use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection in project hbase by apache.
the class TestLoadIncrementalHFilesSplitRecovery method getMockedConnection.
private ClusterConnection getMockedConnection(final Configuration conf) throws IOException, {
ClusterConnection c = Mockito.mock(ClusterConnection.class);
// Make it so we return a particular location when asked.
final HRegionLocation loc = new HRegionLocation(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO, ServerName.valueOf("", 1234, 0));
Mockito.when(c.getRegionLocation((TableName) Mockito.any(), (byte[]) Mockito.any(), Mockito.anyBoolean())).thenReturn(loc);
Mockito.when(c.locateRegion((TableName) Mockito.any(), (byte[]) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(loc);
ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface hri = Mockito.mock(ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface.class);
Mockito.when(hri.bulkLoadHFile((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (BulkLoadHFileRequest) Mockito.any())).thenThrow(new ServiceException(new IOException("injecting bulk load error")));
return c;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRegionReplicaReplicationEndpointNoMaster method testReplayCallableWithRegionMove.
@Test(timeout = 240000)
public void testReplayCallableWithRegionMove() throws Exception {
// tests replaying the edits to a secondary region replica using the Callable directly while
// the region is moved to another location.It tests handling of RME.
openRegion(HTU, rs0, hriSecondary);
ClusterConnection connection = (ClusterConnection) ConnectionFactory.createConnection(HTU.getConfiguration());
//load some data to primary
HTU.loadNumericRows(table, f, 0, 1000);
Assert.assertEquals(1000, entries.size());
// replay the edits to the secondary using replay callable
replicateUsingCallable(connection, entries);
Region region = rs0.getFromOnlineRegions(hriSecondary.getEncodedName());
HTU.verifyNumericRows(region, f, 0, 1000);
// load some more data to primary
HTU.loadNumericRows(table, f, 1000, 2000);
// move the secondary region from RS0 to RS1
closeRegion(HTU, rs0, hriSecondary);
openRegion(HTU, rs1, hriSecondary);
// replicate the new data
replicateUsingCallable(connection, entries);
region = rs1.getFromOnlineRegions(hriSecondary.getEncodedName());
// verify the new data. old data may or may not be there
HTU.verifyNumericRows(region, f, 1000, 2000);
HTU.deleteNumericRows(table, f, 0, 2000);
closeRegion(HTU, rs1, hriSecondary);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection in project hbase by apache.
the class TestRegionReplicaReplicationEndpointNoMaster method testReplayedEditsAreSkipped.
@Test(timeout = 240000)
public void testReplayedEditsAreSkipped() throws Exception {
openRegion(HTU, rs0, hriSecondary);
ClusterConnection connection = (ClusterConnection) ConnectionFactory.createConnection(HTU.getConfiguration());
RegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint replicator = new RegionReplicaReplicationEndpoint();
ReplicationEndpoint.Context context = mock(ReplicationEndpoint.Context.class);
ReplicationPeer mockPeer = mock(ReplicationPeer.class);
when(mockPeer.getPeerConfig()).thenReturn(new ReplicationPeerConfig());
// test the filter for the RE, not actual replication
WALEntryFilter filter = replicator.getWALEntryfilter();
//load some data to primary
HTU.loadNumericRows(table, f, 0, 1000);
Assert.assertEquals(1000, entries.size());
for (Entry e : entries) {
Cell _c = e.getEdit().getCells().get(0);
if (Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString(_c.getValueArray(), _c.getValueOffset(), _c.getValueLength())) % 2 == 0) {
// simulate dist log replay by setting orig seq id
long skipped = 0, replayed = 0;
for (Entry e : entries) {
if (filter.filter(e) == null) {
} else {
assertEquals(500, skipped);
assertEquals(500, replayed);
HTU.deleteNumericRows(table, f, 0, 1000);
closeRegion(HTU, rs0, hriSecondary);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMetaTableAccessorNoCluster method testRideOverServerNotRunning.
* Test that MetaTableAccessor will ride over server throwing
* "Server not running" IOEs.
* @see @link {}
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void testRideOverServerNotRunning() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ServiceException {
// Need a zk watcher.
ZooKeeperWatcher zkw = new ZooKeeperWatcher(UTIL.getConfiguration(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), ABORTABLE, true);
// This is a servername we use in a few places below.
ServerName sn = ServerName.valueOf("", 1234, System.currentTimeMillis());
ClusterConnection connection = null;
try {
// Mock an ClientProtocol. Our mock implementation will fail a few
// times when we go to open a scanner.
final ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface implementation = Mockito.mock(ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface.class);
// When scan called throw IOE 'Server not running' a few times
// before we return a scanner id. Whats WEIRD is that these
// exceptions do not show in the log because they are caught and only
// printed if we FAIL. We eventually succeed after retry so these don't
// show. We will know if they happened or not because we will ask
// mockito at the end of this test to verify that scan was indeed
// called the wanted number of times.
List<Cell> kvs = new ArrayList<>();
final byte[] rowToVerify = Bytes.toBytes("rowToVerify");
kvs.add(new KeyValue(rowToVerify, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER, HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.toByteArray()));
kvs.add(new KeyValue(rowToVerify, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SERVER_QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes(sn.getHostAndPort())));
kvs.add(new KeyValue(rowToVerify, HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.STARTCODE_QUALIFIER, Bytes.toBytes(sn.getStartcode())));
final List<CellScannable> cellScannables = new ArrayList<>(1);
final ScanResponse.Builder builder = ScanResponse.newBuilder();
for (CellScannable result : cellScannables) {
builder.addCellsPerResult(((Result) result).size());
Mockito.when(implementation.scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ScanRequest) Mockito.any())).thenThrow(new ServiceException("Server not running (1 of 3)")).thenThrow(new ServiceException("Server not running (2 of 3)")).thenThrow(new ServiceException("Server not running (3 of 3)")).thenAnswer(new Answer<ScanResponse>() {
public ScanResponse answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
((HBaseRpcController) invocation.getArguments()[0]).setCellScanner(CellUtil.createCellScanner(cellScannables));
return builder.setScannerId(1234567890L).setMoreResults(false).build();
// Associate a spied-upon Connection with UTIL.getConfiguration. Need
// to shove this in here first so it gets picked up all over; e.g. by
// HTable.
connection = HConnectionTestingUtility.getSpiedConnection(UTIL.getConfiguration());
// Fix the location lookup so it 'works' though no network. First
// make an 'any location' object.
final HRegionLocation anyLocation = new HRegionLocation(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO, sn);
final RegionLocations rl = new RegionLocations(anyLocation);
// Return the RegionLocations object when locateRegion
// The ugly format below comes of 'Important gotcha on spying real objects!' from
Mockito.doReturn(rl).when(connection).locateRegion((TableName) Mockito.any(), (byte[]) Mockito.any(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), Mockito.anyInt());
// Now shove our HRI implementation into the spied-upon connection.
// Scan meta for user tables and verify we got back expected answer.
NavigableMap<HRegionInfo, Result> hris = MetaTableAccessor.getServerUserRegions(connection, sn);
assertEquals(1, hris.size());
assertTrue(Bytes.equals(rowToVerify, hris.firstEntry().getValue().getRow()));
// Finally verify that scan was called four times -- three times
// with exception and then on 4th attempt we succeed
Mockito.verify(implementation, Mockito.times(4)).scan((RpcController) Mockito.any(), (ScanRequest) Mockito.any());
} finally {
if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed())
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMetaTableLocator method mockConnection.
* @param admin An {@link AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface} instance; you'll likely
* want to pass a mocked HRS; can be null.
* @param client A mocked ClientProtocol instance, can be null
* @return Mock up a connection that returns a {@link Configuration} when
* {@link HConnection#getConfiguration()} is called, a 'location' when
* {@link HConnection#getRegionLocation(byte[], byte[], boolean)} is called,
* and that returns the passed {@link AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface} instance when
* {@link HConnection#getAdmin(ServerName)} is called, returns the passed
* {@link ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface} instance when
* {@link HConnection#getClient(ServerName)} is called.
* @throws IOException
private ClusterConnection mockConnection(final AdminProtos.AdminService.BlockingInterface admin, final ClientProtos.ClientService.BlockingInterface client) throws IOException {
ClusterConnection connection = HConnectionTestingUtility.getMockedConnection(UTIL.getConfiguration());
// Make it so we return any old location when asked.
final HRegionLocation anyLocation = new HRegionLocation(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO, SN);
Mockito.when(connection.getRegionLocation((TableName) Mockito.any(), (byte[]) Mockito.any(), Mockito.anyBoolean())).thenReturn(anyLocation);
Mockito.when(connection.locateRegion((TableName) Mockito.any(), (byte[]) Mockito.any())).thenReturn(anyLocation);
if (admin != null) {
// If a call to getHRegionConnection, return this implementation.
if (client != null) {
// If a call to getClient, return this implementation.
return connection;