use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class Namespaces method removeBacklogQuota.
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove a backlog quota policy from a namespace.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace does not exist"), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification") })
public void removeBacklogQuota(@PathParam("property") String property, @PathParam("cluster") String cluster, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace, @QueryParam("backlogQuotaType") BacklogQuotaType backlogQuotaType) {
if (backlogQuotaType == null) {
backlogQuotaType = BacklogQuotaType.destination_storage;
try {
Stat nodeStat = new Stat();
final String path = path("policies", property, cluster, namespace);
byte[] content = globalZk().getData(path, null, nodeStat);
Policies policies = jsonMapper().readValue(content, Policies.class);
globalZk().setData(path, jsonMapper().writeValueAsBytes(policies), nodeStat.getVersion());
policiesCache().invalidate(path("policies", property, cluster, namespace));"[{}] Successfully removed backlog namespace={}/{}/{}, quota={}", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace, backlogQuotaType);
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to update backlog quota map for namespace {}/{}/{}: does not exist", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace);
throw new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Namespace does not exist");
} catch (KeeperException.BadVersionException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to update backlog quota map for namespace {}/{}/{}: concurrent modification", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace);
throw new RestException(Status.CONFLICT, "Concurrent modification");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to update backlog quota map for namespace {}/{}/{}", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace, e);
throw new RestException(e);
use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class Namespaces method grantPermissionOnNamespace.
@ApiOperation(value = "Grant a new permission to a role on a namespace.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Property or cluster or namespace doesn't exist"), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification") })
public void grantPermissionOnNamespace(@PathParam("property") String property, @PathParam("cluster") String cluster, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace, @PathParam("role") String role, Set<AuthAction> actions) {
try {
Stat nodeStat = new Stat();
byte[] content = globalZk().getData(path("policies", property, cluster, namespace), null, nodeStat);
Policies policies = jsonMapper().readValue(content, Policies.class);
policies.auth_policies.namespace_auth.put(role, actions);
// Write back the new policies into zookeeper
globalZk().setData(path("policies", property, cluster, namespace), jsonMapper().writeValueAsBytes(policies), nodeStat.getVersion());
policiesCache().invalidate(path("policies", property, cluster, namespace));"[{}] Successfully granted access for role {}: {} - namespace {}/{}/{}", clientAppId(), role, actions, property, cluster, namespace);
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to set permissions for namespace {}/{}/{}: does not exist", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace);
throw new RestException(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Namespace does not exist");
} catch (KeeperException.BadVersionException e) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to set permissions for namespace {}/{}/{}: concurrent modification", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace);
throw new RestException(Status.CONFLICT, "Concurrent modification");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get permissions for namespace {}/{}/{}", clientAppId(), property, cluster, namespace, e);
throw new RestException(e);
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class ActiveStandbyElector method fenceOldActive.
* If there is a breadcrumb node indicating that another node may need
* fencing, try to fence that node.
* @return the Stat of the breadcrumb node that was read, or null
* if no breadcrumb node existed
private Stat fenceOldActive() throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
final Stat stat = new Stat();
byte[] data;"Checking for any old active which needs to be fenced...");
try {
data = zkDoWithRetries(new ZKAction<byte[]>() {
public byte[] run() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return zkClient.getData(zkBreadCrumbPath, false, stat);
} catch (KeeperException ke) {
if (isNodeDoesNotExist(ke.code())) {"No old node to fence");
return null;
// thing is the best bet.
throw ke;
}"Old node exists: " + StringUtils.byteToHexString(data));
if (Arrays.equals(data, appData)) {"But old node has our own data, so don't need to fence it.");
} else {
return stat;
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class ActiveStandbyElector method tryDeleteOwnBreadCrumbNode.
* Try to delete the "ActiveBreadCrumb" node when gracefully giving up
* active status.
* If this fails, it will simply warn, since the graceful release behavior
* is only an optimization.
private void tryDeleteOwnBreadCrumbNode() {
assert state == State.ACTIVE;"Deleting bread-crumb of active node...");
// Sanity check the data. This shouldn't be strictly necessary,
// but better to play it safe.
Stat stat = new Stat();
byte[] data = null;
try {
data = zkClient.getData(zkBreadCrumbPath, false, stat);
if (!Arrays.equals(data, appData)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("We thought we were active, but in fact " + "the active znode had the wrong data: " + StringUtils.byteToHexString(data) + " (stat=" + stat + ")");
deleteWithRetries(zkBreadCrumbPath, stat.getVersion());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to delete our own bread-crumb of being active at " + zkBreadCrumbPath + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ". " + "Expecting to be fenced by the next active.");
use of in project hadoop by apache.
the class ActiveStandbyElector method becomeActive.
private boolean becomeActive() {
assert wantToBeInElection;
if (state == State.ACTIVE) {
// already active
return true;
try {
Stat oldBreadcrumbStat = fenceOldActive();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Becoming active for " + this);
state = State.ACTIVE;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Exception handling the winning of election", e);
// Caller will handle quitting and rejoining the election.
return false;