use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskManagerLocation in project flink by apache.
the class InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor method fromEdges.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an input channel deployment descriptor for each partition.
public static InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[] fromEdges(ExecutionEdge[] edges, SimpleSlot consumerSlot, boolean allowLazyDeployment) throws ExecutionGraphException {
final ResourceID consumerTaskManager = consumerSlot.getTaskManagerID();
final InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[] icdd = new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor[edges.length];
// Each edge is connected to a different result partition
for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
final IntermediateResultPartition consumedPartition = edges[i].getSource();
final Execution producer = consumedPartition.getProducer().getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
final ExecutionState producerState = producer.getState();
final SimpleSlot producerSlot = producer.getAssignedResource();
final ResultPartitionLocation partitionLocation;
// The producing task needs to be RUNNING or already FINISHED
if (consumedPartition.isConsumable() && producerSlot != null && (producerState == ExecutionState.RUNNING || producerState == ExecutionState.FINISHED || producerState == ExecutionState.SCHEDULED || producerState == ExecutionState.DEPLOYING)) {
final TaskManagerLocation partitionTaskManagerLocation = producerSlot.getTaskManagerLocation();
final ResourceID partitionTaskManager = partitionTaskManagerLocation.getResourceID();
if (partitionTaskManager.equals(consumerTaskManager)) {
// Consuming task is deployed to the same TaskManager as the partition => local
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal();
} else {
// Different instances => remote
final ConnectionID connectionId = new ConnectionID(partitionTaskManagerLocation, consumedPartition.getIntermediateResult().getConnectionIndex());
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createRemote(connectionId);
} else if (allowLazyDeployment) {
// The producing task might not have registered the partition yet
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createUnknown();
} else if (producerState == ExecutionState.CANCELING || producerState == ExecutionState.CANCELED || producerState == ExecutionState.FAILED) {
String msg = "Trying to schedule a task whose inputs were canceled or failed. " + "The producer is in state " + producerState + ".";
throw new ExecutionGraphException(msg);
} else {
String msg = String.format("Trying to eagerly schedule a task whose inputs " + "are not ready (partition consumable? %s, producer state: %s, producer slot: %s).", consumedPartition.isConsumable(), producerState, producerSlot);
throw new ExecutionGraphException(msg);
final ResultPartitionID consumedPartitionId = new ResultPartitionID(consumedPartition.getPartitionId(), producer.getAttemptId());
icdd[i] = new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(consumedPartitionId, partitionLocation);
return icdd;
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskManagerLocation in project flink by apache.
the class PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor method createInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor.
* Creates a channel deployment descriptor by completing the partition location.
* @see InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor
public InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor createInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(Execution consumerExecution) {
checkNotNull(consumerExecution, "consumerExecution");
TaskManagerLocation consumerLocation = consumerExecution.getAssignedResourceLocation();
checkNotNull(consumerLocation, "Consumer connection info null");
final ResultPartitionLocation partitionLocation;
if (consumerLocation.equals(partitionTaskManagerLocation)) {
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal();
} else {
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createRemote(new ConnectionID(partitionTaskManagerLocation, partitionConnectionIndex));
return new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(partitionID, partitionLocation);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskManagerLocation in project flink by apache.
the class PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor method fromEdge.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a partial input channel for the given partition and producing task.
public static PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor fromEdge(IntermediateResultPartition partition, Execution producer) {
final ResultPartitionID partitionId = new ResultPartitionID(partition.getPartitionId(), producer.getAttemptId());
final IntermediateResult result = partition.getIntermediateResult();
final IntermediateDataSetID resultId = result.getId();
final TaskManagerLocation partitionConnectionInfo = producer.getAssignedResourceLocation();
final int partitionConnectionIndex = result.getConnectionIndex();
return new PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(resultId, partitionId, partitionConnectionInfo, partitionConnectionIndex);
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskManagerLocation in project flink by apache.
the class Execution method scheduleOrUpdateConsumers.
void scheduleOrUpdateConsumers(List<List<ExecutionEdge>> allConsumers) {
final int numConsumers = allConsumers.size();
if (numConsumers > 1) {
fail(new IllegalStateException("Currently, only a single consumer group per partition is supported."));
} else if (numConsumers == 0) {
for (ExecutionEdge edge : allConsumers.get(0)) {
final ExecutionVertex consumerVertex = edge.getTarget();
final Execution consumer = consumerVertex.getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
final ExecutionState consumerState = consumer.getState();
final IntermediateResultPartition partition = edge.getSource();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (consumerState == CREATED) {
final Execution partitionExecution = partition.getProducer().getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
consumerVertex.cachePartitionInfo(PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor.fromEdge(partition, partitionExecution));
// When deploying a consuming task, its task deployment descriptor will contain all
// deployment information available at the respective time. It is possible that some
// of the partitions to be consumed have not been created yet. These are updated
// runtime via the update messages.
// TODO The current approach may send many update messages even though the consuming
// task has already been deployed with all necessary information. We have to check
// whether this is a problem and fix it, if it is.
FlinkFuture.supplyAsync(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
try {
consumerVertex.scheduleForExecution(consumerVertex.getExecutionGraph().getSlotProvider(), consumerVertex.getExecutionGraph().isQueuedSchedulingAllowed());
} catch (Throwable t) { IllegalStateException("Could not schedule consumer " + "vertex " + consumerVertex, t));
return null;
}, executor);
// double check to resolve race conditions
if (consumerVertex.getExecutionState() == RUNNING) {
} else // ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Consumer is running => send update message now
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (consumerState == RUNNING) {
final SimpleSlot consumerSlot = consumer.getAssignedResource();
if (consumerSlot == null) {
// The consumer has been reset concurrently
final TaskManagerLocation partitionTaskManagerLocation = partition.getProducer().getCurrentAssignedResource().getTaskManagerLocation();
final ResourceID partitionTaskManager = partitionTaskManagerLocation.getResourceID();
final ResourceID consumerTaskManager = consumerSlot.getTaskManagerID();
final ResultPartitionID partitionId = new ResultPartitionID(partition.getPartitionId(), attemptId);
final ResultPartitionLocation partitionLocation;
if (consumerTaskManager.equals(partitionTaskManager)) {
// Consuming task is deployed to the same instance as the partition => local
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createLocal();
} else {
// Different instances => remote
final ConnectionID connectionId = new ConnectionID(partitionTaskManagerLocation, partition.getIntermediateResult().getConnectionIndex());
partitionLocation = ResultPartitionLocation.createRemote(connectionId);
final InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor descriptor = new InputChannelDeploymentDescriptor(partitionId, partitionLocation);
consumer.sendUpdatePartitionInfoRpcCall(Collections.singleton(new PartitionInfo(partition.getIntermediateResult().getId(), descriptor)));
} else // ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (consumerState == SCHEDULED || consumerState == DEPLOYING) {
final Execution partitionExecution = partition.getProducer().getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
consumerVertex.cachePartitionInfo(PartialInputChannelDeploymentDescriptor.fromEdge(partition, partitionExecution));
// double check to resolve race conditions
if (consumerVertex.getExecutionState() == RUNNING) {
use of org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskManagerLocation in project flink by apache.
the class SlotSharingGroupAssignment method getSlotForTaskInternal.
private Tuple2<SharedSlot, Locality> getSlotForTaskInternal(AbstractID groupId, Iterable<TaskManagerLocation> preferredLocations, boolean localOnly) {
// check if there is anything at all in this group assignment
if (allSlots.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// get the available slots for the group
Map<ResourceID, List<SharedSlot>> slotsForGroup = availableSlotsPerJid.get(groupId);
if (slotsForGroup == null) {
// we have a new group, so all slots are available
slotsForGroup = new LinkedHashMap<>();
availableSlotsPerJid.put(groupId, slotsForGroup);
for (SharedSlot availableSlot : allSlots) {
putIntoMultiMap(slotsForGroup, availableSlot.getTaskManagerID(), availableSlot);
} else if (slotsForGroup.isEmpty()) {
// the group exists, but nothing is available for that group
return null;
// check whether we can schedule the task to a preferred location
boolean didNotGetPreferred = false;
if (preferredLocations != null) {
for (TaskManagerLocation location : preferredLocations) {
// set the flag that we failed a preferred location. If one will be found,
// we return early anyways and skip the flag evaluation
didNotGetPreferred = true;
SharedSlot slot = removeFromMultiMap(slotsForGroup, location.getResourceID());
if (slot != null && slot.isAlive()) {
return new Tuple2<>(slot, Locality.LOCAL);
// if we want only local assignments, exit now with a "not found" result
if (didNotGetPreferred && localOnly) {
return null;
Locality locality = didNotGetPreferred ? Locality.NON_LOCAL : Locality.UNCONSTRAINED;
// schedule the task to any available location
SharedSlot slot;
while ((slot = pollFromMultiMap(slotsForGroup)) != null) {
if (slot.isAlive()) {
return new Tuple2<>(slot, locality);
// nothing available after all, all slots were dead
return null;