use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl in project geode by apache.
the class CustomerOptimizationsJUnitTest method testLiteralBheaviour_2.
public void testLiteralBheaviour_2() throws Exception {
QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/pos");
for (int i = 100; i < 1000; ++i) {
Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
rgn.put("" + i, pf);
String[] queries = new String[] { "select distinct p.status from /pos p where p.createTime = 10l AND p.status IN SET( 'active') AND true" };
SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
final List indexUsed = new ArrayList();
qs.createIndex("PortFolioID", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("CreateTime", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "createTime", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Status", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Type", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "\"type\"", "/pos");
final boolean[] expectedIndexUsed = new boolean[] { true };
final boolean[] actualIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedProjectionCallabck = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] actualProjectionCallback = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedUnionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualUnionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
final boolean[] expectedIntersectionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualIntersectionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
ObjectType[] expectedTypes = new ObjectType[] { new ObjectTypeImpl(String.class) };
QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {
private int i = 0;
public void invokedQueryUtilsUnion(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualUnionCallback[i] = true;
public void invokedQueryUtilsIntersection(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualIntersectionCallback[i] = true;
public void beforeIndexLookup(Index index, int oper, Object key) {
actualIndexUsed[i] = true;
public void beforeApplyingProjectionOnFilterEvaluatedResults(Object preProjectionApplied) {
actualProjectionCallback[i] = true;
public void afterQueryEvaluation(Object result) {
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedUnionCallback[i], actualUnionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], sr[i][1].getCollectionType().getElementType());
assertEquals(expectedIndexUsed[i], actualIndexUsed[i]);
assertEquals(expectedIntersectionCallback[i], actualIntersectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedProjectionCallabck[i], actualProjectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(indexUsed.size(), 1);
assertEquals(((Index) indexUsed.iterator().next()).getName(), "Status");
CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl in project geode by apache.
the class CustomerOptimizationsJUnitTest method testLiteralBehaviour_1.
public void testLiteralBehaviour_1() throws Exception {
QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/pos");
for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
rgn.put("" + i, pf);
String[] queries = new String[] { "select distinct p.status from /pos p where true" };
SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
final List indexUsed = new ArrayList();
qs.createIndex("PortFolioID", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("CreateTime", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "createTime", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Status", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Type", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "\"type\"", "/pos");
final boolean[] expectedIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] actualIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedProjectionCallabck = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] actualProjectionCallback = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedUnionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualUnionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
final boolean[] expectedIntersectionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualIntersectionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
ObjectType[] expectedTypes = new ObjectType[] { new ObjectTypeImpl(String.class) };
QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {
private int i = 0;
public void invokedQueryUtilsUnion(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualUnionCallback[i] = true;
public void invokedQueryUtilsIntersection(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualIntersectionCallback[i] = true;
public void beforeIndexLookup(Index index, int oper, Object key) {
actualIndexUsed[i] = true;
public void beforeApplyingProjectionOnFilterEvaluatedResults(Object preProjectionApplied) {
actualProjectionCallback[i] = true;
public void afterQueryEvaluation(Object result) {
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedUnionCallback[i], actualUnionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], sr[i][1].getCollectionType().getElementType());
assertEquals(expectedIndexUsed[i], actualIndexUsed[i]);
assertEquals(expectedIntersectionCallback[i], actualIntersectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedProjectionCallabck[i], actualProjectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(indexUsed.size(), 0);
CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl in project geode by apache.
the class CustomerOptimizationsJUnitTest method testProjectionEvaluationDuringIndexResultsWithComplexWhereClause_UNIMPLEMENTED_2.
public void testProjectionEvaluationDuringIndexResultsWithComplexWhereClause_UNIMPLEMENTED_2() throws QueryException {
QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/pos");
for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
rgn.put("" + i, pf);
String[] queries = new String[] { "select p.status as sts, p as pos from /pos p where (p.ID IN SET( 0,1,2,3,4,5,101,102,103,104,105) AND p.createTime > 9l) OR (p.ID IN SET( 20,30,110,120) AND p.createTime > 7l)" };
SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
qs.createIndex("PortFolioID", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("CreateTime", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "createTime", "/pos");
final boolean[] expectedIndexUsed = new boolean[] { true };
final boolean[] actualIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedProjectionCallabck = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] actualProjectionCallback = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedUnionCallback = { true };
final boolean[] actualUnionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
final boolean[] expectedIntersectionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualIntersectionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
ObjectType[] expectedTypes = new ObjectType[] { new StructTypeImpl(new String[] { "sts", "pos" }, new ObjectType[] { new ObjectTypeImpl(String.class), new ObjectTypeImpl(Portfolio.class) }) };
QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {
private int i = 0;
public void invokedQueryUtilsUnion(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualUnionCallback[i] = true;
public void invokedQueryUtilsIntersection(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualIntersectionCallback[i] = true;
public void beforeIndexLookup(Index index, int oper, Object key) {
actualIndexUsed[i] = true;
public void beforeApplyingProjectionOnFilterEvaluatedResults(Object preProjectionApplied) {
actualProjectionCallback[i] = true;
public void afterQueryEvaluation(Object result) {
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedUnionCallback[i], actualUnionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], sr[i][1].getCollectionType().getElementType());
assertEquals(expectedIndexUsed[i], actualIndexUsed[i]);
assertEquals(expectedIntersectionCallback[i], actualIntersectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedProjectionCallabck[i], actualProjectionCallback[i]);
CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl in project geode by apache.
the class CustomerOptimizationsJUnitTest method testBug39851.
public void testBug39851() throws QueryException {
QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/pos");
for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
rgn.put("" + i, pf);
String[] queries = new String[] { "select p.status as sts, p as pos from /pos p where p.ID IN ( Select x.ID from /pos x where x.ID > 10) " };
SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
qs.createIndex("PortFolioID", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/pos");
final boolean[] expectedIndexUsed = new boolean[] { true, true };
final boolean[] actualIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false, false };
final boolean[] expectedProjectionCallabck = new boolean[] { false, false };
final boolean[] actualProjectionCallback = new boolean[] { false, false };
final boolean[] expectedUnionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualUnionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
final boolean[] expectedIntersectionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualIntersectionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
ObjectType[] expectedTypes = new ObjectType[] { new StructTypeImpl(new String[] { "sts", "pos" }, new ObjectType[] { new ObjectTypeImpl(String.class), new ObjectTypeImpl(Portfolio.class) }) };
QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {
private int i = 0;
public void invokedQueryUtilsUnion(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualUnionCallback[i] = true;
public void invokedQueryUtilsIntersection(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualIntersectionCallback[i] = true;
public void beforeIndexLookup(Index index, int oper, Object key) {
actualIndexUsed[i] = true;
public void beforeApplyingProjectionOnFilterEvaluatedResults(Object preProjectionApplied) {
actualProjectionCallback[i] = true;
public void afterQueryEvaluation(Object result) {
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedUnionCallback[i], actualUnionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], sr[i][1].getCollectionType().getElementType());
assertEquals(expectedIndexUsed[i], actualIndexUsed[i]);
assertEquals(expectedProjectionCallabck[i], actualProjectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedIntersectionCallback[i], actualIntersectionCallback[i]);
CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);
use of org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.ObjectTypeImpl in project geode by apache.
the class CustomerOptimizationsJUnitTest method testInAndRangeCombination.
public void testInAndRangeCombination() throws Exception {
QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/pos");
for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) {
Portfolio pf = new Portfolio(i);
rgn.put("" + i, pf);
String[] queries = new String[] { "select distinct p.status from /pos p where p.ID > 11 AND p.ID < 19 and p.createTime IN SET( 10L) " };
SelectResults[][] sr = new SelectResults[queries.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][0] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
qs.createIndex("PortFolioID", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "ID", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("CreateTime", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "createTime", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Status", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/pos");
qs.createIndex("Type", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "\"type\"", "/pos");
final boolean[] expectedIndexUsed = new boolean[] { true };
final boolean[] actualIndexUsed = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedProjectionCallabck = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] actualProjectionCallback = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] expectedUnionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualUnionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
final List indexesUsed = new ArrayList();
final boolean[] expectedIntersectionCallback = { false };
final boolean[] actualIntersectionCallback = new boolean[queries.length];
ObjectType[] expectedTypes = new ObjectType[] { new ObjectTypeImpl(String.class) };
QueryObserverHolder.setInstance(new QueryObserverAdapter() {
private int i = 0;
public void invokedQueryUtilsUnion(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualUnionCallback[i] = true;
public void invokedQueryUtilsIntersection(SelectResults r1, SelectResults r2) {
actualIntersectionCallback[i] = true;
public void beforeIndexLookup(Index index, int oper, Object key) {
actualIndexUsed[i] = true;
public void beforeApplyingProjectionOnFilterEvaluatedResults(Object preProjectionApplied) {
actualProjectionCallback[i] = true;
public void afterQueryEvaluation(Object result) {
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; ++i) {
Query q = qs.newQuery(queries[i]);
sr[i][1] = (SelectResults) q.execute();
assertEquals(expectedUnionCallback[i], actualUnionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedTypes[i], sr[i][1].getCollectionType().getElementType());
assertEquals(expectedIndexUsed[i], actualIndexUsed[i]);
assertEquals(expectedIntersectionCallback[i], actualIntersectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(expectedProjectionCallabck[i], actualProjectionCallback[i]);
assertEquals(indexesUsed.size(), 1);
assertEquals(((Index) indexesUsed.iterator().next()).getName(), "CreateTime");
CacheUtils.compareResultsOfWithAndWithoutIndex(sr, this);