use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ParentNotDirectoryException in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFileCreation method testFileCreationNonRecursive.
// Worker method for testing non-recursive. Extracted to allow other
// FileSystem implementations to re-use the tests
public static void testFileCreationNonRecursive(FileSystem fs) throws IOException {
final Path path = new Path("/" + + "-testFileCreationNonRecursive");
IOException expectedException = null;
final String nonExistDir = "/non-exist-" +;
fs.delete(new Path(nonExistDir), true);
EnumSet<CreateFlag> createFlag = EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE);
// Create a new file in root dir, should succeed
assertNull(createNonRecursive(fs, path, 1, createFlag));
// Create a file when parent dir exists as file, should fail
expectedException = createNonRecursive(fs, new Path(path, "Create"), 1, createFlag);
assertTrue("Create a file when parent directory exists as a file" + " should throw ParentNotDirectoryException ", expectedException != null && expectedException instanceof ParentNotDirectoryException);
fs.delete(path, true);
// Create a file in a non-exist directory, should fail
final Path path2 = new Path(nonExistDir + "/testCreateNonRecursive");
expectedException = createNonRecursive(fs, path2, 1, createFlag);
assertTrue("Create a file in a non-exist dir using" + " createNonRecursive() should throw FileNotFoundException ", expectedException != null && expectedException instanceof FileNotFoundException);
EnumSet<CreateFlag> overwriteFlag = EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE, CreateFlag.OVERWRITE);
// Overwrite a file in root dir, should succeed
assertNull(createNonRecursive(fs, path, 1, overwriteFlag));
// Overwrite a file when parent dir exists as file, should fail
expectedException = createNonRecursive(fs, new Path(path, "Overwrite"), 1, overwriteFlag);
assertTrue("Overwrite a file when parent directory exists as a file" + " should throw ParentNotDirectoryException ", expectedException != null && expectedException instanceof ParentNotDirectoryException);
fs.delete(path, true);
// Overwrite a file in a non-exist directory, should fail
final Path path3 = new Path(nonExistDir + "/testOverwriteNonRecursive");
expectedException = createNonRecursive(fs, path3, 1, overwriteFlag);
assertTrue("Overwrite a file in a non-exist dir using" + " createNonRecursive() should throw FileNotFoundException ", expectedException != null && expectedException instanceof FileNotFoundException);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.ParentNotDirectoryException in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSDirectory method testVerifyParentDir.
public void testVerifyParentDir() throws Exception {
hdfs.mkdirs(new Path("/dir1/dir2"));
hdfs.createNewFile(new Path("/dir1/file"));
hdfs.createNewFile(new Path("/dir1/dir2/file"));
INodesInPath iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/", DirOp.READ);
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1", DirOp.READ);
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/file", DirOp.READ);
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir-nonexist/file", DirOp.READ);
try {
fail("expected FNF");
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
// expected.
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/dir2", DirOp.READ);
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/dir2/file", DirOp.READ);
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/dir-nonexist/file", DirOp.READ);
try {
fail("expected FNF");
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
// expected.
try {
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/file/fail", DirOp.READ);
fail("expected ACE");
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
assertTrue(ace.getMessage().contains("is not a directory"));
try {
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/file/fail", DirOp.WRITE);
fail("expected ACE");
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
assertTrue(ace.getMessage().contains("is not a directory"));
try {
iip = fsdir.resolvePath(null, "/dir1/file/fail", DirOp.CREATE);
fail("expected PNDE");
} catch (ParentNotDirectoryException pnde) {
assertTrue(pnde.getMessage().contains("is not a directory"));