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Example 61 with EntryNotFoundException

use of org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException in project geode by apache.

the class EntryEventImpl method setOldValueFromRegion.

/** @return false if entry doesn't exist */
public boolean setOldValueFromRegion() {
    try {
        RegionEntry re = this.region.getRegionEntry(getKey());
        if (re == null)
            return false;
        Object v = re._getValueRetain(this.region, true);
        try {
            return setOldValue(v);
        } finally {
            if (mayHaveOffHeapReferences()) {
    } catch (EntryNotFoundException ignore) {
        return false;
Also used : EntryNotFoundException(org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException) StoredObject(org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.StoredObject)

Example 62 with EntryNotFoundException

use of org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException in project geode by apache.

the class RemoteRemoveAllMessage method doLocalRemoveAll.

/* we need a event with content for waitForNodeOrCreateBucket() */
   * This method is called by both operateOnLocalRegion() when processing a remote msg or by
   * sendMsgByBucket() when processing a msg targeted to local Jvm. LocalRegion Note: It is very
   * important that this message does NOT cause any deadlocks as the sender will wait indefinitely
   * for the acknowledgment
   * @param r partitioned region
   * @param eventSender the endpoint server who received request from client
   * @return If succeeds, return true, otherwise, throw exception
public boolean doLocalRemoveAll(final LocalRegion r, final InternalDistributedMember eventSender) throws EntryExistsException, RemoteOperationException {
    final DistributedRegion dr = (DistributedRegion) r;
    // create a base event and a op for RemoveAllMessage distributed btw redundant buckets
    @Released EntryEventImpl baseEvent = EntryEventImpl.create(r, Operation.REMOVEALL_DESTROY, null, null, this.callbackArg, false, eventSender, true);
    try {
        // set baseEventId to the first entry's event id. We need the thread id for DACE
        if (this.bridgeContext != null) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("RemoteRemoveAllMessage.doLocalRemoveAll: eventSender is {}, baseEvent is {}, msg is {}", eventSender, baseEvent, this);
        final DistributedRemoveAllOperation op = new DistributedRemoveAllOperation(baseEvent, removeAllDataCount, false);
        try {
            final VersionedObjectList versions = new VersionedObjectList(removeAllDataCount, true, dr.concurrencyChecksEnabled);
            dr.syncBulkOp(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    InternalDistributedMember myId = r.getDistributionManager().getDistributionManagerId();
                    for (int i = 0; i < removeAllDataCount; ++i) {
                        @Released EntryEventImpl ev = RemoveAllPRMessage.getEventFromEntry(r, myId, eventSender, i, removeAllData, false, bridgeContext, posDup, false);
                        try {
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                logger.debug("invoking basicDestroy with {}", ev);
                            try {
                                dr.basicDestroy(ev, true, null);
                            } catch (EntryNotFoundException ignore) {
                            removeAllData[i].versionTag = ev.getVersionTag();
                            versions.addKeyAndVersion(removeAllData[i].key, ev.getVersionTag());
                        } finally {
            }, baseEvent.getEventId());
            if (getTXUniqId() != TXManagerImpl.NOTX || dr.getConcurrencyChecksEnabled()) {
                dr.getDataView().postRemoveAll(op, versions, dr);
            RemoveAllReplyMessage.send(getSender(), this.processorId, getReplySender(r.getDistributionManager()), versions, this.removeAllData, this.removeAllDataCount);
            return false;
        } finally {
    } finally {
Also used : Released(org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Released) InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) EntryNotFoundException(org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException) VersionedObjectList(org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.VersionedObjectList)

Example 63 with EntryNotFoundException

use of org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException in project geode by apache.

the class RemoteInvalidateMessage method distribute.

public static boolean distribute(EntryEventImpl event, boolean onlyPersistent) {
    boolean successful = false;
    DistributedRegion r = (DistributedRegion) event.getRegion();
    Collection replicates = onlyPersistent ? r.getCacheDistributionAdvisor().adviseInitializedPersistentMembers().keySet() : r.getCacheDistributionAdvisor().adviseInitializedReplicates();
    if (replicates.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    if (replicates.size() > 1) {
        ArrayList l = new ArrayList(replicates);
        replicates = l;
    int attempts = 0;
    for (Iterator<InternalDistributedMember> it = replicates.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        InternalDistributedMember replicate =;
        try {
            final boolean posDup = (attempts > 1);
            InvalidateResponse processor = send(replicate, event.getRegion(), event, DistributionManager.SERIAL_EXECUTOR, false, posDup);
            VersionTag versionTag = processor.getVersionTag();
            if (versionTag != null) {
                if (event.getRegion().getVersionVector() != null) {
                    event.getRegion().getVersionVector().recordVersion(versionTag.getMemberID(), versionTag);
            return true;
        } catch (TransactionDataNotColocatedException enfe) {
            throw enfe;
        } catch (CancelException e) {
        } catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
            throw new EntryNotFoundException("" + event.getKey());
        } catch (CacheException e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("RemoteDestroyMessage caught CacheException during distribution", e);
            // not a cancel-exception, so don't complain any more about it
            successful = true;
        } catch (RemoteOperationException e) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.DM)) {
                logger.trace(LogMarker.DM, "RemoteDestroyMessage caught an unexpected exception during distribution", e);
    return successful;
Also used : CacheException(org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) TransactionDataNotColocatedException(org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNotColocatedException) DiskVersionTag(org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.DiskVersionTag) VersionTag(org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag) EntryNotFoundException(org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException) Collection(java.util.Collection) CancelException(org.apache.geode.CancelException)

Example 64 with EntryNotFoundException

use of org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException in project geode by apache.

the class DiskRegionTestImpl method testBackupFillValues.

   * Tests fillValues on backup regions.
   * Note: The regions in the following description all have the same unique name. 1) Create backup
   * region in VM0 and add some values so they get backed up 2) Close that region 3) Create
   * non-mirrored distributed region in VM1 and populate with over 1M of data 4) Create a mirrored
   * KEYS region in VM2. This will cause VM2 to have all the keys but no values. 5) Re-create the
   * backup region in VM0 with mirroring KEY_VALUES. This will get the keys from VM2 and the values
   * from VM1 using fillValues. The region should end up with the keys created in step 1, and they
   * should not be faulted into the VM.
public void testBackupFillValues() throws CacheException {
    RegionAttributes attrs = this.rtc.getRegionAttributes();
    assertTrue("This test not appropriate for non-backup regions", attrs.getPersistBackup());
    final String name = this.rtc.getUniqueName();
    final String key1 = "KEY1";
    final String key2 = "KEY2";
    final String value1 = "VALUE1";
    final String value2 = "VALUE2";
    Host host = Host.getHost(0);
    VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
    VM vm1 = host.getVM(1);
    // VM vm2 = host.getVM(2);
    vm0.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Create backup Region in VM0") {

        public void run2() throws CacheException {
            Region rgn = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.createRegion(name);
            rgn.create(key1, value1);
            rgn.create(key2, value2);
            // create entries that will be overwritten by getInitialImage below
            rgn.create(new Integer(0), "TEMP-0");
            rgn.create(new Integer(1), "TEMP-1");
        // no longer to close cache in 6.5, otherwise the 2 vms will splitbrain
        // CacheTestCase.closeCache();
    vm1.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Create & Populate non-mirrored in VM1") {

        public void run2() throws CacheException {
            AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
            // set scope to be same as test region
            Scope scope = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.getRegionAttributes().getScope();
            DataPolicy dataPolicy = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.getRegionAttributes().getDataPolicy();
            RegionAttributes attrs2 = factory.create();
            Region rgn = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.createRegion(name, attrs2);
            // Fill the region with some keys.
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTRIES; i++) {
                byte[] value = new byte[VALUE_SIZE];
                Arrays.fill(value, (byte) 0xAB);
                rgn.put(new Integer(i), value);
            // just for sanity:
            assertEquals(NUM_ENTRIES + 2, rgn.keySet().size());
    vm0.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Close Cache in VM0") {

        public void run2() throws CacheException {
    // vm2.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable("Create mirrored KEYS region in VM2") {
    // public void run2() throws CacheException {
    // AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
    // // set scope to be same as test region
    // Scope scope = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.getRegionAttributes().getScope();
    // factory.setScope(scope);
    // // set mirror KEYS
    // factory.setMirrorType(MirrorType.KEYS);
    // RegionAttributes attrs2 = factory.create();
    // Region rgn = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.createRegion(name, attrs2);
    // }
    // });
    String runnableName = "Re-create backup region in VM0 with mirror " + "KEYS_VALUES and Do Verification";
    vm0.invoke(new CacheSerializableRunnable(runnableName) {

        public void run2() throws CacheException {
            AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory(DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.getRegionAttributes());
            RegionAttributes attrs2 = factory.create();
            // DebuggerSupport.waitForJavaDebugger(rtc.getLogWriter(), "About to create region...");
            Region rgn = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.createRegion(name, attrs2);
            // verify
            assertEquals(NUM_ENTRIES + 2, rgn.keySet().size());
            boolean RECOVER_VALUES = true;
            if (RECOVER_VALUES) {
                assertEquals(value1, rgn.getEntry(key1).getValue());
                assertEquals(value2, rgn.getEntry(key2).getValue());
            } else {
                assertNull(valueInVM(rgn, key1));
                assertNull(valueInVM(rgn, key2));
            assertEquals(value1, valueOnDisk(rgn, key1));
            assertEquals(value2, valueOnDisk(rgn, key2));
            // The following also verifies TEMP values were overwritten
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTRIES; i++) {
                Region.Entry entry = rgn.getEntry(new Integer(i));
                assertNotNull("No entry for key " + i, entry);
                byte[] v = (byte[]) entry.getValue();
                assertNotNull("Null value for key " + i, v);
                assertEquals(VALUE_SIZE, v.length);
                // test a byte
                assertEquals((byte) 0xAB, v[i % VALUE_SIZE]);
            rgn = DiskRegionTestImpl.this.rtc.createRegion(name, attrs2);
            // verify
            assertEquals(NUM_ENTRIES + 2, rgn.keySet().size());
            if (RECOVER_VALUES) {
                assertEquals(value1, rgn.getEntry(key1).getValue());
                assertEquals(value2, rgn.getEntry(key2).getValue());
            } else {
                assertNull(valueInVM(rgn, key1));
                assertNull(valueInVM(rgn, key2));
            assertEquals(value1, valueOnDisk(rgn, key1));
            assertEquals(value2, valueOnDisk(rgn, key2));
            // The following also verifies TEMP values were overwritten
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTRIES; i++) {
                Region.Entry entry = rgn.getEntry(new Integer(i));
                assertNotNull("No entry for key " + i, entry);
                byte[] v = (byte[]) entry.getValue();
                assertNotNull("Null value for key " + i, v);
                assertEquals(VALUE_SIZE, v.length);
                // test a byte
                assertEquals((byte) 0xAB, v[i % VALUE_SIZE]);

        private Object valueInVM(Region rgn, Object key) throws EntryNotFoundException {
            org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion lrgn = (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion) rgn;
            return lrgn.getValueInVM(key);

        private Object valueOnDisk(Region rgn, Object key) throws EntryNotFoundException {
            org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion lrgn = (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion) rgn;
            return lrgn.getValueOnDisk(key);
Also used : RegionAttributes(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes) CacheException(org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException) Host(org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Host) AttributesFactory(org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory) Scope(org.apache.geode.cache.Scope) VM(org.apache.geode.test.dunit.VM) EntryNotFoundException(org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) DataPolicy(org.apache.geode.cache.DataPolicy)

Example 65 with EntryNotFoundException

use of org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException in project geode by apache.

the class PartitionedRegion method destroyInBucket.

   * @param expectedOldValue only succeed if current value is equal to expectedOldValue
   * @throws EntryNotFoundException if entry not found or if expectedOldValue not null and current
   *         value was not equal to expectedOldValue
public void destroyInBucket(final EntryEventImpl event, Object expectedOldValue) throws EntryNotFoundException, CacheWriterException {
    // Get the bucket id for the key
    final Integer bucketId = event.getKeyInfo().getBucketId();
    assert bucketId != KeyInfo.UNKNOWN_BUCKET;
    // check in bucket2Node region
    final InternalDistributedMember targetNode = getOrCreateNodeForBucketWrite(bucketId, null);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("destroyInBucket: key={} ({}) in node {} to bucketId={} retry={} ms", event.getKey(), event.getKey().hashCode(), targetNode, bucketStringForLogs(bucketId), retryTimeout);
    // retry the put remotely until it finds the right node managing the bucket
    RetryTimeKeeper retryTime = null;
    InternalDistributedMember currentTarget = targetNode;
    long timeOut = 0;
    int count = 0;
    for (; ; ) {
        switch(count) {
            case 0:
                // First time, keep going
            case 1:
                // First failure
                timeOut = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.retryTimeout;
                // test for timeout
                long timeLeft = timeOut - System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (timeLeft < 0) {
                    PRHARedundancyProvider.timedOut(this, null, null, "destroy an entry", this.retryTimeout);
                // NOTREACHED
                // Didn't time out. Sleep a bit and then continue
                boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
                    interrupted = true;
                } finally {
                    if (interrupted) {
        if (currentTarget == null) {
            // pick target
            if (retryTime == null) {
                retryTime = new RetryTimeKeeper(this.retryTimeout);
            if (retryTime.overMaximum()) {
                // }
                if (getRegionAdvisor().getBucket(bucketId).getBucketAdvisor().basicGetPrimaryMember() == null) {
                    throw new EntryNotFoundException(LocalizedStrings.PartitionedRegion_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_KEY_0.toLocalizedString(event.getKey()));
                TimeoutException e = new TimeoutException(LocalizedStrings.PartitionedRegion_TIME_OUT_LOOKING_FOR_TARGET_NODE_FOR_DESTROY_WAITED_0_MS.toLocalizedString(retryTime.getRetryTime()));
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
                throw e;
            currentTarget = getOrCreateNodeForBucketWrite(bucketId, retryTime);
            // No storage found for bucket, early out preventing hot loop, bug 36819
            if (currentTarget == null) {
        // pick target
        final boolean isLocal = (this.localMaxMemory > 0) && currentTarget.equals(getMyId());
        try {
            DistributedRemoveAllOperation savedOp = event.setRemoveAllOperation(null);
            if (savedOp != null) {
                savedOp.addEntry(event, bucketId);
            if (isLocal) {
                // doCacheWriteBeforeDestroy(event);
                this.dataStore.destroyLocally(bucketId, event, expectedOldValue);
            } else {
                if (event.isBridgeEvent()) {
                    setNetworkHopType(bucketId, currentTarget);
                destroyRemotely(currentTarget, bucketId, event, expectedOldValue);
        // NOTREACHED (success)
        } catch (ConcurrentCacheModificationException e) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("destroyInBucket: caught concurrent cache modification exception", e);
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("ConcurrentCacheModificationException received for destroyInBucket for bucketId: {}{}{} for event: {} No reattempt is done, returning from here", getPRId(), BUCKET_ID_SEPARATOR, bucketId, event);
        } catch (ForceReattemptException e) {
            // We don't know if the destroy took place or not at this point.
            // Assume that if the next destroy throws EntryDestroyedException, the
            // previous destroy attempt was a success
            InternalDistributedMember lastNode = currentTarget;
            if (retryTime == null) {
                retryTime = new RetryTimeKeeper(this.retryTimeout);
            currentTarget = getOrCreateNodeForBucketWrite(bucketId, retryTime);
            if (lastNode.equals(currentTarget)) {
                if (retryTime.overMaximum()) {
                    PRHARedundancyProvider.timedOut(this, null, null, "destroy an entry", retryTime.getRetryTime());
        } catch (PrimaryBucketException notPrimary) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("destroyInBucket: {} on Node {} not primary", notPrimary.getLocalizedMessage(), currentTarget);
            getRegionAdvisor().notPrimary(bucketId, currentTarget);
            if (retryTime == null) {
                retryTime = new RetryTimeKeeper(this.retryTimeout);
            currentTarget = getOrCreateNodeForBucketWrite(bucketId, retryTime);
        // If we get here, the attempt failed.
        if (count == 1) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("destroyInBucket: Attempting to resend destroy to node {} after {} failed attempts", currentTarget, count);
// for
Also used : ConcurrentCacheModificationException(org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.ConcurrentCacheModificationException) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) EntryNotFoundException(org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException) TimeoutException(org.apache.geode.cache.TimeoutException)


EntryNotFoundException (org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException)78 Region (org.apache.geode.cache.Region)27 LocalRegion (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion)20 Test (org.junit.Test)18 CacheException (org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException)14 InternalDistributedMember (org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember)13 PartitionedRegion (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegion)13 VersionTag (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag)13 Released (org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Released)12 RegionDestroyedException (org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException)10 StoredObject (org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.StoredObject)10 AttributesFactory (org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory)9 DistributedTest (org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.DistributedTest)9 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 CacheWriterException (org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriterException)8 Entry (org.apache.geode.cache.Region.Entry)8 TransactionDataNotColocatedException (org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionDataNotColocatedException)8 ConcurrentCacheModificationException (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.ConcurrentCacheModificationException)8 Host (org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Host)8