use of org.apache.geode.LogWriter in project geode by apache.
the class CompiledJunctionInternalsJUnitTest method testOrganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreationWithNoIterOperandForOR.
* Tests the creation of a single RangeJunction if the CompiledJunction only contains same index
* condition without iter operand for OR
public void testOrganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreationWithNoIterOperandForOR() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison[] cv = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[12];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[3] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[4] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[5] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
cv[6] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ);
cv[7] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[8] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[9] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
cv[10] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GE);
cv[11] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE);
OrganizedOperands oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_or, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type CompiledJunction", oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.geode.LogWriter in project geode by apache.
the class CompiledJunctionInternalsJUnitTest method testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithNoIterOperandForAND_2.
* Tests the functionality of organizedOperands function of a RangeJunction which is an AND with
* no IterOperand but where the operator needs reflection. as the condition is Key > Path ( which
* means Path less than Key) If the RangeJunction boils down toa single condition which can be
* evalauted as a CompiledComparison then the filter operand will be a CompiledComparison
public void testOrganizedOperandsOfSingleRangeJunctionWithNoIterOperandForAND_2() {
LogWriter logger = CacheUtils.getCache().getLogger();
try {
CompiledComparison[] cv = null;
ExecutionContext context = new QueryExecutionContext(null, CacheUtils.getCache());
cv = new CompiledComparison[3];
cv[0] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(7)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LT);
cv[1] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(5)), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LE);
cv[2] = new CompiledComparison(new CompiledLiteral(new Integer(2)), new CompiledPath(new CompiledID("p"), "ID"), OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_GT);
OrganizedOperands oo = this.oganizedOperandsSingleRangeJunctionCreation(OQLLexerTokenTypes.LITERAL_and, cv, context);
assertNotNull("OrganizedOperand object is null", oo);
assertTrue("Filter Openad of OrganizedOperand is not of type RangeJunction", oo.filterOperand instanceof RangeJunction);
RangeJunction rj = (RangeJunction) oo.filterOperand;
assertEquals(cv.length, rj.getOperands().size());
OrganizedOperands oo1 = rj.organizeOperands(context);
assertEquals(oo1.filterOperand, cv[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.apache.geode.LogWriter in project geode by apache.
the class LocatorDUnitTest method testLocatorBecomesCoordinator.
* Tests starting one locator in a remote VM and having multiple members of the distributed system
* join it. This ensures that members start up okay, and that handling of a stopped locator is
* correct. It then restarts the locator to demonstrate that it can connect to and function as the
* group coordinator
public void testLocatorBecomesCoordinator() throws Exception {
final String expected = "";
final String addExpected = "<ExpectedException action=add>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
final String removeExpected = "<ExpectedException action=remove>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
VM vm1 = host.getVM(1);
VM vm2 = host.getVM(2);
final int port = AvailablePort.getRandomAvailablePort(AvailablePort.SOCKET);
final String locators = NetworkUtils.getServerHostName(host) + "[" + port + "]";
vm0.invoke(getUniqueName() + 1, () -> startSBLocator(port));
try {
final Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(LOCATORS, locators);
vm1.invoke(() -> {
DistributedSystem sys = getSystem(props);
vm2.invoke(() -> {
DistributedSystem sys = getSystem(props);
system = (InternalDistributedSystem) getSystem(props);
final DistributedMember coord = MembershipManagerHelper.getCoordinator(system);
org.apache.geode.test.dunit.LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("coordinator before termination of locator is " + coord);
vm0.invoke(() -> stopLocator());
// now ensure that one of the remaining members became the coordinator
Awaitility.waitAtMost(15000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).pollInterval(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).until(() -> !coord.equals(MembershipManagerHelper.getCoordinator(system)));
DistributedMember newCoord = MembershipManagerHelper.getCoordinator(system);
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("coordinator after shutdown of locator was " + newCoord);
if (newCoord == null || coord.equals(newCoord)) {
fail("another member should have become coordinator after the locator was stopped: " + newCoord);
// restart the locator to demonstrate reconnection & make disconnects faster
// it should also regain the role of coordinator, so we check to make sure
// that the coordinator has changed
vm0.invoke(getUniqueName() + "2", () -> startSBLocator(port));
final DistributedMember tempCoord = newCoord;
Awaitility.waitAtMost(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).pollInterval(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).until(() -> !tempCoord.equals(MembershipManagerHelper.getCoordinator(system)));
LogWriter bgexecLogger = new LocalLogWriter(InternalLogWriter.ALL_LEVEL, System.out);;
SerializableRunnable disconnect = new SerializableRunnable("Disconnect from " + locators) {
public void run() {
vm1.invoke(() -> {
DistributedSystem sys = InternalDistributedSystem.getAnyInstance();
if (sys != null && sys.isConnected()) {
// connectExceptions occur during disconnect, so we need the
// expectedexception hint to be in effect until this point
LogWriter bLogger = new LocalLogWriter(InternalLogWriter.ALL_LEVEL, System.out);;
vm2.invoke(() -> {
DistributedSystem sys = InternalDistributedSystem.getAnyInstance();
if (sys != null && sys.isConnected()) {
// connectExceptions occur during disconnect, so we need the
// expectedexception hint to be in effect until this point
LogWriter bLogger = new LocalLogWriter(InternalLogWriter.ALL_LEVEL, System.out);;
vm0.invoke(() -> stopLocator());
} finally {
vm0.invoke(() -> stopLocator());
use of org.apache.geode.LogWriter in project geode by apache.
the class LocatorDUnitTest method testLeadAndCoordFailure.
* test lead member and coordinator failure with network partition detection enabled. It would be
* nice for this test to have more than two "server" vms, to demonstrate that they all exit when
* the leader and potential- coordinator both disappear in the loss-correlation-window, but there
* are only four vms available for dunit testing.
* <p>
* So, we start two locators with admin distributed systems, then start two regular distributed
* members.
* <p>
* We kill the second locator (which is not the view coordinator) and then kill the non-lead
* member. That should be okay - the lead and remaining locator continue to run.
* <p>
* We then kill the lead member and demonstrate that the original locator (which is now the sole
* remaining member) shuts itself down.
public void testLeadAndCoordFailure() throws Exception {
IgnoredException.addIgnoredException("Possible loss of quorum due");
Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm1 = host.getVM(1);
VM vm2 = host.getVM(2);
VM locvm = host.getVM(3);
Locator locator = null;
int[] ports = AvailablePortHelper.getRandomAvailableTCPPorts(2);
final int port1 = ports[0];
this.port1 = port1;
final int port2 = ports[1];
DistributedTestUtils.deleteLocatorStateFile(port1, port2);
final String host0 = NetworkUtils.getServerHostName(host);
final String locators = host0 + "[" + port1 + "]," + host0 + "[" + port2 + "]";
final Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(MCAST_PORT, "0");
properties.put(LOCATORS, locators);
properties.put(DISABLE_AUTO_RECONNECT, "true");
properties.put(MEMBER_TIMEOUT, "2000");
properties.put(LOG_LEVEL, LogWriterUtils.getDUnitLogLevel());
// properties.put("log-level", "fine");
properties.put(ENABLE_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION, "false");
try {
final String uname = getUniqueName();
File logFile = new File("");
locator = Locator.startLocatorAndDS(port1, logFile, properties);
final DistributedSystem sys = locator.getDistributedSystem();
sys.getLogWriter().info("<ExpectedException action=add></ExpectedException>");
locvm.invoke(new SerializableRunnable() {
public void run() {
File lf = new File("");
try {
Locator.startLocatorAndDS(port2, lf, properties);
} catch (IOException ios) {"Unable to start locator2", ios);
Object[] connectArgs = new Object[] { properties };
SerializableRunnable crashLocator = new SerializableRunnable("Crash locator") {
public void run() {
Locator loc = Locator.getLocators().iterator().next();
DistributedSystem msys = loc.getDistributedSystem();
assertTrue(MembershipManagerHelper.getLeadMember(sys) == null);
// properties.put("log-level", getDUnitLogLevel());
DistributedMember mem1 = (DistributedMember) vm1.invoke(this.getClass(), "getDistributedMember", connectArgs);
vm2.invoke(this.getClass(), "getDistributedMember", connectArgs);
assertLeadMember(mem1, sys, 5000);
assertEquals(sys.getDistributedMember(), MembershipManagerHelper.getCoordinator(sys));
// crash the second vm and the locator. Should be okay
assertTrue("Distributed system should not have disconnected", vm1.invoke(() -> LocatorDUnitTest.isSystemConnected()));
// ensure quorumLost is properly invoked
DistributionManager dm = (DistributionManager) ((InternalDistributedSystem) sys).getDistributionManager();
MyMembershipListener listener = new MyMembershipListener();
// ensure there is an unordered reader thread for the member
new HighPriorityAckedMessage().send(Collections.singleton(mem1), false);
// disconnect the first vm and demonstrate that the third vm and the
// locator notice the failure and exit
* This vm is watching vm1, which is watching vm2 which is watching locvm. It will take 3 * (3
* * member-timeout) milliseconds to detect the full failure and eject the lost members from
* the view.
org.apache.geode.test.dunit.LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("waiting for my distributed system to disconnect due to partition detection");
Awaitility.waitAtMost(24000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).pollInterval(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).until(() -> {
return !sys.isConnected();
if (sys.isConnected()) {
fail("Distributed system did not disconnect as expected - network partition detection is broken");
// quorumLost should be invoked if we get a ForcedDisconnect in this situation
assertTrue("expected quorumLost to be invoked", listener.quorumLostInvoked);
assertTrue("expected suspect processing initiated by TCPConduit", listener.suspectReasons.contains(Connection.INITIATING_SUSPECT_PROCESSING));
} finally {
if (locator != null) {
LogWriter bLogger = new LocalLogWriter(InternalLogWriter.ALL_LEVEL, System.out);"<ExpectedException action=remove>service failure</ExpectedException>");"<ExpectedException action=remove></ExpectedException>");"<ExpectedException action=remove>org.apache.geode.ForcedDisconnectException</ExpectedException>");
use of org.apache.geode.LogWriter in project geode by apache.
the class JCALocalTransaction method begin.
public void begin() throws ResourceException {
try {
if (!this.initDone || this.cache.isClosed()) {
LogWriter logger = this.cache.getLogger();
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
TransactionManager tm = this.cache.getJTATransactionManager();
if (this.tid != null) {
throw new LocalTransactionException(" A transaction is already in progress");
if (tm != null && tm.getTransaction() != null) {
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
logger.fine("JCAManagedConnection: JTA transaction is on");
// This is having a JTA transaction. Assuming ignore jta flag is true,
// explicitly being a gemfire transaction.
TXStateProxy tsp = this.gfTxMgr.getTXState();
if (tsp == null) {
tsp = this.gfTxMgr.getTXState();
this.tid = tsp.getTransactionId();
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
logger.fine("JCALocalTransaction:begun GFE transaction");
} else {
throw new LocalTransactionException("GemFire is already associated with a transaction");
} else {
if (logger.fineEnabled()) {
logger.fine("JCAManagedConnection: JTA Transaction does not exist.");
} catch (SystemException e) {
throw new ResourceException(e);