use of org.apache.flink.python.PythonConfig in project flink by apache.
the class AbstractEmbeddedPythonFunctionOperator method open.
public void open() throws Exception {;
pythonConfig = new PythonConfig(config);
pythonEnvironmentManager = createPythonEnvironmentManager();;
EmbeddedPythonEnvironment environment = (EmbeddedPythonEnvironment) pythonEnvironmentManager.createEnvironment();
PythonInterpreterConfig interpreterConfig = environment.getConfig();
interpreter = new PythonInterpreter(interpreterConfig);
Map<String, String> env = environment.getEnv();
if (env.containsKey(PYTHON_WORKING_DIR)) {
try {
JobID jobId = getRuntimeContext().getJobId();
Tuple2<String, Integer> dirAndNums;
if (workingDirectories.containsKey(jobId)) {
dirAndNums = workingDirectories.get(jobId);
} else {
dirAndNums = Tuple2.of(null, 0);
workingDirectories.put(jobId, dirAndNums);
dirAndNums.f1 += 1;
if (dirAndNums.f0 == null) {
// get current directory.
interpreter.exec("import os;cwd = os.getcwd();");
dirAndNums.f0 = interpreter.get("cwd", String.class);
String workingDirectory = env.get(PYTHON_WORKING_DIR);
// set working directory
interpreter.exec(String.format("import os;os.chdir('%s')", workingDirectory));
} finally {
openPythonInterpreter(pythonConfig.getPythonExec(), env, interpreterConfig.getExecType());
use of org.apache.flink.python.PythonConfig in project flink by apache.
the class AbstractPythonFunctionOperator method open.
public void open() throws Exception {
try {
this.pythonConfig = new PythonConfig(config);
this.jobOptions = config.toMap();
this.maxBundleSize = pythonConfig.getMaxBundleSize();
if (this.maxBundleSize <= 0) {
this.maxBundleSize = PythonOptions.MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE.defaultValue();
LOG.error("Invalid value for the maximum bundle size. Using default value of " + this.maxBundleSize + '.');
} else {"The maximum bundle size is configured to {}.", this.maxBundleSize);
this.maxBundleTimeMills = pythonConfig.getMaxBundleTimeMills();
if (this.maxBundleTimeMills <= 0L) {
this.maxBundleTimeMills = PythonOptions.MAX_BUNDLE_TIME_MILLS.defaultValue();
LOG.error("Invalid value for the maximum bundle time. Using default value of " + this.maxBundleTimeMills + '.');
} else {"The maximum bundle time is configured to {} milliseconds.", this.maxBundleTimeMills);
this.elementCount = 0;
this.lastFinishBundleTime = getProcessingTimeService().getCurrentProcessingTime();
// Schedule timer to check timeout of finish bundle.
long bundleCheckPeriod = Math.max(this.maxBundleTimeMills, 1);
this.checkFinishBundleTimer = getProcessingTimeService().scheduleAtFixedRate(// checkpointing lock
timestamp -> checkInvokeFinishBundleByTime(), bundleCheckPeriod, bundleCheckPeriod);
} finally {;