use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.RuntimeIterator in project geode by apache.
the class FunctionalIndexCreationHelper method prepareFromClause.
* The function is modified to optimize the index creation code. If the 0th iterator of from
* clause is not on Entries, then the 0th iterator is replaced with that of entries & the value
* corresponding to original iterator is derived from the 0th iterator as additional projection
* attribute. All the other iterators & index expression if were dependent on 0th iterator are
* also appropriately modified such that they are correctly derived on the modified 0th iterator.
* <p>
* TODO: method is too complex for IDE to analyze -- refactor prepareFromClause
private void prepareFromClause(IndexManager imgr) throws IndexInvalidException {
if (this.imports != null) {
List list = this.compiler.compileFromClause(this.fromClause);
if (list == null) {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_INVALID_FROM_CLAUSE_0.toLocalizedString(this.fromClause));
int size = list.size();
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames = new String[size];
this.canonicalizedIteratorDefinitions = new String[size];
StringBuilder tempBuff = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFromClauseNull = true;
try {
PartitionedRegion pr = this.context.getPartitionedRegion();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef) list.get(i);
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(this.context);
if (i != 0 && !iterDef.isDependentOnCurrentScope(this.context)) {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_INVALID_FROM_CLAUSE_0_SUBSEQUENT_ITERATOR_EXPRESSIONS_IN_FROM_CLAUSE_MUST_BE_DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_ITERATORS.toLocalizedString(this.fromClause));
String definition = rIter.getDefinition();
this.canonicalizedIteratorDefinitions[i] = definition;
// Bind the Index_Internal_ID to the RuntimeIterator
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[i] = imgr.putCanonicalizedIteratorNameIfAbsent(definition);
if (pr != null) {
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[i] = pr.getIndexManager().putCanonicalizedIteratorNameIfAbsent(definition);
} else {
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[i] = imgr.putCanonicalizedIteratorNameIfAbsent(definition);
tempBuff.append(definition).append(' ').append(this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[i]).append(", ");
isFromClauseNull = false;
CompiledIteratorDef newItr;
if (i == 0) {
CompiledValue cv = iterDef.getCollectionExpr();
this.addnlProjType = rIter.getElementType();
String name = iterDef.getName();
if (isEmpty(name)) {
// In case the name of iterator is null or blank set it to index_internal_id
name = this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[i];
CompiledValue newCollExpr = new CompiledPath(new CompiledBindArgument(1), "entries");
// TODO: What if cv is not an instance of CompiledRegion
if (cv instanceof CompiledRegion) {
this.missingLink = new CompiledPath(new CompiledID(name), "value");
this.additionalProj = this.missingLink;
} else if (cv instanceof CompiledOperation || cv instanceof CompiledPath || cv instanceof CompiledIndexOperation) {
CompiledValue prevCV;
List reconstruct = new ArrayList();
while (!(cv instanceof CompiledRegion)) {
prevCV = cv;
if (cv instanceof CompiledOperation) {
reconstruct.add(0, ((CompiledOperation) cv).getArguments());
reconstruct.add(0, ((CompiledOperation) cv).getMethodName());
cv = ((CompiledOperation) cv).getReceiver(this.context);
} else if (cv instanceof CompiledPath) {
reconstruct.add(0, ((CompiledPath) cv).getTailID());
cv = cv.getReceiver();
} else if (cv instanceof CompiledIndexOperation) {
reconstruct.add(0, ((CompiledIndexOperation) cv).getExpression());
cv = cv.getReceiver();
} else {
reconstruct.add(0, prevCV.getType());
int firstTokenType = (Integer) reconstruct.get(0);
if (firstTokenType == CompiledValue.PATH) {
String tailID = (String) reconstruct.get(1);
if (tailID.equals("asList") || tailID.equals("asSet") || tailID.equals("values") || tailID.equals("toArray") || tailID.equals("getValues")) {
this.missingLink = new CompiledPath(new CompiledID(name), "value");
} else if (tailID.equals("keys") || tailID.equals("getKeys") || tailID.equals("keySet")) {
this.missingLink = new CompiledPath(new CompiledID(name), "key");
this.isFirstIteratorRegionKey = true;
} else if (tailID.equals("entries") || tailID.equals("getEntries") || tailID.equals("entrySet")) {
this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry = true;
} else {
remove(reconstruct, 2, 0);
int secondTokenType = reconstruct.size() > 1 ? (Integer) reconstruct.get(0) : -1;
if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry && secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LBRACK) {
// should be thrown as IndexOpn on set is not defined.
if (tailID.equals("values") || tailID.equals("getValues")) {
boolean returnEntryForRegionCollection = true;
this.additionalProj = new CompiledIndexOperation(new CompiledBindArgument(1), (CompiledValue) reconstruct.get(1), returnEntryForRegionCollection);
this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry = true;
} else if (tailID.equals("toList") || tailID.equals("toArray")) {
// TODO: add support for toList and toArray
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_FUNCTIONALINDEXCREATIONHELPERPREPAREFROMCLAUSETOLIST_TOARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString());
} else {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_FUNCTIONALINDEXCREATIONHELPERPREPAREFROMCLAUSETOLIST_TOARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString());
remove(reconstruct, 2, 0);
} else if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry && (secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV || secondTokenType == CompiledValue.PATH) && (tailID.equals("values") || tailID.equals("getValues") || tailID.equals("keySet") || tailID.equals("keys") || tailID.equals("getKeys"))) {
// Check if the second token name is toList or toArray or asSet.We need to remove
// those
String secTokName = (String) reconstruct.get(1);
if (secTokName.equals("asList") || secTokName.equals("asSet") || secTokName.equals("toArray")) {
remove(reconstruct, secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV ? 3 : 2, 0);
} else if (firstTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LBRACK) {
boolean returnEntryForRegionCollection = true;
this.additionalProj = new CompiledIndexOperation(new CompiledBindArgument(1), (CompiledValue) reconstruct.get(1), returnEntryForRegionCollection);
this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry = true;
} else if (firstTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV) {
String methodName = (String) reconstruct.get(1);
if (methodName.equals("asList") || methodName.equals("asSet") || methodName.equals("values") || methodName.equals("toArray") || methodName.equals("getValues")) {
this.missingLink = new CompiledPath(new CompiledID(name), "value");
} else if (methodName.equals("keys") || methodName.equals("getKeys") || methodName.equals("keySet")) {
this.missingLink = new CompiledPath(new CompiledID(name), "key");
this.isFirstIteratorRegionKey = true;
} else if (methodName.equals("entries") || methodName.equals("getEntries") || methodName.equals("entrySet")) {
this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry = true;
List args = (List) reconstruct.get(2);
if (args != null && args.size() == 1) {
Object obj = args.get(0);
if (obj instanceof CompiledBindArgument) {
remove(reconstruct, 3, 0);
int secondTokenType = reconstruct.size() > 1 ? (Integer) reconstruct.get(0) : -1;
if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry && secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LBRACK) {
if (methodName.equals("values") || methodName.equals("getValues")) {
boolean returnEntryForRegionCollection = true;
newCollExpr = new CompiledIndexOperation(new CompiledBindArgument(1), (CompiledValue) reconstruct.get(1), returnEntryForRegionCollection);
} else if (methodName.equals("toList") || methodName.equals("toArray")) {
// TODO: add support for toList and toArray
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_FUNCTIONALINDEXCREATIONHELPERPREPAREFROMCLAUSETOLIST_TOARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET.toLocalizedString());
} else {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_FUNCTIONALINDEXCREATIONHELPERPREPAREFROMCLAUSETOLIST_TOARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET.toLocalizedString());
remove(reconstruct, 2, 0);
} else if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry && (secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV || secondTokenType == CompiledValue.PATH) && (methodName.equals("values") || methodName.equals("getValues") || methodName.equals("keys") || methodName.equals("getKeys") || methodName.equals("keySet"))) {
// Check if the second token name is toList or toArray or asSet.We need to remove
// those
String secTokName = (String) reconstruct.get(1);
if (secTokName.equals("asList") || secTokName.equals("asSet") || secTokName.equals("toArray")) {
remove(reconstruct, secondTokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV ? 3 : 2, 0);
if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry) {
this.additionalProj = this.missingLink;
int len = reconstruct.size();
for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
Object obj = reconstruct.get(j);
if (obj instanceof Integer) {
int tokenType = (Integer) obj;
if (tokenType == CompiledValue.PATH) {
this.additionalProj = new CompiledPath(this.additionalProj, (String) reconstruct.get(++j));
} else if (tokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_LBRACK) {
this.additionalProj = new CompiledIndexOperation(this.additionalProj, (CompiledValue) reconstruct.get(++j));
} else if (tokenType == OQLLexerTokenTypes.METHOD_INV) {
this.additionalProj = new CompiledOperation(this.additionalProj, (String) reconstruct.get(++j), (List) reconstruct.get(++j));
} else {
if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry) {
newItr = new CompiledIteratorDef(name, null, newCollExpr);
this.indexInitIterators = new ArrayList();
} else if (!this.isFirstIteratorRegionEntry) {
newItr = iterDef;
if (rIter.getDefinition().contains(this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[0])) {
newItr = (CompiledIteratorDef) getModifiedDependentCompiledValue(this.context, i, iterDef, true);
} catch (IndexInvalidException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IndexInvalidException(e);
if (isFromClauseNull)
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.FunctionalIndexCreationHelper_INVALID_FROM_CLAUSE_0.toLocalizedString(this.fromClause));
this.fromClause = tempBuff.substring(0, tempBuff.length() - 2);
this.fromClauseIterators = list;
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.RuntimeIterator in project geode by apache.
the class HashIndex method verifyInnerAndOuterEntryValues.
* This evaluates the left and right side of a EQUI-JOIN where condition for which this Index was
* used. Like, if condition is "p.ID = e.ID", {@link IndexInfo} will contain Left as p.ID, Right
* as e.ID and operator as TOK_EQ. This method will evaluate p.ID OR e.ID based on if it is inner
* or outer RegionEntry, and verify the p.ID = e.ID.
* @return true if entry value and index value are consistent.
private boolean verifyInnerAndOuterEntryValues(RegionEntry entry, ExecutionContext context, IndexInfo indexInfo, Object keyVal) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
// Verify index key in value.
CompactRangeIndex index = (CompactRangeIndex) indexInfo._getIndex();
RuntimeIterator runtimeItr = index.getRuntimeIteratorForThisIndex(context, indexInfo);
if (runtimeItr != null) {
return evaluateEntry(indexInfo, context, keyVal);
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.RuntimeIterator in project geode by apache.
the class PrimaryKeyIndexCreationHelper method prepareFromClause.
private void prepareFromClause(IndexManager imgr) throws IndexInvalidException {
List list = this.compiler.compileFromClause(fromClause);
if (list.size() > 1) {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.PrimaryKeyIndexCreationHelper_THE_FROMCLAUSE_FOR_A_PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_SHOULD_ONLY_HAVE_ONE_ITERATOR_AND_THE_COLLECTION_MUST_BE_A_REGION_PATH_ONLY.toLocalizedString());
try {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef) list.get(0);
if (iterDef.getCollectionExpr().getType() != OQLLexerTokenTypes.RegionPath) {
throw new IndexInvalidException(LocalizedStrings.PrimaryKeyIndexCreationHelper_THE_FROMCLAUSE_FOR_A_PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_SHOULD_BE_A_REGION_PATH_ONLY.toLocalizedString());
RuntimeIterator rIter = (iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(this.context));
String definition = rIter.getDefinition();
this.canonicalizedIteratorDefinitions = new String[1];
this.canonicalizedIteratorDefinitions[0] = definition;
// Bind the Index_Internal_ID to the RuntimeIterator
PartitionedRegion pr = this.context.getPartitionedRegion();
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames = new String[1];
String name = null;
if (pr != null) {
name = pr.getIndexManager().putCanonicalizedIteratorNameIfAbsent(definition);
} else {
name = imgr.putCanonicalizedIteratorNameIfAbsent(definition);
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames = new String[1];
this.canonicalizedIteratorNames[0] = name;
this.fromClause = new StringBuilder(definition).append(' ').append(name).toString();
} catch (IndexInvalidException e) {
// propagate
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// wrap any other exceptions
throw new IndexInvalidException(e);