use of org.apache.gobblin.converter.SingleRecordIterable in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class AvroToRestJsonEntryConverter method convertRecord.
* Use resource key(Optional) and rest json entry as a template and fill in template using Avro as a reference.
* e.g:
* Rest JSON entry HOCON template:
* AccountId=${sf_account_id},Member_Id__c=${member_id}
* Avro:
* {"sf_account_id":{"string":"0016000000UiCYHAA3"},"member_id":{"long":296458833}}
* Converted Json:
* {"AccountId":"0016000000UiCYHAA3","Member_Id__c":296458833}
* As it's template based approach, it can produce nested JSON structure even Avro is flat (or vice versa).
* e.g:
* Rest resource template:
* /sobject/account/memberId/${member_id}
* Avro:
* {"sf_account_id":{"string":"0016000000UiCYHAA3"},"member_id":{"long":296458833}}
* Converted resource:
* /sobject/account/memberId/296458833
* Converted resource will be used to form end point.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.apache.gobblin.converter.Converter#convertRecord(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, org.apache.gobblin.configuration.WorkUnitState)
public Iterable<RestEntry<JsonObject>> convertRecord(Void outputSchema, GenericRecord inputRecord, WorkUnitState workUnit) throws DataConversionException {
Config srcConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(inputRecord.toString(), ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setSyntax(ConfigSyntax.JSON));
String resourceKey = workUnit.getProp(CONVERTER_AVRO_REST_ENTRY_RESOURCE_KEY, "");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(resourceKey)) {
final String dummyKey = "DUMMY";
Config tmpConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(dummyKey + "=" + resourceKey).resolveWith(srcConfig);
resourceKey = tmpConfig.getString(dummyKey);
String hoconInput = workUnit.getProp(CONVERTER_AVRO_REST_JSON_ENTRY_TEMPLATE);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hoconInput)) {
return new SingleRecordIterable<>(new RestEntry<>(resourceKey, parser.parse(inputRecord.toString()).getAsJsonObject()));
Config destConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(hoconInput).resolveWith(srcConfig);
JsonObject json = parser.parse(destConfig.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise())).getAsJsonObject();
return new SingleRecordIterable<>(new RestEntry<>(resourceKey, json));
use of org.apache.gobblin.converter.SingleRecordIterable in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class BytesToJsonConverter method convertRecord.
public Iterable<JsonObject> convertRecord(String outputSchema, byte[] inputRecord, WorkUnitState workUnit) throws DataConversionException {
if (inputRecord == null) {
throw new DataConversionException("Input record is null");
String jsonString = new String(inputRecord, Charsets.UTF_8);
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject outputRecord = parser.parse(jsonString).getAsJsonObject();
return new SingleRecordIterable<>(outputRecord);
use of org.apache.gobblin.converter.SingleRecordIterable in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class JsonStringToJsonIntermediateConverter method convertRecord.
* Takes in a record with format String and Uses the inputSchema to convert the record to a JsonObject
* @return a JsonObject representing the record
* @throws IOException
public Iterable<JsonObject> convertRecord(JsonArray outputSchema, String strInputRecord, WorkUnitState workUnit) throws DataConversionException {
JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject inputRecord = (JsonObject) jsonParser.parse(strInputRecord);
if (!this.unpackComplexSchemas) {
return new SingleRecordIterable<>(inputRecord);
JsonSchema schema = new JsonSchema(outputSchema);
JsonObject rec = parse(inputRecord, schema);
return new SingleRecordIterable(rec);
use of org.apache.gobblin.converter.SingleRecordIterable in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class GrokToJsonConverter method convertRecord.
* Converts Text (String) to JSON based on a Grok regexp expression.
* By default, fields between Text and JSON are mapped by Grok SEMANTIC which is the identifier you give to the piece of text being matched in your Grok expression.
* e.g:
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Converter#convertRecord(Object, Object, WorkUnitState)
public Iterable<JsonObject> convertRecord(JsonArray outputSchema, String inputRecord, WorkUnitState workUnit) throws DataConversionException {
JsonObject outputRecord = createOutput(outputSchema, inputRecord);
LOG.debug("Converted into " + outputRecord);
return new SingleRecordIterable<JsonObject>(outputRecord);
use of org.apache.gobblin.converter.SingleRecordIterable in project incubator-gobblin by apache.
the class AnyToCouchbaseJsonConverter method convertRecord.
public Iterable<RawJsonDocument> convertRecord(String outputSchema, Object inputRecord, WorkUnitState workUnit) throws DataConversionException {
JsonElement jsonElement = GSON.toJsonTree(inputRecord);
if (!jsonElement.isJsonObject()) {
throw new DataConversionException("Expecting json element " + jsonElement.toString() + " to be of type JsonObject.");
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
if (!jsonObject.has(keyField)) {
throw new DataConversionException("Could not find key field " + keyField + " in json object " + jsonObject.toString());
JsonElement keyValueElement = jsonObject.get(keyField);
String keyString;
try {
keyString = keyValueElement.getAsString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DataConversionException("Could not get the key " + keyValueElement.toString() + " as a string", e);
String valueString = GSON.toJson(jsonElement);
RawJsonDocument jsonDocument = RawJsonDocument.create(keyString, valueString);
return new SingleRecordIterable<>(jsonDocument);