use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator in project hbase by apache.
the class TestServerSideScanMetricsFromClientSide method testRowsSeenMetric.
public void testRowsSeenMetric(Scan baseScan) throws Exception {
Scan scan;
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, NUM_ROWS);
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS.length - 1; i++) {
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
scan.withStopRow(ROWS[i + 1]);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, i + 1);
for (int i = ROWS.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
scan.withStartRow(ROWS[i - 1]);
scan.withStopRow(ROWS[ROWS.length - 1]);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, ROWS.length - i);
// The filter should filter out all rows, but we still expect to see every row.
Filter filter = new RowFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator("xyz".getBytes()));
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, ROWS.length);
// Filter should pass on all rows
SingleColumnValueFilter singleColumnValueFilter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIERS[0], CompareOp.EQUAL, VALUE);
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, ROWS.length);
// Filter should filter out all rows
singleColumnValueFilter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(FAMILIES[0], QUALIFIERS[0], CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL, VALUE);
scan = new Scan(baseScan);
testMetric(scan, ServerSideScanMetrics.COUNT_OF_ROWS_SCANNED_KEY_METRIC_NAME, ROWS.length);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator in project hadoop by apache.
the class FlowRunEntityReader method constructFilterListBasedOnFields.
protected FilterList constructFilterListBasedOnFields() throws IOException {
FilterList list = new FilterList(Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE);
// By default fetch everything in INFO column family.
FamilyFilter infoColumnFamily = new FamilyFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(FlowRunColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes()));
TimelineDataToRetrieve dataToRetrieve = getDataToRetrieve();
// Metrics are always returned if we are reading a single entity.
if (!isSingleEntityRead() && !hasField(dataToRetrieve.getFieldsToRetrieve(), Field.METRICS)) {
FilterList infoColFamilyList = new FilterList(Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE);
infoColFamilyList.addFilter(new QualifierFilter(CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL, new BinaryPrefixComparator(FlowRunColumnPrefix.METRIC.getColumnPrefixBytes(""))));
} else {
// Check if metricsToRetrieve are specified and if they are, create a
// filter list for info column family by adding flow run tables columns
// and a list for metrics to retrieve. Pls note that fieldsToRetrieve
// will have METRICS added to it if metricsToRetrieve are specified
// (in augmentParams()).
TimelineFilterList metricsToRetrieve = dataToRetrieve.getMetricsToRetrieve();
if (metricsToRetrieve != null && !metricsToRetrieve.getFilterList().isEmpty()) {
FilterList infoColFamilyList = new FilterList();
FilterList columnsList = updateFixedColumns();
columnsList.addFilter(TimelineFilterUtils.createHBaseFilterList(FlowRunColumnPrefix.METRIC, metricsToRetrieve));
return list;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator in project hadoop by apache.
the class GenericEntityReader method constructFilterListBasedOnFields.
protected FilterList constructFilterListBasedOnFields() throws IOException {
if (!needCreateFilterListBasedOnFields()) {
// Fetch all the columns. No need of a filter.
return null;
FilterList listBasedOnFields = new FilterList(Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE);
FilterList infoColFamilyList = new FilterList();
// By default fetch everything in INFO column family.
FamilyFilter infoColumnFamily = new FamilyFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL, new BinaryComparator(EntityColumnFamily.INFO.getBytes()));
if (!isSingleEntityRead() && fetchPartialColsFromInfoFamily()) {
// We can fetch only some of the columns from info family.
} else {
// Exclude column prefixes in info column family which are not required
// based on fields to retrieve.
return listBasedOnFields;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator in project drill by apache.
the class MapRDBFilterBuilder method createHBaseScanSpec.
private HBaseScanSpec createHBaseScanSpec(FunctionCall call, CompareFunctionsProcessor processor) {
String functionName = processor.getFunctionName();
SchemaPath field = processor.getPath();
byte[] fieldValue = processor.getValue();
boolean sortOrderAscending = processor.isSortOrderAscending();
boolean isRowKey = field.getAsUnescapedPath().equals(ROW_KEY);
if (!(isRowKey || (!field.getRootSegment().isLastPath() && field.getRootSegment().getChild().isLastPath() && field.getRootSegment().getChild().isNamed()))) {
* if the field in this function is neither the row_key nor a qualified HBase column, return.
return null;
if (processor.isRowKeyPrefixComparison()) {
return createRowKeyPrefixScanSpec(call, processor);
CompareOp compareOp = null;
boolean isNullTest = false;
ByteArrayComparable comparator = new BinaryComparator(fieldValue);
byte[] startRow = HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW;
byte[] stopRow = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW;
switch(functionName) {
case "equal":
compareOp = CompareOp.EQUAL;
if (isRowKey) {
startRow = fieldValue;
/* stopRow should be just greater than 'value'*/
stopRow = Arrays.copyOf(fieldValue, fieldValue.length + 1);
compareOp = CompareOp.EQUAL;
case "not_equal":
compareOp = CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL;
case "greater_than_or_equal_to":
if (sortOrderAscending) {
compareOp = CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
if (isRowKey) {
startRow = fieldValue;
} else {
compareOp = CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL;
if (isRowKey) {
// stopRow should be just greater than 'value'
stopRow = Arrays.copyOf(fieldValue, fieldValue.length + 1);
case "greater_than":
if (sortOrderAscending) {
compareOp = CompareOp.GREATER;
if (isRowKey) {
// startRow should be just greater than 'value'
startRow = Arrays.copyOf(fieldValue, fieldValue.length + 1);
} else {
compareOp = CompareOp.LESS;
if (isRowKey) {
stopRow = fieldValue;
case "less_than_or_equal_to":
if (sortOrderAscending) {
compareOp = CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL;
if (isRowKey) {
// stopRow should be just greater than 'value'
stopRow = Arrays.copyOf(fieldValue, fieldValue.length + 1);
} else {
compareOp = CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
if (isRowKey) {
startRow = fieldValue;
case "less_than":
if (sortOrderAscending) {
compareOp = CompareOp.LESS;
if (isRowKey) {
stopRow = fieldValue;
} else {
compareOp = CompareOp.GREATER;
if (isRowKey) {
// startRow should be just greater than 'value'
startRow = Arrays.copyOf(fieldValue, fieldValue.length + 1);
case "isnull":
case "isNull":
case "is null":
if (isRowKey) {
return null;
isNullTest = true;
compareOp = CompareOp.EQUAL;
comparator = new NullComparator();
case "isnotnull":
case "isNotNull":
case "is not null":
if (isRowKey) {
return null;
compareOp = CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL;
comparator = new NullComparator();
case "like":
* Convert the LIKE operand to Regular Expression pattern so that we can
* apply RegexStringComparator()
HBaseRegexParser parser = new HBaseRegexParser(call).parse();
compareOp = CompareOp.EQUAL;
comparator = new RegexStringComparator(parser.getRegexString());
* We can possibly do better if the LIKE operator is on the row_key
if (isRowKey) {
String prefix = parser.getPrefixString();
if (prefix != null) {
* If there is a literal prefix, it can help us prune the scan to a sub range
if (prefix.equals(parser.getLikeString())) {
/* The operand value is literal. This turns the LIKE operator to EQUAL operator */
startRow = stopRow = fieldValue;
compareOp = null;
} else {
startRow = prefix.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
stopRow = startRow.clone();
boolean isMaxVal = true;
for (int i = stopRow.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int nextByteValue = (0xff & stopRow[i]) + 1;
if (nextByteValue < 0xff) {
stopRow[i] = (byte) nextByteValue;
isMaxVal = false;
} else {
stopRow[i] = 0;
if (isMaxVal) {
stopRow = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW;
if (compareOp != null || startRow != HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW || stopRow != HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW) {
Filter filter = null;
if (isRowKey) {
if (compareOp != null) {
filter = new RowFilter(compareOp, comparator);
} else {
byte[] family = HBaseUtils.getBytes(field.getRootSegment().getPath());
byte[] qualifier = HBaseUtils.getBytes(field.getRootSegment().getChild().getNameSegment().getPath());
filter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(family, qualifier, compareOp, comparator);
((SingleColumnValueFilter) filter).setLatestVersionOnly(true);
if (!isNullTest) {
((SingleColumnValueFilter) filter).setFilterIfMissing(true);
return new HBaseScanSpec(groupScan.getTableName(), startRow, stopRow, filter);
// else
return null;
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.BinaryComparator in project phoenix by apache.
the class FirstLastValueBaseClientAggregator method reset.
public void reset() {
topOrder = new BinaryComparator(ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
topValue = null;