use of org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.ExternalizedCheckpointSettings in project flink by apache.
the class StreamingJobGraphGenerator method configureCheckpointing.
private void configureCheckpointing() {
CheckpointConfig cfg = streamGraph.getCheckpointConfig();
long interval = cfg.getCheckpointInterval();
if (interval > 0) {
// check if a restart strategy has been set, if not then set the FixedDelayRestartStrategy
if (streamGraph.getExecutionConfig().getRestartStrategy() == null) {
// if the user enabled checkpointing, the default number of exec retries is infinite.
streamGraph.getExecutionConfig().setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategies.fixedDelayRestart(Integer.MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_RESTART_DELAY));
} else {
// interval of max value means disable periodic checkpoint
interval = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// collect the vertices that receive "trigger checkpoint" messages.
// currently, these are all the sources
List<JobVertexID> triggerVertices = new ArrayList<>();
// collect the vertices that need to acknowledge the checkpoint
// currently, these are all vertices
List<JobVertexID> ackVertices = new ArrayList<>(jobVertices.size());
// collect the vertices that receive "commit checkpoint" messages
// currently, these are all vertices
List<JobVertexID> commitVertices = new ArrayList<>();
for (JobVertex vertex : jobVertices.values()) {
if (vertex.isInputVertex()) {
ExternalizedCheckpointSettings externalizedCheckpointSettings;
if (cfg.isExternalizedCheckpointsEnabled()) {
CheckpointConfig.ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup cleanup = cfg.getExternalizedCheckpointCleanup();
// Sanity check
if (cleanup == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Externalized checkpoints enabled, but no cleanup mode configured.");
externalizedCheckpointSettings = ExternalizedCheckpointSettings.externalizeCheckpoints(cleanup.deleteOnCancellation());
} else {
externalizedCheckpointSettings = ExternalizedCheckpointSettings.none();
CheckpointingMode mode = cfg.getCheckpointingMode();
boolean isExactlyOnce;
if (mode == CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE) {
isExactlyOnce = true;
} else if (mode == CheckpointingMode.AT_LEAST_ONCE) {
isExactlyOnce = false;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected checkpointing mode. " + "Did not expect there to be another checkpointing mode besides " + "exactly-once or at-least-once.");
JobSnapshottingSettings settings = new JobSnapshottingSettings(triggerVertices, ackVertices, commitVertices, interval, cfg.getCheckpointTimeout(), cfg.getMinPauseBetweenCheckpoints(), cfg.getMaxConcurrentCheckpoints(), externalizedCheckpointSettings, streamGraph.getStateBackend(), isExactlyOnce);