable of creating a restore serializer.
* <li>4. The restore serializer created from the serializer snapshot can read and then write
* again data written by step 1. Given that the serializer is not a restore serializer
* already.
* </ul>
private static <T> void assertSerializerIsValid(TypeSerializer<T> serializer, DataInputView dataInput, Matcher<T> testDataMatcher) throws Exception {
DataInputView serializedData = readAndThenWriteData(dataInput, serializer, serializer, testDataMatcher);
TypeSerializerSnapshot<T> snapshot = writeAndThenReadSerializerSnapshot(serializer);
TypeSerializer<T> restoreSerializer = snapshot.restoreSerializer();
serializedData = readAndThenWriteData(serializedData, restoreSerializer, restoreSerializer, testDataMatcher);
TypeSerializer<T> duplicateSerializer = snapshot.restoreSerializer().duplicate();
readAndThenWriteData(serializedData, duplicateSerializer, duplicateSerializer, testDataMatcher);