use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DMStats in project geode by apache.
the class SlowRecDUnitTest method forceQueuing.
private void forceQueuing(final Region r) throws CacheException {
Connection.FORCE_ASYNC_QUEUE = true;
final DMStats stats = getSystem().getDistributionManager().getStats();
r.put("forcekey", "forcevalue");
// wait for the flusher to get its first flush in progress
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
return stats.getAsyncQueueFlushesInProgress() != 0;
public String description() {
return "waiting for flushes to start";
Wait.waitForCriterion(ev, 2 * 1000, 200, true);
use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DMStats in project geode by apache.
the class SlowRecDUnitTest method testTimeoutDisconnect.
* Make sure that exceeding the async-queue-timeout causes a disconnect.
* <p>
* [bruce] This test was disabled when the SlowRecDUnitTest was re-enabled in build.xml in the
* splitbrainNov07 branch. It had been disabled since June 2006 due to hangs. Some of the tests,
* like this one, still need work because the periodically (some quite often) fail.
public void testTimeoutDisconnect() throws Exception {
final String expected = "org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.ConnectionException: Forced disconnect sent to" + "|| Broken pipe";
final String addExpected = "<ExpectedException action=add>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
final String removeExpected = "<ExpectedException action=remove>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
final AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
final Region r = createRootRegion("slowrec", factory.create());
final DM dm = getSystem().getDistributionManager();
final DMStats stats = dm.getStats();
// set others before vm0 connects
final Set others = dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds();
// create receiver in vm0 with queuing enabled
Properties p = new Properties();
// 500 ms
p.setProperty(ASYNC_QUEUE_TIMEOUT, "500");
doCreateOtherVm(p, true);
final Object key = "key";
// 1k
final int VALUE_SIZE = 1024;
final byte[] value = new byte[VALUE_SIZE];
int count = 0;
long queuedMsgs = stats.getAsyncQueuedMsgs();
long queueSize = stats.getAsyncQueueSize();
final long timeoutLimit = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000;
try {
while (stats.getAsyncQueueTimeouts() == 0) {
r.put(key, value);
if (stats.getAsyncQueueSize() > 0) {
queuedMsgs = stats.getAsyncQueuedMsgs();
queueSize = stats.getAsyncQueueSize();
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeoutLimit) {
fail("should have exceeded async-queue-timeout by now");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("After " + count + " " + VALUE_SIZE + " byte puts slowrec mode kicked in but the queue filled when its size reached " + queueSize + " with " + queuedMsgs + " msgs");
// make sure we lost a connection to vm0
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
if (dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds().size() > others.size()) {
return false;
return stats.getAsyncQueueSize() == 0;
public String description() {
return "waiting for departure";
Wait.waitForCriterion(ev, 2 * 1000, 200, true);
} finally {
assertEquals(others, dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds());
assertEquals(0, stats.getAsyncQueueSize());
use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DMStats in project geode by apache.
the class SlowRecDUnitTest method testSizeDisconnect.
* Make sure that exceeding the queue size limit causes a disconnect.
public void testSizeDisconnect() throws Exception {
final String expected = "org.apache.geode.internal.tcp.ConnectionException: Forced disconnect sent to" + "|| Broken pipe";
final String addExpected = "<ExpectedException action=add>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
final String removeExpected = "<ExpectedException action=remove>" + expected + "</ExpectedException>";
final AttributesFactory factory = new AttributesFactory();
final Region r = createRootRegion("slowrec", factory.create());
final DM dm = getSystem().getDistributionManager();
final DMStats stats = dm.getStats();
// set others before vm0 connects
final Set others = dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds();
// create receiver in vm0 with queuing enabled
Properties p = new Properties();
// 1 meg
p.setProperty(ASYNC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, "1");
doCreateOtherVm(p, false);
final Object key = "key";
// .1M async-max-queue-size should give us 10 of these 100K
final int VALUE_SIZE = 1024 * 100;
// msgs before queue full
final byte[] value = new byte[VALUE_SIZE];
int count = 0;
long queuedMsgs = stats.getAsyncQueuedMsgs();
long queueSize = stats.getAsyncQueueSize();
try {
while (stats.getAsyncQueueSizeExceeded() == 0 && stats.getAsyncQueueTimeouts() == 0) {
r.put(key, value);
if (stats.getAsyncQueueSize() > 0) {
queuedMsgs = stats.getAsyncQueuedMsgs();
queueSize = stats.getAsyncQueueSize();
if (count > 100) {
fail("should have exceeded max-queue-size by now");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("After " + count + " " + VALUE_SIZE + " byte puts slowrec mode kicked in but the queue filled when its size reached " + queueSize + " with " + queuedMsgs + " msgs");
// make sure we lost a connection to vm0
WaitCriterion ev = new WaitCriterion() {
public boolean done() {
return dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds().size() <= others.size() && stats.getAsyncQueueSize() == 0;
public String description() {
return "waiting for connection loss";
Wait.waitForCriterion(ev, 30 * 1000, 200, true);
} finally {
assertEquals(others, dm.getOtherDistributionManagerIds());
assertEquals(0, stats.getAsyncQueueSize());
use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DMStats in project geode by apache.
the class GMSMembershipManagerJUnitTest method testReplyProcessorInitiatesSuspicion.
public void testReplyProcessorInitiatesSuspicion() throws Exception {
DM dm = mock(DM.class);
DMStats stats = mock(DMStats.class);
InternalDistributedSystem system = InternalDistributedSystem.newInstanceForTesting(dm, distProperties);
when(dm.getDistributionManagerIds()).thenReturn(new HashSet(members));
when(dm.addMembershipListenerAndGetDistributionManagerIds(any(MembershipListener.class))).thenReturn(new HashSet(members));
manager.isJoining = true;
List<InternalDistributedMember> viewmembers = Arrays.asList(new InternalDistributedMember[] { mockMembers[0], mockMembers[1], myMemberId });
manager.installView(new NetView(myMemberId, 2, viewmembers));
List<InternalDistributedMember> mbrs = new ArrayList<>(1);
ReplyProcessor21 rp = new ReplyProcessor21(dm, mbrs);
boolean result = rp.waitForReplies(WAIT_FOR_REPLIES_MILLIS);
// the wait should have timed out
verify(healthMonitor, atLeastOnce()).checkIfAvailable(isA(InternalDistributedMember.class), isA(String.class), isA(Boolean.class));
use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DMStats in project geode by apache.
the class JGroupsMessenger method send.
private Set<InternalDistributedMember> send(DistributionMessage msg, boolean reliably) {
// perform the same jgroups messaging as in 8.2's GMSMembershipManager.send() method
// BUT: when marshalling messages we need to include the version of the product and
// localAddress at the beginning of the message. These should be used in the receiver
// code to create a versioned input stream, read the sender address, then read the message
// and set its sender address
DMStats theStats = services.getStatistics();
NetView oldView = this.view;
if (!myChannel.isConnected()) {"JGroupsMessenger channel is closed - messaging is not possible");
throw new DistributedSystemDisconnectedException("Distributed System is shutting down");
// the message's processor if necessary
if ((msg instanceof DirectReplyMessage) && msg.isDirectAck() && msg.getProcessorId() <= 0) {
((DirectReplyMessage) msg).registerProcessor();
InternalDistributedMember[] destinations = msg.getRecipients();
boolean allDestinations = msg.forAll();
boolean useMcast = false;
if (services.getConfig().getTransport().isMcastEnabled()) {
if (msg.getMulticast() || allDestinations) {
useMcast = services.getManager().isMulticastAllowed();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && reliably) {
String recips = useMcast ? "multicast" : Arrays.toString(msg.getRecipients());
logger.debug("sending via JGroups: [{}] recipients: {}", msg, recips);
JGAddress local = this.jgAddress;
if (useMcast) {
long startSer = theStats.startMsgSerialization();
Message jmsg = createJGMessage(msg, local, Version.CURRENT_ORDINAL);
Exception problem;
try {
if (!reliably) {
logger.trace("Sending JGroups message: {}", jmsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("caught unexpected exception", e);
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof ForcedDisconnectException) {
problem = (Exception) cause;
} else {
problem = e;
if (services.getShutdownCause() != null) {
Throwable shutdownCause = services.getShutdownCause();
// problem.
if (shutdownCause instanceof ForcedDisconnectException) {
problem = (Exception) shutdownCause;
} else {
Throwable ne = problem;
while (ne.getCause() != null) {
ne = ne.getCause();
final String channelClosed = LocalizedStrings.GroupMembershipService_CHANNEL_CLOSED.toLocalizedString();
// services.getManager().membershipFailure(channelClosed, problem);
throw new DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(channelClosed, problem);
} else // useMcast
// ! useMcast
int len = destinations.length;
// explicit list of members
List<GMSMember> calculatedMembers;
// == calculatedMembers.len
int calculatedLen;
if (len == 1 && destinations[0] == DistributionMessage.ALL_RECIPIENTS) {
// send to all
// Grab a copy of the current membership
NetView v = services.getJoinLeave().getView();
// Construct the list
calculatedLen = v.size();
calculatedMembers = new LinkedList<GMSMember>();
for (int i = 0; i < calculatedLen; i++) {
InternalDistributedMember m = (InternalDistributedMember) v.get(i);
calculatedMembers.add((GMSMember) m.getNetMember());
} else // send to all
// send to explicit list
calculatedLen = len;
calculatedMembers = new LinkedList<GMSMember>();
for (int i = 0; i < calculatedLen; i++) {
calculatedMembers.add((GMSMember) destinations[i].getNetMember());
// send to explicit list
Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Message> messages = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
long startSer = theStats.startMsgSerialization();
boolean firstMessage = true;
for (GMSMember mbr : calculatedMembers) {
short version = mbr.getVersionOrdinal();
if (!messages.containsKey(version)) {
Message jmsg = createJGMessage(msg, local, version);
messages.put(version, jmsg);
if (firstMessage) {
firstMessage = false;
int i = 0;
for (GMSMember mbr : calculatedMembers) {
JGAddress to = new JGAddress(mbr);
short version = mbr.getVersionOrdinal();
Message jmsg = messages.get(version);
Exception problem = null;
try {
Message tmp = (i < (calculatedLen - 1)) ? jmsg.copy(true) : jmsg;
if (!reliably) {
logger.trace("Unicasting to {}", to);
} catch (Exception e) {
problem = e;
if (problem != null) {
Throwable cause = services.getShutdownCause();
if (cause != null) {
// problem.
if (cause instanceof ForcedDisconnectException) {
problem = (Exception) cause;
} else {
Throwable ne = problem;
while (ne.getCause() != null) {
ne = ne.getCause();
final String channelClosed = LocalizedStrings.GroupMembershipService_CHANNEL_CLOSED.toLocalizedString();
// services.getManager().membershipFailure(channelClosed, problem);
throw new DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(channelClosed, problem);
// send individually
// (i.e., left the view), we signal it here.
if (msg.forAll()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<InternalDistributedMember> result = new HashSet<>();
NetView newView = this.view;
if (newView != null && newView != oldView) {
for (InternalDistributedMember d : destinations) {
if (!newView.contains(d)) {
logger.debug("messenger: member has left the view: {} view is now {}", d, newView);
return result;