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Example 6 with JobException

use of org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class GobblinServiceJobScheduler method onDeleteSpec.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void onDeleteSpec(URI deletedSpecURI, String deletedSpecVersion) {
    if (this.helixManager.isPresent() && !this.helixManager.get().isConnected()) {
        // Specs in store will be notified when Scheduler is added as listener to FlowCatalog, so ignore
        // .. Specs if in cluster mode and Helix is not yet initialized"System not yet initialized. Skipping Spec Deletion: " + deletedSpecURI);
    }"Spec deletion detected: " + deletedSpecURI + "/" + deletedSpecVersion);
    if (!isActive && helixManager.isPresent()) {"Scheduler running in slave mode, forward Spec delete via Helix message to master: " + deletedSpecURI);
        HelixUtils.sendUserDefinedMessage(ServiceConfigKeys.HELIX_FLOWSPEC_REMOVE, deletedSpecURI.toString() + ":" + deletedSpecVersion, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), InstanceType.CONTROLLER, helixManager.get(), _log);
    try {
        Spec deletedSpec = this.scheduledFlowSpecs.get(deletedSpecURI.toString());
        if (null != deletedSpec) {
        } else {
            _log.warn(String.format("Spec with URI: %s was not found in cache. May be it was cleaned, if not please " + "clean it manually", deletedSpecURI));
    } catch (JobException e) {
        _log.warn(String.format("Spec with URI: %s was not unscheduled cleaning", deletedSpecURI), e);
Also used : UnableToInterruptJobException(org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException) JobException(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException) Spec(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.api.Spec) FlowSpec(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.api.FlowSpec)

Example 7 with JobException

use of org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class GobblinServiceJobScheduler method onAddSpec.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void onAddSpec(Spec addedSpec) {
    if (this.helixManager.isPresent() && !this.helixManager.get().isConnected()) {
        // Specs in store will be notified when Scheduler is added as listener to FlowCatalog, so ignore
        // .. Specs if in cluster mode and Helix is not yet initialized"System not yet initialized. Skipping Spec Addition: " + addedSpec);
    }"New Flow Spec detected: " + addedSpec);
    if (addedSpec instanceof FlowSpec) {
        if (!isActive && helixManager.isPresent()) {
  "Scheduler running in slave mode, forward Spec add via Helix message to master: " + addedSpec);
            HelixUtils.sendUserDefinedMessage(ServiceConfigKeys.HELIX_FLOWSPEC_ADD, addedSpec.getUri().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), InstanceType.CONTROLLER, helixManager.get(), _log);
        try {
            Properties jobConfig = new Properties();
            Properties flowSpecProperties = ((FlowSpec) addedSpec).getConfigAsProperties();
            jobConfig.setProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY, addedSpec.getUri().toString());
            jobConfig.setProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_GROUP_KEY, ((FlowSpec) addedSpec).getConfig().getValue(ConfigurationKeys.FLOW_GROUP_KEY).toString());
            jobConfig.setProperty(ConfigurationKeys.FLOW_RUN_IMMEDIATELY, ConfigUtils.getString(((FlowSpec) addedSpec).getConfig(), ConfigurationKeys.FLOW_RUN_IMMEDIATELY, "false"));
            if (flowSpecProperties.containsKey(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(flowSpecProperties.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY))) {
                jobConfig.setProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY, flowSpecProperties.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY));
            this.scheduledFlowSpecs.put(addedSpec.getUri().toString(), addedSpec);
            if (jobConfig.containsKey(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY)) {
      "Scheduling flow spec: " + addedSpec);
                scheduleJob(jobConfig, null);
                if (PropertiesUtils.getPropAsBoolean(jobConfig, ConfigurationKeys.FLOW_RUN_IMMEDIATELY, "false")) {
          "RunImmediately requested, hence executing FlowSpec: " + addedSpec);
                    this.jobExecutor.execute(new NonScheduledJobRunner(jobConfig, null));
            } else {
      "No FlowSpec schedule found, so running FlowSpec: " + addedSpec);
                this.jobExecutor.execute(new NonScheduledJobRunner(jobConfig, null));
        } catch (JobException je) {
            _log.error("Failed to schedule or run FlowSpec " + addedSpec, je);
Also used : UnableToInterruptJobException(org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException) JobException(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException) FlowSpec(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.api.FlowSpec) Properties(java.util.Properties)

Example 8 with JobException

use of org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class GobblinHelixJobLauncherTest method testLaunchMultipleJobs.

public void testLaunchMultipleJobs() throws Exception {
    final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean> runningMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    // Job launcher(1) to test parallel job running
    final Properties properties1 = generateJobProperties(this.baseConfig, "2", "_1504201348471");
    final GobblinHelixJobLauncher gobblinHelixJobLauncher1 = this.closer.register(new GobblinHelixJobLauncher(properties1, this.helixManager, this.appWorkDir, ImmutableList.<Tag<?>>of(), runningMap));
    // Job launcher(2) to test parallel job running
    final Properties properties2 = generateJobProperties(this.baseConfig, "2", "_1504201348472");
    final GobblinHelixJobLauncher gobblinHelixJobLauncher2 = this.closer.register(new GobblinHelixJobLauncher(properties2, this.helixManager, this.appWorkDir, ImmutableList.<Tag<?>>of(), runningMap));
    CountDownLatch stg1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CountDownLatch stg2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CountDownLatch stg3 = new CountDownLatch(1);
    SuspendJobListener testListener = new SuspendJobListener(stg1, stg2);
    (new Thread(() -> {
        try {
        } catch (JobException e) {
    // Wait for the first job to start
    // When first job is in the middle of running, launch the second job (which should do NOOP because previous job is still running)
    // Wait for the first job to finish
    Assert.assertEquals(testListener.getCompletes().get() == 1, true);
Also used : JobException(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException) Tag(org.apache.gobblin.metrics.Tag) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Properties(java.util.Properties) CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)

Example 9 with JobException

use of org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class JobScheduler method runJob.

 * Run a job.
 * <p>
 *   This method runs the job immediately without going through the Quartz scheduler.
 *   This is particularly useful for testing.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   This method does what {@link #runJob(Properties, JobListener)} does, and additionally it allows
 *   the caller to pass in a {@link JobLauncher} instance used to launch the job to run.
 * </p>
 * @param jobProps Job configuration properties
 * @param jobListener {@link JobListener} used for callback, can be <em>null</em> if no callback is needed.
 * @param jobLauncher a {@link JobLauncher} object used to launch the job to run
 * @return If current job is a stop-early job based on {@link Source#isEarlyStopped()}
 * @throws JobException when there is anything wrong with running the job
public boolean runJob(Properties jobProps, JobListener jobListener, JobLauncher jobLauncher) throws JobException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(jobProps.containsKey(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY), "A job must have a job name specified by");
    String jobName = jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY);
    // Check if the job has been disabled
    boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_DISABLED_KEY, "false"));
    if (disabled) {"Skipping disabled job " + jobName);
        return false;
    // Launch the job
    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
        boolean runOnce = Boolean.valueOf(jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_RUN_ONCE_KEY, "false"));
        boolean isEarlyStopped = jobLauncher.isEarlyStopped();
        if (!isEarlyStopped && runOnce && this.scheduledJobs.containsKey(jobName)) {
        return isEarlyStopped;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw new JobException("Failed to launch and run job " + jobName, t);
Also used : Closer( UnableToInterruptJobException(org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException) JobException(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException)

Example 10 with JobException

use of org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException in project incubator-gobblin by apache.

the class JobScheduler method scheduleJob.

 * Schedule a job.
 * <p>
 *   This method does what {@link #scheduleJob(Properties, JobListener)} does, and additionally it
 *   allows the caller to pass in additional job data and the {@link Job} implementation class.
 * </p>
 * @param jobProps Job configuration properties
 * @param jobListener {@link JobListener} used for callback,
 *                    can be <em>null</em> if no callback is needed.
 * @param additionalJobData additional job data in a {@link Map}
 * @param jobClass Quartz job class
 * @throws JobException when there is anything wrong
 *                      with scheduling the job
public void scheduleJob(Properties jobProps, JobListener jobListener, Map<String, Object> additionalJobData, Class<? extends Job> jobClass) throws JobException {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(jobProps.containsKey(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY), "A job must have a job name specified by");
    String jobName = jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY);
    if (this.scheduledJobs.containsKey(jobName)) {
        LOG.warn("Job " + jobName + " has already been scheduled");
    // Check if the job has been disabled
    boolean disabled = Boolean.valueOf(jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_DISABLED_KEY, "false"));
    if (disabled) {"Skipping disabled job " + jobName);
    if (!jobProps.containsKey(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_SCHEDULE_KEY)) {
        // Submit the job to run
        this.jobExecutor.execute(new NonScheduledJobRunner(jobProps, jobListener));
    if (jobListener != null) {
        this.jobListenerMap.put(jobName, jobListener);
    // Build a data map that gets passed to the job
    JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
    jobDataMap.put(JOB_SCHEDULER_KEY, this);
    jobDataMap.put(PROPERTIES_KEY, jobProps);
    jobDataMap.put(JOB_LISTENER_KEY, jobListener);
    // Build a Quartz job
    JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(jobClass).withIdentity(jobName, Strings.nullToEmpty(jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_GROUP_KEY))).withDescription(Strings.nullToEmpty(jobProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_DESCRIPTION_KEY))).usingJobData(jobDataMap).build();
    try {
        // Schedule the Quartz job with a trigger built from the job configuration
        Trigger trigger = getTrigger(job.getKey(), jobProps);
        this.scheduler.getScheduler().scheduleJob(job, trigger);"Scheduled job %s. Next run: %s.", job.getKey(), trigger.getNextFireTime()));
    } catch (SchedulerException se) {
        LOG.error("Failed to schedule job " + jobName, se);
        throw new JobException("Failed to schedule job " + jobName, se);
    this.scheduledJobs.put(jobName, job.getKey());
Also used : UnableToInterruptJobException(org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException) JobException(org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException) JobDataMap(org.quartz.JobDataMap) JobDetail(org.quartz.JobDetail) Trigger(org.quartz.Trigger) SchedulerException(org.quartz.SchedulerException)


JobException (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobException)13 UnableToInterruptJobException (org.quartz.UnableToInterruptJobException)6 Properties (java.util.Properties)5 FlowSpec (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.api.FlowSpec)3 IOException ( ConfigurationException (org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException)2 Spec (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.api.Spec)2 EmailNotificationJobListener (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.listeners.EmailNotificationJobListener)2 RunOnceJobListener (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.listeners.RunOnceJobListener)2 JobExecutionException (org.quartz.JobExecutionException)2 Subscribe ( Closer ( ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)1 Future (java.util.concurrent.Future)1 TimeUnit (java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)1 Tag (org.apache.gobblin.metrics.Tag)1 JobLauncher (org.apache.gobblin.runtime.JobLauncher)1 Path (org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path)1 WorkflowContext (org.apache.helix.task.WorkflowContext)1