use of org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.CancelTaskException in project flink by apache.
the class LocalInputChannel method getNextBuffer.
BufferAndAvailability getNextBuffer() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ResultSubpartitionView subpartitionView = this.subpartitionView;
if (subpartitionView == null) {
// this can happen if the request for the partition was triggered asynchronously
// by the time trigger
// would be good to avoid that, by guaranteeing that the requestPartition() and
// getNextBuffer() always come from the same thread
// we could do that by letting the timer insert a special "requesting channel" into the input gate's queue
subpartitionView = checkAndWaitForSubpartitionView();
Buffer next = subpartitionView.getNextBuffer();
if (next == null) {
if (subpartitionView.isReleased()) {
throw new CancelTaskException("Consumed partition " + subpartitionView + " has been released.");
} else {
// notifications.
throw new IllegalStateException("Consumed partition has no buffers available. " + "Number of received buffer notifications is " + numBuffersAvailable + ".");
long remaining = numBuffersAvailable.decrementAndGet();
if (remaining >= 0) {;
return new BufferAndAvailability(next, remaining > 0);
} else if (subpartitionView.isReleased()) {
throw new ProducerFailedException(subpartitionView.getFailureCause());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("No buffer available and producer partition not released.");
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.CancelTaskException in project flink by apache.
the class StreamTask method invoke.
public final void invoke() throws Exception {
boolean disposed = false;
try {
// -------- Initialize ---------
LOG.debug("Initializing {}.", getName());
asyncOperationsThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
configuration = new StreamConfig(getTaskConfiguration());
stateBackend = createStateBackend();
accumulatorMap = getEnvironment().getAccumulatorRegistry().getUserMap();
// if the clock is not already set, then assign a default TimeServiceProvider
if (timerService == null) {
ThreadFactory timerThreadFactory = new DispatcherThreadFactory(TRIGGER_THREAD_GROUP, "Time Trigger for " + getName());
timerService = new SystemProcessingTimeService(this, getCheckpointLock(), timerThreadFactory);
operatorChain = new OperatorChain<>(this);
headOperator = operatorChain.getHeadOperator();
// task specific initialization
// save the work of reloading state, etc, if the task is already canceled
if (canceled) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// -------- Invoke --------
LOG.debug("Invoking {}", getName());
// executed before all operators are opened
synchronized (lock) {
// both the following operations are protected by the lock
// so that we avoid race conditions in the case that initializeState()
// registers a timer, that fires before the open() is called.
// final check to exit early before starting to run
if (canceled) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// let the task do its work
isRunning = true;
// make sure the "clean shutdown" is not attempted
if (canceled) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// make sure all timers finish and no new timers can come
LOG.debug("Finished task {}", getName());
// at the same time, this makes sure that during any "regular" exit where still
synchronized (lock) {
isRunning = false;
// this is part of the main logic, so if this fails, the task is considered failed
LOG.debug("Closed operators for task {}", getName());
// make sure all buffered data is flushed
// make an attempt to dispose the operators such that failures in the dispose call
// still let the computation fail
disposed = true;
} finally {
// clean up everything we initialized
isRunning = false;
// stop all timers and threads
if (timerService != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// catch and log the exception to not replace the original exception
LOG.error("Could not shut down timer service", t);
// stop all asynchronous checkpoint threads
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// catch and log the exception to not replace the original exception
LOG.error("Could not shut down async checkpoint threads", t);
// we must! perform this cleanup
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// catch and log the exception to not replace the original exception
LOG.error("Error during cleanup of stream task", t);
// if the operators were not disposed before, do a hard dispose
if (!disposed) {
// release the output resources. this method should never fail.
if (operatorChain != null) {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.CancelTaskException in project flink by apache.
the class DataSourceTask method invoke.
public void invoke() throws Exception {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LOG.debug(getLogString("Start registering input and output"));
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("The initialization of the DataSource's outputs caused an error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished registering input and output"));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invoke
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting data source operator"));
RuntimeContext ctx = createRuntimeContext();
Counter completedSplitsCounter = ctx.getMetricGroup().counter("numSplitsProcessed");
((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().reuseInputMetricsForTask();
Counter numRecordsOut = ((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().getNumRecordsOutCounter();
if (this.config.getNumberOfChainedStubs() == 0) {
((OperatorMetricGroup) ctx.getMetricGroup()).getIOMetricGroup().reuseOutputMetricsForTask();
if (RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
((RichInputFormat) this.format).setRuntimeContext(ctx);
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Initializing runtime context."));
((RichInputFormat) this.format).openInputFormat();
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Opening the InputFormat."));
ExecutionConfig executionConfig = getExecutionConfig();
boolean objectReuseEnabled = executionConfig.isObjectReuseEnabled();
LOG.debug("DataSourceTask object reuse: " + (objectReuseEnabled ? "ENABLED" : "DISABLED") + ".");
final TypeSerializer<OT> serializer = this.serializerFactory.getSerializer();
try {
// start all chained tasks
BatchTask.openChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);
// get input splits to read
final Iterator<InputSplit> splitIterator = getInputSplits();
// for each assigned input split
while (!this.taskCanceled && splitIterator.hasNext()) {
// get start and end
final InputSplit split =;
LOG.debug(getLogString("Opening input split " + split.toString()));
final InputFormat<OT, InputSplit> format = this.format;
// open input format;
LOG.debug(getLogString("Starting to read input from split " + split.toString()));
try {
final Collector<OT> output = new CountingCollector<>(this.output, numRecordsOut);
if (objectReuseEnabled) {
OT reuse = serializer.createInstance();
// as long as there is data to read
while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {
OT returned;
if ((returned = format.nextRecord(reuse)) != null) {
} else {
// as long as there is data to read
while (!this.taskCanceled && !format.reachedEnd()) {
OT returned;
if ((returned = format.nextRecord(serializer.createInstance())) != null) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !this.taskCanceled) {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Closing input split " + split.toString()));
} finally {
// close. We close here such that a regular close throwing an exception marks a task as failed.
// end for all input splits
// close the collector. if it is a chaining task collector, it will close its chained tasks
// close all chained tasks letting them report failure
BatchTask.closeChainedTasks(this.chainedTasks, this);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// close the input, but do not report any exceptions, since we already have another root cause
try {
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
ex = ExceptionInChainedStubException.exceptionUnwrap(ex);
if (ex instanceof CancelTaskException) {
// forward canceling exception
throw ex;
} else if (!this.taskCanceled) {
// drop exception, if the task was canceled
BatchTask.logAndThrowException(ex, this);
} finally {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (this.format != null && RichInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.format.getClass())) {
((RichInputFormat) this.format).closeInputFormat();
LOG.debug(getLogString("Rich Source detected. Closing the InputFormat."));
if (!this.taskCanceled) {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Finished data source operator"));
} else {
LOG.debug(getLogString("Data source operator cancelled"));
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.CancelTaskException in project flink by apache.
the class Task method run.
* The core work method that bootstraps the task and executes it code
public void run() {
// ----------------------------
while (true) {
ExecutionState current = this.executionState;
if (current == ExecutionState.CREATED) {
if (transitionState(ExecutionState.CREATED, ExecutionState.DEPLOYING)) {
// success, we can start our work
} else if (current == ExecutionState.FAILED) {
// we were immediately failed. tell the TaskManager that we reached our final state
} else if (current == ExecutionState.CANCELING) {
if (transitionState(ExecutionState.CANCELING, ExecutionState.CANCELED)) {
// we were immediately canceled. tell the TaskManager that we reached our final state
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid state for beginning of operation of task " + this + '.');
// all resource acquisitions and registrations from here on
// need to be undone in the end
Map<String, Future<Path>> distributedCacheEntries = new HashMap<String, Future<Path>>();
AbstractInvokable invokable = null;
ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader;
try {
// ----------------------------
// Task Bootstrap - We periodically
// check for canceling as a shortcut
// ----------------------------
// activate safety net for task thread"Creating FileSystem stream leak safety net for task {}", this);
// first of all, get a user-code classloader
// this may involve downloading the job's JAR files and/or classes"Loading JAR files for task {}.", this);
userCodeClassLoader = createUserCodeClassloader(libraryCache);
final ExecutionConfig executionConfig = serializedExecutionConfig.deserializeValue(userCodeClassLoader);
if (executionConfig.getTaskCancellationInterval() >= 0) {
// override task cancellation interval from Flink config if set in ExecutionConfig
taskCancellationInterval = executionConfig.getTaskCancellationInterval();
if (executionConfig.getTaskCancellationTimeout() >= 0) {
// override task cancellation timeout from Flink config if set in ExecutionConfig
taskCancellationTimeout = executionConfig.getTaskCancellationTimeout();
// now load the task's invokable code
invokable = loadAndInstantiateInvokable(userCodeClassLoader, nameOfInvokableClass);
if (isCanceledOrFailed()) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// register the task with the network stack
// this operation may fail if the system does not have enough
// memory to run the necessary data exchanges
// the registration must also strictly be undone
// ----------------------------------------------------------------"Registering task at network: {}.", this);
// next, kick off the background copying of files for the distributed cache
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> entry : DistributedCache.readFileInfoFromConfig(jobConfiguration)) {"Obtaining local cache file for '{}'.", entry.getKey());
Future<Path> cp = fileCache.createTmpFile(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), jobId);
distributedCacheEntries.put(entry.getKey(), cp);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(String.format("Exception while adding files to distributed cache of task %s (%s).", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId), e);
if (isCanceledOrFailed()) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// call the user code initialization methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
TaskKvStateRegistry kvStateRegistry = network.createKvStateTaskRegistry(jobId, getJobVertexId());
Environment env = new RuntimeEnvironment(jobId, vertexId, executionId, executionConfig, taskInfo, jobConfiguration, taskConfiguration, userCodeClassLoader, memoryManager, ioManager, broadcastVariableManager, accumulatorRegistry, kvStateRegistry, inputSplitProvider, distributedCacheEntries, writers, inputGates, checkpointResponder, taskManagerConfig, metrics, this);
// let the task code create its readers and writers
if (null != taskStateHandles) {
if (invokable instanceof StatefulTask) {
StatefulTask op = (StatefulTask) invokable;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found operator state for a non-stateful task invokable");
// be memory and GC friendly - since the code stays in invoke() for a potentially long time,
// we clear the reference to the state handle
//noinspection UnusedAssignment
taskStateHandles = null;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// actual task core work
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// we must make strictly sure that the invokable is accessible to the cancel() call
// by the time we switched to running.
this.invokable = invokable;
// switch to the RUNNING state, if that fails, we have been canceled/failed in the meantime
if (!transitionState(ExecutionState.DEPLOYING, ExecutionState.RUNNING)) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// notify everyone that we switched to running
notifyObservers(ExecutionState.RUNNING, null);
taskManagerActions.updateTaskExecutionState(new TaskExecutionState(jobId, executionId, ExecutionState.RUNNING));
// make sure the user code classloader is accessible thread-locally
// run the invokable
// to the fact that it has been canceled
if (isCanceledOrFailed()) {
throw new CancelTaskException();
// finish the produced partitions. if this fails, we consider the execution failed.
for (ResultPartition partition : producedPartitions) {
if (partition != null) {
// if that fails, the task was canceled/failed in the meantime
if (transitionState(ExecutionState.RUNNING, ExecutionState.FINISHED)) {
notifyObservers(ExecutionState.FINISHED, null);
} else {
throw new CancelTaskException();
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
// check if the exception is unrecoverable
if (ExceptionUtils.isJvmFatalError(t) || (t instanceof OutOfMemoryError && taskManagerConfig.shouldExitJvmOnOutOfMemoryError())) {
// don't attempt a clean shutdown, because we cannot expect the clean shutdown to complete
try {
LOG.error("Encountered fatal error {} - terminating the JVM", t.getClass().getName(), t);
} finally {
// to failExternally()
while (true) {
ExecutionState current = this.executionState;
if (current == ExecutionState.RUNNING || current == ExecutionState.DEPLOYING) {
if (t instanceof CancelTaskException) {
if (transitionState(current, ExecutionState.CANCELED)) {
notifyObservers(ExecutionState.CANCELED, null);
} else {
if (transitionState(current, ExecutionState.FAILED, t)) {
// proper failure of the task. record the exception as the root cause
String errorMessage = String.format("Execution of %s (%s) failed.", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId);
failureCause = t;
notifyObservers(ExecutionState.FAILED, new Exception(errorMessage, t));
} else if (current == ExecutionState.CANCELING) {
if (transitionState(current, ExecutionState.CANCELED)) {
notifyObservers(ExecutionState.CANCELED, null);
} else if (current == ExecutionState.FAILED) {
// in state failed already, no transition necessary any more
} else // unexpected state, go to failed
if (transitionState(current, ExecutionState.FAILED, t)) {
LOG.error("Unexpected state in task {} ({}) during an exception: {}.", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId, current);
// else fall through the loop and
} catch (Throwable tt) {
String message = String.format("FATAL - exception in exception handler of task %s (%s).", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId);
LOG.error(message, tt);
notifyFatalError(message, tt);
} finally {
try {"Freeing task resources for {} ({}).", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId);
// stop the async dispatcher.
// copy dispatcher reference to stack, against concurrent release
ExecutorService dispatcher = this.asyncCallDispatcher;
if (dispatcher != null && !dispatcher.isShutdown()) {
// free the network resources
// free memory resources
if (invokable != null) {
// remove all of the tasks library resources
libraryCache.unregisterTask(jobId, executionId);
// remove all files in the distributed cache
removeCachedFiles(distributedCacheEntries, fileCache);
// close and de-activate safety net for task thread"Ensuring all FileSystem streams are closed for task {}", this);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// an error in the resource cleanup is fatal
String message = String.format("FATAL - exception in resource cleanup of task %s (%s).", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId);
LOG.error(message, t);
notifyFatalError(message, t);
// errors here will only be logged
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error during metrics de-registration of task {} ({}).", taskNameWithSubtask, executionId, t);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.CancelTaskException in project flink by apache.
the class PartitionRequestQueueTest method testProducerFailedException.
public void testProducerFailedException() throws Exception {
PartitionRequestQueue queue = new PartitionRequestQueue();
ResultPartitionProvider partitionProvider = mock(ResultPartitionProvider.class);
ResultPartitionID rpid = new ResultPartitionID();
BufferProvider bufferProvider = mock(BufferProvider.class);
ResultSubpartitionView view = mock(ResultSubpartitionView.class);
when(view.getFailureCause()).thenReturn(new RuntimeException("Expected test exception"));
when(partitionProvider.createSubpartitionView(eq(rpid), eq(0), eq(bufferProvider), any(BufferAvailabilityListener.class))).thenReturn(view);
EmbeddedChannel ch = new EmbeddedChannel(queue);
SequenceNumberingViewReader seqView = new SequenceNumberingViewReader(new InputChannelID(), queue);
seqView.requestSubpartitionView(partitionProvider, rpid, 0, bufferProvider);
// Enqueue the erroneous view
// Read the enqueued msg
Object msg = ch.readOutbound();
assertEquals(msg.getClass(), NettyMessage.ErrorResponse.class);
NettyMessage.ErrorResponse err = (NettyMessage.ErrorResponse) msg;
assertTrue(err.cause instanceof CancelTaskException);