use of org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testJobSubmissionAndCanceling.
public void testJobSubmissionAndCanceling() {
new JavaTestKit(system) {
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
final ActorGateway testActorGateway = new AkkaActorGateway(getTestActor(), leaderSessionID);
try {
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, leaderSessionID));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, leaderSessionID);
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, new Configuration(), true, true);
final JobID jid1 = new JobID();
final JobID jid2 = new JobID();
JobVertexID vid1 = new JobVertexID();
JobVertexID vid2 = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid1 = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid2 = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd1 = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid1, "TestJob1", vid1, eid1, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "TestTask1", 5, 1, 5, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), TestInvokableBlockingCancelable.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd2 = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid2, "TestJob2", vid2, eid2, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "TestTask2", 7, 2, 7, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), TestInvokableBlockingCancelable.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
final ActorGateway tm = taskManager;
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
Future<Object> t1Running = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(eid1), timeout);
Future<Object> t2Running = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(eid2), timeout);
tm.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd1), testActorGateway);
tm.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd2), testActorGateway);
Await.ready(t1Running, d);
Await.ready(t2Running, d);
tm.tell(TestingTaskManagerMessages.getRequestRunningTasksMessage(), testActorGateway);
Map<ExecutionAttemptID, Task> runningTasks = expectMsgClass(TestingTaskManagerMessages.ResponseRunningTasks.class).asJava();
assertEquals(2, runningTasks.size());
Task t1 = runningTasks.get(eid1);
Task t2 = runningTasks.get(eid2);
assertEquals(ExecutionState.RUNNING, t1.getExecutionState());
assertEquals(ExecutionState.RUNNING, t2.getExecutionState());
tm.tell(new CancelTask(eid1), testActorGateway);
Future<Object> response = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskRemoved(eid1), timeout);
Await.ready(response, d);
assertEquals(ExecutionState.CANCELED, t1.getExecutionState());
tm.tell(TestingTaskManagerMessages.getRequestRunningTasksMessage(), testActorGateway);
runningTasks = expectMsgClass(TestingTaskManagerMessages.ResponseRunningTasks.class).asJava();
assertEquals(1, runningTasks.size());
tm.tell(new CancelTask(eid1), testActorGateway);
tm.tell(new CancelTask(eid2), testActorGateway);
response = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskRemoved(eid2), timeout);
Await.ready(response, d);
assertEquals(ExecutionState.CANCELED, t2.getExecutionState());
tm.tell(TestingTaskManagerMessages.getRequestRunningTasksMessage(), testActorGateway);
runningTasks = expectMsgClass(TestingTaskManagerMessages.ResponseRunningTasks.class).asJava();
assertEquals(0, runningTasks.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testFailingScheduleOrUpdateConsumersMessage.
* Test that a failing schedule or update consumers call leads to the failing of the respective
* task.
* IMPORTANT: We have to make sure that the invokable's cancel method is called, because only
* then the future is completed. We do this by not eagerly deploy consumer tasks and requiring
* the invokable to fill one memory segment. The completed memory segment will trigger the
* scheduling of the downstream operator since it is in pipeline mode. After we've filled the
* memory segment, we'll block the invokable and wait for the task failure due to the failed
* schedule or update consumers call.
@Test(timeout = 10000L)
public void testFailingScheduleOrUpdateConsumersMessage() throws Exception {
new JavaTestKit(system) {
final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
// set the memory segment to the smallest size possible, because we have to fill one
// memory buffer to trigger the schedule or update consumers message to the downstream
// operators
configuration.setInteger(ConfigConstants.TASK_MANAGER_MEMORY_SEGMENT_SIZE_KEY, 4096);
final JobID jid = new JobID();
final JobVertexID vid = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> executionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig());
final ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor resultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor = new ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor(new IntermediateDataSetID(), new IntermediateResultPartitionID(), ResultPartitionType.PIPELINED, 1, 1, true);
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid, "TestJob", vid, eid, executionConfig, "TestTask", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), TestInvokableRecordCancel.class.getName(), Collections.singletonList(resultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
ActorRef jmActorRef = system.actorOf(Props.create(FailingScheduleOrUpdateConsumersJobManager.class, leaderSessionID), "jobmanager");
ActorGateway jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jmActorRef, leaderSessionID);
final ActorGateway taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, configuration, true, true);
try {
Future<Object> result = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout);
Await.result(result, timeout);
org.apache.flink.runtime.concurrent.Future<Boolean> cancelFuture = TestInvokableRecordCancel.gotCanceled();
assertEquals(true, cancelFuture.get());
} finally {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey in project flink by apache.
the class TaskDeploymentDescriptorTest method testSerialization.
public void testSerialization() {
try {
final JobID jobID = new JobID();
final JobVertexID vertexID = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID execId = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final AllocationID allocationId = new AllocationID();
final String jobName = "job name";
final String taskName = "task name";
final int numberOfKeyGroups = 1;
final int indexInSubtaskGroup = 0;
final int currentNumberOfSubtasks = 1;
final int attemptNumber = 0;
final Configuration jobConfiguration = new Configuration();
final Configuration taskConfiguration = new Configuration();
final Class<? extends AbstractInvokable> invokableClass = BatchTask.class;
final List<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor> producedResults = new ArrayList<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>(0);
final List<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor> inputGates = new ArrayList<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>(0);
final List<BlobKey> requiredJars = new ArrayList<BlobKey>(0);
final List<URL> requiredClasspaths = new ArrayList<URL>(0);
final SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> executionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig());
final SerializedValue<JobInformation> serializedJobInformation = new SerializedValue<>(new JobInformation(jobID, jobName, executionConfig, jobConfiguration, requiredJars, requiredClasspaths));
final SerializedValue<TaskInformation> serializedJobVertexInformation = new SerializedValue<>(new TaskInformation(vertexID, taskName, currentNumberOfSubtasks, numberOfKeyGroups, invokableClass.getName(), taskConfiguration));
final int targetSlotNumber = 47;
final TaskStateHandles taskStateHandles = new TaskStateHandles();
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor orig = new TaskDeploymentDescriptor(serializedJobInformation, serializedJobVertexInformation, execId, allocationId, indexInSubtaskGroup, attemptNumber, targetSlotNumber, taskStateHandles, producedResults, inputGates);
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor copy = CommonTestUtils.createCopySerializable(orig);
assertFalse(orig.getSerializedJobInformation() == copy.getSerializedJobInformation());
assertFalse(orig.getSerializedTaskInformation() == copy.getSerializedTaskInformation());
assertFalse(orig.getExecutionAttemptId() == copy.getExecutionAttemptId());
assertFalse(orig.getTaskStateHandles() == copy.getTaskStateHandles());
assertFalse(orig.getProducedPartitions() == copy.getProducedPartitions());
assertFalse(orig.getInputGates() == copy.getInputGates());
assertEquals(orig.getSerializedJobInformation(), copy.getSerializedJobInformation());
assertEquals(orig.getSerializedTaskInformation(), copy.getSerializedTaskInformation());
assertEquals(orig.getExecutionAttemptId(), copy.getExecutionAttemptId());
assertEquals(orig.getAllocationId(), copy.getAllocationId());
assertEquals(orig.getSubtaskIndex(), copy.getSubtaskIndex());
assertEquals(orig.getAttemptNumber(), copy.getAttemptNumber());
assertEquals(orig.getTargetSlotNumber(), copy.getTargetSlotNumber());
assertEquals(orig.getTaskStateHandles(), copy.getTaskStateHandles());
assertEquals(orig.getProducedPartitions(), copy.getProducedPartitions());
assertEquals(orig.getInputGates(), copy.getInputGates());
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey in project flink by apache.
the class BlobLibraryCacheManagerTest method testLibraryCacheManagerCleanup.
public void testLibraryCacheManagerCleanup() {
JobID jid = new JobID();
List<BlobKey> keys = new ArrayList<BlobKey>();
BlobServer server = null;
BlobLibraryCacheManager libraryCacheManager = null;
final byte[] buf = new byte[128];
try {
Configuration config = new Configuration();
server = new BlobServer(config);
InetSocketAddress blobSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(server.getPort());
BlobClient bc = new BlobClient(blobSocketAddress, config);
buf[0] += 1;
long cleanupInterval = 1000l;
libraryCacheManager = new BlobLibraryCacheManager(server, cleanupInterval);
libraryCacheManager.registerJob(jid, keys, Collections.<URL>emptyList());
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
for (BlobKey key : keys) {
assertEquals(2, files.size());
// because we cannot guarantee that there are not thread races in the build system, we
// loop for a certain while until the references disappear
long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 30000;
do {
} while (libraryCacheManager.getNumberOfCachedLibraries() > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline);
// this fails if we exited via a timeout
assertEquals(0, libraryCacheManager.getNumberOfCachedLibraries());
int caughtExceptions = 0;
for (BlobKey key : keys) {
// the blob cache should no longer contain the files
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
assertEquals(2, caughtExceptions);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (server != null) {
if (libraryCacheManager != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey in project flink by apache.
the class BlobLibraryCacheManagerTest method testRegisterAndDownload.
public void testRegisterAndDownload() {
//setWritable doesn't work on Windows.
BlobServer server = null;
BlobCache cache = null;
File cacheDir = null;
try {
// create the blob transfer services
Configuration config = new Configuration();
server = new BlobServer(config);
InetSocketAddress serverAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", server.getPort());
cache = new BlobCache(serverAddress, config);
// upload some meaningless data to the server
BlobClient uploader = new BlobClient(serverAddress, config);
BlobKey dataKey1 = uploader.put(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 });
BlobKey dataKey2 = uploader.put(new byte[] { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 });
BlobLibraryCacheManager libCache = new BlobLibraryCacheManager(cache, 1000000000L);
assertEquals(0, libCache.getNumberOfCachedLibraries());
// first try to access a non-existing entry
try {
libCache.getClassLoader(new JobID());
fail("Should fail with an IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// that#s what we want
// now register some BLOBs as libraries
JobID jid = new JobID();
ExecutionAttemptID executionId = new ExecutionAttemptID();
Collection<BlobKey> keys = Collections.singleton(dataKey1);
libCache.registerTask(jid, executionId, keys, Collections.<URL>emptyList());
assertEquals(1, libCache.getNumberOfReferenceHolders(jid));
assertEquals(1, libCache.getNumberOfCachedLibraries());
// un-register them again
libCache.unregisterTask(jid, executionId);
// Don't fail if called again
libCache.unregisterTask(jid, executionId);
assertEquals(0, libCache.getNumberOfReferenceHolders(jid));
// library is still cached (but not associated with job any more)
assertEquals(1, libCache.getNumberOfCachedLibraries());
// should not be able to access the classloader any more
try {
fail("Should fail with an IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// that#s what we want
cacheDir = new File(cache.getStorageDir(), "cache");
// make sure no further blobs can be downloaded by removing the write
// permissions from the directory
assertTrue("Could not remove write permissions from cache directory", cacheDir.setWritable(false, false));
// since we cannot download this library any more, this call should fail
try {
libCache.registerTask(new JobID(), new ExecutionAttemptID(), Collections.singleton(dataKey2), Collections.<URL>emptyList());
fail("This should fail with an IOException");
} catch (IOException e) {
// splendid!
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (cacheDir != null) {
if (!cacheDir.setWritable(true, false)) {
System.err.println("Could not re-add write permissions to cache directory.");
if (cache != null) {
if (server != null) {