use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin in project phoenix by apache.
the class TestUtil method doMajorCompaction.
* Runs a major compaction, and then waits until the compaction is complete before returning.
* @param tableName name of the table to be compacted
public static void doMajorCompaction(Connection conn, String tableName) throws Exception {
tableName = SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(tableName);
// We simply write a marker row, request a major compaction, and then wait until the marker
// row is gone
PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
PTable table = pconn.getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), tableName));
ConnectionQueryServices services = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices();
MutationState mutationState = pconn.getMutationState();
if (table.isTransactional()) {
try (HTableInterface htable = mutationState.getHTable(table)) {
byte[] markerRowKey = Bytes.toBytes("TO_DELETE");
Put put = new Put(markerRowKey);
Delete delete = new Delete(markerRowKey);
delete.deleteColumn(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, QueryConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_VALUE_BYTES);
if (table.isTransactional()) {
HBaseAdmin hbaseAdmin = services.getAdmin();
boolean compactionDone = false;
while (!compactionDone) {
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setStopRow(Bytes.add(markerRowKey, new byte[] { 0 }));
try (HTableInterface htableForRawScan = services.getTable(Bytes.toBytes(tableName))) {
ResultScanner scanner = htableForRawScan.getScanner(scan);
List<Result> results = Lists.newArrayList(scanner);"Results: " + results);
compactionDone = results.isEmpty();
}"Compaction done: " + compactionDone);
// need to run compaction after the next txn snapshot has been written so that compaction can remove deleted rows
if (!compactionDone && table.isTransactional()) {
hbaseAdmin = services.getAdmin();
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionQueryServicesImpl method upgradeSystemTables.
* There is no other locking needed here since only one connection (on the same or different JVM) will be able to
* acquire the upgrade mutex via {@link #acquireUpgradeMutex(long, byte[])}.
public void upgradeSystemTables(final String url, final Properties props) throws SQLException {
PhoenixConnection metaConnection = null;
boolean success = false;
String snapshotName = null;
String sysCatalogTableName = null;
SQLException toThrow = null;
boolean acquiredMutexLock = false;
byte[] mutexRowKey = SchemaUtil.getTableKey(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE);
boolean snapshotCreated = false;
try {
if (!ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.upgradeRequired.get()) {
throw new UpgradeNotRequiredException();
Properties scnProps = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(props);
scnProps.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB, Long.toString(MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP));
String globalUrl = JDBCUtil.removeProperty(url, PhoenixRuntime.TENANT_ID_ATTRIB);
metaConnection = new PhoenixConnection(ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this, globalUrl, scnProps, newEmptyMetaData());
try {
} catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException ignore) {
// Ignore, as this will happen if the SYSTEM.CATALOG already exists at this fixed
// timestamp. A TableAlreadyExistsException is not thrown, since the table only exists
// *after* this fixed timestamp.
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
long currentServerSideTableTimeStamp = e.getTable().getTimeStamp();
sysCatalogTableName = e.getTable().getPhysicalName().getString();
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP && (acquiredMutexLock = acquireUpgradeMutex(currentServerSideTableTimeStamp, mutexRowKey))) {
snapshotName = getSysCatalogSnapshotName(currentServerSideTableTimeStamp);
createSnapshot(snapshotName, sysCatalogTableName);
snapshotCreated = true;
String columnsToAdd = "";
// include any new columns we've added.
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_3_0) {
// We know that we always need to add the STORE_NULLS column for 4.3 release
columnsToAdd = addColumn(columnsToAdd, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.STORE_NULLS + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
try (HBaseAdmin admin = getAdmin()) {
HTableDescriptor[] localIndexTables = admin.listTables(MetaDataUtil.LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PREFIX + ".*");
for (HTableDescriptor table : localIndexTables) {
if (table.getValue(MetaDataUtil.PARENT_TABLE_KEY) == null && table.getValue(MetaDataUtil.IS_LOCAL_INDEX_TABLE_PROP_NAME) != null) {
table.setValue(MetaDataUtil.PARENT_TABLE_KEY, MetaDataUtil.getLocalIndexUserTableName(table.getNameAsString()));
// Explicitly disable, modify and enable the table to ensure
// co-location of data and index regions. If we just modify the
// table descriptor when online schema change enabled may reopen
// the region in same region server instead of following data region.
admin.modifyTable(table.getTableName(), table);
// the column names that have been added to SYSTEM.CATALOG since 4.0.
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_1_0) {
columnsToAdd = addColumn(columnsToAdd, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.INDEX_TYPE + " " + PUnsignedTinyint.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName() + ", " + PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.INDEX_DISABLE_TIMESTAMP + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
// If we have some new columns from 4.1-4.3 to add, add them now.
if (!columnsToAdd.isEmpty()) {
// Ugh..need to assign to another local variable to keep eclipse happy.
PhoenixConnection newMetaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_3_0, columnsToAdd);
metaConnection = newMetaConnection;
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_5_0) {
columnsToAdd = PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.BASE_COLUMN_COUNT + " " + PInteger.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName();
try {
metaConnection = addColumn(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_5_0, columnsToAdd, false);
} catch (ColumnAlreadyExistsException ignored) {
* Upgrade to 4.5 is a slightly special case. We use the fact that the
* column BASE_COLUMN_COUNT is already part of the meta-data schema as the
* signal that the server side upgrade has finished or is in progress.
logger.debug("No need to run 4.5 upgrade");
Properties p = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(metaConnection.getClientInfo());
PhoenixConnection conn = new PhoenixConnection(ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this, metaConnection.getURL(), p, metaConnection.getMetaDataCache());
try {
List<String> tablesNeedingUpgrade = UpgradeUtil.getPhysicalTablesWithDescRowKey(conn);
if (!tablesNeedingUpgrade.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("The following tables require upgrade due to a bug causing the row key to be incorrect for descending columns and ascending BINARY columns (PHOENIX-2067 and PHOENIX-2120):\n" + Joiner.on(' ').join(tablesNeedingUpgrade) + "\nTo upgrade issue the \"bin/ -u\" command.");
List<String> unsupportedTables = UpgradeUtil.getPhysicalTablesWithDescVarbinaryRowKey(conn);
if (!unsupportedTables.isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("The following tables use an unsupported VARBINARY DESC construct and need to be changed:\n" + Joiner.on(' ').join(unsupportedTables));
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Unable to determine tables requiring upgrade due to PHOENIX-2067", ex);
} finally {
// parts we haven't yet done).
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_6_0) {
columnsToAdd = PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.IS_ROW_TIMESTAMP + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName();
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_6_0, columnsToAdd);
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0) {
// Drop old stats table so that new stats table is created
metaConnection = dropStatsTable(metaConnection, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0 - 4);
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0 - 3, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TRANSACTIONAL + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0 - 2, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.UPDATE_CACHE_FREQUENCY + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = setImmutableTableIndexesImmutable(metaConnection, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0 - 1);
metaConnection = updateSystemCatalogTimestamp(metaConnection, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0);
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_7_0);
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_8_0) {
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_8_0 - 2, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.IS_NAMESPACE_MAPPED + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_8_0 - 1, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.AUTO_PARTITION_SEQ + " " + PVarchar.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_8_0, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.APPEND_ONLY_SCHEMA + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = UpgradeUtil.disableViewIndexes(metaConnection);
if (getProps().getBoolean(QueryServices.LOCAL_INDEX_CLIENT_UPGRADE_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_LOCAL_INDEX_CLIENT_UPGRADE)) {
metaConnection = UpgradeUtil.upgradeLocalIndexes(metaConnection);
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_8_0);
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0) {
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.GUIDE_POSTS_WIDTH + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0);
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0) {
metaConnection = addColumnQualifierColumn(metaConnection, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0 - 3);
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0 - 2, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.IMMUTABLE_STORAGE_SCHEME + " " + PTinyint.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0 - 1, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.ENCODING_SCHEME + " " + PTinyint.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.COLUMN_QUALIFIER_COUNTER + " " + PInteger.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_10_0);
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_11_0) {
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_11_0, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.USE_STATS_FOR_PARALLELIZATION + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
int nSaltBuckets = ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.props.getInt(QueryServices.SEQUENCE_SALT_BUCKETS_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_SALT_BUCKETS);
try {
String createSequenceTable = Sequence.getCreateTableStatement(nSaltBuckets);
nSequenceSaltBuckets = nSaltBuckets;
} catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException e) {
// Ignore, as this will happen if the SYSTEM.SEQUENCE already exists at this fixed
// timestamp.
// A TableAlreadyExistsException is not thrown, since the table only exists *after* this
// fixed timestamp.
nSequenceSaltBuckets = getSaltBuckets(e);
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
// This will occur if we have an older SYSTEM.SEQUENCE and we need to update it to
// include
// any new columns we've added.
long currentServerSideTableTimeStamp = e.getTable().getTimeStamp();
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_1_0) {
// If the table time stamp is before 4.1.0 then we need to add below columns
// to the SYSTEM.SEQUENCE table.
String columnsToAdd = PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.MIN_VALUE + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName() + ", " + PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.MAX_VALUE + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName() + ", " + PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.CYCLE_FLAG + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName() + ", " + PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.LIMIT_REACHED_FLAG + " " + PBoolean.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName();
addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, columnsToAdd);
// If the table timestamp is before 4.2.1 then run the upgrade script
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_2_1) {
if (UpgradeUtil.upgradeSequenceTable(metaConnection, nSaltBuckets, e.getTable())) {
metaConnection.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_SCHEMA, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_TABLE, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP);
nSequenceSaltBuckets = nSaltBuckets;
} else {
nSequenceSaltBuckets = getSaltBuckets(e);
try {
} catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException ignore) {
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
long currentServerSideTableTimeStamp = e.getTable().getTimeStamp();
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_3_0) {
metaConnection = addColumnsIfNotExists(metaConnection, SYSTEM_STATS_NAME, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.GUIDE_POSTS_ROW_COUNT + " " + PLong.INSTANCE.getSqlTypeName());
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0) {
// The COLUMN_FAMILY column should be nullable as we create a row in it without
// any column family to mark when guideposts were last collected.
metaConnection = removeNotNullConstraint(metaConnection, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_NAME, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_STATS_TABLE, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.COLUMN_FAMILY);
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_STATS_NAME, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP_4_9_0);
try {
} catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException e) {
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
if (SchemaUtil.isNamespaceMappingEnabled(PTableType.SYSTEM, ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.getProps())) {
try {
metaConnection.createStatement().executeUpdate("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS " + PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA);
} catch (NewerSchemaAlreadyExistsException e) {
success = true;
} catch (UpgradeInProgressException | UpgradeNotRequiredException e) {
// don't set it as initializationException because otherwise client won't be able to retry
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SQLException) {
toThrow = (SQLException) e;
} else {
// wrap every other exception into a SQLException
toThrow = new SQLException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (metaConnection != null) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (toThrow != null) {
} else {
toThrow = e;
} finally {
try {
if (snapshotCreated) {
restoreFromSnapshot(sysCatalogTableName, snapshotName, success);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (toThrow != null) {
} else {
toThrow = e;
} finally {
if (acquiredMutexLock) {
if (toThrow != null) {
throw toThrow;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionQueryServicesImpl method init.
public void init(final String url, final Properties props) throws SQLException {
try { Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
if (initialized) {
if (initializationException != null) {
// Throw previous initialization exception, as we won't resuse this instance
throw initializationException;
return null;
synchronized (ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this) {
if (initialized) {
if (initializationException != null) {
// Throw previous initialization exception, as we won't resuse this instance
throw initializationException;
return null;
boolean hConnectionEstablished = false;
boolean success = false;
try {
GLOBAL_QUERY_SERVICES_COUNTER.increment();"An instance of ConnectionQueryServices was created.");
hConnectionEstablished = true;
boolean isDoNotUpgradePropSet = UpgradeUtil.isNoUpgradeSet(props);
try (HBaseAdmin admin = getAdmin()) {
boolean mappedSystemCatalogExists = admin.tableExists(SchemaUtil.getPhysicalTableName(SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES, true));
if (SchemaUtil.isNamespaceMappingEnabled(PTableType.SYSTEM, ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.getProps())) {
if (admin.tableExists(SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES)) {
//check if the server is already updated and have namespace config properly set.
} else if (mappedSystemCatalogExists) {
throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.INCONSISTENET_NAMESPACE_MAPPING_PROPERTIES).setMessage("Cannot initiate connection as " + SchemaUtil.getPhysicalTableName(SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES, true) + " is found but client does not have " + IS_NAMESPACE_MAPPING_ENABLED + " enabled").build().buildException();
Properties scnProps = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(props);
scnProps.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB, Long.toString(MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP));
String globalUrl = JDBCUtil.removeProperty(url, PhoenixRuntime.TENANT_ID_ATTRIB);
try (PhoenixConnection metaConnection = new PhoenixConnection(ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this, globalUrl, scnProps, newEmptyMetaData())) {
try {
} catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException ignore) {
// Ignore, as this will happen if the SYSTEM.CATALOG already exists at this fixed
// timestamp. A TableAlreadyExistsException is not thrown, since the table only exists
// *after* this fixed timestamp.
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
long currentServerSideTableTimeStamp = e.getTable().getTimeStamp();
if (currentServerSideTableTimeStamp < MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP) {
} catch (PhoenixIOException e) {
if (!Iterables.isEmpty(Iterables.filter(Throwables.getCausalChain(e), AccessDeniedException.class))) {
// Pass
logger.warn("Could not check for Phoenix SYSTEM tables, assuming they exist and are properly configured");
checkClientServerCompatibility(SchemaUtil.getPhysicalName(SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES, getProps()).getName());
success = true;
} else {
initializationException = e;
return null;
if (!ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.upgradeRequired.get()) {
} else if (isAutoUpgradeEnabled && !isDoNotUpgradePropSet) {
upgradeSystemTables(url, props);
success = true;
} catch (RetriableUpgradeException e) {
// to retry establishing connection.
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SQLException) {
initializationException = (SQLException) e;
} else {
// wrap every other exception into a SQLException
initializationException = new SQLException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (!success && hConnectionEstablished) {
} catch (IOException e) {
SQLException ex = new SQLException(e);
if (initializationException != null) {
} else {
initializationException = ex;
} finally {
try {
if (initializationException != null) {
throw initializationException;
} finally {
initialized = true;
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e, SQLException.class);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionQueryServicesImpl method restoreFromSnapshot.
private void restoreFromSnapshot(String tableName, String snapshotName, boolean success) throws SQLException {
boolean snapshotRestored = false;
boolean tableDisabled = false;
if (!success && snapshotName != null) {
SQLException sqlE = null;
HBaseAdmin admin = null;
try {
logger.warn("Starting restore of " + tableName + " using snapshot " + snapshotName + " because upgrade failed");
admin = getAdmin();
tableDisabled = true;
snapshotRestored = true;
logger.warn("Successfully restored " + tableName + " using snapshot " + snapshotName);
} catch (Exception e) {
sqlE = new SQLException(e);
} finally {
if (admin != null && tableDisabled) {
try {
if (snapshotRestored) {
logger.warn("Successfully restored and enabled " + tableName + " using snapshot " + snapshotName);
} else {
logger.warn("Successfully enabled " + tableName + " after restoring using snapshot " + snapshotName + " failed. ");
} catch (Exception e1) {
SQLException enableTableEx = new SQLException(e1);
if (sqlE == null) {
sqlE = enableTableEx;
} else {
logger.error("Failure in enabling " + tableName + (snapshotRestored ? " after successfully restoring using snapshot" + snapshotName : " after restoring using snapshot " + snapshotName + " failed. "));
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {
SQLException adminCloseEx = new SQLException(e2);
if (sqlE == null) {
sqlE = adminCloseEx;
} else {
} finally {
if (sqlE != null) {
throw sqlE;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin in project phoenix by apache.
the class DropMetadataIT method testDropViewKeepsHTable.
public void testDropViewKeepsHTable() throws Exception {
Connection conn = getConnection();
HBaseAdmin admin = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getQueryServices().getAdmin();
String hbaseNativeViewName = generateUniqueName();
byte[] hbaseNativeBytes = SchemaUtil.getTableNameAsBytes(HBASE_NATIVE_SCHEMA_NAME, hbaseNativeViewName);
try {
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") HTableDescriptor descriptor = new HTableDescriptor(hbaseNativeBytes);
HColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(FAMILY_NAME);
} finally {
conn.createStatement().execute("create view " + hbaseNativeViewName + " (uint_key unsigned_int not null," + " ulong_key unsigned_long not null," + " string_key varchar not null,\n" + " \"1\".uint_col unsigned_int," + " \"1\".ulong_col unsigned_long" + " CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (uint_key, ulong_key, string_key))\n" + HColumnDescriptor.DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING + "='" + DataBlockEncoding.NONE + "'");
conn.createStatement().execute("drop view " + hbaseNativeViewName);