use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.ddl.CreateTableOperation in project flink by apache.
the class SqlToOperationConverterTest method testCreateTableWithMinusInOptionKey.
public void testCreateTableWithMinusInOptionKey() {
final String sql = "create table source_table(\n" + " a int,\n" + " b bigint,\n" + " c varchar\n" + ") with (\n" + " 'a-B-c-d124' = 'Ab',\n" + " 'a.b-c-d.e-f.g' = 'ada',\n" + " 'a.b-c-d.e-f1231.g' = 'ada',\n" + " 'a.b-c-d.*' = 'adad')\n";
final FlinkPlannerImpl planner = getPlannerBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT);
final CalciteParser parser = getParserBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT);
SqlNode node = parser.parse(sql);
Operation operation = SqlToOperationConverter.convert(planner, catalogManager, node).get();
CreateTableOperation op = (CreateTableOperation) operation;
CatalogTable catalogTable = op.getCatalogTable();
Map<String, String> options = catalogTable.getOptions().entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
Map<String, String> sortedProperties = new TreeMap<>(options);
final String expected = "{a-B-c-d124=Ab, " + "a.b-c-d.*=adad, " + "a.b-c-d.e-f.g=ada, " + "a.b-c-d.e-f1231.g=ada}";
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.ddl.CreateTableOperation in project flink by apache.
the class SqlToOperationConverterTest method testCreateTableWithPrimaryKey.
public void testCreateTableWithPrimaryKey() {
final String sql = "CREATE TABLE tbl1 (\n" + " a bigint,\n" + " b varchar, \n" + " c int, \n" + " d varchar, \n" + " constraint ct1 primary key(a, b) not enforced\n" + ") with (\n" + " 'connector' = 'kafka', \n" + " 'kafka.topic' = 'log.test'\n" + ")\n";
FlinkPlannerImpl planner = getPlannerBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT);
final CalciteParser parser = getParserBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT);
Operation operation = parse(sql, planner, parser);
CreateTableOperation op = (CreateTableOperation) operation;
CatalogTable catalogTable = op.getCatalogTable();
TableSchema tableSchema = catalogTable.getSchema();
assertThat(tableSchema.getPrimaryKey().map(UniqueConstraint::asSummaryString).orElse("fakeVal")).isEqualTo("CONSTRAINT ct1 PRIMARY KEY (a, b)");
assertThat(tableSchema.getFieldNames()).isEqualTo(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" });
assertThat(tableSchema.getFieldDataTypes()).isEqualTo(new DataType[] { DataTypes.BIGINT().notNull(), DataTypes.STRING().notNull(), DataTypes.INT(), DataTypes.STRING() });
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.ddl.CreateTableOperation in project flink by apache.
the class SqlToOperationConverterTest method testCreateTableWithComputedColumn.
public void testCreateTableWithComputedColumn() {
final String sql = "CREATE TABLE tbl1 (\n" + " a int,\n" + " b varchar, \n" + " c as a - 1, \n" + " d as b || '$$', \n" + " e as my_udf1(a)," + " f as `default`.my_udf2(a) + 1," + " g as builtin.`default`.my_udf3(a) || '##'\n" + ")\n" + " with (\n" + " 'connector' = 'kafka', \n" + " 'kafka.topic' = 'log.test'\n" + ")\n";
functionCatalog.registerTempCatalogScalarFunction(ObjectIdentifier.of("builtin", "default", "my_udf1"), Func0$.MODULE$);
functionCatalog.registerTempCatalogScalarFunction(ObjectIdentifier.of("builtin", "default", "my_udf2"), Func1$.MODULE$);
functionCatalog.registerTempCatalogScalarFunction(ObjectIdentifier.of("builtin", "default", "my_udf3"), Func8$.MODULE$);
FlinkPlannerImpl planner = getPlannerBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT);
Operation operation = parse(sql, planner, getParserBySqlDialect(SqlDialect.DEFAULT));
CreateTableOperation op = (CreateTableOperation) operation;
CatalogTable catalogTable = op.getCatalogTable();
assertThat(catalogTable.getSchema().getFieldNames()).isEqualTo(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" });
assertThat(catalogTable.getSchema().getFieldDataTypes()).isEqualTo(new DataType[] { DataTypes.INT(), DataTypes.STRING(), DataTypes.INT(), DataTypes.STRING(), DataTypes.INT().notNull(), DataTypes.INT(), DataTypes.STRING() });
String[] columnExpressions = catalogTable.getSchema().getTableColumns().stream().filter(ComputedColumn.class::isInstance).map(ComputedColumn.class::cast).map(ComputedColumn::getExpression).toArray(String[]::new);
String[] expected = new String[] { "`a` - 1", "`b` || '$$'", "`builtin`.`default`.`my_udf1`(`a`)", "`builtin`.`default`.`my_udf2`(`a`) + 1", "`builtin`.`default`.`my_udf3`(`a`) || '##'" };
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.ddl.CreateTableOperation in project flink by apache.
the class TableEnvironmentTest method innerTestManagedTableFromDescriptor.
private void innerTestManagedTableFromDescriptor(boolean ignoreIfExists, boolean isTemporary) {
final TableEnvironmentMock tEnv = TableEnvironmentMock.getStreamingInstance();
final String catalog = tEnv.getCurrentCatalog();
final String database = tEnv.getCurrentDatabase();
final Schema schema = Schema.newBuilder().column("f0", DataTypes.INT()).build();
final String tableName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
ObjectIdentifier identifier = ObjectIdentifier.of(catalog, database, tableName);
// create table
MANAGED_TABLES.put(identifier, new AtomicReference<>());
CreateTableOperation createOperation = new CreateTableOperation(identifier, TableDescriptor.forManaged().schema(schema).option("a", "Test").build().toCatalogTable(), ignoreIfExists, isTemporary);
// test ignore: create again
if (ignoreIfExists) {
} else {
assertThatThrownBy(() -> tEnv.executeInternal(createOperation), isTemporary ? "already exists" : "Could not execute CreateTable");
// lookup table
boolean isInCatalog = tEnv.getCatalog(catalog).orElseThrow(AssertionError::new).tableExists(new ObjectPath(database, tableName));
if (isTemporary) {
} else {
final Optional<ContextResolvedTable> lookupResult = tEnv.getCatalogManager().getTable(identifier);
final CatalogBaseTable catalogTable = lookupResult.get().getTable();
assertThat(catalogTable instanceof CatalogTable).isTrue();
AtomicReference<Map<String, String>> reference = MANAGED_TABLES.get(identifier);
DropTableOperation dropOperation = new DropTableOperation(identifier, ignoreIfExists, isTemporary);
// test ignore: drop again
if (ignoreIfExists) {
} else {
assertThatThrownBy(() -> tEnv.executeInternal(dropOperation), "does not exist");
use of org.apache.flink.table.operations.ddl.CreateTableOperation in project zeppelin by apache.
the class Flink113Shims method parseBySqlParser.
private SqlCommandCall parseBySqlParser(Parser sqlParser, String stmt) throws Exception {
List<Operation> operations;
try {
operations = sqlParser.parse(stmt);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new Exception("Invalidate SQL statement.", e);
if (operations.size() != 1) {
throw new Exception("Only single statement is supported now.");
final SqlCommand cmd;
String[] operands = new String[] { stmt };
Operation operation = operations.get(0);
if (operation instanceof CatalogSinkModifyOperation) {
boolean overwrite = ((CatalogSinkModifyOperation) operation).isOverwrite();
cmd = overwrite ? SqlCommand.INSERT_OVERWRITE : SqlCommand.INSERT_INTO;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof DropTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_TABLE;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateViewOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_VIEW;
} else if (operation instanceof DropViewOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_VIEW;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof DropDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_DATABASE;
} else if (operation instanceof CreateCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_CATALOG;
} else if (operation instanceof DropCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_CATALOG;
} else if (operation instanceof UseCatalogOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.USE_CATALOG;
operands = new String[] { ((UseCatalogOperation) operation).getCatalogName() };
} else if (operation instanceof UseDatabaseOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.USE;
operands = new String[] { ((UseDatabaseOperation) operation).getDatabaseName() };
} else if (operation instanceof ShowCatalogsOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_CATALOGS;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowDatabasesOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_DATABASES;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowTablesOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_TABLES;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof ShowFunctionsOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SHOW_FUNCTIONS;
operands = new String[0];
} else if (operation instanceof CreateCatalogFunctionOperation || operation instanceof CreateTempSystemFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.CREATE_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof DropCatalogFunctionOperation || operation instanceof DropTempSystemFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DROP_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof AlterCatalogFunctionOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.ALTER_FUNCTION;
} else if (operation instanceof ExplainOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.EXPLAIN;
} else if (operation instanceof DescribeTableOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.DESCRIBE;
operands = new String[] { ((DescribeTableOperation) operation).getSqlIdentifier().asSerializableString() };
} else if (operation instanceof QueryOperation) {
cmd = SqlCommand.SELECT;
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown operation: " + operation.asSummaryString());
return new SqlCommandCall(cmd, operands, stmt);