use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHalfStoreFileReader method testHalfScanner.
// Tests the scanner on an HFile that is backed by HalfStoreFiles
public void testHalfScanner() throws IOException {
String root_dir = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir().toString();
Path p = new Path(root_dir, "test");
Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(conf);
HFileContext meta = new HFileContextBuilder().withBlockSize(1024).build();
HFile.Writer w = HFile.getWriterFactory(conf, cacheConf).withPath(fs, p).withFileContext(meta).create();
// write some things.
List<KeyValue> items = genSomeKeys();
for (KeyValue kv : items) {
HFile.Reader r = HFile.createReader(fs, p, cacheConf, conf);
Cell midKV = r.midkey();
byte[] midkey = CellUtil.cloneRow(midKV);
Reference bottom = new Reference(midkey, Reference.Range.bottom);
Reference top = new Reference(midkey,;
// Ugly code to get the item before the midkey
KeyValue beforeMidKey = null;
for (KeyValue item : items) {
if (, midKV) >= 0) {
beforeMidKey = item;
System.out.println("midkey: " + midKV + " or: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(midkey));
System.out.println("beforeMidKey: " + beforeMidKey);
// Seek on the splitKey, should be in top, not in bottom
Cell foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, bottom, midKV, cacheConf);
assertEquals(beforeMidKey, foundKeyValue);
// Seek tot the last thing should be the penultimate on the top, the one before the midkey on the bottom.
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, top, items.get(items.size() - 1), cacheConf);
assertEquals(items.get(items.size() - 2), foundKeyValue);
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, bottom, items.get(items.size() - 1), cacheConf);
assertEquals(beforeMidKey, foundKeyValue);
// Try and seek before something that is in the bottom.
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, top, items.get(0), cacheConf);
// Try and seek before the first thing.
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, bottom, items.get(0), cacheConf);
// Try and seek before the second thing in the top and bottom.
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, top, items.get(1), cacheConf);
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, bottom, items.get(1), cacheConf);
assertEquals(items.get(0), foundKeyValue);
// Try to seek before the splitKey in the top file
foundKeyValue = doTestOfSeekBefore(p, fs, top, midKV, cacheConf);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHeapSize method testSizes.
* Testing the classes that implements HeapSize and are a part of 0.20.
* Some are not tested here for example BlockIndex which is tested in
* TestHFile since it is a non public class
* @throws IOException
public void testSizes() throws IOException {
Class<?> cl;
long expected;
long actual;
cl = KeyValue.class;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
KeyValue kv = new KeyValue();
actual = kv.heapSize();
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
//LruBlockCache Overhead
cl = LruBlockCache.class;
actual = LruBlockCache.CACHE_FIXED_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// CachedBlock Fixed Overhead
// We really need "deep" sizing but ClassSize does not do this.
// Perhaps we should do all these more in this style....
cl = LruCachedBlock.class;
actual = LruCachedBlock.PER_BLOCK_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(String.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(ByteBuffer.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(String.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(ByteBuffer.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// DefaultMemStore Overhead
cl = DefaultMemStore.class;
actual = DefaultMemStore.FIXED_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// DefaultMemStore Deep Overhead
actual = DefaultMemStore.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// CompactingMemStore Deep Overhead
cl = CompactingMemStore.class;
actual = CompactingMemStore.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CompactionPipeline.class, false);
//inside CompactionPipeline
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(LinkedList.class, false);
//inside CompactionPipeline
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(LinkedList.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(MemStoreCompactor.class, false);
// inside MemStoreCompactor
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CompactionPipeline.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(LinkedList.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(LinkedList.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(MemStoreCompactor.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicBoolean.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Segment Deep overhead
cl = Segment.class;
actual = Segment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// MutableSegment Deep overhead
cl = MutableSegment.class;
actual = MutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(ConcurrentSkipListMap.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(ConcurrentSkipListMap.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// ImmutableSegment Deep overhead
cl = ImmutableSegment.class;
actual = ImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CSLM;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRange.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(ConcurrentSkipListMap.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRange.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(ConcurrentSkipListMap.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
actual = ImmutableSegment.DEEP_OVERHEAD_CAM;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRange.class, false);
expected += ClassSize.estimateBase(CellArrayMap.class, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicLong.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(AtomicReference.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CellSet.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRangeTracker.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(TimeRange.class, true);
ClassSize.estimateBase(CellArrayMap.class, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Store Overhead
cl = HStore.class;
actual = HStore.FIXED_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Region Overhead
cl = HRegion.class;
actual = HRegion.FIXED_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Block cache key overhead. Only tests fixed overhead as estimating heap
// size of strings is hard.
cl = BlockCacheKey.class;
actual = BlockCacheKey.FIXED_OVERHEAD;
expected = ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, false);
if (expected != actual) {
ClassSize.estimateBase(cl, true);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
// Currently NOT testing Deep Overheads of many of these classes.
// Deep overheads cover a vast majority of stuff, but will not be 100%
// accurate because it's unclear when we're referencing stuff that's already
// accounted for. But we have satisfied our two core requirements.
// Sizing is quite accurate now, and our tests will throw errors if
// any of these classes are modified without updating overhead sizes.
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestBufferedDataBlockEncoder method testCommonPrefixComparators.
public void testCommonPrefixComparators() {
KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qual1, 1l, Type.Put);
KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue(row1, fam_1_2, qual1, 1l, Type.Maximum);
assertTrue((BufferedDataBlockEncoder.compareCommonFamilyPrefix(kv1, kv2, 4) < 0));
kv1 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qual1, 1l, Type.Put);
kv2 = new KeyValue(row_1_0, fam_1_2, qual1, 1l, Type.Maximum);
assertTrue((BufferedDataBlockEncoder.compareCommonRowPrefix(kv1, kv2, 4) < 0));
kv1 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qual2, 1l, Type.Put);
kv2 = new KeyValue(row1, fam1, qual1, 1l, Type.Maximum);
assertTrue((BufferedDataBlockEncoder.compareCommonQualifierPrefix(kv1, kv2, 4) > 0));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestDataBlockEncoders method testSeekingOnSample.
* Test seeking while file is encoded.
public void testSeekingOnSample() throws IOException {
List<KeyValue> sampleKv = generator.generateTestKeyValues(NUMBER_OF_KV, includesTags);
// create all seekers
List<DataBlockEncoder.EncodedSeeker> encodedSeekers = new ArrayList<>();
for (DataBlockEncoding encoding : DataBlockEncoding.values()) {"Encoding: " + encoding);
// TODO remove this once support is added. HBASE-12298
if (this.useOffheapData && encoding == DataBlockEncoding.PREFIX_TREE)
DataBlockEncoder encoder = encoding.getEncoder();
if (encoder == null) {
}"Encoder: " + encoder);
ByteBuffer encodedBuffer = encodeKeyValues(encoding, sampleKv, getEncodingContext(Compression.Algorithm.NONE, encoding), this.useOffheapData);
HFileContext meta = new HFileContextBuilder().withHBaseCheckSum(false).withIncludesMvcc(includesMemstoreTS).withIncludesTags(includesTags).withCompression(Compression.Algorithm.NONE).build();
DataBlockEncoder.EncodedSeeker seeker = encoder.createSeeker(CellComparator.COMPARATOR, encoder.newDataBlockDecodingContext(meta));
seeker.setCurrentBuffer(new SingleByteBuff(encodedBuffer));
}"Testing it!");
// try a few random seeks
for (boolean seekBefore : new boolean[] { false, true }) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_SEEKS; ++i) {
int keyValueId;
if (!seekBefore) {
keyValueId = randomizer.nextInt(sampleKv.size());
} else {
keyValueId = randomizer.nextInt(sampleKv.size() - 1) + 1;
KeyValue keyValue = sampleKv.get(keyValueId);
checkSeekingConsistency(encodedSeekers, seekBefore, keyValue);
// check edge cases"Checking edge cases");
checkSeekingConsistency(encodedSeekers, false, sampleKv.get(0));
for (boolean seekBefore : new boolean[] { false, true }) {
checkSeekingConsistency(encodedSeekers, seekBefore, sampleKv.get(sampleKv.size() - 1));
KeyValue midKv = sampleKv.get(sampleKv.size() / 2);
Cell lastMidKv = CellUtil.createLastOnRowCol(midKv);
checkSeekingConsistency(encodedSeekers, seekBefore, lastMidKv);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestDataBlockEncoders method encodeKeyValues.
static ByteBuffer encodeKeyValues(DataBlockEncoding encoding, List<KeyValue> kvs, HFileBlockEncodingContext encodingContext, boolean useOffheapData) throws IOException {
DataBlockEncoder encoder = encoding.getEncoder();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
encoder.startBlockEncoding(encodingContext, dos);
for (KeyValue kv : kvs) {
encoder.encode(kv, encodingContext, dos);
encoder.endBlockEncoding(encodingContext, dos, baos.getBuffer());
byte[] encodedData = new byte[baos.size() - ENCODED_DATA_OFFSET];
System.arraycopy(baos.toByteArray(), ENCODED_DATA_OFFSET, encodedData, 0, encodedData.length);
if (useOffheapData) {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(encodedData.length);
return bb;
return ByteBuffer.wrap(encodedData);