use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSDownload method downloadWithFileType.
private void downloadWithFileType(TEST_FILE_TYPE fileType) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeys.FS_PERMISSIONS_UMASK_KEY, "077");
FileContext files = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext(conf);
final Path basedir = files.makeQualified(new Path("target", TestFSDownload.class.getSimpleName()));
files.mkdir(basedir, null, true);
conf.setStrings(TestFSDownload.class.getName(), basedir.toString());
Random rand = new Random();
long sharedSeed = rand.nextLong();
System.out.println("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
Map<LocalResource, Future<Path>> pending = new HashMap<LocalResource, Future<Path>>();
ExecutorService exec = HadoopExecutors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
LocalDirAllocator dirs = new LocalDirAllocator(TestFSDownload.class.getName());
int size = rand.nextInt(512) + 512;
LocalResourceVisibility vis = LocalResourceVisibility.PRIVATE;
Path p = new Path(basedir, "" + 1);
String strFileName = "";
LocalResource rsrc = null;
switch(fileType) {
case TAR:
rsrc = createTarFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
case JAR:
rsrc = createJarFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
case ZIP:
rsrc = createZipFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
strFileName = p.getName() + ".ZIP";
case TGZ:
rsrc = createTgzFile(files, p, size, rand, vis);
Path destPath = dirs.getLocalPathForWrite(basedir.toString(), size, conf);
destPath = new Path(destPath, Long.toString(uniqueNumberGenerator.incrementAndGet()));
FSDownload fsd = new FSDownload(files, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), conf, destPath, rsrc);
pending.put(rsrc, exec.submit(fsd));
while (!exec.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) ;
try {
// see if there was an Exception during download
FileStatus[] filesstatus = files.getDefaultFileSystem().listStatus(basedir);
for (FileStatus filestatus : filesstatus) {
if (filestatus.isDirectory()) {
FileStatus[] childFiles = files.getDefaultFileSystem().listStatus(filestatus.getPath());
for (FileStatus childfile : childFiles) {
if (strFileName.endsWith(".ZIP") && childfile.getPath().getName().equals(strFileName) && !childfile.isDirectory()) {"Failure...After unzip, there should have been a" + " directory formed with zip file name but found a file. " + childfile.getPath());
if (childfile.getPath().getName().startsWith("tmp")) {"Tmp File should not have been there " + childfile.getPath());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Failed exec", e);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSDownload method testDownloadPublicWithStatCache.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testDownloadPublicWithStatCache() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileContext files = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext(conf);
Path basedir = files.makeQualified(new Path("target", TestFSDownload.class.getSimpleName()));
// if test directory doesn't have ancestor permission, skip this test
FileSystem f = basedir.getFileSystem(conf);
assumeTrue(FSDownload.ancestorsHaveExecutePermissions(f, basedir, null));
files.mkdir(basedir, null, true);
conf.setStrings(TestFSDownload.class.getName(), basedir.toString());
int size = 512;
final ConcurrentMap<Path, AtomicInteger> counts = new ConcurrentHashMap<Path, AtomicInteger>();
final CacheLoader<Path, Future<FileStatus>> loader = FSDownload.createStatusCacheLoader(conf);
final LoadingCache<Path, Future<FileStatus>> statCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(new CacheLoader<Path, Future<FileStatus>>() {
public Future<FileStatus> load(Path path) throws Exception {
// increment the count
AtomicInteger count = counts.get(path);
if (count == null) {
count = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger existing = counts.putIfAbsent(path, count);
if (existing != null) {
count = existing;
// use the default loader
return loader.load(path);
// test FSDownload.isPublic() concurrently
final int fileCount = 3;
List<Callable<Boolean>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<Boolean>>();
for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
Random rand = new Random();
long sharedSeed = rand.nextLong();
System.out.println("SEED: " + sharedSeed);
final Path path = new Path(basedir, "test-file-" + i);
createFile(files, path, size, rand);
final FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
final FileStatus sStat = fs.getFileStatus(path);
tasks.add(new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws IOException {
return FSDownload.isPublic(fs, path, sStat, statCache);
ExecutorService exec = HadoopExecutors.newFixedThreadPool(fileCount);
try {
List<Future<Boolean>> futures = exec.invokeAll(tasks);
// files should be public
for (Future<Boolean> future : futures) {
// for each path exactly one file status call should be made
for (AtomicInteger count : counts.values()) {
assertSame(count.get(), 1);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class DefaultContainerExecutor method startLocalizer.
public void startLocalizer(LocalizerStartContext ctx) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Path nmPrivateContainerTokensPath = ctx.getNmPrivateContainerTokens();
InetSocketAddress nmAddr = ctx.getNmAddr();
String user = ctx.getUser();
String appId = ctx.getAppId();
String locId = ctx.getLocId();
LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler = ctx.getDirsHandler();
List<String> localDirs = dirsHandler.getLocalDirs();
List<String> logDirs = dirsHandler.getLogDirs();
createUserLocalDirs(localDirs, user);
createUserCacheDirs(localDirs, user);
createAppDirs(localDirs, user, appId);
createAppLogDirs(appId, logDirs, user);
// randomly choose the local directory
Path appStorageDir = getWorkingDir(localDirs, user, appId);
String tokenFn = String.format(ContainerLocalizer.TOKEN_FILE_NAME_FMT, locId);
Path tokenDst = new Path(appStorageDir, tokenFn);
copyFile(nmPrivateContainerTokensPath, tokenDst, user);"Copying from " + nmPrivateContainerTokensPath + " to " + tokenDst);
FileContext localizerFc = FileContext.getFileContext(lfs.getDefaultFileSystem(), getConf());
localizerFc.setWorkingDirectory(appStorageDir);"Localizer CWD set to " + appStorageDir + " = " + localizerFc.getWorkingDirectory());
ContainerLocalizer localizer = createContainerLocalizer(user, appId, locId, localDirs, localizerFc);
// TODO: DO it over RPC for maintaining similarity?
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class ContainerLaunch method call.
// dispatcher not typed
public Integer call() {
if (!validateContainerState()) {
return 0;
final ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = container.getLaunchContext();
ContainerId containerID = container.getContainerId();
String containerIdStr = containerID.toString();
final List<String> command = launchContext.getCommands();
int ret = -1;
Path containerLogDir;
try {
Map<Path, List<String>> localResources = getLocalizedResources();
final String user = container.getUser();
// /////////////////////////// Variable expansion
// Before the container script gets written out.
List<String> newCmds = new ArrayList<String>(command.size());
String appIdStr = app.getAppId().toString();
String relativeContainerLogDir = ContainerLaunch.getRelativeContainerLogDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr);
containerLogDir = dirsHandler.getLogPathForWrite(relativeContainerLogDir, false);
recordContainerLogDir(containerID, containerLogDir.toString());
for (String str : command) {
// TODO: Should we instead work via symlinks without this grammar?
newCmds.add(expandEnvironment(str, containerLogDir));
Map<String, String> environment = launchContext.getEnvironment();
// Make a copy of env to iterate & do variable expansion
for (Entry<String, String> entry : environment.entrySet()) {
String value = entry.getValue();
value = expandEnvironment(value, containerLogDir);
// /////////////////////////// End of variable expansion
FileContext lfs = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext();
Path nmPrivateContainerScriptPath = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR + CONTAINER_SCRIPT);
Path nmPrivateTokensPath = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr) + Path.SEPARATOR + String.format(ContainerLocalizer.TOKEN_FILE_NAME_FMT, containerIdStr));
Path nmPrivateClasspathJarDir = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(getContainerPrivateDir(appIdStr, containerIdStr));
DataOutputStream containerScriptOutStream = null;
DataOutputStream tokensOutStream = null;
// Select the working directory for the container
Path containerWorkDir = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + user + Path.SEPARATOR + ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE + Path.SEPARATOR + appIdStr + Path.SEPARATOR + containerIdStr, LocalDirAllocator.SIZE_UNKNOWN, false);
recordContainerWorkDir(containerID, containerWorkDir.toString());
String pidFileSubpath = getPidFileSubpath(appIdStr, containerIdStr);
// pid file should be in nm private dir so that it is not
// accessible by users
pidFilePath = dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite(pidFileSubpath);
List<String> localDirs = dirsHandler.getLocalDirs();
List<String> logDirs = dirsHandler.getLogDirs();
List<String> filecacheDirs = getNMFilecacheDirs(localDirs);
List<String> userLocalDirs = getUserLocalDirs(localDirs);
List<String> containerLocalDirs = getContainerLocalDirs(localDirs);
List<String> containerLogDirs = getContainerLogDirs(logDirs);
if (!dirsHandler.areDisksHealthy()) {
ret = ContainerExitStatus.DISKS_FAILED;
throw new IOException("Most of the disks failed. " + dirsHandler.getDisksHealthReport(false));
try {
// /////////// Write out the container-script in the nmPrivate space.
List<Path> appDirs = new ArrayList<Path>(localDirs.size());
for (String localDir : localDirs) {
Path usersdir = new Path(localDir, ContainerLocalizer.USERCACHE);
Path userdir = new Path(usersdir, user);
Path appsdir = new Path(userdir, ContainerLocalizer.APPCACHE);
appDirs.add(new Path(appsdir, appIdStr));
containerScriptOutStream = lfs.create(nmPrivateContainerScriptPath, EnumSet.of(CREATE, OVERWRITE));
// Set the token location too.
environment.put(ApplicationConstants.CONTAINER_TOKEN_FILE_ENV_NAME, new Path(containerWorkDir, FINAL_CONTAINER_TOKENS_FILE).toUri().getPath());
// Sanitize the container's environment
sanitizeEnv(environment, containerWorkDir, appDirs, userLocalDirs, containerLogDirs, localResources, nmPrivateClasspathJarDir);
exec.prepareContainer(new ContainerPrepareContext.Builder().setContainer(container).setLocalizedResources(localResources).setUser(user).setContainerLocalDirs(containerLocalDirs).setCommands(launchContext.getCommands()).build());
// Write out the environment
exec.writeLaunchEnv(containerScriptOutStream, environment, localResources, launchContext.getCommands(), new Path(containerLogDirs.get(0)), user);
// /////////// End of writing out container-script
// /////////// Write out the container-tokens in the nmPrivate space.
tokensOutStream = lfs.create(nmPrivateTokensPath, EnumSet.of(CREATE, OVERWRITE));
Credentials creds = container.getCredentials();
// /////////// End of writing out container-tokens
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, containerScriptOutStream, tokensOutStream);
ret = launchContainer(new ContainerStartContext.Builder().setContainer(container).setLocalizedResources(localResources).setNmPrivateContainerScriptPath(nmPrivateContainerScriptPath).setNmPrivateTokensPath(nmPrivateTokensPath).setUser(user).setAppId(appIdStr).setContainerWorkDir(containerWorkDir).setLocalDirs(localDirs).setLogDirs(logDirs).setFilecacheDirs(filecacheDirs).setUserLocalDirs(userLocalDirs).setContainerLocalDirs(containerLocalDirs).setContainerLogDirs(containerLogDirs).build());
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to launch container.", e);
dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerExitEvent(containerID, ContainerEventType.CONTAINER_EXITED_WITH_FAILURE, ret, e.getMessage()));
return ret;
} finally {
handleContainerExitCode(ret, containerLogDir);
return ret;
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext in project hadoop by apache.
the class ContainerLaunch method cleanupContainer.
* Cleanup the container.
* Cancels the launch if launch has not started yet or signals
* the executor to not execute the process if not already done so.
* Also, sends a SIGTERM followed by a SIGKILL to the process if
* the process id is available.
* @throws IOException
// dispatcher not typed
public void cleanupContainer() throws IOException {
ContainerId containerId = container.getContainerId();
String containerIdStr = containerId.toString();"Cleaning up container " + containerIdStr);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to mark container " + containerId + " killed in store", e);
// launch flag will be set to true if process already launched
boolean alreadyLaunched = !containerAlreadyLaunched.compareAndSet(false, true);
if (!alreadyLaunched) {"Container " + containerIdStr + " not launched." + " No cleanup needed to be done");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Marking container " + containerIdStr + " as inactive");
// this should ensure that if the container process has not launched
// by this time, it will never be launched
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Getting pid for container " + containerIdStr + " to kill" + " from pid file " + (pidFilePath != null ? pidFilePath.toString() : "null"));
// however the container process may have already started
try {
// get process id from pid file if available
// else if shell is still active, get it from the shell
String processId = null;
if (pidFilePath != null) {
processId = getContainerPid(pidFilePath);
// kill process
if (processId != null) {
String user = container.getUser();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Sending signal to pid " + processId + " as user " + user + " for container " + containerIdStr);
final Signal signal = sleepDelayBeforeSigKill > 0 ? Signal.TERM : Signal.KILL;
boolean result = exec.signalContainer(new ContainerSignalContext.Builder().setContainer(container).setUser(user).setPid(processId).setSignal(signal).build());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Sent signal " + signal + " to pid " + processId + " as user " + user + " for container " + containerIdStr + ", result=" + (result ? "success" : "failed"));
if (sleepDelayBeforeSigKill > 0) {
new DelayedProcessKiller(container, user, processId, sleepDelayBeforeSigKill, Signal.KILL, exec).start();
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = "Exception when trying to cleanup container " + containerIdStr + ": " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e);
dispatcher.getEventHandler().handle(new ContainerDiagnosticsUpdateEvent(containerId, message));
} finally {
// cleanup pid file if present
if (pidFilePath != null) {
FileContext lfs = FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext();
lfs.delete(pidFilePath, false);
lfs.delete(pidFilePath.suffix(EXIT_CODE_FILE_SUFFIX), false);