use of in project flink by apache.
the class InputGateConcurrentTest method testConsumptionWithRemoteChannels.
public void testConsumptionWithRemoteChannels() throws Exception {
final int numChannels = 11;
final int buffersPerChannel = 1000;
final ConnectionManager connManager = createDummyConnectionManager();
final Source[] sources = new Source[numChannels];
final SingleInputGate gate = new SingleInputGate("Test Task Name", new JobID(), new IntermediateDataSetID(), ResultPartitionType.PIPELINED, 0, numChannels, mock(TaskActions.class), new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
RemoteInputChannel channel = new RemoteInputChannel(gate, i, new ResultPartitionID(), mock(ConnectionID.class), connManager, 0, 0, new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
gate.setInputChannel(new IntermediateResultPartitionID(), channel);
sources[i] = new RemoteChannelSource(channel);
ProducerThread producer = new ProducerThread(sources, numChannels * buffersPerChannel, 4, 10);
ConsumerThread consumer = new ConsumerThread(gate, numChannels * buffersPerChannel);
// the 'sync()' call checks for exceptions and failed assertions
use of in project flink by apache.
the class InputGateFairnessTest method testFairConsumptionRemoteChannels.
public void testFairConsumptionRemoteChannels() throws Exception {
final int numChannels = 37;
final int buffersPerChannel = 27;
final Buffer mockBuffer = createMockBuffer(42);
// ----- create some source channels and fill them with buffers -----
SingleInputGate gate = new FairnessVerifyingInputGate("Test Task Name", new JobID(), new IntermediateDataSetID(), 0, numChannels, mock(TaskActions.class), new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
final ConnectionManager connManager = createDummyConnectionManager();
final RemoteInputChannel[] channels = new RemoteInputChannel[numChannels];
final int[] channelSequenceNums = new int[numChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
RemoteInputChannel channel = new RemoteInputChannel(gate, i, new ResultPartitionID(), mock(ConnectionID.class), connManager, 0, 0, new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
channels[i] = channel;
gate.setInputChannel(new IntermediateResultPartitionID(), channel);
channels[11].onBuffer(mockBuffer, 0);
// read all the buffers and the EOF event
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels * buffersPerChannel; i++) {
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = 0;
for (RemoteInputChannel channel : channels) {
int size = channel.getNumberOfQueuedBuffers();
min = Math.min(min, size);
max = Math.max(max, size);
assertTrue(max == min || max == min + 1);
if (i % (2 * numChannels) == 0) {
// add three buffers to each channel, in random order
fillRandom(channels, channelSequenceNums, 3, mockBuffer);
use of in project flink by apache.
the class InputGateFairnessTest method testFairConsumptionRemoteChannelsPreFilled.
public void testFairConsumptionRemoteChannelsPreFilled() throws Exception {
final int numChannels = 37;
final int buffersPerChannel = 27;
final Buffer mockBuffer = createMockBuffer(42);
// ----- create some source channels and fill them with buffers -----
SingleInputGate gate = new FairnessVerifyingInputGate("Test Task Name", new JobID(), new IntermediateDataSetID(), 0, numChannels, mock(TaskActions.class), new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
final ConnectionManager connManager = createDummyConnectionManager();
final RemoteInputChannel[] channels = new RemoteInputChannel[numChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
RemoteInputChannel channel = new RemoteInputChannel(gate, i, new ResultPartitionID(), mock(ConnectionID.class), connManager, 0, 0, new UnregisteredTaskMetricsGroup.DummyTaskIOMetricGroup());
channels[i] = channel;
for (int p = 0; p < buffersPerChannel; p++) {
channel.onBuffer(mockBuffer, p);
channel.onBuffer(EventSerializer.toBuffer(EndOfPartitionEvent.INSTANCE), buffersPerChannel);
gate.setInputChannel(new IntermediateResultPartitionID(), channel);
// read all the buffers and the EOF event
for (int i = numChannels * (buffersPerChannel + 1); i > 0; --i) {
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = 0;
for (RemoteInputChannel channel : channels) {
int size = channel.getNumberOfQueuedBuffers();
min = Math.min(min, size);
max = Math.max(max, size);
assertTrue(max == min || max == min + 1);
use of in project flink by apache.
the class PartitionRequestClientHandlerTest method testCancelBeforeActive.
public void testCancelBeforeActive() throws Exception {
final RemoteInputChannel inputChannel = mock(RemoteInputChannel.class);
when(inputChannel.getInputChannelId()).thenReturn(new InputChannelID());
final PartitionRequestClientHandler client = new PartitionRequestClientHandler();
// Don't throw NPE
// Don't throw NPE, because channel is not active yet
use of in project flink by apache.
the class PartitionRequestClientHandler method decodeMsg.
private boolean decodeMsg(Object msg, boolean isStagedBuffer) throws Throwable {
final Class<?> msgClazz = msg.getClass();
// ---- Buffer --------------------------------------------------------
if (msgClazz == NettyMessage.BufferResponse.class) {
NettyMessage.BufferResponse bufferOrEvent = (NettyMessage.BufferResponse) msg;
RemoteInputChannel inputChannel = inputChannels.get(bufferOrEvent.receiverId);
if (inputChannel == null) {
return true;
return decodeBufferOrEvent(inputChannel, bufferOrEvent, isStagedBuffer);
} else // ---- Error ---------------------------------------------------------
if (msgClazz == NettyMessage.ErrorResponse.class) {
NettyMessage.ErrorResponse error = (NettyMessage.ErrorResponse) msg;
SocketAddress remoteAddr =;
if (error.isFatalError()) {
notifyAllChannelsOfErrorAndClose(new RemoteTransportException("Fatal error at remote task manager '" + remoteAddr + "'.", remoteAddr, error.cause));
} else {
RemoteInputChannel inputChannel = inputChannels.get(error.receiverId);
if (inputChannel != null) {
if (error.cause.getClass() == PartitionNotFoundException.class) {
} else {
inputChannel.onError(new RemoteTransportException("Error at remote task manager '" + remoteAddr + "'.", remoteAddr, error.cause));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received unknown message from producer: " + msg.getClass());
return true;