use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment in project flink by apache.
the class SkipListUtils method helpSetNextValuePointer.
* Sets the next value pointer of the value.
* @param valuePointer the value pointer.
* @param nextValuePointer the next value pointer to set.
* @param spaceAllocator the space allocator.
static void helpSetNextValuePointer(long valuePointer, long nextValuePointer, Allocator spaceAllocator) {
Chunk chunk = spaceAllocator.getChunkById(SpaceUtils.getChunkIdByAddress(valuePointer));
int offsetInChunk = SpaceUtils.getChunkOffsetByAddress(valuePointer);
MemorySegment segment = chunk.getMemorySegment(offsetInChunk);
int offsetInByteBuffer = chunk.getOffsetInSegment(offsetInChunk);
putNextValuePointer(segment, offsetInByteBuffer, nextValuePointer);
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment in project flink by apache.
the class SkipListUtils method findPredecessor.
* Find the predecessor node for the given node at the given level.
* @param node the node.
* @param level the level.
* @param levelIndexHeader the head level index.
* @param spaceAllocator the space allocator.
* @return node id before the key at the given level.
static long findPredecessor(long node, int level, LevelIndexHeader levelIndexHeader, @Nonnull Allocator spaceAllocator) {
Chunk chunk = spaceAllocator.getChunkById(SpaceUtils.getChunkIdByAddress(node));
int offsetInChunk = SpaceUtils.getChunkOffsetByAddress(node);
MemorySegment keySegment = chunk.getMemorySegment(offsetInChunk);
int offsetInByteBuffer = chunk.getOffsetInSegment(offsetInChunk);
int keyLevel = getLevel(keySegment, offsetInByteBuffer);
int keyOffset = offsetInByteBuffer + getKeyDataOffset(keyLevel);
return findPredecessor(keySegment, keyOffset, level, levelIndexHeader, spaceAllocator);
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment in project flink by apache.
the class SkipListKeySerializer method getSerializedKeyAndNamespace.
* Gets serialized key and namespace from the byte buffer.
* @param memorySegment the memory segment which stores the skip list key.
* @param offset the start position of the skip list key in the byte buffer.
* @return tuple of serialized key and namespace.
Tuple2<byte[], byte[]> getSerializedKeyAndNamespace(MemorySegment memorySegment, int offset) {
// read namespace
int namespaceLen = memorySegment.getInt(offset);
MemorySegment namespaceSegment = MemorySegmentFactory.allocateUnpooledSegment(namespaceLen);
memorySegment.copyTo(offset + Integer.BYTES, namespaceSegment, 0, namespaceLen);
// read key
int keyOffset = offset + Integer.BYTES + namespaceLen;
int keyLen = memorySegment.getInt(keyOffset);
MemorySegment keySegment = MemorySegmentFactory.allocateUnpooledSegment(keyLen);
memorySegment.copyTo(keyOffset + Integer.BYTES, keySegment, 0, keyLen);
return Tuple2.of(keySegment.getArray(), namespaceSegment.getArray());
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment in project flink by apache.
the class SkipListKeySerializer method serializeToSegment.
* Serialize the key and namespace to bytes. The format is - int: length of serialized namespace
* - byte[]: serialized namespace - int: length of serialized key - byte[]: serialized key
MemorySegment serializeToSegment(K key, N namespace) {
try {
// serialize namespace
namespaceSerializer.serialize(namespace, outputView);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize namespace", e);
int keyStartPos = outputStream.getPosition();
try {
// serialize key
outputStream.setPosition(keyStartPos + Integer.BYTES);
keySerializer.serialize(key, outputView);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize key", e);
final byte[] result = outputStream.toByteArray();
final MemorySegment segment = MemorySegmentFactory.wrap(result);
// set length of namespace and key
segment.putInt(0, keyStartPos - Integer.BYTES);
segment.putInt(keyStartPos, result.length - keyStartPos - Integer.BYTES);
return segment;
use of org.apache.flink.core.memory.MemorySegment in project flink by apache.
the class BinaryStringData method compareMultiSegments.
* Find the boundaries of segments, and then compare MemorySegment.
private int compareMultiSegments(BinaryStringData other) {
if (binarySection.sizeInBytes == 0 || other.binarySection.sizeInBytes == 0) {
return binarySection.sizeInBytes - other.binarySection.sizeInBytes;
int len = Math.min(binarySection.sizeInBytes, other.binarySection.sizeInBytes);
MemorySegment seg1 = binarySection.segments[0];
MemorySegment seg2 = other.binarySection.segments[0];
int segmentSize = binarySection.segments[0].size();
int otherSegmentSize = other.binarySection.segments[0].size();
int sizeOfFirst1 = segmentSize - binarySection.offset;
int sizeOfFirst2 = otherSegmentSize - other.binarySection.offset;
int varSegIndex1 = 1;
int varSegIndex2 = 1;
// find the first segment of this string.
while (sizeOfFirst1 <= 0) {
sizeOfFirst1 += segmentSize;
seg1 = binarySection.segments[varSegIndex1++];
while (sizeOfFirst2 <= 0) {
sizeOfFirst2 += otherSegmentSize;
seg2 = other.binarySection.segments[varSegIndex2++];
int offset1 = segmentSize - sizeOfFirst1;
int offset2 = otherSegmentSize - sizeOfFirst2;
int needCompare = Math.min(Math.min(sizeOfFirst1, sizeOfFirst2), len);
while (needCompare > 0) {
// compare in one segment.
for (int i = 0; i < needCompare; i++) {
int res = (seg1.get(offset1 + i) & 0xFF) - (seg2.get(offset2 + i) & 0xFF);
if (res != 0) {
return res;
if (needCompare == len) {
len -= needCompare;
// next segment
if (sizeOfFirst1 < sizeOfFirst2) {
// I am smaller
seg1 = binarySection.segments[varSegIndex1++];
offset1 = 0;
offset2 += needCompare;
sizeOfFirst1 = segmentSize;
sizeOfFirst2 -= needCompare;
} else if (sizeOfFirst1 > sizeOfFirst2) {
// other is smaller
seg2 = other.binarySection.segments[varSegIndex2++];
offset2 = 0;
offset1 += needCompare;
sizeOfFirst2 = otherSegmentSize;
sizeOfFirst1 -= needCompare;
} else {
// same, should go ahead both.
seg1 = binarySection.segments[varSegIndex1++];
seg2 = other.binarySection.segments[varSegIndex2++];
offset1 = 0;
offset2 = 0;
sizeOfFirst1 = segmentSize;
sizeOfFirst2 = otherSegmentSize;
needCompare = Math.min(Math.min(sizeOfFirst1, sizeOfFirst2), len);
checkArgument(needCompare == len);
return binarySection.sizeInBytes - other.binarySection.sizeInBytes;