use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSAclBaseTest method testModifyAclEntriesStickyBit.
public void testModifyAclEntriesStickyBit() throws IOException {
FileSystem.mkdirs(fs, path, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 01750));
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, OTHER, NONE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", ALL));
fs.setAcl(path, aclSpec);
aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE));
fs.modifyAclEntries(path, aclSpec);
AclStatus s = fs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, MASK, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, OTHER, NONE) }, returned);
assertPermission((short) 011750);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSAclBaseTest method testRemoveAclEntriesMinimalDefault.
public void testRemoveAclEntriesMinimalDefault() throws IOException {
FileSystem.mkdirs(fs, path, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0750));
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, OTHER, NONE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", ALL));
fs.setAcl(path, aclSpec);
aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo"), aclEntry(ACCESS, MASK), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo"), aclEntry(DEFAULT, MASK));
fs.removeAclEntries(path, aclSpec);
AclStatus s = fs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, OTHER, NONE) }, returned);
assertPermission((short) 010750);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSAclBaseTest method testDeDuplication.
* Verify the de-duplication of AclFeatures with same entries.
* @throws Exception
public void testDeDuplication() throws Exception {
// This test needs to verify the count of the references which is held by
// static data structure. So shutting down entire cluster to get the fresh
// data.
int currentSize = 0;
Path p1 = new Path("/testDeduplication");
// unique default AclEntries for this test
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "testdeduplicateuser", ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, "testdeduplicategroup", ALL));
fs.modifyAclEntries(p1, aclSpec);
assertEquals("One more ACL feature should be unique", currentSize + 1, AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getUniqueElementsSize());
Path child1 = new Path(p1, "child1");
AclFeature child1AclFeature;
// new child dir should copy entries from its parent.
assertEquals("One more ACL feature should be unique", currentSize + 1, AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getUniqueElementsSize());
child1AclFeature = getAclFeature(child1, cluster);
assertEquals("Reference count should be 1", 1, child1AclFeature.getRefCount());
Path child2 = new Path(p1, "child2");
// new child dir should copy entries from its parent. But all entries are
// same as its sibling without any more acl changes.
assertEquals("existing AclFeature should be re-used", currentSize, AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getUniqueElementsSize());
AclFeature child2AclFeature = getAclFeature(child1, cluster);
assertSame("Same Aclfeature should be re-used", child1AclFeature, child2AclFeature);
assertEquals("Reference count should be 2", 2, child2AclFeature.getRefCount());
// modification of ACL on should decrement the original reference count
// and increase new one.
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "user1", ALL));
fs.modifyAclEntries(child1, aclSpec);
AclFeature modifiedAclFeature = getAclFeature(child1, cluster);
assertEquals("Old Reference count should be 1", 1, child1AclFeature.getRefCount());
assertEquals("New Reference count should be 1", 1, modifiedAclFeature.getRefCount());
// removing the new added ACL entry should refer to old ACLfeature
AclEntry aclEntry = new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(ACCESS).setType(USER).setName("user1").build();
fs.removeAclEntries(child1, Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry));
assertEquals("Old Reference count should be 2 again", 2, child1AclFeature.getRefCount());
assertEquals("New Reference count should be 0", 0, modifiedAclFeature.getRefCount());
// verify the reference count on deletion of Acls
assertEquals("Reference count should be 1", 1, child1AclFeature.getRefCount());
// verify the reference count on deletion of dir with ACL
fs.delete(child1, true);
assertEquals("Reference count should be 0", 0, child1AclFeature.getRefCount());
Path file1 = new Path(p1, "file1");
Path file2 = new Path(p1, "file2");
AclFeature fileAclFeature;
// Using same reference on creation of file
fileAclFeature = getAclFeature(file1, cluster);
assertEquals("Reference count should be 1", 1, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
assertEquals("Reference count should be 2", 2, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
// modifying ACLs on file should decrease the reference count on old
// instance and increase on the new instance
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "user1", ALL));
// adding new ACL entry
fs.modifyAclEntries(file1, aclSpec);
AclFeature modifiedFileAcl = getAclFeature(file1, cluster);
assertEquals("Old Reference count should be 1", 1, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
assertEquals("New Reference count should be 1", 1, modifiedFileAcl.getRefCount());
// removing the new added ACL entry should refer to old ACLfeature
AclEntry aclEntry = new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(ACCESS).setType(USER).setName("user1").build();
fs.removeAclEntries(file1, Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry));
assertEquals("Old Reference count should be 2", 2, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
assertEquals("New Reference count should be 0", 0, modifiedFileAcl.getRefCount());
// reference count should be decreased on deletion of files with ACLs
fs.delete(file2, true);
assertEquals("Reference count should be decreased on delete of the file", 1, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
fs.delete(file1, true);
assertEquals("Reference count should be decreased on delete of the file", 0, fileAclFeature.getRefCount());
// On reference count reaches 0 instance should be removed from map
AclFeature newFileAclFeature = getAclFeature(file1, cluster);
assertNotSame("Instance should be different on reference count 0", fileAclFeature, newFileAclFeature);
fileAclFeature = newFileAclFeature;
Map<AclFeature, Integer> restartRefCounter = new HashMap<>();
// Restart the Namenode to check the references.
// Here reference counts will not be same after restart because, while
// shutting down namenode will not call any removal of AclFeature.
// However this is applicable only in case of tests as in real-cluster JVM
// itself will be new.
List<AclFeature> entriesBeforeRestart = AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getEntries();
//restart by loading edits
for (AclFeature aclFeature : entriesBeforeRestart) {
restartRefCounter.put(aclFeature, aclFeature.getRefCount());
List<AclFeature> entriesAfterRestart = AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getEntries();
assertEquals("Entries before and after should be same", entriesBeforeRestart, entriesAfterRestart);
for (AclFeature aclFeature : entriesAfterRestart) {
int before = restartRefCounter.get(aclFeature);
assertEquals("ReferenceCount After Restart should be doubled", before * 2, aclFeature.getRefCount());
//restart by loading fsimage
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER, false);
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().saveNamespace(0, 0);
cluster.getNameNodeRpc().setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_LEAVE, false);
List<AclFeature> entriesAfterRestart = AclStorage.getUniqueAclFeatures().getEntries();
assertEquals("Entries before and after should be same", entriesBeforeRestart, entriesAfterRestart);
for (AclFeature aclFeature : entriesAfterRestart) {
int before = restartRefCounter.get(aclFeature);
assertEquals("ReferenceCount After 2 Restarts should be tripled", before * 3, aclFeature.getRefCount());
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSAclBaseTest method testModifyAclEntriesMustBeOwnerOrSuper.
public void testModifyAclEntriesMustBeOwnerOrSuper() throws Exception {
Path bruceDir = new Path(path, "bruce");
Path bruceFile = new Path(bruceDir, "file");
fs.setOwner(bruceDir, "bruce", null);
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "diana", ALL));
fsAsBruce.modifyAclEntries(bruceFile, aclSpec);
fs.modifyAclEntries(bruceFile, aclSpec);
fsAsSupergroupMember.modifyAclEntries(bruceFile, aclSpec);
fsAsDiana.modifyAclEntries(bruceFile, aclSpec);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class FSAclBaseTest method testRemoveDefaultAcl.
public void testRemoveDefaultAcl() throws Exception {
FileSystem.mkdirs(fs, path, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0750));
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, OTHER, NONE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", ALL));
fs.setAcl(path, aclSpec);
AclStatus s = fs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE) }, returned);
assertPermission((short) 010770);
// restart of the cluster
s = fs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] afterRestart = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(returned, afterRestart);