use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionQueryServicesImpl method addColumnQualifierColumn.
// Special method for adding the column qualifier column for 4.10.
private PhoenixConnection addColumnQualifierColumn(PhoenixConnection oldMetaConnection, Long timestamp) throws SQLException {
Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(oldMetaConnection.getClientInfo());
props.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB, Long.toString(timestamp));
// Cannot go through DriverManager or you end up in an infinite loop because it'll call init again
PhoenixConnection metaConnection = new PhoenixConnection(oldMetaConnection, this, props);
PTable sysCatalogPTable = metaConnection.getTable(new PTableKey(null, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME));
int numColumns = sysCatalogPTable.getColumns().size();
try (PreparedStatement mutateTable = metaConnection.prepareStatement(MetaDataClient.MUTATE_TABLE)) {
mutateTable.setString(1, null);
mutateTable.setString(2, SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA);
mutateTable.setString(3, SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE);
mutateTable.setString(4, PTableType.SYSTEM.getSerializedValue());
mutateTable.setLong(5, sysCatalogPTable.getSequenceNumber() + 1);
mutateTable.setInt(6, numColumns + 1);
List<Mutation> tableMetadata = new ArrayList<>();
PColumn column = new PColumnImpl(PNameFactory.newName("COLUMN_QUALIFIER"), PNameFactory.newName(DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME), PVarbinary.INSTANCE, null, null, true, numColumns, SortOrder.ASC, null, null, false, null, false, false, Bytes.toBytes("COLUMN_QUALIFIER"));
String upsertColumnMetadata = "UPSERT INTO " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA + ".\"" + SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE + "\"( " + TENANT_ID + "," + TABLE_SCHEM + "," + TABLE_NAME + "," + COLUMN_NAME + "," + COLUMN_FAMILY + "," + DATA_TYPE + "," + NULLABLE + "," + COLUMN_SIZE + "," + DECIMAL_DIGITS + "," + ORDINAL_POSITION + "," + SORT_ORDER + "," + DATA_TABLE_NAME + "," + ARRAY_SIZE + "," + VIEW_CONSTANT + "," + IS_VIEW_REFERENCED + "," + PK_NAME + "," + KEY_SEQ + "," + COLUMN_DEF + "," + IS_ROW_TIMESTAMP + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
try (PreparedStatement colUpsert = metaConnection.prepareStatement(upsertColumnMetadata)) {
colUpsert.setString(1, null);
colUpsert.setString(2, SYSTEM_CATALOG_SCHEMA);
colUpsert.setString(3, SYSTEM_CATALOG_TABLE);
colUpsert.setString(4, "COLUMN_QUALIFIER");
colUpsert.setString(5, DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY);
colUpsert.setInt(6, column.getDataType().getSqlType());
colUpsert.setInt(7, ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable);
colUpsert.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER);
colUpsert.setNull(9, Types.INTEGER);
colUpsert.setInt(10, sysCatalogPTable.getBucketNum() != null ? numColumns : (numColumns + 1));
colUpsert.setInt(11, SortOrder.ASC.getSystemValue());
colUpsert.setString(12, null);
colUpsert.setNull(13, Types.INTEGER);
colUpsert.setBytes(14, null);
colUpsert.setBoolean(15, false);
colUpsert.setString(16, sysCatalogPTable.getPKName() == null ? null : sysCatalogPTable.getPKName().getString());
colUpsert.setNull(17, Types.SMALLINT);
colUpsert.setNull(18, Types.VARCHAR);
colUpsert.setBoolean(19, false);
metaConnection.getQueryServices().addColumn(tableMetadata, sysCatalogPTable, Collections.<String, List<Pair<String, Object>>>emptyMap(), Collections.<String>emptySet(), Lists.newArrayList(column));
metaConnection.removeTable(null, SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, timestamp);
ConnectionQueryServicesImpl.this.removeTable(null, SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, null, timestamp);
return metaConnection;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation in project phoenix by apache.
the class ConnectionlessQueryServicesImpl method getTableName.
private static byte[] getTableName(List<Mutation> tableMetaData, byte[] physicalTableName) {
if (physicalTableName != null) {
return physicalTableName;
byte[][] rowKeyMetadata = new byte[3][];
Mutation m = MetaDataUtil.getTableHeaderRow(tableMetaData);
byte[] key = m.getRow();
SchemaUtil.getVarChars(key, rowKeyMetadata);
byte[] schemaBytes = rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];
byte[] tableBytes = rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
return SchemaUtil.getTableNameAsBytes(schemaBytes, tableBytes);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation in project phoenix by apache.
the class MetaDataClient method createFunction.
public MutationState createFunction(CreateFunctionStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
boolean wasAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
try {
PFunction function = new PFunction(stmt.getFunctionInfo(), stmt.isTemporary(), stmt.isReplace());
String tenantIdStr = connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getString();
List<Mutation> functionData = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(function.getFunctionArguments().size() + 1);
List<FunctionArgument> args = function.getFunctionArguments();
try (PreparedStatement argUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(INSERT_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT)) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
FunctionArgument arg = args.get(i);
addFunctionArgMutation(function.getFunctionName(), arg, argUpsert, i);
try (PreparedStatement functionUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(CREATE_FUNCTION)) {
functionUpsert.setString(1, tenantIdStr);
functionUpsert.setString(2, function.getFunctionName());
functionUpsert.setInt(3, function.getFunctionArguments().size());
functionUpsert.setString(4, function.getClassName());
functionUpsert.setString(5, function.getJarPath());
functionUpsert.setString(6, function.getReturnType());
MetaDataMutationResult result = connection.getQueryServices().createFunction(functionData, function, stmt.isTemporary());
MutationCode code = result.getMutationCode();
switch(code) {
if (!function.isReplace()) {
throw new FunctionAlreadyExistsException(function.getFunctionName(), result.getFunctions().get(0));
} else {
connection.removeFunction(function.getTenantId(), function.getFunctionName(), result.getMutationTime());
// it to this connection as we can't see it.
throw new NewerFunctionAlreadyExistsException(function.getFunctionName(), result.getFunctions().get(0));
List<PFunction> functions = new ArrayList<PFunction>(1);
result = new MetaDataMutationResult(code, result.getMutationTime(), functions, true);
if (function.isReplace()) {
connection.removeFunction(function.getTenantId(), function.getFunctionName(), result.getMutationTime());
} finally {
return new MutationState(1, 1000, connection);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation in project phoenix by apache.
the class IndexWriter method resolveTableReferences.
* Convert the passed index updates to {@link HTableInterfaceReference}s.
* @param indexUpdates from the index builder
* @return pairs that can then be written by an {@link IndexWriter}.
protected Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> resolveTableReferences(Collection<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>> indexUpdates) {
Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> updates = ArrayListMultimap.<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation>create();
// simple map to make lookups easy while we build the map of tables to create
Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterfaceReference> tables = new HashMap<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterfaceReference>(updates.size());
for (Pair<Mutation, byte[]> entry : indexUpdates) {
byte[] tableName = entry.getSecond();
ImmutableBytesPtr ptr = new ImmutableBytesPtr(tableName);
HTableInterfaceReference table = tables.get(ptr);
if (table == null) {
table = new HTableInterfaceReference(ptr);
tables.put(ptr, table);
updates.put(table, entry.getFirst());
return updates;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation in project phoenix by apache.
the class ParallelWriterIndexCommitter method write.
public void write(Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> toWrite, final boolean allowLocalUpdates) throws SingleIndexWriteFailureException {
* This bit here is a little odd, so let's explain what's going on. Basically, we want to do the writes in
* parallel to each index table, so each table gets its own task and is submitted to the pool. Where it gets
* tricky is that we want to block the calling thread until one of two things happens: (1) all index tables get
* successfully updated, or (2) any one of the index table writes fail; in either case, we should return as
* quickly as possible. We get a little more complicated in that if we do get a single failure, but any of the
* index writes hasn't been started yet (its been queued up, but not submitted to a thread) we want to that task
* to fail immediately as we know that write is a waste and will need to be replayed anyways.
Set<Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>>> entries = toWrite.asMap().entrySet();
TaskBatch<Void> tasks = new TaskBatch<Void>(entries.size());
for (Entry<HTableInterfaceReference, Collection<Mutation>> entry : entries) {
// get the mutations for each table. We leak the implementation here a little bit to save
// doing a complete copy over of all the index update for each table.
final List<Mutation> mutations = kvBuilder.cloneIfNecessary((List<Mutation>) entry.getValue());
final HTableInterfaceReference tableReference = entry.getKey();
if (env != null && !allowLocalUpdates && tableReference.getTableName().equals(env.getRegion().getTableDesc().getNameAsString())) {
* Write a batch of index updates to an index table. This operation stops (is cancelable) via two
* mechanisms: (1) setting aborted or stopped on the IndexWriter or, (2) interrupting the running thread.
* The former will only work if we are not in the midst of writing the current batch to the table, though we
* do check these status variables before starting and before writing the batch. The latter usage,
* interrupting the thread, will work in the previous situations as was at some points while writing the
* batch, depending on the underlying writer implementation (HTableInterface#batch is blocking, but doesn't
* elaborate when is supports an interrupt).
tasks.add(new Task<Void>() {
* Do the actual write to the primary table. We don't need to worry about closing the table because that
* is handled the {@link CachingHTableFactory}.
* @return
public Void call() throws Exception {
// this may have been queued, so another task infront of us may have failed, so we should
// early exit, if that's the case
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Writing index update:" + mutations + " to table: " + tableReference);
HTableInterface table = null;
try {
if (allowLocalUpdates && env != null && tableReference.getTableName().equals(env.getRegion().getTableDesc().getNameAsString())) {
try {
IndexUtil.writeLocalUpdates(env.getRegion(), mutations, true);
return null;
} catch (IOException ignord) {
// when it's failed we fall back to the standard & slow way
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("indexRegion.batchMutate failed and fall back to HTable.batch(). Got error=" + ignord);
table = factory.getTable(tableReference.get());
} catch (SingleIndexWriteFailureException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SingleIndexWriteFailureException(tableReference.toString(), mutations, e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// reset the interrupt status on the thread
throw new SingleIndexWriteFailureException(tableReference.toString(), mutations, e);
} finally {
if (table != null) {
return null;
private void throwFailureIfDone() throws SingleIndexWriteFailureException {
if (this.isBatchFailed() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
throw new SingleIndexWriteFailureException("Pool closed, not attempting to write to the index!", null);
// actually submit the tasks to the pool and wait for them to finish/fail
try {
} catch (EarlyExitFailure e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOG.error("Found a failed index update!");