use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class LogAggregationUtils method getRemoteAppLogDir.
* Return the remote application log directory.
* @param conf the configuration
* @param appId the application
* @param appOwner the application owner
* @return the remote application log directory path
* @throws IOException if we can not find remote application log directory
public static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getRemoteAppLogDir(Configuration conf, ApplicationId appId, String appOwner) throws IOException {
String suffix = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteNodeLogDirSuffix(conf);
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path remoteRootLogDir = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(conf.get(YarnConfiguration.NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR));
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path remoteAppDir = null;
if (appOwner == null) {
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path qualifiedRemoteRootLogDir = FileContext.getFileContext(conf).makeQualified(remoteRootLogDir);
FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(qualifiedRemoteRootLogDir.toUri(), conf);
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path toMatch = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteAppLogDir(remoteRootLogDir, appId, "*", suffix);
FileStatus[] matching = fc.util().globStatus(toMatch);
if (matching == null || matching.length != 1) {
throw new IOException("Can not find remote application directory for " + "the application:" + appId);
remoteAppDir = matching[0].getPath();
} else {
remoteAppDir = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteAppLogDir(remoteRootLogDir, appId, appOwner, suffix);
return remoteAppDir;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class LogCLIHelpers method getOwnerForAppIdOrNull.
public static /**
* Return the owner for a given AppId
* @param remoteRootLogDir
* @param appId
* @param bestGuess
* @param conf
* @return the owner or null
* @throws IOException
String getOwnerForAppIdOrNull(ApplicationId appId, String bestGuess, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
Path remoteRootLogDir = new Path(conf.get(YarnConfiguration.NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_REMOTE_APP_LOG_DIR));
String suffix = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteNodeLogDirSuffix(conf);
Path fullPath = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteAppLogDir(remoteRootLogDir, appId, bestGuess, suffix);
FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(remoteRootLogDir.toUri(), conf);
String pathAccess = fullPath.toString();
try {
if (fc.util().exists(fullPath)) {
return bestGuess;
Path toMatch = LogAggregationUtils.getRemoteAppLogDir(remoteRootLogDir, appId, "*", suffix);
pathAccess = toMatch.toString();
FileStatus[] matching = fc.util().globStatus(toMatch);
if (matching == null || matching.length != 1) {
return null;
//fetch the user from the full path /app-logs/user[/suffix]/app_id
Path parent = matching[0].getPath().getParent();
//skip the suffix too
if (suffix != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix)) {
parent = parent.getParent();
return parent.getName();
} catch (AccessControlException | AccessDeniedException ex) {
logDirNoAccessPermission(pathAccess, bestGuess, ex.getMessage());
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSDownload method testDownload.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testDownload() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, "077");
FileContext files = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext(conf);
final Path basedir = files.makeQualified(new Path("target", TestFSDownload.class.getSimpleName()));
files.mkdir(basedir, null, true);
conf.setStrings(TestFSDownload.class.getName(), basedir.toString());
Map<LocalResource, LocalResourceVisibility> rsrcVis = new HashMap<LocalResource, LocalResourceVisibility>();
Random rand = new Random();
long sharedSeed = rand.nextLong();
System.out.println("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
Map<LocalResource, Future<Path>> pending = new HashMap<LocalResource, Future<Path>>();
ExecutorService exec = HadoopExecutors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(TestFSDownload.class.getName());
int[] sizes = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
sizes[i] = rand.nextInt(512) + 512;
LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.PRIVATE;
if (i % 2 == 1) {
vis = LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION;
Path p = new Path(basedir, "" + i);
LocalResource rsrc = createFile(files, p, sizes[i], rand, vis);
rsrcVis.put(rsrc, vis);
Path destPath = dirs.getLocalPathForWrite(basedir.toString(), sizes[i], conf);
destPath = new Path(destPath, Long.toString(uniqueNumberGenerator.incrementAndGet()));
FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), conf, destPath, rsrc);
pending.put(rsrc, exec.submit(fsd));
while (!exec.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) ;
for (Future<Path> path : pending.values()) {
try {
for (Map.Entry<LocalResource, Future<Path>> p : pending.entrySet()) {
Path localized = p.getValue().get();
assertEquals(sizes[Integer.parseInt(localized.getName())], p.getKey().getSize());
FileStatus status = files.getFileStatus(localized.getParent());
FsPermission perm = status.getPermission();
assertEquals("Cache directory permissions are incorrect", new FsPermission((short) 0755), perm);
status = files.getFileStatus(localized);
perm = status.getPermission();
System.out.println("File permission " + perm + " for rsrc vis " + p.getKey().getVisibility().name());
assert (rsrcVis.containsKey(p.getKey()));
Assert.assertTrue("Private file should be 500", perm.toShort() == FSDownload.PRIVATE_FILE_PERMS.toShort());
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed exec", e);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class S3ATestUtils method createTestFileContext.
* Create a file context for tests.
* If the property is not set, this will
* trigger a JUnit failure.
* Multipart purging is enabled.
* @param conf configuration
* @return the FS
* @throws IOException IO Problems
* @throws AssumptionViolatedException if the FS is not named
public static FileContext createTestFileContext(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
String fsname = conf.getTrimmed(TEST_FS_S3A_NAME, "");
boolean liveTest = !StringUtils.isEmpty(fsname);
URI testURI = null;
if (liveTest) {
testURI = URI.create(fsname);
liveTest = testURI.getScheme().equals(Constants.FS_S3A);
if (!liveTest) {
// make this whole class not run by default
throw new AssumptionViolatedException("No test filesystem in " + TEST_FS_S3A_NAME);
FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(testURI, conf);
return fc;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project tez by apache.
the class MiniTezClusterWithTimeline method serviceInit.
public void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
// Use libs from cluster since no build is available
conf.setBoolean(TezConfiguration.TEZ_USE_CLUSTER_HADOOP_LIBS, true);
// blacklisting disabled to prevent scheduling issues
conf.setBoolean(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_NODE_BLACKLISTING_ENABLED, false);
if (conf.get(MRJobConfig.MR_AM_STAGING_DIR) == null) {
conf.set(MRJobConfig.MR_AM_STAGING_DIR, new File(getTestWorkDir(), "apps_staging_dir" + Path.SEPARATOR).getAbsolutePath());
if (conf.get(YarnConfiguration.DEBUG_NM_DELETE_DELAY_SEC) == null) {
// nothing defined. set quick delete value
conf.setLong(YarnConfiguration.DEBUG_NM_DELETE_DELAY_SEC, 0l);
File appJarLocalFile = new File(MiniTezClusterWithTimeline.APPJAR);
if (!appJarLocalFile.exists()) {
String message = "TezAppJar " + MiniTezClusterWithTimeline.APPJAR + " not found. Exiting.";;
throw new TezUncheckedException(message);
} else {"Using Tez AppJar: " + appJarLocalFile.getAbsolutePath());
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
Path testRootDir = fs.makeQualified(new Path("target", getName() + "-tmpDir"));
Path appRemoteJar = new Path(testRootDir, "TezAppJar.jar");
// Copy AppJar and make it public.
Path appMasterJar = new Path(MiniTezClusterWithTimeline.APPJAR);
fs.copyFromLocalFile(appMasterJar, appRemoteJar);
fs.setPermission(appRemoteJar, new FsPermission("777"));
conf.set(TezConfiguration.TEZ_LIB_URIS, appRemoteJar.toUri().toString());"Set TEZ-LIB-URI to: " + conf.get(TezConfiguration.TEZ_LIB_URIS));
// VMEM monitoring disabled, PMEM monitoring enabled.
conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NM_PMEM_CHECK_ENABLED, false);
conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NM_VMEM_CHECK_ENABLED, false);
conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, "000");
try {
Path stagingPath = FileContext.getFileContext(conf).makeQualified(new Path(conf.get(MRJobConfig.MR_AM_STAGING_DIR)));
* Re-configure the staging path on Windows if the file system is localFs.
* We need to use a absolute path that contains the drive letter. The unit
* test could run on a different drive than the AM. We can run into the
* issue that job files are localized to the drive where the test runs on,
* while the AM starts on a different drive and fails to find the job
* metafiles. Using absolute path can avoid this ambiguity.
if (Path.WINDOWS) {
if (LocalFileSystem.class.isInstance(stagingPath.getFileSystem(conf))) {
conf.set(MRJobConfig.MR_AM_STAGING_DIR, new File(conf.get(MRJobConfig.MR_AM_STAGING_DIR)).getAbsolutePath());
FileContext fc = FileContext.getFileContext(stagingPath.toUri(), conf);
if (fc.util().exists(stagingPath)) { + " exists! deleting...");
fc.delete(stagingPath, true);
}"mkdir: " + stagingPath);
fc.mkdir(stagingPath, null, true);
// mkdir done directory as well
String doneDir = JobHistoryUtils.getConfiguredHistoryServerDoneDirPrefix(conf);
Path doneDirPath = fc.makeQualified(new Path(doneDir));
fc.mkdir(doneDirPath, null, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TezUncheckedException("Could not create staging directory. ", e);
conf.set(MRConfig.MASTER_ADDRESS, "test");
// configure the shuffle service in NM
conf.setStrings(YarnConfiguration.NM_AUX_SERVICES, new String[] { ShuffleHandler.MAPREDUCE_SHUFFLE_SERVICEID });
conf.setClass(String.format(YarnConfiguration.NM_AUX_SERVICE_FMT, ShuffleHandler.MAPREDUCE_SHUFFLE_SERVICEID), ShuffleHandler.class, Service.class);
// Non-standard shuffle port
conf.setInt(ShuffleHandler.SHUFFLE_PORT_CONFIG_KEY, 0);
conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.NM_CONTAINER_EXECUTOR, DefaultContainerExecutor.class, ContainerExecutor.class);
// TestMRJobs is for testing non-uberized operation only; see TestUberAM
// for corresponding uberized tests.
conf.setBoolean(MRJobConfig.JOB_UBERTASK_ENABLE, false);