use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRegionMover method testUnloadWithAck.
public void testUnloadWithAck() throws Exception {
MiniHBaseCluster cluster = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster();
HRegionServer regionServer = cluster.getRegionServer(0);
String rsName = regionServer.getServerName().getHostname();
int port = regionServer.getServerName().getPort();
String rs = rsName + ":" + Integer.toString(port);
RegionMoverBuilder rmBuilder = new RegionMoverBuilder(rs).ack(true);
RegionMover rm =;
rm.unload();"Unloading " + rs);
assertEquals(0, regionServer.getNumberOfOnlineRegions());
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRegionMover method testUnloadWithoutAck.
public void testUnloadWithoutAck() throws Exception {
MiniHBaseCluster cluster = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster();
final HRegionServer regionServer = cluster.getRegionServer(0);
final int noRegions = regionServer.getNumberOfOnlineRegions();
String rsName = regionServer.getServerName().getHostname();
int port = regionServer.getServerName().getPort();
String rs = rsName + ":" + Integer.toString(port);
RegionMoverBuilder rmBuilder = new RegionMoverBuilder(rs).ack(false);
RegionMover rm =;
rm.setConf(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration());"Unloading " + rs);
TEST_UTIL.waitFor(5000, 500, new Predicate<Exception>() {
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
return regionServer.getNumberOfOnlineRegions() < noRegions;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestHTableMultiplexerFlushCache method testOnRegionMove.
public void testOnRegionMove() throws Exception {
// This test is doing near exactly the same thing that testOnRegionChange but avoiding the
// potential to get a ConnectionClosingException. By moving the region, we can be certain that
// the connection is still valid and that the implementation is correctly handling an invalid
// Region cache (and not just tearing down the entire connection).
final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
final int NUM_REGIONS = 10;
Table htable = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, new byte[][] { FAMILY }, 3, Bytes.toBytes("aaaaa"), Bytes.toBytes("zzzzz"), NUM_REGIONS);
HTableMultiplexer multiplexer = new HTableMultiplexer(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), PER_REGIONSERVER_QUEUE_SIZE);
final RegionLocator regionLocator = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName);
Pair<byte[][], byte[][]> startEndRows = regionLocator.getStartEndKeys();
byte[] row = startEndRows.getFirst()[1];
assertTrue("2nd region should not start with empty row", row != null && row.length > 0);
Put put = new Put(row).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER1, VALUE1);
assertTrue("multiplexer.put returns", multiplexer.put(tableName, put));
checkExistence(htable, row, FAMILY, QUALIFIER1, VALUE1);
final HRegionLocation loc = regionLocator.getRegionLocation(row);
final MiniHBaseCluster hbaseCluster = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster();
// The current server for the region we're writing to
final ServerName originalServer = loc.getServerName();
ServerName newServer = null;
// Find a new server to move that region to
for (int i = 0; i < SLAVES; i++) {
HRegionServer rs = hbaseCluster.getRegionServer(0);
if (!rs.getServerName().equals(originalServer.getServerName())) {
newServer = rs.getServerName();
assertNotNull("Did not find a new RegionServer to use", newServer);
// Move the region"Moving " + loc.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName() + " from " + originalServer + " to " + newServer);
TEST_UTIL.getAdmin().move(loc.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes(), Bytes.toBytes(newServer.getServerName()));
// Send a new Put
put = new Put(row).addColumn(FAMILY, QUALIFIER2, VALUE2);
assertTrue("multiplexer.put returns", multiplexer.put(tableName, put));
// We should see the update make it to the new server eventually
checkExistence(htable, row, FAMILY, QUALIFIER2, VALUE2);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRollingRestart method testBasicRollingRestart.
@Test(timeout = 500000)
public void testBasicRollingRestart() throws Exception {
// Start a cluster with 2 masters and 4 regionservers
final int NUM_MASTERS = 2;
final int NUM_RS = 3;
final int NUM_REGIONS_TO_CREATE = 20;
int expectedNumRS = 3;
// Start the cluster
log("Starting cluster");
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(conf);
MiniHBaseCluster cluster = TEST_UTIL.getHBaseCluster();
log("Waiting for active/ready master");
// Create a table with regions
final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
log("Creating table with " + NUM_REGIONS_TO_CREATE + " regions");
Table ht = TEST_UTIL.createMultiRegionTable(tableName, family, NUM_REGIONS_TO_CREATE);
int numRegions = -1;
try (RegionLocator r = TEST_UTIL.getConnection().getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
numRegions = r.getStartKeys().length;
// catalogs
numRegions += 1;
log("Waiting for no more RIT\n");
log("Disabling table\n");
log("Waiting for no more RIT\n");
NavigableSet<String> regions = HBaseTestingUtility.getAllOnlineRegions(cluster);
log("Verifying only catalog and namespace regions are assigned\n");
if (regions.size() != 2) {
for (String oregion : regions) log("Region still online: " + oregion);
assertEquals(2, regions.size());
log("Enabling table\n");
log("Waiting for no more RIT\n");
log("Verifying there are " + numRegions + " assigned on cluster\n");
regions = HBaseTestingUtility.getAllOnlineRegions(cluster);
assertRegionsAssigned(cluster, regions);
assertEquals(expectedNumRS, cluster.getRegionServerThreads().size());
// Add a new regionserver
log("Adding a fourth RS");
RegionServerThread restarted = cluster.startRegionServer();
log("Additional RS is online");
log("Waiting for no more RIT");
log("Verifying there are " + numRegions + " assigned on cluster");
assertRegionsAssigned(cluster, regions);
assertEquals(expectedNumRS, cluster.getRegionServerThreads().size());
// Master Restarts
List<MasterThread> masterThreads = cluster.getMasterThreads();
MasterThread activeMaster = null;
MasterThread backupMaster = null;
assertEquals(2, masterThreads.size());
if (masterThreads.get(0).getMaster().isActiveMaster()) {
activeMaster = masterThreads.get(0);
backupMaster = masterThreads.get(1);
} else {
activeMaster = masterThreads.get(1);
backupMaster = masterThreads.get(0);
// Bring down the backup master
log("Stopping backup master\n\n");
backupMaster.getMaster().stop("Stop of backup during rolling restart");
// Bring down the primary master
log("Stopping primary master\n\n");
activeMaster.getMaster().stop("Stop of active during rolling restart");
// Start primary master
log("Restarting primary master\n\n");
activeMaster = cluster.startMaster();
// Start backup master
log("Restarting backup master\n\n");
backupMaster = cluster.startMaster();
assertEquals(expectedNumRS, cluster.getRegionServerThreads().size());
// RegionServer Restarts
// Bring them down, one at a time, waiting between each to complete
List<RegionServerThread> regionServers = cluster.getLiveRegionServerThreads();
int num = 1;
int total = regionServers.size();
for (RegionServerThread rst : regionServers) {
ServerName serverName = rst.getRegionServer().getServerName();
log("Stopping region server " + num + " of " + total + " [ " + serverName + "]");
rst.getRegionServer().stop("Stopping RS during rolling restart");
log("Waiting for RS shutdown to be handled by master");
waitForRSShutdownToStartAndFinish(activeMaster, serverName);
log("RS shutdown done, waiting for no more RIT");
log("Verifying there are " + numRegions + " assigned on cluster");
assertRegionsAssigned(cluster, regions);
assertEquals(expectedNumRS, cluster.getRegionServerThreads().size());
log("Restarting region server " + num + " of " + total);
restarted = cluster.startRegionServer();
log("Region server " + num + " is back online");
log("Waiting for no more RIT");
log("Verifying there are " + numRegions + " assigned on cluster");
assertRegionsAssigned(cluster, regions);
assertEquals(expectedNumRS, cluster.getRegionServerThreads().size());
assertRegionsAssigned(cluster, regions);
// TODO: Bring random 3 of 4 RS down at the same time
// Stop the cluster
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MiniHBaseCluster in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterShutdown method testMasterShutdown.
* Simple test of shutdown.
* <p>
* Starts with three masters. Tells the active master to shutdown the cluster.
* Verifies that all masters are properly shutdown.
* @throws Exception
@Test(timeout = 120000)
public void testMasterShutdown() throws Exception {
final int NUM_MASTERS = 3;
final int NUM_RS = 3;
// Create config to use for this cluster
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
// Start the cluster
HBaseTestingUtility htu = new HBaseTestingUtility(conf);
htu.startMiniCluster(NUM_MASTERS, NUM_RS);
MiniHBaseCluster cluster = htu.getHBaseCluster();
// get all the master threads
List<MasterThread> masterThreads = cluster.getMasterThreads();
// wait for each to come online
for (MasterThread mt : masterThreads) {
// find the active master
HMaster active = null;
for (int i = 0; i < masterThreads.size(); i++) {
if (masterThreads.get(i).getMaster().isActiveMaster()) {
active = masterThreads.get(i).getMaster();
// make sure the other two are backup masters
ClusterStatus status = active.getClusterStatus();
assertEquals(2, status.getBackupMastersSize());
assertEquals(2, status.getBackupMasters().size());
// tell the active master to shutdown the cluster
for (int i = NUM_MASTERS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// make sure all the masters properly shutdown
assertEquals(0, masterThreads.size());