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Example 61 with ReplyException

use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException in project geode by apache.

the class DistributedRegionFunctionStreamingMessage method process.

protected void process(final DistributionManager dm) {
    Throwable thr = null;
    boolean sendReply = true;
    DistributedRegion dr = null;
    TXStateProxy tx = null;
    try {
        if (checkCacheClosing(dm) || checkDSClosing(dm)) {
            thr = new CacheClosedException(LocalizedStrings.PartitionMessage_REMOTE_CACHE_IS_CLOSED_0.toLocalizedString(dm.getId()));
        dr = (DistributedRegion) GemFireCacheImpl.getInstance().getRegion(this.regionPath);
        if (dr == null) {
            // if the distributed system is disconnecting, don't send a reply saying
            // the partitioned region can't be found (bug 36585)
            thr = new ForceReattemptException(dm.getDistributionManagerId().toString() + ": could not find Distributed region " + regionPath);
            // reply sent in finally block below
        tx = prepForTransaction();
        // need to take care of
        sendReply = operateOnDistributedRegion(dm, dr);
        // it...
        thr = null;
    } catch (CancelException se) {
        // bug 37026: this is too noisy...
        // throw new CacheClosedException("remote system shutting down");
        // thr = se; cache is closed, no point trying to send a reply
        thr = null;
        sendReply = false;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("shutdown caught, abandoning message: {}", se.getMessage(), se);
    } catch (RegionDestroyedException rde) {
        // region is also destroyed, who cares if we send it an exception
        if (dr != null && dr.isClosed()) {
            thr = new ForceReattemptException("Region is destroyed in " + dm.getDistributionManagerId(), rde);
    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
        // now, so don't let this thread continue.
        throw err;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        logger.debug("{} exception occurred while processing message: {}", this, t.getMessage(), t);
        // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
        // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
        // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
        // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
        // is still usable:
        // log the exception at fine level if there is no reply to the message
        thr = null;
        if (sendReply && this.processorId != 0) {
            if (!checkDSClosing(dm)) {
                thr = t;
            } else {
                // don't pass arbitrary runtime exceptions and errors back if this
                // cache/vm is closing
                thr = new ForceReattemptException("Distributed system is disconnecting");
        if (this.processorId == 0) {
            logger.debug("{} exception while processing message: {}", this, t.getMessage(), t);
        } else if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.DM) && (t instanceof RuntimeException)) {
            logger.trace(LogMarker.DM, "Exception caught while processing message", t);
    } finally {
        if (sendReply && this.processorId != 0) {
            ReplyException rex = null;
            if (thr != null) {
                // don't transmit the exception if this message was to a listener
                // and this listener is shutting down
                boolean excludeException = false;
                if (!this.functionObject.isHA()) {
                    excludeException = (thr instanceof CacheClosedException || (thr instanceof ForceReattemptException));
                } else {
                    excludeException = thr instanceof ForceReattemptException;
                if (!excludeException) {
                    rex = new ReplyException(thr);
            // Send the reply if the operateOnPartitionedRegion returned true
            sendReply(getSender(), this.processorId, dm, rex, null, 0, true, false);
Also used : RegionDestroyedException(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException) CacheClosedException(org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException) CancelException(org.apache.geode.CancelException) ReplyException(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException)

Example 62 with ReplyException

use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException in project geode by apache.

the class RemoteRemoveAllMessage method operateOnRegion.

protected boolean operateOnRegion(DistributionManager dm, LocalRegion r, long startTime) throws RemoteOperationException {
    final boolean sendReply;
    InternalDistributedMember eventSender = getSender();
    try {
        sendReply = doLocalRemoveAll(r, eventSender);
    } catch (RemoteOperationException e) {
        sendReply(getSender(), getProcessorId(), dm, new ReplyException(e), r, startTime);
        return false;
    if (sendReply) {
        sendReply(getSender(), getProcessorId(), dm, null, r, startTime);
    return false;
Also used : InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) ReplyException(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException)

Example 63 with ReplyException

use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException in project geode by apache.

the class TXMessage method process.

protected void process(final DistributionManager dm) {
    Throwable thr = null;
    boolean sendReply = true;
    try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("processing {}", this);
        InternalCache cache = GemFireCacheImpl.getInstance();
        if (checkCacheClosing(cache) || checkDSClosing(cache.getInternalDistributedSystem())) {
            thr = new CacheClosedException(LocalizedStrings.PartitionMessage_REMOTE_CACHE_IS_CLOSED_0.toLocalizedString(dm.getId()));
        TXManagerImpl txMgr = cache.getTXMgr();
        TXStateProxy tx = null;
        try {
            assert this.txUniqId != TXManagerImpl.NOTX;
            TXId txId = new TXId(getMemberToMasqueradeAs(), this.txUniqId);
            tx = txMgr.masqueradeAs(this);
            sendReply = operateOnTx(txId, dm);
        } finally {
    } catch (CommitConflictException cce) {
        thr = cce;
    } catch (DistributedSystemDisconnectedException se) {
        sendReply = false;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("shutdown caught, abandoning message: " + se);
    } catch (RegionDestroyedException rde) {
        thr = new ForceReattemptException(LocalizedStrings.PartitionMessage_REGION_IS_DESTROYED_IN_0.toLocalizedString(dm.getDistributionManagerId()), rde);
    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
        // now, so don't let this thread continue.
        throw err;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // Whenever you catch Error or Throwable, you must also
        // catch VirtualMachineError (see above). However, there is
        // _still_ a possibility that you are dealing with a cascading
        // error condition, so you also need to check to see if the JVM
        // is still usable:
        if (sendReply) {
            thr = t;
    } finally {
        ReplySender rs = getReplySender(dm);
        if (sendReply && (this.processorId != 0 || (rs != dm))) {
            ReplyException rex = null;
            if (thr != null) {
                rex = new ReplyException(thr);
            sendReply(getSender(), this.processorId, dm, rex);
Also used : DistributedSystemDisconnectedException(org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException) RegionDestroyedException(org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException) CacheClosedException(org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException) ReplyException(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException) CommitConflictException(org.apache.geode.cache.CommitConflictException) ReplySender(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplySender)

Example 64 with ReplyException

use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException in project geode by apache.

the class TXCommitMessage method memberDeparted.

public void memberDeparted(final InternalDistributedMember id, boolean crashed) {
    if (!getSender().equals(id)) {
    ThreadGroup group = LoggingThreadGroup.createThreadGroup("TXCommitMessage Threads", logger);
    synchronized (this) {
        if (isProcessing() || this.departureNoticed) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Member departed: Commit data is already being processed for lockid: {}", lockId);
        this.departureNoticed = true;
    // determine if any one of them have received a CommitProcessMessage
    if (this.farSiders != null && !this.farSiders.isEmpty()) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Member departed: {} sending query for CommitProcess message to other recipients.", id);
        // Create a new thread, send the CommitProcessQuery, wait for a response and potentially
        // process
        Thread fellowFarSidersQuery = new Thread(group, "CommitProcessQuery Thread") {

            // Should I use a thread pool?, Darrel suggests look in DM somewhere or introduce a zero
            // sized thread pool
            public void run() {
                final TXCommitMessage mess = TXCommitMessage.this;
                Object trackerKey = mess.getTrackerKey();
                DistributedMember member = getMemberFromTrackerKey(trackerKey);
                if (!mess.getSender().equals(member)) {
             * Do not send a CommitProcessQueryMessage when the sender of CommitMessage is not the
             * member in the tracker key. (If this happens we are the redundant node for PR, and the
             * primary just crashed).
                CommitProcessQueryReplyProcessor replProc = new CommitProcessQueryReplyProcessor(, mess.farSiders);
                CommitProcessQueryMessage query = new CommitProcessQueryMessage(mess.getTrackerKey(), replProc.getProcessorId());
                // Wait for any one positive response or all negative responses.
                // (while() loop removed for bug 36983 - you can't loop on waitForReplies()
                try {
                } catch (ReplyException e) {
                if (replProc.receivedACommitProcessMessage()) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Transaction associated with lockID: {} from orign {} is processing due to a received \"commit process\" message", mess.lockId, id);
                    try {
                        // Set processor to zero to avoid the ack to the now departed origin
                        mess.processorId = 0;
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Transaction associated with lockID: {} from origin {} ignored.  No other recipients received \"commit process\" message", mess.lockId, id);

            private DistributedMember getMemberFromTrackerKey(Object trackerKey) {
                if (trackerKey instanceof TXId) {
                    TXId id1 = (TXId) trackerKey;
                    return id1.getMemberId();
                } else if (trackerKey instanceof TXLockId) {
                    TXLockId id2 = (TXLockId) trackerKey;
                    return id2.getMemberId();
                return null;
    } else {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Member departed: {}. Processing commit data.", getSender());
        // Optimimal case where we are the only FarSider, assume we
        // will never get the CommitProcess message, but it
        // doesn't matter since we can commit anyway.
        // Start a new thread to process the commit
        Thread originDepartedCommit = new Thread(group, "Origin Departed Commit") {

            public void run() {
                final TXCommitMessage mess = TXCommitMessage.this;
                try {
                    // Set processor to zero to avoid the ack to the now departed origin
                    mess.processorId = 0;
                } finally {
Also used : InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) DistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedMember) TXLockId(org.apache.geode.internal.cache.locks.TXLockId) LoggingThreadGroup(org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LoggingThreadGroup) ReplyException(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException)

Example 65 with ReplyException

use of org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException in project geode by apache.

the class StateFlushOperation method flush.

   * flush state to the given target
   * @param recipients The members who may be making state changes to the region. This is typically
   *        taken from a CacheDistributionAdvisor membership set
   * @param target The member who should have all state flushed to it
   * @param processorType The execution processor type for the marker message that is sent to all
   *        members using the given region
   * @param flushNewOps normally only ops that were started before region profile exchange are
   *        flushed. Setting this to true causes the flush to wait for any started after the profile
   *        exchange as well.
   * @throws InterruptedException If the operation is interrupted, usually for shutdown, an
   *         InterruptedException will be thrown
   * @return true if the state was flushed, false if not
public boolean flush(Set recipients, DistributedMember target, int processorType, boolean flushNewOps) throws InterruptedException {
    // do not use recipients parameter past this point
    Set recips = recipients;
    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();
    InternalDistributedMember myId =;
    if (!recips.contains(target) && !myId.equals(target)) {
        recips = new HashSet(recipients);
    // partial fix for bug 38773 - ensures that this cache will get both
    // a cache op and an adjunct message when creating a bucket region
    // if (recips.size() < 2 && !myId.equals(target)) {
    // return true; // no state to flush to a single holder of the region
    // }
    StateMarkerMessage smm = new StateMarkerMessage();
    smm.relayRecipient = target;
    smm.processorType = processorType;
    smm.flushNewOps = flushNewOps;
    if (region == null) {
        smm.allRegions = true;
    } else {
        smm.regionPath = region.getFullPath();
    StateFlushReplyProcessor gfprocessor = new StateFlushReplyProcessor(dm, recips, target);
    smm.processorId = gfprocessor.getProcessorId();
    if (region != null && region.isUsedForPartitionedRegionBucket() && region.getDistributionConfig().getAckSevereAlertThreshold() > 0) {
        smm.severeAlertEnabled = true;
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP)) {
        logger.trace(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP, "Sending {} with processor {}", smm, gfprocessor);
    Set failures =;
    if (failures != null) {
        if (failures.contains(target)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP)) {
                logger.trace(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP, "failed to send StateMarkerMessage to target {}; returning from flush without waiting for replies", target);
            return false;
    try {
        // try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } // DEBUGGING - stall before getting membership to
        // increase odds that target has left
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP)) {
            logger.trace(LogMarker.STATE_FLUSH_OP, "Finished processing {}", smm);
    } catch (ReplyException re) {
        logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.StateFlushOperation_STATE_FLUSH_TERMINATED_WITH_EXCEPTION), re);
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) InternalDistributedMember(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember) ReplyException(org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


ReplyException (org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyException)75 CancelException (org.apache.geode.CancelException)24 InternalDistributedMember (org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember)20 Set (java.util.Set)16 RegionDestroyedException (org.apache.geode.cache.RegionDestroyedException)16 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)12 ForceReattemptException (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.ForceReattemptException)10 EntryNotFoundException (org.apache.geode.cache.EntryNotFoundException)8 PartitionedRegion (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegion)8 IOException ( CacheClosedException (org.apache.geode.cache.CacheClosedException)7 ReplyMessage (org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyMessage)7 Cache (org.apache.geode.cache.Cache)6 CacheException (org.apache.geode.cache.CacheException)6 Region (org.apache.geode.cache.Region)6 PartitionedRegionDataStore (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionDataStore)6 PrimaryBucketException (org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PrimaryBucketException)6 Released (org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Released)6 DistributedSystemDisconnectedException (org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException)5 ReplyProcessor21 (org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.ReplyProcessor21)5