use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecEdge in project flink by apache.
the class MultipleInputNodeCreationProcessor method createBatchMultipleInputNode.
private BatchExecMultipleInput createBatchMultipleInputNode(MultipleInputGroup group, List<Tuple3<ExecNode<?>, InputProperty, ExecEdge>> inputs) {
// first calculate the input orders using InputPriorityConflictResolver
Set<ExecNode<?>> inputSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Tuple3<ExecNode<?>, InputProperty, ExecEdge> tuple3 : inputs) {
InputOrderCalculator calculator = new InputOrderCalculator(group.root.execNode, inputSet, InputProperty.DamBehavior.BLOCKING);
Map<ExecNode<?>, Integer> inputOrderMap = calculator.calculate();
// then create input rels and edges with the input orders
ExecNode<?> rootNode = group.root.execNode;
List<ExecNode<?>> inputNodes = new ArrayList<>();
List<InputProperty> inputProperties = new ArrayList<>();
List<ExecEdge> originalEdges = new ArrayList<>();
for (Tuple3<ExecNode<?>, InputProperty, ExecEdge> tuple3 : inputs) {
ExecNode<?> inputNode = tuple3.f0;
InputProperty originalInputEdge = tuple3.f1;
ExecEdge edge = tuple3.f2;
String description = ExecNodeUtil.getMultipleInputDescription(rootNode, inputNodes, inputProperties);
BatchExecMultipleInput multipleInput = new BatchExecMultipleInput(inputProperties, rootNode, originalEdges, description);
List<ExecEdge> inputEdges = new ArrayList<>(inputNodes.size());
for (ExecNode<?> inputNode : inputNodes) {
return multipleInput;
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecEdge in project flink by apache.
the class ForwardHashExchangeProcessor method updateOriginalEdgeInMultipleInput.
* Add new exchange node between the input node and the target node for the given edge, and
* reconnect the edges. So that the transformations can be connected correctly.
private void updateOriginalEdgeInMultipleInput(BatchExecMultipleInput multipleInput, int edgeIdx, BatchExecExchange newExchange) {
ExecEdge originalEdge = multipleInput.getOriginalEdges().get(edgeIdx);
ExecNode<?> inputNode = originalEdge.getSource();
ExecNode<?> targetNode = originalEdge.getTarget();
int edgeIdxInTargetNode = targetNode.getInputEdges().indexOf(originalEdge);
checkArgument(edgeIdxInTargetNode >= 0);
List<ExecEdge> newEdges = new ArrayList<>(targetNode.getInputEdges());
// connect input node to new exchange node
ExecEdge newEdge1 = new ExecEdge(inputNode, newExchange, originalEdge.getShuffle(), originalEdge.getExchangeMode());
// connect new exchange node to target node
ExecEdge newEdge2 = new ExecEdge(newExchange, targetNode, originalEdge.getShuffle(), originalEdge.getExchangeMode());
newEdges.set(edgeIdxInTargetNode, newEdge2);
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecEdge in project flink by apache.
the class ForwardHashExchangeProcessor method addExchangeAndReconnectEdge.
// TODO This implementation should be updated once FLINK-21224 is finished.
private ExecEdge addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(ExecEdge edge, InputProperty inputProperty, boolean strict) {
ExecNode<?> target = edge.getTarget();
ExecNode<?> source = edge.getSource();
if (source instanceof CommonExecExchange) {
return edge;
// only Calc, Correlate and Sort can propagate sort property and distribution property
if (source instanceof BatchExecCalc || source instanceof BatchExecPythonCalc || source instanceof BatchExecSort || source instanceof BatchExecCorrelate || source instanceof BatchExecPythonCorrelate) {
ExecEdge newEdge = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(source.getInputEdges().get(0), inputProperty, strict);
BatchExecExchange exchange = createExchangeWithKeepInputAsIsDistribution(inputProperty, strict, (RowType) edge.getOutputType());
ExecEdge newEdge = new ExecEdge(source, exchange, edge.getShuffle(), edge.getExchangeMode());
return new ExecEdge(exchange, target, edge.getShuffle(), edge.getExchangeMode());
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecEdge in project flink by apache.
the class ForwardHashExchangeProcessor method process.
public ExecNodeGraph process(ExecNodeGraph execGraph, ProcessorContext context) {
if (execGraph.getRootNodes().get(0) instanceof StreamExecNode) {
throw new TableException("StreamExecNode is not supported yet");
if (!context.getPlanner().getExecEnv().getConfig().isDynamicGraph()) {
return execGraph;
ExecNodeVisitor visitor = new AbstractExecNodeExactlyOnceVisitor() {
protected void visitNode(ExecNode<?> node) {
if (node instanceof CommonExecExchange) {
boolean changed = false;
List<ExecEdge> newEdges = new ArrayList<>(node.getInputEdges());
for (int i = 0; i < node.getInputProperties().size(); ++i) {
InputProperty inputProperty = node.getInputProperties().get(i);
RequiredDistribution requiredDistribution = inputProperty.getRequiredDistribution();
ExecEdge edge = node.getInputEdges().get(i);
if (requiredDistribution.getType() == DistributionType.SINGLETON) {
if (!hasExchangeInput(edge) && isInputSortedNode(node)) {
// if operation chaining is disabled, this could mark sure the
// sort node and its output can also be connected by
// ForwardPartitioner
ExecEdge newEdge = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(edge, inputProperty, true);
newEdges.set(i, newEdge);
changed = true;
if (requiredDistribution.getType() != DistributionType.HASH) {
if (!hasExchangeInput(edge)) {
ExecEdge newEdge;
if (isInputSortedNode(node)) {
if (hasSortInputForInputSortedNode(node)) {
// add Exchange with keep_input_as_is distribution as the
// input of Sort
ExecNode<?> sort = edge.getSource();
ExecEdge newEdgeOfSort = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(sort.getInputEdges().get(0), inputProperty, false);
// if operation chaining is disabled, this could mark sure the
// sort node and its output can also be connected by
// ForwardPartitioner
newEdge = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(edge, inputProperty, true);
} else {
// add Exchange with keep_input_as_is distribution as the input
// of the node
newEdge = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(edge, inputProperty, false);
updateOriginalEdgeInMultipleInput(node, i, (BatchExecExchange) newEdge.getSource());
// update the edge
newEdges.set(i, newEdge);
changed = true;
} else if (hasSortInputForInputSortedNode(node)) {
// if operation chaining is disabled, this could mark sure the sort
// node and its output can also be connected by ForwardPartitioner
ExecEdge newEdge = addExchangeAndReconnectEdge(edge, inputProperty, true);
newEdges.set(i, newEdge);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
execGraph.getRootNodes().forEach(s -> s.accept(visitor));
return execGraph;
use of org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecEdge in project flink by apache.
the class InputPriorityConflictResolver method createExchange.
private BatchExecExchange createExchange(ExecNode<?> node, int idx) {
ExecNode<?> inputNode = node.getInputEdges().get(idx).getSource();
InputProperty inputProperty = node.getInputProperties().get(idx);
InputProperty.RequiredDistribution requiredDistribution = inputProperty.getRequiredDistribution();
if (requiredDistribution.getType() == InputProperty.DistributionType.BROADCAST) {
// should not occur
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to resolve input priority conflict on broadcast side. This is not expected.");
InputProperty newInputProperty = InputProperty.builder().requiredDistribution(requiredDistribution).priority(inputProperty.getPriority()).damBehavior(getDamBehavior()).build();
BatchExecExchange exchange = new BatchExecExchange(newInputProperty, (RowType) inputNode.getOutputType(), "Exchange");
ExecEdge execEdge = ExecEdge.builder().source(inputNode).target(exchange).build();
return exchange;