use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestPrefixTreeSearcher method testRandomSeekMisses.
public void testRandomSeekMisses() throws IOException {
CellSearcher searcher = null;
List<Integer> rowStartIndexes = rows.getRowStartIndexes();
try {
searcher = DecoderFactory.checkOut(block, true);
//test both the positionAtOrBefore and positionAtOrAfter methods
for (boolean beforeVsAfterOnMiss : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
for (int i = 0; i < rows.getInputs().size(); ++i) {
KeyValue kv = rows.getInputs().get(i);
Cell inputNextRow = CellUtil.createFirstOnNextRow(kv);
CellScannerPosition position = beforeVsAfterOnMiss ? searcher.positionAtOrBefore(inputNextRow) : searcher.positionAtOrAfter(inputNextRow);
boolean isFirstInRow = rowStartIndexes.contains(i);
if (isFirstInRow) {
int rowIndex = rowStartIndexes.indexOf(i);
if (rowIndex < rowStartIndexes.size() - 1) {
if (beforeVsAfterOnMiss) {
Assert.assertEquals(CellScannerPosition.BEFORE, position);
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(CellScannerPosition.AFTER, position);
int expectedInputIndex = beforeVsAfterOnMiss ? rowStartIndexes.get(rowIndex + 1) - 1 : rowStartIndexes.get(rowIndex + 1);
Assert.assertEquals(rows.getInputs().get(expectedInputIndex), searcher.current());
//previous KV
KeyValue inputPreviousKv = KeyValueUtil.previousKey(kv);
boolean hit = searcher.positionAt(inputPreviousKv);
position = searcher.positionAtOrAfter(inputPreviousKv);
if (CollectionUtils.isLastIndex(rows.getInputs(), i)) {
Assert.assertTrue(CellScannerPosition.AFTER_LAST == position);
} else {
Assert.assertTrue(CellScannerPosition.AFTER == position);
* TODO: why i+1 instead of i?
Assert.assertEquals(rows.getInputs().get(i + 1), searcher.current());
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestPrefixTreeSearcher method testRandomSeekHits.
public void testRandomSeekHits() throws IOException {
CellSearcher searcher = null;
try {
searcher = DecoderFactory.checkOut(block, true);
for (KeyValue kv : rows.getInputs()) {
boolean hit = searcher.positionAt(kv);
Cell foundKv = searcher.current();
Assert.assertTrue(CellUtil.equals(kv, foundKv));
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestPrefixTreeSearcher method testScanBackwards.
public void testScanBackwards() throws IOException {
CellSearcher searcher = null;
try {
searcher = DecoderFactory.checkOut(block, true);
int i = -1;
while (searcher.previous()) {
int oppositeIndex = rows.getInputs().size() - i - 1;
KeyValue inputKv = rows.getInputs().get(oppositeIndex);
KeyValue outputKv = KeyValueUtil.copyToNewKeyValue(searcher.current());
Assert.assertEquals(inputKv, outputKv);
Assert.assertEquals(rows.getInputs().size(), i + 1);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestPrefixTreeSearcher method testScanForwards.
public void testScanForwards() throws IOException {
CellSearcher searcher = null;
try {
searcher = DecoderFactory.checkOut(block, true);
int i = -1;
while (searcher.advance()) {
KeyValue inputCell = rows.getInputs().get(i);
Cell outputCell = searcher.current();
// check all 3 permutations of equals()
Assert.assertEquals(inputCell, outputCell);
Assert.assertEquals(outputCell, inputCell);
Assert.assertTrue(CellUtil.equals(inputCell, outputCell));
Assert.assertEquals(rows.getInputs().size(), i + 1);
} finally {
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue in project hbase by apache.
the class TestPrefixTreeSearcher method testSeekWithPrefix.
public void testSeekWithPrefix() throws IOException {
if (!(rows instanceof TestRowDataSearchWithPrefix)) {
CellSearcher searcher = null;
try {
searcher = DecoderFactory.checkOut(block, true);
// seek with half bytes of second row key, should return second row
KeyValue kv = rows.getInputs().get(1);
KeyValue firstKVOnRow = KeyValueUtil.createFirstOnRow(Arrays.copyOfRange(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(), kv.getRowOffset() + kv.getRowLength() / 2));
CellScannerPosition position = searcher.positionAtOrAfter(firstKVOnRow);
Assert.assertEquals(CellScannerPosition.AFTER, position);
Assert.assertEquals(kv, searcher.current());
} finally {