use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskRecoveryStore in project geode by apache.
the class VersionedThinDiskLRURegionEntryOffHeapStringKey2 method diskInitialize.
// DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
// get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true, /* is persistence */
Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskRecoveryStore in project geode by apache.
the class VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapIntKey method diskInitialize.
// DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
// get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true, /* is persistence */
Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskRecoveryStore in project geode by apache.
the class VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapLongKey method diskInitialize.
// DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
// get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true, /* is persistence */
Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskRecoveryStore in project geode by apache.
the class VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapObjectKey method diskInitialize.
// DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
// get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true, /* is persistence */
Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);
use of org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.DiskRecoveryStore in project geode by apache.
the class VersionedThinDiskRegionEntryHeapStringKey1 method diskInitialize.
// DO NOT modify this class. It was generated from LeafRegionEntry.cpp
private void diskInitialize(RegionEntryContext context, Object value) {
DiskRecoveryStore drs = (DiskRecoveryStore) context;
DiskStoreImpl ds = drs.getDiskStore();
long maxOplogSize = ds.getMaxOplogSize();
// get appropriate instance of DiskId implementation based on maxOplogSize = DiskId.createDiskId(maxOplogSize, true, /* is persistence */
Helper.initialize(this, drs, value);