use of org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException in project hadoop by apache.
the class DfsClientConf method createChecksum.
/** create a DataChecksum with the given option. */
public DataChecksum createChecksum(ChecksumOpt userOpt) {
// Fill in any missing field with the default.
ChecksumOpt opt = ChecksumOpt.processChecksumOpt(defaultChecksumOpt, userOpt);
DataChecksum dataChecksum = DataChecksum.newDataChecksum(opt.getChecksumType(), opt.getBytesPerChecksum());
if (dataChecksum == null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Invalid checksum type: userOpt=" + userOpt + ", default=" + defaultChecksumOpt + ", effective=null");
return dataChecksum;
use of org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException in project hadoop by apache.
the class BlockManager method getBlocksWithLocations.
/** Get all blocks with location information from a datanode. */
public BlocksWithLocations getBlocksWithLocations(final DatanodeID datanode, final long size) throws UnregisteredNodeException {
final DatanodeDescriptor node = getDatanodeManager().getDatanode(datanode);
if (node == null) {
blockLog.warn("BLOCK* getBlocks: Asking for blocks from an" + " unrecorded node {}", datanode);
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Datanode " + datanode + " not found.");
int numBlocks = node.numBlocks();
if (numBlocks == 0) {
return new BlocksWithLocations(new BlockWithLocations[0]);
Iterator<BlockInfo> iter = node.getBlockIterator();
// starting from a random block
int startBlock = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(numBlocks);
// skip blocks
for (int i = 0; i < startBlock; i++) {;
List<BlockWithLocations> results = new ArrayList<BlockWithLocations>();
long totalSize = 0;
BlockInfo curBlock;
while (totalSize < size && iter.hasNext()) {
curBlock =;
if (!curBlock.isComplete())
if (curBlock.getNumBytes() < getBlocksMinBlockSize) {
totalSize += addBlock(curBlock, results);
if (totalSize < size) {
// start from the beginning
iter = node.getBlockIterator();
for (int i = 0; i < startBlock && totalSize < size; i++) {
curBlock =;
if (!curBlock.isComplete())
if (curBlock.getNumBytes() < getBlocksMinBlockSize) {
totalSize += addBlock(curBlock, results);
return new BlocksWithLocations(results.toArray(new BlockWithLocations[results.size()]));
use of org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException in project hadoop by apache.
the class NNBench method parseInputs.
* Parse input arguments
* @param args array of command line's parameters to be parsed
private void parseInputs(final String[] args) {
// If there are no command line arguments, exit
if (args.length == 0) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Give valid inputs");
// Parse command line args
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].equals("-operation")) {
operation = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-maps")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
numberOfMaps = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-reduces")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
numberOfReduces = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-startTime")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
startTime = Long.parseLong(args[++i]) * 1000;
} else if (args[i].equals("-blockSize")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
blockSize = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-bytesToWrite")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
bytesToWrite = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-bytesPerChecksum")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
bytesPerChecksum = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-numberOfFiles")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
numberOfFiles = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-replicationFactorPerFile")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
replicationFactorPerFile = Short.parseShort(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-baseDir")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
baseDir = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-readFileAfterOpen")) {
checkArgs(i + 1, args.length);
readFileAfterOpen = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-help")) {
isHelpMessage = true;
}"Test Inputs: ");" Test Operation: " + operation);" Start time: " + sdf.format(new Date(startTime)));" Number of maps: " + numberOfMaps);" Number of reduces: " + numberOfReduces);" Block Size: " + blockSize);" Bytes to write: " + bytesToWrite);" Bytes per checksum: " + bytesPerChecksum);" Number of files: " + numberOfFiles);" Replication factor: " + replicationFactorPerFile);" Base dir: " + baseDir);" Read file after open: " + readFileAfterOpen);
// Set user-defined parameters, so the map method can access the values
getConf().set("test.nnbench.operation", operation);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.maps", numberOfMaps);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.reduces", numberOfReduces);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.starttime", startTime);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.blocksize", blockSize);
getConf().setInt("test.nnbench.bytestowrite", bytesToWrite);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.bytesperchecksum", bytesPerChecksum);
getConf().setLong("test.nnbench.numberoffiles", numberOfFiles);
getConf().setInt("test.nnbench.replicationfactor", (int) replicationFactorPerFile);
getConf().set("test.nnbench.basedir", baseDir);
getConf().setBoolean("test.nnbench.readFileAfterOpen", readFileAfterOpen);
getConf().set("", DATA_DIR_NAME);
getConf().set("", OUTPUT_DIR_NAME);
getConf().set("", CONTROL_DIR_NAME);
use of org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException in project hadoop by apache.
the class DistCpSync method preSyncCheck.
* Check if three conditions are met before sync.
* 1. Only one source directory.
* 2. Both source and target file system are DFS.
* 3. There is no change between from and the current status in target
* file system.
* Throw exceptions if first two aren't met, and return false to fallback to
* default distcp if the third condition isn't met.
private boolean preSyncCheck() throws IOException {
List<Path> sourcePaths = inputOptions.getSourcePaths();
if (sourcePaths.size() != 1) {
// we only support one source dir which must be a snapshottable directory
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sourcePaths.size() + " source paths are provided");
final Path sourceDir = sourcePaths.get(0);
final Path targetDir = inputOptions.getTargetPath();
final FileSystem srcFs = sourceDir.getFileSystem(conf);
final FileSystem tgtFs = targetDir.getFileSystem(conf);
final FileSystem snapshotDiffFs = isRdiff() ? tgtFs : srcFs;
final Path snapshotDiffDir = isRdiff() ? targetDir : sourceDir;
// DistributedFileSystem.
if (!(srcFs instanceof DistributedFileSystem) || !(tgtFs instanceof DistributedFileSystem)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The FileSystems needs to" + " be DistributedFileSystem for using snapshot-diff-based distcp");
final DistributedFileSystem targetFs = (DistributedFileSystem) tgtFs;
// make sure targetFS has no change between from and the current states
if (!checkNoChange(targetFs, targetDir)) {
// set the source path using the snapshot path
inputOptions.setSourcePaths(Arrays.asList(getSnapshotPath(sourceDir, inputOptions.getToSnapshot())));
return false;
final String from = getSnapshotName(inputOptions.getFromSnapshot());
final String to = getSnapshotName(inputOptions.getToSnapshot());
try {
final FileStatus fromSnapshotStat = snapshotDiffFs.getFileStatus(getSnapshotPath(snapshotDiffDir, from));
final FileStatus toSnapshotStat = snapshotDiffFs.getFileStatus(getSnapshotPath(snapshotDiffDir, to));
if (isRdiff()) {
// If fromSnapshot isn't current dir then do a time check
if (!from.equals("") && fromSnapshotStat.getModificationTime() < toSnapshotStat.getModificationTime()) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Snapshot " + from + " should be newer than " + to);
} else {
// If toSnapshot isn't current dir then do a time check
if (!to.equals("") && fromSnapshotStat.getModificationTime() > toSnapshotStat.getModificationTime()) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Snapshot " + to + " should be newer than " + from);
} catch (FileNotFoundException nfe) {
throw new InvalidInputException("Input snapshot is not found", nfe);
return true;
use of org.apache.hadoop.HadoopIllegalArgumentException in project hadoop by apache.
the class AbstractFileSystem method create.
* The specification of this method matches that of
* {@link FileContext#create(Path, EnumSet, Options.CreateOpts...)} except
* that the Path f must be fully qualified and the permission is absolute
* (i.e. umask has been applied).
public final FSDataOutputStream create(final Path f, final EnumSet<CreateFlag> createFlag, Options.CreateOpts... opts) throws AccessControlException, FileAlreadyExistsException, FileNotFoundException, ParentNotDirectoryException, UnsupportedFileSystemException, UnresolvedLinkException, IOException {
int bufferSize = -1;
short replication = -1;
long blockSize = -1;
int bytesPerChecksum = -1;
ChecksumOpt checksumOpt = null;
FsPermission permission = null;
Progressable progress = null;
Boolean createParent = null;
for (CreateOpts iOpt : opts) {
if (CreateOpts.BlockSize.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (blockSize != -1) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("BlockSize option is set multiple times");
blockSize = ((CreateOpts.BlockSize) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.BufferSize.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (bufferSize != -1) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("BufferSize option is set multiple times");
bufferSize = ((CreateOpts.BufferSize) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.ReplicationFactor.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (replication != -1) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("ReplicationFactor option is set multiple times");
replication = ((CreateOpts.ReplicationFactor) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.BytesPerChecksum.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (bytesPerChecksum != -1) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("BytesPerChecksum option is set multiple times");
bytesPerChecksum = ((CreateOpts.BytesPerChecksum) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.ChecksumParam.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (checksumOpt != null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("CreateChecksumType option is set multiple times");
checksumOpt = ((CreateOpts.ChecksumParam) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.Perms.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (permission != null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Perms option is set multiple times");
permission = ((CreateOpts.Perms) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.Progress.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (progress != null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Progress option is set multiple times");
progress = ((CreateOpts.Progress) iOpt).getValue();
} else if (CreateOpts.CreateParent.class.isInstance(iOpt)) {
if (createParent != null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("CreateParent option is set multiple times");
createParent = ((CreateOpts.CreateParent) iOpt).getValue();
} else {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Unkown CreateOpts of type " + iOpt.getClass().getName());
if (permission == null) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("no permission supplied");
FsServerDefaults ssDef = getServerDefaults();
if (ssDef.getBlockSize() % ssDef.getBytesPerChecksum() != 0) {
throw new IOException("Internal error: default blockSize is" + " not a multiple of default bytesPerChecksum ");
if (blockSize == -1) {
blockSize = ssDef.getBlockSize();
// Create a checksum option honoring user input as much as possible.
// If bytesPerChecksum is specified, it will override the one set in
// checksumOpt. Any missing value will be filled in using the default.
ChecksumOpt defaultOpt = new ChecksumOpt(ssDef.getChecksumType(), ssDef.getBytesPerChecksum());
checksumOpt = ChecksumOpt.processChecksumOpt(defaultOpt, checksumOpt, bytesPerChecksum);
if (bufferSize == -1) {
bufferSize = ssDef.getFileBufferSize();
if (replication == -1) {
replication = ssDef.getReplication();
if (createParent == null) {
createParent = false;
if (blockSize % bytesPerChecksum != 0) {
throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("blockSize should be a multiple of checksumsize");
return this.createInternal(f, createFlag, permission, bufferSize, replication, blockSize, progress, checksumOpt, createParent);