Search in sources :

Example 36 with SelectResults

use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults in project geode by apache.

the class IumMultConditionJUnitTest method testComparisonBetnWithAndWithoutIndexCreation.

public void testComparisonBetnWithAndWithoutIndexCreation() throws Exception {
    Region region = CacheUtils.createRegion("pos", Portfolio.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        region.put("" + i, new Portfolio(i));
    QueryService qs;
    qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
    String[] queries = { "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /pos pf,  positions.values pos where pf.status='active' and pos.secId= 'IBM' and ID = 0" };
    SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
        Query q = null;
        try {
            q = CacheUtils.getQueryService().newQuery(queries[i]);
            QueryObserverImpl observer = new QueryObserverImpl();
            sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
            if (!observer.isIndexesUsed) {
                CacheUtils.log("NO INDEX USED");
            } else {
                fail("Indexes used !!!!?");
            // CacheUtils.log(Utils.printResult(r));
            resType1 = (StructType) (sr[i][0]).getCollectionType().getElementType();
            resSize1 = ((sr[i][0]).size());
            // CacheUtils.log(resType1);
            strg1 = resType1.getFieldNames();
            // CacheUtils.log(strg1[0]);
            // CacheUtils.log(strg1[1]);
            set1 = ((sr[i][0]).asSet());
            Iterator iter = set1.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Struct stc1 = (Struct);
                valPf1 = stc1.get(strg1[0]);
                valPos1 = stc1.get(strg1[1]);
                isActive1 = ((Portfolio) stc1.get(strg1[0])).isActive();
            // CacheUtils.log(isActive1);
            // CacheUtils.log(valPf1);
            // CacheUtils.log(valPos1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    // Create an Index on status and execute the same query again.
    qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
    qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "pf.status", "/pos pf, pf.positions.values pos");
    // Index index2 = (Index)qs.createIndex("secIdIndex",
    // IndexType.FUNCTIONAL,"pos.secId","/pos pf, pf.positions.values pos");
    qs.createIndex("IDIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "pf.ID", "/pos pf, pf.positions.values pos");
    String[] queries2 = { "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /pos pf,  positions.values pos where pf.status='active' and pos.secId= 'IBM' and ID = 0" };
    for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
        Query q = null;
        try {
            q = CacheUtils.getQueryService().newQuery(queries[i]);
            QueryObserverImpl observer2 = new QueryObserverImpl();
            sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
            if (observer2.isIndexesUsed == true) {
                CacheUtils.log("YES INDEX IS USED!");
            } else {
                fail("Index NOT Used");
            // CacheUtils.log(Utils.printResult(r2));
            resType2 = (StructType) (sr[i][1]).getCollectionType().getElementType();
            resSize2 = ((sr[i][1]).size());
            // CacheUtils.log(resType2);
            strg2 = resType2.getFieldNames();
            // CacheUtils.log(strg2[0]);
            // CacheUtils.log(strg2[1]);
            set2 = ((sr[i][1]).asSet());
            Iterator iter = set2.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Struct stc2 = (Struct);
                valPf2 = stc2.get(strg2[0]);
                valPos2 = stc2.get(strg2[1]);
                isActive2 = ((Portfolio) stc2.get(strg2[0])).isActive();
            // CacheUtils.log(valPf2);
            // CacheUtils.log(valPos2);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    // values of the iterator names used in the Query.
    if ((resType1).equals(resType2)) {
        CacheUtils.log("Both Search Results are of the same Type i.e.-->" + resType1);
    } else {
        fail("FAILED:Search result Type is different in both the cases");
    if (resSize1 == resSize2 || resSize1 != 0) {
        CacheUtils.log("Both Search Results are Non zero and are of Same Size i.e.  Size= " + resSize1);
    } else {
        fail("FAILED:Search result Type is different in both the cases");
    itert2 = set2.iterator();
    itert1 = set1.iterator();
    while (itert1.hasNext()) {
        Struct stc2 = (Struct);
        Struct stc1 = (Struct);
        if (stc2.get(strg2[0]) != stc1.get(strg1[0]))
            fail("FAILED: In both the Cases the first member of StructSet i.e. Portfolio are different. ");
        if (stc2.get(strg2[1]) != stc1.get(strg1[1]))
            fail("FAILED: In both the cases Positions are different");
        if (!StringUtils.equals(((Position) stc2.get(strg2[1])).secId, ((Position) stc1.get(strg1[1])).secId))
            fail("FAILED: In both the cases Positions secIds are different");
        if (((Portfolio) stc2.get(strg2[0])).isActive() != ((Portfolio) stc1.get(strg1[0])).isActive())
            fail("FAILED: Status of the Portfolios found are different");
        if (((Portfolio) stc2.get(strg2[0])).getID() != ((Portfolio) stc1.get(strg1[0])).getID())
            fail("FAILED: IDs of the Portfolios found are different");
    CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);
Also used : Query(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query) Position( Portfolio( Struct(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct) SelectResults(org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults) QueryService(org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) Test(org.junit.Test) IntegrationTest(org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.IntegrationTest)

Example 37 with SelectResults

use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults in project geode by apache.

the class LikePredicateJUnitTest method enhancedNotLike2.

private void enhancedNotLike2(boolean useBindPrms, boolean useIndex) throws Exception {
    Cache cache = CacheUtils.getCache();
    AttributesFactory attributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();
    RegionAttributes regionAttributes = attributesFactory.create();
    Region region = cache.createRegion("pos", regionAttributes);
    String[] values = new String[] { "ac\\tive", "X\\\\X", "Y%Y", "Z\\%Z", "pass\\ive", "inact\\%+ive", "1inact\\_+ive" };
    String[] likePredicates = new String[] { "ac\\\\tive", "ac\\\\%", "ac_tive", "Y\\%Y", "X__X", "X%X", "Z\\\\\\%Z", "inact\\\\%+ive", "1inact\\\\_+ive" };
    String[] result = new String[] { "ac\\tive", "ac\\tive", "ac\\tive", "Y%Y", "X\\\\X", "X\\\\X", "Z\\%Z", "inact\\%+ive", "1inact\\_+ive" };
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        region.put(new Integer(i), values[i]);
    QueryService qs = cache.getQueryService();
    Query q;
    SelectResults results;
    if (useIndex) {
        qs.createIndex("p", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "p", "/pos.values p");
    for (int i = 0; i < likePredicates.length; i++) {
        if (!useBindPrms) {
            q = qs.newQuery("select p from /pos.values p where NOT (p like '" + likePredicates[i] + "')");
            results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
        } else {
            q = qs.newQuery("select p from /pos.values p where NOT (p like $1)");
            results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { likePredicates[i] });
        List r = results.asList();
        if (r.size() != 6) {
            fail("Unexpected result size: " + r.size() + " for query: " + q.getQueryString());
Also used : AttributesFactory(org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory) SelectResults(org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults) Query(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query) RegionAttributes(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes) QueryService(org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) List(java.util.List) Cache(org.apache.geode.cache.Cache)

Example 38 with SelectResults

use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults in project geode by apache.

the class LikePredicateJUnitTest method testLikeWithOtherIndexedField.

   * Query with index on other fields.
   * @throws Exception
public void testLikeWithOtherIndexedField() throws Exception {
    Cache cache = CacheUtils.getCache();
    AttributesFactory attributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();
    RegionAttributes regionAttributes = attributesFactory.create();
    Region region = cache.createRegion("pos", regionAttributes);
    String base = "abc";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
        pf.pkid = "1";
        if ((i % 4) == 0) {
            pf.status = base;
        } else if ((i <= 2)) {
            pf.pkid = "2";
        region.put(new Integer(i), pf);
    QueryService qs = cache.getQueryService();
    Query q;
    SelectResults results;
    SelectResults expectedResults;
    int expectedResultSize = 2;
    q = qs.newQuery(" SELECT  *  FROM /pos ps WHERE ps.status like '%b%'");
    results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    if (results.size() != expectedResultSize) {
        fail("Unexpected result. expected :" + expectedResultSize + " found : " + results.size());
    q = qs.newQuery(" SELECT  *  FROM /pos ps WHERE ps.status like '%b%' or ps.pkid = '2' ");
    results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    if (results.size() != (expectedResultSize * 2)) {
        fail("Unexpected result. expected :" + (expectedResultSize * 2) + " found : " + results.size());
    // Query to be compared with indexed results.
    q = qs.newQuery(" SELECT  *  FROM /pos ps WHERE ps.status like '%b%' and ps.pkid = '1' ");
    expectedResults = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    if (expectedResults.size() != expectedResultSize) {
        fail("Unexpected result. expected :" + expectedResultSize + " found : " + expectedResults.size());
    // Create Index
    qs.createIndex("pkid", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ps.pkid", "/pos ps");
    QueryObserver old = QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {

        private boolean indexCalled = false;

        public void afterIndexLookup(Collection results) {
            indexCalled = true;

        public void endQuery() {
    results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    SelectResults[][] rs = new SelectResults[][] { { results, expectedResults } };
    // rs[0][1] = expectedResults;
    if (results.size() != expectedResultSize) {
        fail("Unexpected result. expected :" + expectedResultSize + " found : " + results.size());
    // compare results.
    CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(rs, this);
    q = qs.newQuery(" SELECT  *  FROM /pos ps WHERE ps.status like '%b%' or ps.pkid = '2' ");
    results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    if (results.size() != (expectedResultSize * 2)) {
        fail("Unexpected result. expected :" + (expectedResultSize * 2) + " found : " + results.size());
Also used : Query(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query) RegionAttributes(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes) Portfolio( QueryObserver(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryObserver) AttributesFactory(org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory) SelectResults(org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults) QueryService(org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService) QueryObserverAdapter(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryObserverAdapter) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) Collection(java.util.Collection) Cache(org.apache.geode.cache.Cache) Test(org.junit.Test) IntegrationTest(org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.IntegrationTest)

Example 39 with SelectResults

use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults in project geode by apache.

the class LikePredicateJUnitTest method likePercentageTerminated_3.

   * Tests a simple % terminated like predicate with an OR condition
   * @throws Exception
private void likePercentageTerminated_3(boolean useBindPrm) throws Exception {
    Cache cache = CacheUtils.getCache();
    AttributesFactory attributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();
    RegionAttributes regionAttributes = attributesFactory.create();
    Region region = cache.createRegion("pos", regionAttributes);
    char ch = 'd';
    String base = "abc";
    for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
        Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
        pf.status = base + ch;
        ch += 1;
        region.put(new Integer(i), pf);
    base = "abd";
    ch = 'd';
    for (int i = 6; i < 11; ++i) {
        Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
        pf.status = base + ch;
        ch += 1;
        region.put(new Integer(i), pf);
    QueryService qs = cache.getQueryService();
    Query q;
    SelectResults results;
    SelectResults expectedResults;
    String predicate = "";
    if (useBindPrm) {
        predicate = "$1";
    } else {
        predicate = " 'abc%'";
    q = qs.newQuery("SELECT distinct *  FROM /pos ps WHERE ps.status like " + predicate + " OR ps.ID > 6");
    if (useBindPrm) {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { "abc%" });
    } else {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    ResultsBag bag = new ResultsBag(null);
    for (int i = 1; i < 11; ++i) {
        if (i != 6) {
            bag.add(region.get(new Integer(i)));
    expectedResults = new ResultsCollectionWrapper(new ObjectTypeImpl(Object.class), bag.asSet());
    SelectResults[][] rs = new SelectResults[][] { { results, expectedResults } };
    CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(rs, this);
    // Create Index
    qs.createIndex("status", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ps.status", "/pos ps");
    QueryObserver old = QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {

        private boolean indexCalled = false;

        public void afterIndexLookup(Collection results) {
            indexCalled = true;

        public void endQuery() {
    if (useBindPrm) {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { "abc%" });
    } else {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    rs[0][0] = results;
    rs[0][1] = expectedResults;
    CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(rs, this);
    qs.createIndex("id", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ps.ID", "/pos ps");
    QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {

        private boolean[] indexCalled = new boolean[] { false, false };

        private int i = 0;

        public void afterIndexLookup(Collection results) {
            indexCalled[i++] = true;

        public void endQuery() {
            for (int i = 0; i < indexCalled.length; ++i) {
    if (useBindPrm) {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { "abc%" });
    } else {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    rs[0][0] = results;
    rs[0][1] = expectedResults;
    CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(rs, this);
Also used : Query(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query) RegionAttributes(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionAttributes) Portfolio( ObjectTypeImpl(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl) QueryObserver(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryObserver) AttributesFactory(org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory) SelectResults(org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults) QueryService(org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService) ResultsCollectionWrapper(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.ResultsCollectionWrapper) QueryObserverAdapter(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryObserverAdapter) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region) Collection(java.util.Collection) ResultsBag(org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.ResultsBag) Cache(org.apache.geode.cache.Cache)

Example 40 with SelectResults

use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults in project geode by apache.

the class LikePredicateJUnitTest method executeQueryMultipleTimes.

private void executeQueryMultipleTimes(String queryStr, boolean useBindParam) throws Exception {
    QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getCache().getQueryService();
    Region region = CacheUtils.getCache().getRegion("pos");
    Query q = qs.newQuery(queryStr);
    SelectResults results;
    SelectResults expectedResults;
    if (useBindParam) {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { "in%ve", "X%X" });
    } else {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
    // the index
    if (useBindParam) {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute(new Object[] { "in%ve", "X%X" });
    } else {
        results = (SelectResults) q.execute();
Also used : SelectResults(org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults) Query(org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query) QueryService(org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService) Region(org.apache.geode.cache.Region)


SelectResults (org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults)577 Test (org.junit.Test)423 Query (org.apache.geode.cache.query.Query)360 Region (org.apache.geode.cache.Region)336 QueryService (org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService)331 IntegrationTest (org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.IntegrationTest)256 Portfolio ( Index (org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index)133 DistributedTest (org.apache.geode.test.junit.categories.DistributedTest)112 Host (org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Host)107 VM (org.apache.geode.test.dunit.VM)107 CacheException (org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException)105 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)104 AttributesFactory (org.apache.geode.cache.AttributesFactory)101 CacheSerializableRunnable (org.apache.geode.cache30.CacheSerializableRunnable)92 DefaultQuery (org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.DefaultQuery)89 Cache (org.apache.geode.cache.Cache)84 Struct (org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct)80 LocalRegion (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion)67 ObjectType (org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType)66