use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtil in project hbase by apache.
the class TestAlwaysStandByHMaster method testAlwaysStandBy.
* Tests that the AlwaysStandByHMaster does not transition to active state even if no active
* master exists.
public void testAlwaysStandBy() throws Exception {
HBaseTestingUtil testUtil = miniClusterRule.getTestingUtility();
// Make sure there is an active master.
assertEquals(2, testUtil.getMiniHBaseCluster().getMasterThreads().size());
// Kill the only active master.
// Wait for 5s to make sure the always standby doesn't transition to active state.
// Add a new master.
HMaster newActive = testUtil.getMiniHBaseCluster().startMaster().getMaster();
// Newly added master should be the active.
assertEquals(newActive.getServerName(), testUtil.getMiniHBaseCluster().getMaster().getServerName());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtil in project hbase by apache.
the class TestVerifyBucketCacheFile method testModifiedBucketCacheFileData.
* Test whether BucketCache is started normally after modifying the cache file.
* Start BucketCache and add some blocks, then shutdown BucketCache and persist cache to file.
* Restart BucketCache after modify cache file's data, and it can't restore cache from file,
* the cache file and persistence file would be deleted before BucketCache start normally.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void testModifiedBucketCacheFileData() throws Exception {
HBaseTestingUtil TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtil();
Path testDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir();
BucketCache bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
long usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertEquals(0, usedSize);
CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair[] blocks = CacheTestUtils.generateHFileBlocks(constructedBlockSize, 1);
// Add blocks
for (CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair block : blocks) {
cacheAndWaitUntilFlushedToBucket(bucketCache, block.getBlockName(), block.getBlock());
usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertNotEquals(0, usedSize);
// persist cache to file
// modified bucket cache file
String file = testDir + "/bucket.cache";
try (BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file, false)))) {
out.write("test bucket cache");
// can't restore cache from file
bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize());
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.backingMap.size());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtil in project hbase by apache.
the class TestVerifyBucketCacheFile method testRetrieveFromFile.
* Test cache file or persistence file does not exist whether BucketCache starts normally
* (1) Start BucketCache and add some blocks, then shutdown BucketCache and persist cache
* to file. Restart BucketCache and it can restore cache from file.
* (2) Delete bucket cache file after shutdown BucketCache. Restart BucketCache and it can't
* restore cache from file, the cache file and persistence file would be deleted before
* BucketCache start normally.
* (3) Delete persistence file after shutdown BucketCache. Restart BucketCache and it can't
* restore cache from file, the cache file and persistence file would be deleted before
* BucketCache start normally.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void testRetrieveFromFile() throws Exception {
HBaseTestingUtil TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtil();
Path testDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir();
BucketCache bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
long usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertEquals(0, usedSize);
CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair[] blocks = CacheTestUtils.generateHFileBlocks(constructedBlockSize, 1);
// Add blocks
for (CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair block : blocks) {
cacheAndWaitUntilFlushedToBucket(bucketCache, block.getBlockName(), block.getBlock());
usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertNotEquals(0, usedSize);
// 1.persist cache to file
// restore cache from file
bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
assertEquals(usedSize, bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize());
// persist cache to file
// 2.delete bucket cache file
final java.nio.file.Path cacheFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(testDir.toString(), "bucket.cache");
// can't restore cache from file
bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize());
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.backingMap.size());
// Add blocks
for (CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair block : blocks) {
cacheAndWaitUntilFlushedToBucket(bucketCache, block.getBlockName(), block.getBlock());
usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertNotEquals(0, usedSize);
// persist cache to file
// 3.delete backingMap persistence file
final java.nio.file.Path mapFile = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(testDir.toString(), "bucket.persistence");
// can't restore cache from file
bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize());
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.backingMap.size());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtil in project hbase by apache.
the class TestVerifyBucketCacheFile method testModifiedBucketCacheFileTime.
* Test whether BucketCache is started normally after modifying the cache file's last modified
* time. First Start BucketCache and add some blocks, then shutdown BucketCache and persist
* cache to file. Then Restart BucketCache after modify cache file's last modified time, and
* it can't restore cache from file, the cache file and persistence file would be deleted
* before BucketCache start normally.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void testModifiedBucketCacheFileTime() throws Exception {
HBaseTestingUtil TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtil();
Path testDir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir();
BucketCache bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
long usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertEquals(0, usedSize);
CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair[] blocks = CacheTestUtils.generateHFileBlocks(constructedBlockSize, 1);
// Add blocks
for (CacheTestUtils.HFileBlockPair block : blocks) {
cacheAndWaitUntilFlushedToBucket(bucketCache, block.getBlockName(), block.getBlock());
usedSize = bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize();
assertNotEquals(0, usedSize);
// persist cache to file
// modified bucket cache file LastModifiedTime
final java.nio.file.Path file = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(testDir.toString(), "bucket.cache");
Files.setLastModifiedTime(file, FileTime.from(;
// can't restore cache from file
bucketCache = new BucketCache("file:" + testDir + "/bucket.cache", capacitySize, constructedBlockSize, constructedBlockSizes, writeThreads, writerQLen, testDir + "/bucket.persistence");
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.getAllocator().getUsedSize());
assertEquals(0, bucketCache.backingMap.size());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtil in project hbase by apache.
the class TestReplicationEditsDroppedWithDeletedTableCFs method setUpBeforeClass.
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
// Set true to filter replication edits for dropped table
conf1.set(ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT, "/1");
conf1.setInt("replication.source.nb.capacity", 1);
utility1 = new HBaseTestingUtil(conf1);
MiniZooKeeperCluster miniZK = utility1.getZkCluster();
conf1 = utility1.getConfiguration();
conf2 = HBaseConfiguration.create(conf1);
conf2.set(ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT, "/2");
utility2 = new HBaseTestingUtil(conf2);
admin1 = utility1.getAdmin();
admin2 = utility2.getAdmin();