use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterProcedureScheduler method testVerifyRwLocks.
* Verify the correct logic of RWLocks on the queue
public void testVerifyRwLocks() throws Exception {
final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(1, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(2, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.READ));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(3, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(4, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.READ));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(5, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.READ));
// Fetch the 1st item and take the write lock
Procedure proc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(1, proc.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableExclusiveLock(proc, tableName));
// Fetch the 2nd item and verify that the lock can't be acquired
assertEquals(null, queue.poll(0));
// Release the write lock and acquire the read lock
queue.wakeTableExclusiveLock(proc, tableName);
// Fetch the 2nd item and take the read lock
Procedure rdProc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(2, rdProc.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableSharedLock(rdProc, tableName));
// Fetch the 3rd item and verify that the lock can't be acquired
assertEquals(null, queue.poll(0));
// release the rdlock of item 2 and take the wrlock for the 3d item
queue.wakeTableSharedLock(rdProc, tableName);
// Fetch the 3rd item and take the write lock
Procedure wrProc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableExclusiveLock(wrProc, tableName));
// Fetch 4th item and verify that the lock can't be acquired
assertEquals(null, queue.poll(0));
// Release the write lock and acquire the read lock
queue.wakeTableExclusiveLock(wrProc, tableName);
// Fetch the 4th item and take the read lock
rdProc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(4, rdProc.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableSharedLock(rdProc, tableName));
// Fetch the 4th item and take the read lock
Procedure rdProc2 = queue.poll();
assertEquals(5, rdProc2.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableSharedLock(rdProc2, tableName));
// Release 4th and 5th read-lock
queue.wakeTableSharedLock(rdProc, tableName);
queue.wakeTableSharedLock(rdProc2, tableName);
// remove table queue
assertEquals(0, queue.size());
assertTrue("queue should be deleted", queue.markTableAsDeleted(tableName, wrProc));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterProcedureSchedulerConcurrency method testConcurrentWriteOps.
* Verify that "write" operations for a single table are serialized,
* but different tables can be executed in parallel.
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testConcurrentWriteOps() throws Exception {
final TestTableProcSet procSet = new TestTableProcSet(queue);
final int NUM_ITEMS = 10;
final int NUM_TABLES = 4;
final AtomicInteger opsCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TABLES; ++i) {
TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(String.format("testtb-%04d", i));
for (int j = 1; j < NUM_ITEMS; ++j) {
procSet.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(i * 100 + j, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
assertEquals(opsCount.get(), queue.size());
final Thread[] threads = new Thread[NUM_TABLES * 2];
final HashSet<TableName> concurrentTables = new HashSet<>();
final ArrayList<String> failures = new ArrayList<>();
final AtomicInteger concurrentCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
threads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while (opsCount.get() > 0) {
try {
Procedure proc = procSet.acquire();
if (proc == null) {
if (opsCount.get() > 0) {
TableName tableId = procSet.getTableName(proc);
synchronized (concurrentTables) {
assertTrue("unexpected concurrency on " + tableId, concurrentTables.add(tableId));
assertTrue(opsCount.decrementAndGet() >= 0);
try {
long procId = proc.getProcId();
int concurrent = concurrentCount.incrementAndGet();
assertTrue("inc-concurrent=" + concurrent + " 1 <= concurrent <= " + NUM_TABLES, concurrent >= 1 && concurrent <= NUM_TABLES);
LOG.debug("[S] tableId=" + tableId + " procId=" + procId + " concurrent=" + concurrent);
concurrent = concurrentCount.decrementAndGet();
LOG.debug("[E] tableId=" + tableId + " procId=" + procId + " concurrent=" + concurrent);
assertTrue("dec-concurrent=" + concurrent, concurrent < NUM_TABLES);
} finally {
synchronized (concurrentTables) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.error("Failed " + e.getMessage(), e);
synchronized (failures) {
} finally {
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; ++i) {
assertTrue(failures.toString(), failures.isEmpty());
assertEquals(0, opsCount.get());
assertEquals(0, queue.size());
for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_TABLES; ++i) {
final TableName table = TableName.valueOf(String.format("testtb-%04d", i));
final TestTableProcedure dummyProc = new TestTableProcedure(100, table, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.DELETE);
assertTrue("queue should be deleted, table=" + table, queue.markTableAsDeleted(table, dummyProc));
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterProcedureWalLease method testWALfencing.
public void testWALfencing(boolean walRolls) throws IOException {
final ProcedureStore procStore = getMasterProcedureExecutor().getStore();
assertTrue("expected WALStore for this test", procStore instanceof WALProcedureStore);
HMaster firstMaster = UTIL.getHBaseCluster().getMaster();
// cause WAL rolling after a delete in WAL:
firstMaster.getConfiguration().setLong(WALProcedureStore.ROLL_THRESHOLD_CONF_KEY, 1);
HMaster backupMaster3 = Mockito.mock(HMaster.class);
final WALProcedureStore procStore2 = new WALProcedureStore(firstMaster.getConfiguration(), firstMaster.getMasterFileSystem().getFileSystem(), ((WALProcedureStore) procStore).getWALDir(), new MasterProcedureEnv.WALStoreLeaseRecovery(backupMaster3));
// start a second store which should fence the first one out"Starting new WALProcedureStore");
// to delete the old WAL files).
if (walRolls) {"Inserting into second WALProcedureStore, causing WAL rolls");
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
// insert something to the second store then delete it, causing a WAL roll(s)
Procedure proc2 = new TestProcedure(i);
procStore2.insert(proc2, null);
// delete the procedure so that the WAL is removed later
// Now, insert something to the first store, should fail.
// If the store does a WAL roll and continue with another logId without checking higher logIds
// it will incorrectly succeed."Inserting into first WALProcedureStore");
try {
procStore.insert(new TestProcedure(11), null);
fail("Inserting into Procedure Store should have failed");
} catch (Exception ex) {"Received expected exception", ex);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterProcedureScheduler method testVerifyNamespaceRwLocks.
public void testVerifyNamespaceRwLocks() throws Exception {
String nsName1 = "ns1";
String nsName2 = "ns2";
TableName tableName1 = TableName.valueOf(nsName1, name.getMethodName());
TableName tableName2 = TableName.valueOf(nsName2, name.getMethodName());
queue.addBack(new TestNamespaceProcedure(1, nsName1, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(2, tableName1, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(3, tableName2, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
queue.addBack(new TestNamespaceProcedure(4, nsName2, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.EDIT));
// Fetch the 1st item and take the write lock
Procedure procNs1 = queue.poll();
assertEquals(1, procNs1.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitNamespaceExclusiveLock(procNs1, nsName1));
// System tables have 2 as default priority
Procedure procNs2 = queue.poll();
assertEquals(4, procNs2.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitNamespaceExclusiveLock(procNs2, nsName2));
queue.wakeNamespaceExclusiveLock(procNs2, nsName2);
// add procNs2 back in the queue
// table on ns1 is locked, so we get table on ns2
procNs2 = queue.poll();
assertEquals(3, procNs2.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableExclusiveLock(procNs2, tableName2));
// ns2 is not available (TODO we may avoid this one)
Procedure procNs2b = queue.poll();
assertEquals(4, procNs2b.getProcId());
assertEquals(true, queue.waitNamespaceExclusiveLock(procNs2b, nsName2));
// release the ns1 lock
queue.wakeNamespaceExclusiveLock(procNs1, nsName1);
// we are now able to execute table of ns1
long procId = queue.poll().getProcId();
assertEquals(2, procId);
// release ns2
queue.wakeTableExclusiveLock(procNs2, tableName2);
// we are now able to execute ns2
procId = queue.poll().getProcId();
assertEquals(4, procId);
use of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.procedure2.Procedure in project hbase by apache.
the class TestMasterProcedureScheduler method testVerifyNamespaceXLock.
public void testVerifyNamespaceXLock() throws Exception {
String nsName = "ns1";
TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(nsName, name.getMethodName());
queue.addBack(new TestNamespaceProcedure(1, nsName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.CREATE));
queue.addBack(new TestTableProcedure(2, tableName, TableProcedureInterface.TableOperationType.READ));
// Fetch the ns item and take the xlock
Procedure proc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(1, proc.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitNamespaceExclusiveLock(proc, nsName));
// the table operation can't be executed because the ns is locked
assertEquals(null, queue.poll(0));
// release the ns lock
queue.wakeNamespaceExclusiveLock(proc, nsName);
proc = queue.poll();
assertEquals(2, proc.getProcId());
assertEquals(false, queue.waitTableExclusiveLock(proc, tableName));
queue.wakeTableExclusiveLock(proc, tableName);