use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableResult in project flink by apache.
the class UpdatingTopCityExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// prepare the session
final EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inStreamingMode().build();
final TableEnvironment env = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
// create an empty temporary CSV directory for this example
final String populationDirPath = createTemporaryDirectory();
// register a table in the catalog that points to the CSV file
env.executeSql("CREATE TABLE PopulationUpdates (" + " city STRING," + " state STRING," + " update_year INT," + " population_diff INT" + ") WITH (" + " 'connector' = 'filesystem'," + " 'path' = '" + populationDirPath + "'," + " 'format' = 'csv'" + ")");
// insert some example data into the table
final TableResult insertionResult = env.executeSql("INSERT INTO PopulationUpdates VALUES" + " ('Los Angeles', 'CA', 2013, 13106100), " + " ('Los Angeles', 'CA', 2014, 72600), " + " ('Los Angeles', 'CA', 2015, 72300), " + " ('Chicago', 'IL', 2013, 9553270), " + " ('Chicago', 'IL', 2014, 11340), " + " ('Chicago', 'IL', 2015, -6730), " + " ('Houston', 'TX', 2013, 6330660), " + " ('Houston', 'TX', 2014, 172960), " + " ('Houston', 'TX', 2015, 172940), " + " ('Phoenix', 'AZ', 2013, 4404680), " + " ('Phoenix', 'AZ', 2014, 86740), " + " ('Phoenix', 'AZ', 2015, 89700), " + " ('San Antonio', 'TX', 2013, 2280580), " + " ('San Antonio', 'TX', 2014, 49180), " + " ('San Antonio', 'TX', 2015, 50870), " + " ('San Francisco', 'CA', 2013, 4521310), " + " ('San Francisco', 'CA', 2014, 65940), " + " ('San Francisco', 'CA', 2015, 62290), " + " ('Dallas', 'TX', 2013, 6817520), " + " ('Dallas', 'TX', 2014, 137740), " + " ('Dallas', 'TX', 2015, 154020)");
// since all cluster operations of the Table API are executed asynchronously,
// we need to wait until the insertion has been completed,
// an exception is thrown in case of an error
// read from table and aggregate the total population per city
final Table currentPopulation = env.sqlQuery("SELECT city, state, MAX(update_year) AS latest_year, SUM(population_diff) AS population " + "FROM PopulationUpdates " + "GROUP BY city, state");
// either define a nested SQL statement with sub-queries
// or divide the problem into sub-views which will be optimized
// as a whole during planning
env.createTemporaryView("CurrentPopulation", currentPopulation);
// find the top 2 cities with the highest population per state,
// we use a sub-query that is correlated with every unique state,
// for every state we rank by population and return the top 2 cities
final Table topCitiesPerState = env.sqlQuery("SELECT state, city, latest_year, population " + "FROM " + " (SELECT DISTINCT state FROM CurrentPopulation) States," + " LATERAL (" + " SELECT city, latest_year, population" + " FROM CurrentPopulation" + " WHERE state = States.state" + " ORDER BY population DESC, latest_year DESC" + " LIMIT 2" + " )");
// execute().collect() and a List where we maintain updates
try (CloseableIterator<Row> iterator = topCitiesPerState.execute().collect()) {
final List<Row> materializedUpdates = new ArrayList<>();
iterator.forEachRemaining(row -> {
final RowKind kind = row.getKind();
switch(kind) {
case INSERT:
// for full equality
case DELETE:
// for full equality
// show the final output table if the result is bounded,
// the output should exclude San Antonio because it has a smaller population than
// Houston or Dallas in Texas (TX)
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableResult in project flink by apache.
the class TpcdsTestProgram method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
String sourceTablePath = params.getRequired("sourceTablePath");
String queryPath = params.getRequired("queryPath");
String sinkTablePath = params.getRequired("sinkTablePath");
Boolean useTableStats = params.getBoolean("useTableStats");
TableEnvironment tableEnvironment = prepareTableEnv(sourceTablePath, useTableStats);
// execute TPC-DS queries
for (String queryId : TPCDS_QUERIES) {
System.out.println("[INFO]Run TPC-DS query " + queryId + " ...");
String queryName = QUERY_PREFIX + queryId + QUERY_SUFFIX;
String queryFilePath = queryPath + FILE_SEPARATOR + queryName;
String queryString = loadFile2String(queryFilePath);
Table resultTable = tableEnvironment.sqlQuery(queryString);
// register sink table
String sinkTableName = QUERY_PREFIX + queryId + "_sinkTable";
((TableEnvironmentInternal) tableEnvironment).registerTableSinkInternal(sinkTableName, new CsvTableSink(sinkTablePath + FILE_SEPARATOR + queryId + RESULT_SUFFIX, COL_DELIMITER, 1, FileSystem.WriteMode.OVERWRITE, resultTable.getSchema().getFieldNames(), resultTable.getSchema().getFieldDataTypes()));
TableResult tableResult = resultTable.executeInsert(sinkTableName);
// wait job finish
System.out.println("[INFO]Run TPC-DS query " + queryId + " success.");
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableResult in project flink by apache.
the class BatchSQLTestProgram method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args);
String outputPath = params.getRequired("outputPath");
String sqlStatement = params.getRequired("sqlStatement");
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(EnvironmentSettings.inBatchMode());
((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSourceInternal("table1", new GeneratorTableSource(10, 100, 60, 0));
((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSourceInternal("table2", new GeneratorTableSource(5, 0.2f, 60, 5));
((TableEnvironmentInternal) tEnv).registerTableSinkInternal("sinkTable", new CsvTableSink(outputPath).configure(new String[] { "f0", "f1" }, new TypeInformation[] { Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP }));
TableResult result = tEnv.executeSql(sqlStatement);
// wait job finish
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableResult in project flink by apache.
the class OrcFileSystemITCase method testLimitableBulkFormat.
public void testLimitableBulkFormat() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
super.tableEnv().executeSql("insert into orcLimitTable select x, y, " + "1 as a " + "from originalT").await();
TableResult tableResult1 = super.tableEnv().executeSql("SELECT * FROM orcLimitTable limit 5");
List<Row> rows1 = CollectionUtil.iteratorToList(tableResult1.collect());
assertEquals(5, rows1.size());
check("select a from orcLimitTable limit 5", Arrays.asList(Row.of(1), Row.of(1), Row.of(1), Row.of(1), Row.of(1)));
use of org.apache.flink.table.api.TableResult in project flink by apache.
the class OrcFileSystemITCase method testNestedTypes.
public void testNestedTypes() throws Exception {
String path = initNestedTypesFile(initNestedTypesData());
super.tableEnv().executeSql(String.format("create table orcNestedTypesTable (" + "_col0 string," + "_col1 int," + "_col2 ARRAY<ROW<_col2_col0 string>>," + "_col3 MAP<string,ROW<_col3_col0 string,_col3_col1 timestamp>>" + ") with (" + "'connector' = 'filesystem'," + "'format' = 'orc'," + "'path' = '%s')", path));
TableResult tableResult = super.tableEnv().executeSql("SELECT * FROM orcNestedTypesTable");
List<Row> rows = CollectionUtil.iteratorToList(tableResult.collect());
assertEquals(4, rows.size());
assertEquals("+I[_col_0_string_1, 1, [+I[_col_2_row_0_string_1], +I[_col_2_row_1_string_1]], {_col_3_map_key_1=+I[_col_3_map_value_string_1, " + new Timestamp(3600000).toLocalDateTime() + "]}]", rows.get(0).toString());
assertEquals("+I[_col_0_string_2, 2, null, null]", rows.get(1).toString());
assertEquals("+I[_col_0_string_3, 3, [], {}]", rows.get(2).toString());
assertEquals("+I[_col_0_string_4, 4, [], {null=null}]", rows.get(3).toString());