use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.SlotNotFoundException in project flink by apache.
the class TaskExecutor method handleAcceptedSlotOffers.
private BiConsumer<Iterable<SlotOffer>, Throwable> handleAcceptedSlotOffers(JobID jobId, JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway, JobMasterId jobMasterId, Collection<SlotOffer> offeredSlots, UUID offerId) {
return (Iterable<SlotOffer> acceptedSlots, Throwable throwable) -> {
// check if this is the latest offer
if (!offerId.equals(currentSlotOfferPerJob.get(jobId))) {
// If this offer is outdated then it can be safely ignored.
// If the response for a given slot is identical in both offers (accepted/rejected),
// then this is naturally the case since the end-result is the same.
// If the responses differ, then there are 2 cases to consider:
// 1) initially rejected, later accepted
// This can happen when the resource requirements of a job increases between
// offers.
// In this case the first response MUST be ignored, so that
// the slot can be properly activated when the second response arrives.
// 2) initially accepted, later rejected
// This can happen when the resource requirements of a job decrease between
// offers.
// In this case the first response MAY be ignored, because the job no longer
// requires the slot (and already has initiated steps to free it) and we can thus
// assume that any in-flight task submissions are no longer relevant for the job
// execution.
log.debug("Discard slot offer response since there is a newer offer for the job {}.", jobId);
if (throwable != null) {
if (throwable instanceof TimeoutException) {"Slot offering to JobManager did not finish in time. Retrying the slot offering.");
// We ran into a timeout. Try again.
} else {
log.warn("Slot offering to JobManager failed. Freeing the slots " + "and returning them to the ResourceManager.", throwable);
// We encountered an exception. Free the slots and return them to the RM.
for (SlotOffer reservedSlot : offeredSlots) {
freeSlotInternal(reservedSlot.getAllocationId(), throwable);
} else {
// check if the response is still valid
if (isJobManagerConnectionValid(jobId, jobMasterId)) {
// mark accepted slots active
for (SlotOffer acceptedSlot : acceptedSlots) {
final AllocationID allocationId = acceptedSlot.getAllocationId();
try {
if (!taskSlotTable.markSlotActive(allocationId)) {
// the slot is either free or releasing at the moment
final String message = "Could not mark slot " + allocationId + " active.";
jobMasterGateway.failSlot(getResourceID(), allocationId, new FlinkException(message));
} catch (SlotNotFoundException e) {
final String message = "Could not mark slot " + allocationId + " active.";
jobMasterGateway.failSlot(getResourceID(), allocationId, new FlinkException(message));
final Exception e = new Exception("The slot was rejected by the JobManager.");
for (SlotOffer rejectedSlot : offeredSlots) {
freeSlotInternal(rejectedSlot.getAllocationId(), e);
} else {
// discard the response since there is a new leader for the job
log.debug("Discard slot offer response since there is a new leader " + "for the job {}.", jobId);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.SlotNotFoundException in project flink by apache.
the class TaskExecutor method disconnectJobManagerConnection.
private void disconnectJobManagerConnection(JobTable.Connection jobManagerConnection, Exception cause) {
final JobID jobId = jobManagerConnection.getJobId();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Close JobManager connection for job {}.", jobId, cause);
} else {"Close JobManager connection for job {}.", jobId);
// 1. fail tasks running under this JobID
Iterator<Task> tasks = taskSlotTable.getTasks(jobId);
final FlinkException failureCause = new FlinkException(String.format("Disconnect from JobManager responsible for %s.", jobId), cause);
while (tasks.hasNext()) {;
// 2. Move the active slots to state allocated (possible to time out again)
Set<AllocationID> activeSlotAllocationIDs = taskSlotTable.getActiveTaskSlotAllocationIdsPerJob(jobId);
final FlinkException freeingCause = new FlinkException("Slot could not be marked inactive.");
for (AllocationID activeSlotAllocationID : activeSlotAllocationIDs) {
try {
if (!taskSlotTable.markSlotInactive(activeSlotAllocationID, taskManagerConfiguration.getSlotTimeout())) {
freeSlotInternal(activeSlotAllocationID, freeingCause);
} catch (SlotNotFoundException e) {
log.debug("Could not mark the slot {} inactive.", activeSlotAllocationID, e);
// 3. Disassociate from the JobManager
try {
disassociateFromJobManager(jobManagerConnection, cause);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Could not properly disassociate from JobManager {}.", jobManagerConnection.getJobManagerGateway().getAddress(), e);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.SlotNotFoundException in project flink-mirror by flink-ci.
the class TaskExecutor method allocateSlotForJob.
private boolean allocateSlotForJob(JobID jobId, SlotID slotId, AllocationID allocationId, ResourceProfile resourceProfile, String targetAddress) throws SlotAllocationException {
allocateSlot(slotId, jobId, allocationId, resourceProfile);
final JobTable.Job job;
try {
job = jobTable.getOrCreateJob(jobId, () -> registerNewJobAndCreateServices(jobId, targetAddress));
} catch (Exception e) {
// free the allocated slot
try {
} catch (SlotNotFoundException slotNotFoundException) {
// slot no longer existent, this should actually never happen, because we've
// just allocated the slot. So let's fail hard in this case!
// release local state under the allocation id.
// sanity check
if (!taskSlotTable.isSlotFree(slotId.getSlotNumber())) {
onFatalError(new Exception("Could not free slot " + slotId));
throw new SlotAllocationException("Could not create new job.", e);
return job.isConnected();
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.SlotNotFoundException in project flink-mirror by flink-ci.
the class TaskExecutor method freeSlotInternal.
private void freeSlotInternal(AllocationID allocationId, Throwable cause) {
// information
if (isRunning()) {
log.debug("Free slot with allocation id {} because: {}", allocationId, cause.getMessage());
try {
final JobID jobId = taskSlotTable.getOwningJob(allocationId);
final int slotIndex = taskSlotTable.freeSlot(allocationId, cause);
if (slotIndex != -1) {
if (isConnectedToResourceManager()) {
// the slot was freed. Tell the RM about it
ResourceManagerGateway resourceManagerGateway = establishedResourceManagerConnection.getResourceManagerGateway();
resourceManagerGateway.notifySlotAvailable(establishedResourceManagerConnection.getTaskExecutorRegistrationId(), new SlotID(getResourceID(), slotIndex), allocationId);
if (jobId != null) {
} catch (SlotNotFoundException e) {
log.debug("Could not free slot for allocation id {}.", allocationId, e);
} else {
log.debug("Ignoring the freeing of slot {} because the TaskExecutor is shutting down.", allocationId);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.slot.SlotNotFoundException in project flink-mirror by flink-ci.
the class TaskExecutor method handleAcceptedSlotOffers.
private BiConsumer<Iterable<SlotOffer>, Throwable> handleAcceptedSlotOffers(JobID jobId, JobMasterGateway jobMasterGateway, JobMasterId jobMasterId, Collection<SlotOffer> offeredSlots, UUID offerId) {
return (Iterable<SlotOffer> acceptedSlots, Throwable throwable) -> {
// check if this is the latest offer
if (!offerId.equals(currentSlotOfferPerJob.get(jobId))) {
// If this offer is outdated then it can be safely ignored.
// If the response for a given slot is identical in both offers (accepted/rejected),
// then this is naturally the case since the end-result is the same.
// If the responses differ, then there are 2 cases to consider:
// 1) initially rejected, later accepted
// This can happen when the resource requirements of a job increases between
// offers.
// In this case the first response MUST be ignored, so that
// the slot can be properly activated when the second response arrives.
// 2) initially accepted, later rejected
// This can happen when the resource requirements of a job decrease between
// offers.
// In this case the first response MAY be ignored, because the job no longer
// requires the slot (and already has initiated steps to free it) and we can thus
// assume that any in-flight task submissions are no longer relevant for the job
// execution.
log.debug("Discard slot offer response since there is a newer offer for the job {}.", jobId);
if (throwable != null) {
if (throwable instanceof TimeoutException) {"Slot offering to JobManager did not finish in time. Retrying the slot offering.");
// We ran into a timeout. Try again.
} else {
log.warn("Slot offering to JobManager failed. Freeing the slots " + "and returning them to the ResourceManager.", throwable);
// We encountered an exception. Free the slots and return them to the RM.
for (SlotOffer reservedSlot : offeredSlots) {
freeSlotInternal(reservedSlot.getAllocationId(), throwable);
} else {
// check if the response is still valid
if (isJobManagerConnectionValid(jobId, jobMasterId)) {
// mark accepted slots active
for (SlotOffer acceptedSlot : acceptedSlots) {
final AllocationID allocationId = acceptedSlot.getAllocationId();
try {
if (!taskSlotTable.markSlotActive(allocationId)) {
// the slot is either free or releasing at the moment
final String message = "Could not mark slot " + allocationId + " active.";
jobMasterGateway.failSlot(getResourceID(), allocationId, new FlinkException(message));
} catch (SlotNotFoundException e) {
final String message = "Could not mark slot " + allocationId + " active.";
jobMasterGateway.failSlot(getResourceID(), allocationId, new FlinkException(message));
final Exception e = new Exception("The slot was rejected by the JobManager.");
for (SlotOffer rejectedSlot : offeredSlots) {
freeSlotInternal(rejectedSlot.getAllocationId(), e);
} else {
// discard the response since there is a new leader for the job
log.debug("Discard slot offer response since there is a new leader " + "for the job {}.", jobId);