use of org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException in project geode by apache.
the class LocalRegion method createSubregion.
// TODO: createSubregion method is too complex for IDE to analyze
public Region createSubregion(String subregionName, RegionAttributes attrs, InternalRegionArguments internalRegionArgs) throws RegionExistsException, TimeoutException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
RegionAttributes regionAttributes = attrs;
// TODO: attrs is reassigned but never used
attrs = this.cache.invokeRegionBefore(this, subregionName, attrs, internalRegionArgs);
final InputStream snapshotInputStream = internalRegionArgs.getSnapshotInputStream();
final boolean getDestroyLock = internalRegionArgs.getDestroyLockFlag();
final InternalDistributedMember imageTarget = internalRegionArgs.getImageTarget();
LocalRegion newRegion = null;
try {
if (getDestroyLock)
LocalRegion existing = null;
try {
if (isDestroyed()) {
if (this.reinitialized_old) {
throw new RegionReinitializedException(toString(), getFullPath());
throw new RegionDestroyedException(toString(), getFullPath());
validateRegionName(subregionName, internalRegionArgs);
// deadlock)
synchronized (this.subregionsLock) {
existing = (LocalRegion) this.subregions.get(subregionName);
if (existing == null) {
if (regionAttributes.getScope().isDistributed() && internalRegionArgs.isUsedForPartitionedRegionBucket()) {
final PartitionedRegion pr = internalRegionArgs.getPartitionedRegion();
if (pr.isShadowPR()) {
newRegion = new BucketRegionQueue(subregionName, regionAttributes, this, this.cache, internalRegionArgs);
} else {
newRegion = new BucketRegion(subregionName, regionAttributes, this, this.cache, internalRegionArgs);
} else if (regionAttributes.getPartitionAttributes() != null) {
newRegion = new PartitionedRegion(subregionName, regionAttributes, this, this.cache, internalRegionArgs);
} else {
boolean local = regionAttributes.getScope().isLocal();
newRegion = local ? new LocalRegion(subregionName, regionAttributes, this, this.cache, internalRegionArgs) : new DistributedRegion(subregionName, regionAttributes, this, this.cache, internalRegionArgs);
Object previousValue = this.subregions.putIfAbsent(subregionName, newRegion);
Assert.assertTrue(previousValue == null);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Subregion created: {}", newRegion.getFullPath());
if (snapshotInputStream != null || imageTarget != null || internalRegionArgs.getRecreateFlag()) {
// fix for bug 33534
// endif: existing == null
// end synchronization
} finally {
if (getDestroyLock) {
// Fix for bug 42127 - moved to outside of the destroy lock.
if (existing != null) {
// now outside of synchronization we must wait for appropriate
// initialization on existing region before returning a reference to
// it
// fix for bug 32570
throw new RegionExistsException(existing);
boolean success = false;
try {
this.cache.setRegionByPath(newRegion.getFullPath(), newRegion);
if (regionAttributes instanceof UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes) {
internalRegionArgs.setIndexes(((UserSpecifiedRegionAttributes) regionAttributes).getIndexes());
// releases initialization Latches
newRegion.initialize(snapshotInputStream, imageTarget, internalRegionArgs);
// register the region with resource manager to get memory events
if (!newRegion.isInternalRegion()) {
if (!newRegion.isDestroyed) {
this.cache.getInternalResourceManager().addResourceListener(ResourceType.MEMORY, newRegion);
if (!newRegion.getOffHeap()) {
newRegion.initialCriticalMembers(this.cache.getInternalResourceManager().getHeapMonitor().getState().isCritical(), this.cache.getResourceAdvisor().adviseCritialMembers());
} else {
newRegion.initialCriticalMembers(this.cache.getInternalResourceManager().getHeapMonitor().getState().isCritical() || this.cache.getInternalResourceManager().getOffHeapMonitor().getState().isCritical(), this.cache.getResourceAdvisor().adviseCritialMembers());
// synchronization would be done on ManagementAdapter.regionOpLock
// instead of destroyLock in LocalRegion? ManagementAdapter is one
// of the Resource Event listeners
InternalDistributedSystem system = this.cache.getInternalDistributedSystem();
system.handleResourceEvent(ResourceEvent.REGION_CREATE, newRegion);
success = true;
} catch (CancelException | RegionDestroyedException | RedundancyAlreadyMetException e) {
// don't print a call stack
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException validationException) {
logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.LocalRegion_INITIALIZATION_FAILED_FOR_REGION_0, getFullPath()), validationException);
throw validationException;
} finally {
if (!success) {
this.cache.setRegionByPath(newRegion.getFullPath(), null);
} finally {
// have occurred
if (newRegion != null && !newRegion.isInitialized()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Region initialize latch is closed, Error must have occurred");
return newRegion;
use of org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException in project geode by apache.
the class LocalManager method startLocalManagement.
* Managed Node side resources are created
* Management Region : its a Replicated NO_ACK region Notification Region : its a Replicated Proxy
* NO_ACK region
private void startLocalManagement(Map<ObjectName, FederationComponent> federatedComponentMap) {
synchronized (this) {
if (repo.getLocalMonitoringRegion() != null) {
} else {
ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(final Runnable command) {
final Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {;
final ThreadGroup group = LoggingThreadGroup.createThreadGroup(ManagementStrings.MANAGEMENT_TASK_THREAD_GROUP.toLocalizedString(), logger);
Thread thread = new Thread(group, r, ManagementStrings.MANAGEMENT_TASK.toLocalizedString());
return thread;
singleThreadFederationScheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(tf);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Creating Management Region :");
* Sharing the same Internal Argument for both notification region and monitoring region
InternalRegionArguments internalArgs = new InternalRegionArguments();
// Create anonymous stats holder for Management Regions
final HasCachePerfStats monitoringRegionStats = new HasCachePerfStats() {
public CachePerfStats getCachePerfStats() {
return new CachePerfStats(cache.getDistributedSystem(), "managementRegionStats");
AttributesFactory<String, Object> monitorRegionAttributeFactory = new AttributesFactory<String, Object>();
MonitoringRegionCacheListener localListener = new MonitoringRegionCacheListener(service);
RegionAttributes<String, Object> monitoringRegionAttrs = monitorRegionAttributeFactory.create();
AttributesFactory<NotificationKey, Notification> notificationRegionAttributeFactory = new AttributesFactory<NotificationKey, Notification>();
RegionAttributes<NotificationKey, Notification> notifRegionAttrs = notificationRegionAttributeFactory.create();
String appender = MBeanJMXAdapter.getUniqueIDForMember(cache.getDistributedSystem().getDistributedMember());
boolean monitoringRegionCreated = false;
boolean notifRegionCreated = false;
try {
repo.setLocalMonitoringRegion(cache.createVMRegion(ManagementConstants.MONITORING_REGION + "_" + appender, monitoringRegionAttrs, internalArgs));
monitoringRegionCreated = true;
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (RegionExistsException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
try {
repo.setLocalNotificationRegion(cache.createVMRegion(ManagementConstants.NOTIFICATION_REGION + "_" + appender, notifRegionAttrs, internalArgs));
notifRegionCreated = true;
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (RegionExistsException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ManagementException(e);
} finally {
if (!notifRegionCreated && monitoringRegionCreated) {
managementTask = new ManagementTask(federatedComponentMap);
// call run to get us initialized immediately with a sync call;
// All local resources are created for the ManagementTask
// Now Management tasks can proceed.
int updateRate = cache.getInternalDistributedSystem().getConfig().getJmxManagerUpdateRate();
singleThreadFederationScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(managementTask, updateRate, updateRate, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Management Region created with Name : {}", repo.getLocalMonitoringRegion().getName());
logger.debug("Notification Region created with Name : {}", repo.getLocalNotificationRegion().getName());
use of org.apache.geode.cache.RegionExistsException in project geode by apache.
the class PeerTypeRegistration method initialize.
public void initialize() {
AttributesFactory<Object, Object> factory = new AttributesFactory<Object, Object>();
if (cache.getPdxPersistent()) {
if (cache.getCacheConfig().pdxDiskStoreUserSet) {
} else {
} else {
// Add a listener that makes sure that if anyone in the DS is using PDX
// Our PDX configuration is valid for this member. This is important if
// we are the gateway, we need to validate that we have a distributed system
// id.
factory.addCacheListener(new CacheListenerAdapter<Object, Object>() {
public void afterCreate(EntryEvent<Object, Object> event) {
// update a local map with the pdxtypes registered
Object value = event.getNewValue();
if (value instanceof PdxType) {
updateClassToTypeMap((PdxType) value);
factory.setCacheWriter(new CacheWriterAdapter<Object, Object>() {
public void beforeCreate(EntryEvent<Object, Object> event) throws CacheWriterException {
Object newValue = event.getNewValue();
if (newValue instanceof PdxType) {"Adding new type: {}", ((PdxType) event.getNewValue()).toFormattedString());
} else {"Adding new type: {} {}", event.getKey(), ((EnumInfo) newValue).toFormattedString());
public void beforeUpdate(EntryEvent<Object, Object> event) throws CacheWriterException {
if (!event.getRegion().get(event.getKey()).equals(event.getNewValue())) {
PdxRegistryMismatchException ex = new PdxRegistryMismatchException("Trying to add a PDXType with the same id as an existing PDX type. id=" + event.getKey() + ", existing pdx type " + event.getOldValue() + ", new type " + event.getNewValue());
throw new CacheWriterException(ex);
RegionAttributes<Object, Object> regionAttrs = factory.create();
InternalRegionArguments internalArgs = new InternalRegionArguments();
try {
this.idToType = cache.createVMRegion(REGION_NAME, regionAttrs, internalArgs);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new PdxInitializationException("Could not create pdx registry", ex);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
throw new PdxInitializationException("Could not create pdx registry", ex);
} catch (RegionExistsException ex) {
throw new PdxInitializationException("Could not create pdx registry", ex);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new PdxInitializationException("Could not create pdx registry", ex);
// And send those types to any existing gateways.
if (!getIdToType().isEmpty()) {