use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestExtendedAcls method testAccessAclNotInherited.
* Verify that access acl does not get inherited on newly created subdir/file.
* @throws IOException
public void testAccessAclNotInherited() throws IOException {
Path parent = new Path("/testAccessAclNotInherited");
// parent have both access acl and default acl
List<AclEntry> acls = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, READ_WRITE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ), aclEntry(ACCESS, OTHER, READ), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "bar", ALL));
hdfs.setAcl(parent, acls);
Path childDir = new Path(parent, "childDir");
// subdirectory should only have the default acl inherited
AclEntry[] childDirExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, READ_WRITE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, READ), aclEntry(DEFAULT, MASK, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, OTHER, READ) };
AclStatus childDirAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(childDir);
assertArrayEquals(childDirExpectedAcl, childDirAcl.getEntries().toArray());
Path childFile = new Path(parent, "childFile");
// sub file should only have the default acl inherited
AclEntry[] childFileExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ) };
AclStatus childFileAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(childFile);
assertArrayEquals(childFileExpectedAcl, childFileAcl.getEntries().toArray());
hdfs.delete(parent, true);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestExtendedAcls method testGradSubdirMoreAccess.
* Create a parent dir and set default acl to allow foo read/write access.
* Create a sub dir and set default acl to allow bar group read/write access.
* parent dir/file can not be viewed/appended by bar group.
* parent dir/child dir/file can be viewed/appended by bar group.
* @throws Exception
public void testGradSubdirMoreAccess() throws Exception {
Path parent = new Path("/testGradSubdirMoreAccess");
List<AclEntry> aclsParent = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE));
List<AclEntry> aclsChild = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, "bar", READ_WRITE));
hdfs.setAcl(parent, aclsParent);
AclEntry[] parentDirExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, MASK, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, OTHER, READ_EXECUTE) };
AclStatus parentAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(parent);
assertArrayEquals(parentDirExpectedAcl, parentAcl.getEntries().toArray());
Path childDir = new Path(parent, "childDir");
hdfs.modifyAclEntries(childDir, aclsChild);
// child dir should inherit the default acls from parent, plus bar group
AclEntry[] childDirExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, GROUP, "bar", READ_WRITE), aclEntry(DEFAULT, MASK, ALL), aclEntry(DEFAULT, OTHER, READ_EXECUTE) };
AclStatus childDirAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(childDir);
assertArrayEquals(childDirExpectedAcl, childDirAcl.getEntries().toArray());
Path parentFile = new Path(parent, "parentFile");
hdfs.setPermission(parentFile, new FsPermission((short) 0640));
// parent dir/parent file allows foo to access but not bar group
AclEntry[] parentFileExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE) };
AclStatus parentFileAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(parentFile);
assertArrayEquals(parentFileExpectedAcl, parentFileAcl.getEntries().toArray());
Path childFile = new Path(childDir, "childFile");
hdfs.setPermission(childFile, new FsPermission((short) 0640));
// child dir/child file allows foo user and bar group to access
AclEntry[] childFileExpectedAcl = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "foo", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, "bar", READ_WRITE) };
AclStatus childFileAcl = hdfs.getAclStatus(childFile);
assertArrayEquals(childFileExpectedAcl, childFileAcl.getEntries().toArray());
// parent file should not be accessible for bar group
assertFalse(tryAccess(parentFile, "barUser", new String[] { "bar" }, READ));
// child file should be accessible for bar group
assertTrue(tryAccess(childFile, "barUser", new String[] { "bar" }, READ));
// parent file should be accessible for foo user
assertTrue(tryAccess(parentFile, "foo", new String[] { "fooGroup" }, READ));
// child file should be accessible for foo user
assertTrue(tryAccess(childFile, "foo", new String[] { "fooGroup" }, READ));
hdfs.delete(parent, true);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestFSImageWithAcl method testRootACLAfterLoadingFsImage.
public void testRootACLAfterLoadingFsImage() throws IOException {
DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
Path rootdir = new Path("/");
AclEntry e1 = new AclEntry.Builder().setName("foo").setPermission(ALL).setScope(ACCESS).setType(GROUP).build();
AclEntry e2 = new AclEntry.Builder().setName("bar").setPermission(READ).setScope(ACCESS).setType(GROUP).build();
fs.modifyAclEntries(rootdir, Lists.newArrayList(e1, e2));
AclStatus s = cluster.getNamesystem().getAclStatus(rootdir.toString());
AclEntry[] returned = Lists.newArrayList(s.getEntries()).toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, "bar", READ), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, "foo", ALL) }, returned);
// restart - hence save and load from fsimage
restart(fs, true);
s = cluster.getNamesystem().getAclStatus(rootdir.toString());
returned = Lists.newArrayList(s.getEntries()).toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, "bar", READ), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, "foo", ALL) }, returned);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAclWithSnapshot method doSnapshotRootChangeAssertions.
private static void doSnapshotRootChangeAssertions(Path path, Path snapshotPath) throws Exception {
AclStatus s = hdfs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "diana", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, NONE) }, returned);
assertPermission((short) 010550, path);
s = hdfs.getAclStatus(snapshotPath);
returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "bruce", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, NONE) }, returned);
assertPermission((short) 010750, snapshotPath);
assertDirPermissionDenied(fsAsBruce, BRUCE, path);
assertDirPermissionGranted(fsAsDiana, DIANA, path);
assertDirPermissionGranted(fsAsBruce, BRUCE, snapshotPath);
assertDirPermissionDenied(fsAsDiana, DIANA, snapshotPath);
use of org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry in project hadoop by apache.
the class TestAclWithSnapshot method testModifyReadsCurrentState.
public void testModifyReadsCurrentState() throws Exception {
FileSystem.mkdirs(hdfs, path, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 0700));
SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, path, snapshotName);
List<AclEntry> aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "bruce", ALL));
hdfs.modifyAclEntries(path, aclSpec);
aclSpec = Lists.newArrayList(aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "diana", READ_EXECUTE));
hdfs.modifyAclEntries(path, aclSpec);
AclEntry[] expected = new AclEntry[] { aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "bruce", ALL), aclEntry(ACCESS, USER, "diana", READ_EXECUTE), aclEntry(ACCESS, GROUP, NONE) };
AclStatus s = hdfs.getAclStatus(path);
AclEntry[] returned = s.getEntries().toArray(new AclEntry[0]);
assertArrayEquals(expected, returned);
assertPermission((short) 010770, path);
assertDirPermissionGranted(fsAsBruce, BRUCE, path);
assertDirPermissionGranted(fsAsDiana, DIANA, path);