use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException in project hbase by apache.
the class MasterRpcServices method compactMob.
* Compacts the mob files in the current table.
* @param request the request.
* @param tableName the current table name.
* @return The response of the mob file compaction.
* @throws IOException
private CompactRegionResponse compactMob(final CompactRegionRequest request, TableName tableName) throws IOException {
if (!master.getTableStateManager().isTableState(tableName, TableState.State.ENABLED)) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Table " + tableName + " is not enabled");
boolean allFiles = false;
List<HColumnDescriptor> compactedColumns = new ArrayList<>();
HColumnDescriptor[] hcds = master.getTableDescriptors().get(tableName).getColumnFamilies();
byte[] family = null;
if (request.hasFamily()) {
family = request.getFamily().toByteArray();
for (HColumnDescriptor hcd : hcds) {
if (Bytes.equals(family, hcd.getName())) {
if (!hcd.isMobEnabled()) {
LOG.error("Column family " + hcd.getNameAsString() + " is not a mob column family");
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Column family " + hcd.getNameAsString() + " is not a mob column family");
} else {
for (HColumnDescriptor hcd : hcds) {
if (hcd.isMobEnabled()) {
if (compactedColumns.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("No mob column families are assigned in the mob compaction");
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("No mob column families are assigned in the mob compaction");
if (request.hasMajor() && request.getMajor()) {
allFiles = true;
String familyLogMsg = (family != null) ? Bytes.toString(family) : "";
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("User-triggered mob compaction requested for table: " + tableName.getNameAsString() + " for column family: " + familyLogMsg);
master.requestMobCompaction(tableName, compactedColumns, allFiles);
return CompactRegionResponse.newBuilder().build();
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException in project hbase by apache.
the class AccessController method preDelete.
public void preDelete(final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> c, final Delete delete, final WALEdit edit, final Durability durability) throws IOException {
// An ACL on a delete is useless, we shouldn't allow it
if (delete.getAttribute(AccessControlConstants.OP_ATTRIBUTE_ACL) != null) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("ACL on delete has no effect: " + delete.toString());
// Require WRITE permissions on all cells covered by the delete. Unlike
// for Puts we need to check all visible prior versions, because a major
// compaction could remove them. If the user doesn't have permission to
// overwrite any of the visible versions ('visible' defined as not covered
// by a tombstone already) then we have to disallow this operation.
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = c.getEnvironment();
Map<byte[], ? extends Collection<Cell>> families = delete.getFamilyCellMap();
User user = getActiveUser(c);
AuthResult authResult = permissionGranted(OpType.DELETE, user, env, families, Action.WRITE);
if (!authResult.isAllowed()) {
if (cellFeaturesEnabled && !compatibleEarlyTermination) {
delete.setAttribute(CHECK_COVERING_PERM, TRUE);
} else if (authorizationEnabled) {
throw new AccessDeniedException("Insufficient permissions " + authResult.toContextString());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException in project hbase by apache.
the class ProtobufUtil method toFilter.
* Convert a protocol buffer Filter to a client Filter
* @param proto the protocol buffer Filter to convert
* @return the converted Filter
public static Filter toFilter(FilterProtos.Filter proto) throws IOException {
String type = proto.getName();
final byte[] value = proto.getSerializedFilter().toByteArray();
String funcName = "parseFrom";
try {
Class<? extends Filter> c = (Class<? extends Filter>) Class.forName(type, true, CLASS_LOADER);
Method parseFrom = c.getMethod(funcName, byte[].class);
if (parseFrom == null) {
throw new IOException("Unable to locate function: " + funcName + " in type: " + type);
return (Filter) parseFrom.invoke(c, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
// In either case, let's not retry.
throw new DoNotRetryIOException(e);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException in project hbase by apache.
the class ProtobufUtil method toIncrement.
* Convert a protocol buffer Mutate to an Increment
* @param proto the protocol buffer Mutate to convert
* @return the converted client Increment
* @throws IOException
public static Increment toIncrement(final MutationProto proto, final CellScanner cellScanner) throws IOException {
MutationType type = proto.getMutateType();
assert type == MutationType.INCREMENT :;
byte[] row = proto.hasRow() ? proto.getRow().toByteArray() : null;
Increment increment = row != null ? new Increment(row) : null;
int cellCount = proto.hasAssociatedCellCount() ? proto.getAssociatedCellCount() : 0;
if (cellCount > 0) {
// The proto has metadata only and the data is separate to be found in the cellScanner.
if (cellScanner == null) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but no cellScanner: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
if (!cellScanner.advance()) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell count of " + cellCount + " but at index " + i + " no cell returned: " + TextFormat.shortDebugString(proto));
Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
if (increment == null) {
increment = new Increment(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength());
} else {
if (increment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("row cannot be null");
for (ColumnValue column : proto.getColumnValueList()) {
byte[] family = column.getFamily().toByteArray();
for (QualifierValue qv : column.getQualifierValueList()) {
byte[] qualifier = qv.getQualifier().toByteArray();
if (!qv.hasValue()) {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Missing required field: qualifier value");
byte[] value = qv.getValue().toByteArray();
byte[] tags = null;
if (qv.hasTags()) {
tags = qv.getTags().toByteArray();
increment.add(CellUtil.createCell(row, family, qualifier, qv.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.Put, value, tags));
if (proto.hasTimeRange()) {
TimeRange timeRange = protoToTimeRange(proto.getTimeRange());
increment.setTimeRange(timeRange.getMin(), timeRange.getMax());
for (NameBytesPair attribute : proto.getAttributeList()) {
increment.setAttribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue().toByteArray());
return increment;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException in project hbase by apache.
the class ResponseConverter method getResults.
* Create Results from the cells using the cells meta data.
* @param cellScanner
* @param response
* @return results
public static Result[] getResults(CellScanner cellScanner, ScanResponse response) throws IOException {
if (response == null)
return null;
// If cellscanner, then the number of Results to return is the count of elements in the
// cellsPerResult list. Otherwise, it is how many results are embedded inside the response.
int noOfResults = cellScanner != null ? response.getCellsPerResultCount() : response.getResultsCount();
Result[] results = new Result[noOfResults];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfResults; i++) {
if (cellScanner != null) {
// Cells are out in cellblocks. Group them up again as Results. How many to read at a
// time will be found in getCellsLength -- length here is how many Cells in the i'th Result
int noOfCells = response.getCellsPerResult(i);
boolean isPartial = response.getPartialFlagPerResultCount() > i ? response.getPartialFlagPerResult(i) : false;
List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(noOfCells);
for (int j = 0; j < noOfCells; j++) {
try {
if (cellScanner.advance() == false) {
// We are not able to retrieve the exact number of cells which ResultCellMeta says us.
// We have to scan for the same results again. Throwing DNRIOE as a client retry on the
// same scanner will result in OutOfOrderScannerNextException
String msg = "Results sent from server=" + noOfResults + ". But only got " + i + " results completely at client. Resetting the scanner to scan again.";
throw new DoNotRetryIOException(msg);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// We are getting IOE while retrieving the cells for Results.
// We have to scan for the same results again. Throwing DNRIOE as a client retry on the
// same scanner will result in OutOfOrderScannerNextException
LOG.error("Exception while reading cells from result." + "Resetting the scanner to scan again.", ioe);
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Resetting the scanner.", ioe);
results[i] = Result.create(cells, null, response.getStale(), isPartial);
} else {
// Result is pure pb.
results[i] = ProtobufUtil.toResult(response.getResults(i));
return results;