use of org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID in project flink by apache.
the class TaskAsyncCallTest method createTask.
private static Task createTask() throws Exception {
LibraryCacheManager libCache = mock(LibraryCacheManager.class);
ResultPartitionManager partitionManager = mock(ResultPartitionManager.class);
ResultPartitionConsumableNotifier consumableNotifier = mock(ResultPartitionConsumableNotifier.class);
PartitionProducerStateChecker partitionProducerStateChecker = mock(PartitionProducerStateChecker.class);
Executor executor = mock(Executor.class);
NetworkEnvironment networkEnvironment = mock(NetworkEnvironment.class);
when(networkEnvironment.createKvStateTaskRegistry(any(JobID.class), any(JobVertexID.class))).thenReturn(mock(TaskKvStateRegistry.class));
JobInformation jobInformation = new JobInformation(new JobID(), "Job Name", new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), new Configuration(), Collections.<BlobKey>emptyList(), Collections.<URL>emptyList());
TaskInformation taskInformation = new TaskInformation(new JobVertexID(), "Test Task", 1, 1, CheckpointsInOrderInvokable.class.getName(), new Configuration());
return new Task(jobInformation, taskInformation, new ExecutionAttemptID(), new AllocationID(), 0, 0, Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), 0, new TaskStateHandles(), mock(MemoryManager.class), mock(IOManager.class), networkEnvironment, mock(BroadcastVariableManager.class), mock(TaskManagerActions.class), mock(InputSplitProvider.class), mock(CheckpointResponder.class), libCache, mock(FileCache.class), new TestingTaskManagerRuntimeInfo(), mock(TaskMetricGroup.class), consumableNotifier, partitionProducerStateChecker, executor);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testTriggerStackTraceSampleMessage.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stack trace sample
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Tests sampling of task stack traces.
public void testTriggerStackTraceSampleMessage() throws Exception {
new JavaTestKit(system) {
ActorGateway taskManagerActorGateway = null;
// We need this to be a JM that answers to update messages for
// robustness on Travis (if jobs need to be resubmitted in (4)).
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(new SimpleLookupJobManagerCreator(null)));
ActorGateway jobManagerActorGateway = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, null);
final ActorGateway testActorGateway = new AkkaActorGateway(getTestActor(), leaderSessionID);
try {
final ActorGateway jobManager = jobManagerActorGateway;
final ActorGateway taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, new Configuration(), true, false);
final JobID jobId = new JobID();
// Single blocking task
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jobId, "Job", new JobVertexID(), new ExecutionAttemptID(), new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "Task", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), BlockingNoOpInvokable.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<BlobKey>emptyList(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
// Submit the task
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
// Make sure to register
Future<?> connectFuture = taskManager.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenRegisteredAtJobManager(, remaining());
Await.ready(connectFuture, remaining());
Future<Object> taskRunningFuture = taskManager.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId()), timeout);
taskManager.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd));
Await.ready(taskRunningFuture, d);
} catch (Exception e) {
// 1) Trigger sample for non-existing task
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
ExecutionAttemptID taskId = new ExecutionAttemptID();
taskManager.tell(new TriggerStackTraceSample(112223, taskId, 100, timeD, 0), testActorGateway);
// Receive the expected message (heartbeat races possible)
Object[] msg = receiveN(1);
while (!(msg[0] instanceof Status.Failure)) {
msg = receiveN(1);
Status.Failure response = (Status.Failure) msg[0];
assertEquals(IllegalStateException.class, response.cause().getClass());
} catch (Exception e) {
// 2) Trigger sample for the blocking task
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
boolean success = false;
Throwable lastError = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !success; i++) {
try {
int numSamples = 5;
taskManager.tell(new TriggerStackTraceSample(19230, tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), numSamples, Time.milliseconds(100L), 0), testActorGateway);
// Receive the expected message (heartbeat races possible)
Object[] msg = receiveN(1);
while (!(msg[0] instanceof StackTraceSampleResponse)) {
msg = receiveN(1);
StackTraceSampleResponse response = (StackTraceSampleResponse) msg[0];
// ---- Verify response ----
assertEquals(19230, response.getSampleId());
assertEquals(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), response.getExecutionAttemptID());
List<StackTraceElement[]> traces = response.getSamples();
assertEquals("Number of samples", numSamples, traces.size());
for (StackTraceElement[] trace : traces) {
// Look for BlockingNoOpInvokable#invoke
for (StackTraceElement elem : trace) {
if (elem.getClassName().equals(BlockingNoOpInvokable.class.getName())) {
assertEquals("invoke", elem.getMethodName());
success = true;
assertTrue("Unexpected stack trace: " + Arrays.toString(trace), success);
} catch (Throwable t) {
lastError = t;
LOG.warn("Failed to find invokable.", t);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.error("Interrupted while sleeping before retry.", e);
if (!success) {
if (lastError == null) {
fail("Failed to find invokable");
} else {
// 3) Trigger sample for the blocking task with max depth
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
int numSamples = 5;
int maxDepth = 2;
taskManager.tell(new TriggerStackTraceSample(1337, tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), numSamples, Time.milliseconds(100L), maxDepth), testActorGateway);
// Receive the expected message (heartbeat races possible)
Object[] msg = receiveN(1);
while (!(msg[0] instanceof StackTraceSampleResponse)) {
msg = receiveN(1);
StackTraceSampleResponse response = (StackTraceSampleResponse) msg[0];
// ---- Verify response ----
assertEquals(1337, response.getSampleId());
assertEquals(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), response.getExecutionAttemptID());
List<StackTraceElement[]> traces = response.getSamples();
assertEquals("Number of samples", numSamples, traces.size());
for (StackTraceElement[] trace : traces) {
assertEquals("Max depth", maxDepth, trace.length);
} catch (Exception e) {
// 4) Trigger sample for the blocking task, but cancel it during sampling
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
int maxAttempts = 10;
int sleepTime = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++, sleepTime *= 2) {
// Trigger many samples in order to cancel the task
// during a sample
taskManager.tell(new TriggerStackTraceSample(44, tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, Time.milliseconds(10L), 0), testActorGateway);
Future<?> removeFuture = taskManager.ask(new TestingJobManagerMessages.NotifyWhenJobRemoved(jobId), remaining());
// Cancel the task
taskManager.tell(new CancelTask(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId()));
// Receive the expected message (heartbeat races possible)
while (true) {
Object[] msg = receiveN(1);
if (msg[0] instanceof StackTraceSampleResponse) {
StackTraceSampleResponse response = (StackTraceSampleResponse) msg[0];
assertEquals(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId(), response.getExecutionAttemptID());
assertEquals(44, response.getSampleId());
// Done
} else if (msg[0] instanceof Failure) {
// Wait for removal before resubmitting
Await.ready(removeFuture, remaining());
Future<?> taskRunningFuture = taskManager.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(tdd.getExecutionAttemptId()), timeout);
// Resubmit
taskManager.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd));
Await.ready(taskRunningFuture, remaining());
// Retry the sample message
} else {
// Different message
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testCancellingDependentAndStateUpdateFails.
public void testCancellingDependentAndStateUpdateFails() {
// this tests creates two tasks. the sender sends data, and fails to send the
// state update back to the job manager
// the second one blocks to be canceled
new JavaTestKit(system) {
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
final ActorGateway testActorGateway = new AkkaActorGateway(getTestActor(), leaderSessionID);
try {
final JobID jid = new JobID();
JobVertexID vid1 = new JobVertexID();
JobVertexID vid2 = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid1 = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid2 = new ExecutionAttemptID();
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(new SimpleLookupFailingUpdateJobManagerCreator(leaderSessionID, eid2)));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, leaderSessionID);
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, new Configuration(), true, true);
final ActorGateway tm = taskManager;
IntermediateResultPartitionID partitionId = new IntermediateResultPartitionID();
List<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor> irpdd = new ArrayList<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>();
irpdd.add(new ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor(new IntermediateDataSetID(), partitionId, ResultPartitionType.PIPELINED, 1, 1, true));
InputGateDeploymentDescriptor ircdd = new InputGateDeploymentDescriptor(new IntermediateDataSetID(), ResultPartitionType.PIPELINED, 0, new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[] { new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(new ResultPartitionID(partitionId, eid1), ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal()) });
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd1 = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid, "TestJob", vid1, eid1, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "Sender", 1, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), Tasks.Sender.class.getName(), irpdd, Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd2 = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid, "TestJob", vid2, eid2, new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "Receiver", 7, 2, 7, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), Tasks.BlockingReceiver.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(ircdd), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
try {
Future<Object> t1Running = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(eid1), timeout);
Future<Object> t2Running = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskIsRunning(eid2), timeout);
tm.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd2), testActorGateway);
tm.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd1), testActorGateway);
Await.ready(t1Running, d);
Await.ready(t2Running, d);
tm.tell(TestingTaskManagerMessages.getRequestRunningTasksMessage(), testActorGateway);
Map<ExecutionAttemptID, Task> tasks = expectMsgClass(TestingTaskManagerMessages.ResponseRunningTasks.class).asJava();
Task t1 = tasks.get(eid1);
Task t2 = tasks.get(eid2);
tm.tell(new CancelTask(eid2), testActorGateway);
if (t2 != null) {
Future<Object> response = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskRemoved(eid2), timeout);
Await.ready(response, d);
if (t1 != null) {
if (t1.getExecutionState() == ExecutionState.RUNNING) {
tm.tell(new CancelTask(eid1), testActorGateway);
Future<Object> response = tm.ask(new TestingTaskManagerMessages.NotifyWhenTaskRemoved(eid1), timeout);
Await.ready(response, d);
tm.tell(TestingTaskManagerMessages.getRequestRunningTasksMessage(), testActorGateway);
tasks = expectMsgClass(TestingTaskManagerMessages.ResponseRunningTasks.class).asJava();
assertEquals(0, tasks.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
// shut down the actors
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testSubmitAndExecuteTask.
public void testSubmitAndExecuteTask() throws IOException {
new JavaTestKit(system) {
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
final ActorGateway jobManager = TestingUtils.createForwardingActor(system, getTestActor(), Option.<String>empty());
try {
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, new Configuration(), true, false);
final ActorGateway tm = taskManager;
// handle the registration
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
final InstanceID iid = new InstanceID();
assertEquals(, getLastSender());
tm.tell(new RegistrationMessages.AcknowledgeRegistration(iid, 12345), jobManager);
final JobID jid = new JobID();
final JobVertexID vid = new JobVertexID();
final ExecutionAttemptID eid = new ExecutionAttemptID();
final SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> executionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig());
final TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(jid, "TestJob", vid, eid, executionConfig, "TestTask", 7, 2, 7, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), TestInvokableCorrect.class.getName(), Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), new ArrayList<BlobKey>(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
new Within(d) {
protected void run() {
tm.tell(new SubmitTask(tdd), jobManager);
// TaskManager should acknowledge the submission
// heartbeats may be interleaved
long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
do {
Object message = receiveOne(d);
if (message.equals(Acknowledge.get())) {
} while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline);
// task should have switched to running
Object toRunning = new TaskMessages.UpdateTaskExecutionState(new TaskExecutionState(jid, eid, ExecutionState.RUNNING));
// task should have switched to finished
Object toFinished = new TaskMessages.UpdateTaskExecutionState(new TaskExecutionState(jid, eid, ExecutionState.FINISHED));
deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
do {
Object message = receiveOne(d);
if (message.equals(toRunning)) {
} else if (!(message instanceof TaskManagerMessages.Heartbeat)) {
fail("Unexpected message: " + message);
} while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline);
deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
do {
Object message = receiveOne(d);
if (message.equals(toFinished)) {
} else if (!(message instanceof TaskManagerMessages.Heartbeat)) {
fail("Unexpected message: " + message);
} while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline);
} finally {
// shut down the actors
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID in project flink by apache.
the class TaskManagerTest method testSubmitTaskFailure.
* Tests that the TaskManager sends a proper exception back to the sender if the submit task
* message fails.
public void testSubmitTaskFailure() throws Exception {
ActorGateway jobManager = null;
ActorGateway taskManager = null;
try {
ActorRef jm = system.actorOf(Props.create(SimpleJobManager.class, leaderSessionID));
jobManager = new AkkaActorGateway(jm, leaderSessionID);
taskManager = TestingUtils.createTaskManager(system, jobManager, new Configuration(), true, true);
TaskDeploymentDescriptor tdd = createTaskDeploymentDescriptor(new JobID(), "test job", new JobVertexID(), new ExecutionAttemptID(), new SerializedValue<>(new ExecutionConfig()), "test task", // this will make the submission fail because the number of key groups must be >= 1
0, 0, 1, 0, new Configuration(), new Configuration(), "Foobar", Collections.<ResultPartitionDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<InputGateDeploymentDescriptor>emptyList(), Collections.<BlobKey>emptyList(), Collections.<URL>emptyList(), 0);
Future<Object> submitResponse = taskManager.ask(new SubmitTask(tdd), timeout);
try {
Await.result(submitResponse, timeout);
fail("The submit task message should have failed.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
} finally {